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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 100 KB, 3404x1308, burdospurdo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6661840 No.6661840 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.6661847

which tripfag/namefag would you fuck/chill with

>> No.6661859

/fa/scist (chill with)

no way he would though lol

>> No.6661869

matt made that thread n deleted it becuz he posted a fit which was stretched

>> No.6661870

I hate how reddit takes everything that's cool on 4chan then makes it lame

that knock-off pedobear is the worst

>> No.6661871


>> No.6661883
File: 18 KB, 400x289, 1366005163351.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not sure if srs...

>> No.6661884


spröls pörlörllörl tröööt prsjäsässhhhh :DDD

>> No.6661881

no i didnt

>> No.6661888

matt see


>> No.6661944


>> No.6661952

answer bitch

>> No.6661965

that still trips based

also sieg but that would probably be weird in reality

>> No.6661969

>knock-off pedobear

>> No.6661975
File: 97 KB, 512x655, today.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6661984

oi matt go in that parka thread and answer me fgt

>> No.6662019

>Reading Noam Chompsky
I really hope that's only to gain a proper view on how he over-simplifies every issue and has little grasp of reality.

>> No.6662043

alright then you nerd what should I be reading then?

>> No.6662060


>> No.6662119



I really hope you pick up a book someday

>> No.6662130

terrible thread, op
just terrible

>> No.6662151
File: 20 KB, 355x229, >chompsky.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6662166

>gnome chumpsky

>> No.6662414
File: 1.22 MB, 2592x1936, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bout to go smoke a doobler

>> No.6662449

is that what you young kids call cock?

>> No.6662458
File: 284 KB, 516x1521, IMG_0934.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6662467

>which tripfag/namefag would you fuck/chill with

>> No.6662507 [DELETED] 
File: 65 KB, 960x720, wiwt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6662513
File: 65 KB, 960x720, wiwt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6662526

someone give this guy a sandwich

>> No.6662527
File: 549 KB, 625x352, rumad.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>not wearing gothninja in bed

>> No.6662561

what the fuck man, eat something

>> No.6662563

>No one mentioning Sulli
no homo tho

>> No.6663071
File: 344 KB, 540x473, Screen shot 2013-08-09 at 7.01.34 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>making your WAYWT un-ctrl+f-able
You're a real cunt OP.
Reposting a repost.

>> No.6663099
File: 37 KB, 500x500, Bod.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6663126

Looks good. Jacket's a little tight though.

>> No.6663128

>inb4 every summerfag takes this seriously

>> No.6663135

why is it that when someone acts like a retard during winter/fall/spring, you just call them retards. But when it's summer you call them a summerfag?

Like #woah traffic doesn't increase a significant amount during summer Moot said so, and do you really think kids take a break from 4chan during school and post during summer vacation?

>> No.6663140

w2c bomber

>> No.6663145

why do u care autist

>> No.6663176

its just them calling people newfags without feeling like they're associating themselves with /b/ so they feel good about themselves

>> No.6663250


matt ofc

>> No.6663257

\\\; /\ )

>> No.6663285
File: 88 KB, 575x1024, PHOTO_20130809_224201_zps5bd4e5f9[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for 2night

>> No.6663289 [DELETED] 

i live 2 different lives btw

>> No.6663295
File: 90 KB, 575x1024, PHOTO_20130809_145202_zps0b57739c[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

(this afternoon)
i live 2different lives

>> No.6663304

that shirt came really quickly I remember you posting it like earlier this week

>> No.6663305

I dig the jacket man, got any more pictures? w2c?

>> No.6663299

i like your fit a lot. it's a little boring, but it's still nice :)

>> No.6663310

looks good

>> No.6663312

>i live 2 different lives btw
well i guess that fits how you're trying (and failing) to combine 2 different styles
the sweats and the jacket go together, but not with the shirt or the boots
the shirt and the boots go together (though both look pretty shitty), but not with the sweats or the jacket
get a black/dark grey tee and some black shoes/boots to go with the jacket and sweats, or some dadcore shit to go with your shirt and shoes
also while I'm at it, it might be how you're standing but the taper in your sweats just looks weird

>> No.6663324

thanks dude

i think a lot of the beauty is lost due to the shitty quality of the pic, jacket is really sexy blistered reverse leather and looks great irl, but all the detail is lost in pics

>> No.6663596
File: 658 KB, 565x870, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6663609

wow gj I wanted to hate this but I can't, 9/10

>> No.6663605

is dat sum plastidip? u tryna diy sum drips???

