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/fa/ - Fashion

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6664177 No.6664177[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Fucking faggots, do you even lift?

I don't, and I look better than all of you. I look like shit in my eyes.

>think being an emaciated faggot is a good thing
>never lifting and shun muscle mass
>fucking pansy ass faggots

None of you faggots even lift.

>6'4" 140lbs by the way, looking to get /fit/

All of you are such tools, you will never look better than me now, or even when I get /fit/

>> No.6664179

Hate to be a parrot, but you know what they say.

"A skinny white boy with abs, is tits on a fat bitch."

So fuck of to /fit/ already, and that chain is basic as fuck.

>> No.6664183

That's cool man, have a nice day!

>> No.6664184

>tfw you get comments on looking and dressing like a heroin addict.
Thank you /fa/, I've made it.

>> No.6664187

>yfw when you realize all of you faggots starve yourself
>yfw you realize all of you faggots would love to be a skinny fuck with abs

You all are such pathetic faggots, it really pisses me off.

Should rename this board to /traps/

>> No.6664191

Proves my point exactly.

Better yourself man, fucking eat like a man. Be a fucking man.

All of these /fa/ggots are complete cancer and are seriously anorexic bitches.

>> No.6664199
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>> No.6664197
File: 229 KB, 1535x2047, bd2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I lift, but I don't eat enough so no gains top lel

>> No.6664206

the area from your nipples to just about your belly button looks like some sort of ant-like insect

>> No.6664210

Not all of us go on fad-diets, don't make assumptions of an anon by this board.

Being skinny and having abs by default is really nothing to brag about, it doesn't show how you worked for them. I bet you post pics like this on your fb.

>> No.6664211

I'm about 5'10" at 115 lbs. I eat around 3000 calories a day to maintain this weight. If I didn't I'd dry up like a raisin. Gaining weight is not an option. Stay fat.

>> No.6664208

>talking shit at 140 pounds
>filename lel
>mocking people who already look better than you
>generalizing an entire board

And with that attitude, you're not even going to make it. You'll be a skinny little bitch forever, at least in heart if not in body. You've already failed.

>6'0" 230 pounds
>mfw I can press your pathetic body for reps
>mfw you're not going to make it, faggot

>> No.6664214

>3000 Cal at 115 lbs

lel I don't think so, you retard. That's maintenance for ~200 pounds.

>> No.6664222

Super obvious tryhard troll is super obvious try hardtroll

>> No.6664223

You don't look like you lift hard enough or properly and just do cardio but you still look better than 1/2 the emaciated fucks on here.

>6'0" 230 pounds
I like this guy, why can't the rest of /fa/ be alpha fucks like this? Instead, you're all starving yourself to look like Auschwitz victims.

No I don't. The point of me posting and this picture is to mock all of the faggots on /fa/ who starve themselves in an attempt to look like my bitch ass in the OP picture.

No, no you don't. You are basically /fa/ in a nutshell. Kill yourself

>> No.6664226

It's seriously not even a troll, you're all fucking fairy faggots.

>> No.6664231
File: 21 KB, 640x480, fuchboii.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

am i skinny enough for heroincore?

>> No.6664233


Why the fuck haven't you became a trap yet?

I can't be the only one who got a boner.

>> No.6664239

>Why the fuck haven't you became a trap yet?
Not into that stuff brah

>> No.6664237

I'm the 230 pound guy, and I'll admit that being skinny does make sense for some styles. Although I think there's no denying that a stronger body is a more attractive one, I can still understand (but not empathize with) people sacrificing a good physique for the sake of looking better in the clothes they love.

Clothing preferences can't really be faked, and I'm just thankful that the clothes I like can look good on a bigger body.

With that being said, the overwhelming majority of /fa/ doesn't wear things that demand a really skinny body. Most of them could easily gain 30 pounds and actually look better with their current styles.

>> No.6664241

>6'5, 190
>state ranked track athlete, xc captain, faster than you
>alright top, decent abs (lankycore begets these of course), great legs
>pretty certain I'm gonna make it
>...but they don't make girls in my size

>> No.6664243

You're the only one,fag.

>> No.6664245

There's not a big difference from those two.

There's like only one thread about diets, man. Stop assuming so much.

Way to call yourself a bitch ass as well.

>> No.6664246
File: 7 KB, 183x275, zyzz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The point is, they think more skinny=more /fa/

pic related

>> No.6664244

My BMR is estimated at 1500. If I factor in work I'm burning around 2600 calories daily. It's either eat or go into starvation mode.

>> No.6664250

My bad, I wrongly assumed you didn't do any physical labor that required extra calories.

Just eat an extra cup of walnuts every day, man. That's a pretty scary weight to be.

>> No.6664251

If you think that's /fa/ you're on the wrong board.

>> No.6664254

I think his point is that zyzz had the potential to look good in a lot of nice clothes, even though he was far from scrawny.

And he's right.

>> No.6664256

>you're on the wrong board

No, I don't believe I am.

>> No.6664880
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>> No.6664908

thank you fat fuck

>> No.6664924
File: 99 KB, 1024x640, k60vJ5Wh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm absolutely fine with this.

>> No.6664941
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fat with abs

>> No.6665165

Fucking lel. You look like you have cancer. But yeah the majority of /fa/ thinks your physique is fine, so I see your point. It's not. You don't lift faggot, come back when you've added 60 pounds

>> No.6665177

those arent abs m8 u look like u laid on a grill

>> No.6665185

this is how real man should look like
not a scrawny 6"2 140 pounds pussy ass nigger

>> No.6665187

sounds like you lookin to suck on some shaft m8 lmao

>> No.6665188

pussy detected

>> No.6665210


>> No.6665232

What they fuck do you do to burn that many Cals?

>> No.6665230
File: 58 KB, 640x480, me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im taking sbaby steps from hungry skeleton core to /fit/

>> No.6665235
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Personally I think ottermode/athletic looks best and it's somewhere in between I'm aiming for.

>> No.6665250


child bearing hips of peace

>> No.6665261

it's because he has no width in his shoulders. all really skinny people will look like they have wide hips. also angle.

>> No.6665325

I feel sorry for those hips.

>> No.6665347

Homosexual in denial, the next level

>> No.6665382

p sure you're the only one
why do you want him to be a trap if you're already hard for him?

>> No.6665386

deads 70kg
squat 60kg
Bench/OHP 40kg

Rippletoe/Stronglift routine

Still look like a DYEL

>> No.6665586

oh god those hips

into trapmode

>> No.6665610

Wtf i had those exact same stats when I started SS. Did it for a week and got bored lel

>> No.6665626

eh, it's a start. at least you're doing it right. build up a decent strenth foundation and then switch to a bodybuilding plan. i wasted like 6 months doing fucking isolation exercises without progress because that's what my gym suggested.

>> No.6665633

about a month in, had no strength base at all and I am probably not progressing as fast as I should because I am concentrating on good form mostly atm to prevent back injuries

>> No.6665635
File: 14 KB, 300x300, gerry10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Zyzz was fit
he wasnt a scrawny piece of shit like most of /fa/

There is that difference. Let the body and muscular aesthetics compliment your clothing but i dont see anything of that here

>> No.6665640


>> No.6665643

at least you can actually see where your muscles start and end, i think thats the most attractive you can look as a skinny person
im way too skinny and i dont even have any muscle definition

>> No.6665648
File: 363 KB, 382x390, donodeal.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

abs on a skinnyfag is the same as boobs on a fatgirl
see the resemblance?
you dont have to work out for neither of them

>> No.6665684
File: 23 KB, 268x256, darkplace.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>yfw its just you

>> No.6665678

>Thinking you can boobs from working out

>> No.6665690


is that a trap?

cuz i fapped to dem feet

>> No.6665702
File: 62 KB, 500x490, nkl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6665709
File: 50 KB, 388x524, scoobs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

u dyel is mirin dat chest huh?

>missing the point

>> No.6665710

probably for the best. it's hard as fuck to correct your form on any exercise once you learned it wrong. i almost fucked up my spine the first time i did deadlifts (with 80kg) because i had fucked up form.

>> No.6665749

Turns out yes

You've taken your first step into the dark side

>> No.6665756

those are pecs, not breast :^)

>> No.6665757

>tfw underweight

>> No.6665754

sixpack on skinny guys dont count

>> No.6665761
File: 485 KB, 500x259, 43689-Christian-Bale-dafuq-wtf-gif-4Vsk.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6666026

OP is underweight too

he basically proved his point by you saying that you faggot LOL