>> No.6663606

I like this one also I have that same can of target brand disinfectant spray

>> No.6663620

weird af. the one showing is flea spray from when i had a kitten, but the one under the rag is target brand upholstery cleaner.


>> No.6663644

let's see the back

>> No.6663645

w2c shoez

>> No.6663640
File: 17 KB, 395x395, angry-mother_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Anon take off that outfit right now mister! You look like you're about to shoot up a school! Do you think it's cool to dress like those stupid kids from Columbine? Why once your father get's here..."

>> No.6663648
File: 615 KB, 500x500, tumblr_movdruC3jE1qjkq44o2_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

w2c hoodie

>> No.6663659

frye jaden

brand is 'sunday work wear'? it was a gift, no clue where it's from

>> No.6663670

I don't think the DBs fit into this outfit

but the hoes don care nahmsayin?

>> No.6663668

gj Rei

>> No.6663679

Dunno how I feel about this.

The colors flow very nicely but something about the hoodies puts me off, losing it or maybe getting something darker.

>> No.6663691

sorry 'sunday work clothes'. feels pretty cheap honestly.

'frye jayden lace up' yields better results for the boots.

i want to get a good parka to wear with these jeans/boots in fall/winter. i like that cheap monday one someone posted in another thread. maybe if they release something new this f/w

>> No.6663703


>> No.6664068

Prodigy bb WAYWT?

>> No.6664116

shrugs, where did shrugs go
i don't remember if i actually liked him or just really liked that name

>> No.6664133

i'd probably like this fit a lot if you put the hood down and stood normally, imo standing like that really makes it look like you're trying to look like a video game character. the fit really is good though, colors are great, i dig the boots.

>> No.6664139

>The Dodos

>> No.6664165
File: 1.66 MB, 2448x3264, 20130809_230350.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6664172

those shoes look bad. the rest seems meh, but i think i'd like the jacket.

>> No.6664262

too many t-shirts imo

I really like that blue. love a good shade of dark blue. the fits not bad either

youre a cute girl so you can pull anything off...but tbh this looks a little dykie...but you look great regarless

I don't really like those shoes with this fit. also the pants fit kinda funny but maybe that's the silhouette youre going for. like the jacket v.noice

not too bad. tho im not a fan of the whole socks with high-waters look

you look so sad, your fit is pretty nice id say - minus the plaid shirt around your waist (imo it serves no purpose and kinda ruins the fit) however - I know this is the look youre going for and you are actually doing it right - def one of the best attempts ive ever seen on here.

idk how I feel about this man. the jackets nice. the shirt - wrinkles+stain+3holes?. the pants fit nicely (are they olive green or is my monitor wack?) but not with those shoes. the shoes don't really make sense with the sweats/fit in general. perhaps you should start over/try again?

holy shit really? im pleasantly surprised. unless this is a trap to set me up for ridicule?

>> No.6664265

it doesn't matter if you get ridicule, just filter/hide/report the insults

>> No.6664272


>> No.6664279 [DELETED] 
File: 2.01 MB, 3264x2448, image (13).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my skate shoes r now my everyday shoes.

>> No.6664295

would flirt w you so hard if i saw you in class or something. jesus christ, ugh, 9/10

i enjoy this one more then the yellow

if the hoodie was black, id like alot more, ut this silhouette youve made here is really nice, 8/10

i dont enjoy these shoes too much imo, but i like the rest alot

>> No.6664310

i love this fit so much but hate how awkward i feel in sk8 his

>> No.6664325
File: 29 KB, 388x304, 1375453146944.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know if anyone has told you but have a very ideal and attractive body for getting girls your age.

>> No.6664332

I got a qt's number today
>tfw going to leave some memories stained between the sheets under the rain


>> No.6664360

Prodigy, WAYWT baby? <3

>> No.6664374
File: 11 KB, 157x186, hi5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6664372

w2c shirt

>> No.6664375

Scrolling past, I thought this was a pornographic image.

>> No.6664380

>too many t-shirts imo
but im only wearing one 0_o

>> No.6664384

i can understand if you're jealous

>> No.6664412

Holy fuck, you'd get the dickin of your life babe.

>> No.6664420
File: 983 KB, 400x218, tumblr_mg7x8rXYw71s2x7d2o1_400.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I laughed. I didn't think anyone would respond.
Thanks anonymous friend.

>> No.6664419

why do you feel awkward?? :+(

and its some off brand that probably doesnt exist anymore called GEORGE & MARTHA my friend dindt want that shirt, and it was in my fav color so i took it.

>> No.6664436

of course, you're vaguely ottermode

>> No.6664439
File: 128 KB, 787x504, wiPwt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stance, you haven't been around but youd be proud ive actually been posting fits...all got dissed to the max of course but I persevere regardless

>> No.6664446

too matchy matchy for me
black+white and /fa/ would be all over you

>> No.6664451

PRODIGY, I think you need a better camera.

>> No.6664484

oh, stop it B~}
yuck i hate pink,
stop dressing like a whore,

>> No.6664494

the fit of the dress isn't flattering at all, that color is puke-worthy in and of itself and doesn't complement your skin tone, what the FUCK is on your neck I swear to god if it's a black choker this is the worst female fit I've ever seen on here

also seriously, nobody needs this many pictures of your basic af fit and the only reason I can see you including the ass one is pathetic pandering to the lowest common denominator

I can't tell if you actually think you look good or not, if I saw you on the street I'd think you were just an average girl who doesn't care about her appearance more than she's obligated to

actually, scratch that, if I saw you on the street I'd honestly think you were a hooker in that fit

try again


>> No.6664498

Fit is bad
Ass is still nice

>> No.6664525
File: 1.31 MB, 2036x2840, 1375705097298.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

was this a pic of you? mirin hair

>> No.6664522


the ass is fat

>> No.6664532

>i can actually see the decay of this image after seeing it being reposted on and on

>> No.6664533
File: 132 KB, 648x864, redismyfavoritecolor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have to go out and meet distant relatives I never met before today. Is this fit ok? Oh and please excuse my bad camera taking, I don't take selfies a lot.

And no, I'm not gonna wear that bandanna, it's just so noone recognizes me.

>> No.6664548

Does your name start with a J?

>> No.6664551

Shirt looks kind of cheap. It's also a bit too saturated(bright).
Btw I don't see any pockets so I think it's a dress shirt. You should really just lurk a lot more dude. You don't look worse than average but you look pretty uneducated in terms of clothes.

>> No.6664553

>mirin hair

>> No.6664557

hot topic/10
Ugly shirt, but I'm assuming that's your only button up, so I'm sure that's the best you'll have.
The fits off, the material looks like it came out of hot topic, and color looks painted on.
Also just blur your face to keep your anonimootity, I know you said the bandana was just tossed on but still makes it worse.

>> No.6664558

you shouldn't mire mouthbreathers

>> No.6664563

Nope, sorry.

I'm at my brothers, and I didn't bring any formal clothes. I guess I should change the shirt then, hold up.

>> No.6664569


>listening to the Dodos.


>> No.6664577
File: 148 KB, 1100x488, pajamamama.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have one....but its too much of an effort honestly....the I-phone camera's not too bad tho

whats too matchy matchy? black leather choker w/shoe?

this is purple. and I love pink and purple. so there

considering youre so through and judgemental in your feedback - id really like to see you post a fit....just so I know whose criticism im taking right now....I have this hunch that you will not post a fit...mainly bc youre either fat, FUGLY, and don't dress well yourself.

I wish /fa/ was more open minded and not just stuck on a couple styles that don't even look that great on EVERYone

anyways im in my jammies now. is this fit better? you guys are crude as fuck

>> No.6664581
File: 140 KB, 648x864, blahblah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A little better?

>> No.6664582

post back

>> No.6664587

sertiously, don't ask why but I re-read your comment, mainly bc im astonished at the effort you take to dis someones outfit....are you like this IRL? do you seriously judge people by their looks and clothes so harshly? I mean jesus fuck. do you have no friends and look down on your family members bc they don't dress to perfection?

I work in the fashion industry clothes are fun and simple I don't put too much thought into fits unless its a really special event....it makes me sad to think there are people like you out there so judgemental and closeminded. wow. youre gonna lead a lonely depressing life that's all I can say

>> No.6664584

>v neck
Still better though, much better. Fitting is ok and the color saturation doesn't look like a poorly compressed jpeg photo.
Unless you're under 17, I'd get rid of the bracelets.
Also lurk.


>> No.6664588
File: 135 KB, 640x640, ARC&#039;TERYX VEILANCE Frame Mid Sleeve Shirt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reminds me of this

>> No.6664597

Waaaay better dude.
V-neck's a little feminine but this palette is a lot easier on the eyes. Jeans fit well.
Went from 4/10 to 6/10.

>> No.6664594
File: 19 KB, 500x262, 427095.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not him but seriously? If you can't handle criticism then you should leave before you kill yourself over nothing.

>> No.6664595

I'd do dirty things to you

Manly stick my tongue in your butt

>> No.6664598

Thanks, and the bracelets are actually part of my culture. They're hand made by Buddhist monks.

I actually been lurking for a year now, it's just I decided to post a fit for the first time... hehe.

>> No.6664602

but like a way shitier version

>> No.6664603
File: 499 KB, 500x300, majorbarf.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6664607

>I wish /fa/ was more open minded and not just stuck on a couple styles that don't even look that great on EVERYone
You're last fit was objectively bad dude. There was almost no contrast between your pieces on top of the original color of these pieces being too saturated to look remotely flattering on you.

>anyways im in my jammies now. is this fit better?
It actually is. You look more presentable in floral short shorts and a crop top than you did in your last fit. If I arrived at your place to take you out and opened the door to see you in that pink fit and your only alternatives were pajamas, I would ask you to change into pajamas before we went anywhere.

>> No.6664608

mostly just cuz similar colors and face

>> No.6664604

T-that's good, right?

>> No.6664611
File: 114 KB, 720x960, firsty three dimesnions.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6664612

no im actually starting to feel insecure due to motherfux like >>6664494 this guy. I mean seriously...I just cant get over the effort a person would take just to stomp on another person like that. wow. I know ive been mean on here before but I was joking the fuck around...this guy like seriously means to hurt my feelings and shit...and as much as I hate to admit it, he kinda has (and not bc he didn't like my fit...but just overall tone and meanness..i mean hell I never took anything seriously around here but this guy....total definition of a fucking bully) good job cruel anon you have seriously struck Prodigy down. I hope at least you can get some kicks out of this...I recommend you to watch the documentary "Bully" its a great movie and I think you may benefit a lot from it

>> No.6664614

That girl actually looks a bit like Prodigy.

>> No.6664616

/fa/'s inspiration threads consist of 90% fits like that, slightly more intricate but just as asian.

But Arc'teryx Veilance is great, thought I doubt he was comparing you to the quality and more >>6664608

>They're hand made by Buddhist monks.

>> No.6664618


>> No.6664619

I prefer the game Bully

>> No.6664626

I think you're beautiful

Now... Would licking your butt be an option?

>> No.6664623

>I hope at least you can get some kicks out of this...I recommend you to watch the documentary "Bully" its a great movie and I think you may benefit a lot from it
Top fucking haha

>> No.6664628

>the complexion of a banana

>> No.6664629

It's honestly very unflattering.

>> No.6664630

It will make you cry.

>> No.6664633

People do that here. Don't take it personally, they're really just sublimating anger from somewhere else most of the time.

>> No.6664634

theres a huge difference between giving criticism and downright putting someone down

take my criticism for example >>6664262
then look back at his entire paragraph of straight insulting/demeaning/condescending remarks I mean wtf....this is a silly lil website why cant we all just get a long and be at least a lil nice to each other

n2m the funny thing is that its easy for him to be mean online but I bet if he met me in real life hed probably be too intimidated to make eye contact...now that's irony

>> No.6664640

I'd make eye contact with you <3

>> No.6664638

r u high or sumtin

>> No.6664639

Alrighty, I see. Thanks m80 for the advice.

>> No.6664644

mother fucker you dont know who the fuck i am, you are a fag who likes sticking it in guys asses and you best believe that you'd be the one getting crammed in your fuckin rear by my Ukranian Fort-500 shotgun before i blow your fucking guts out your chest you faggit little bitch your fucking pathetic you best hope i never head to your town, i'll find yeah and shank you in your sleep, you wanna die motherfucker? faggit little cracker, hahaha I betyou aint ever even gotten and coochie, huh? ever got any pussy? i dont even keep count anymore, but it is definately past 35 cuz thats where i lost count bout a year or two ago, added a few since then, so ask yourseld, should your faggit no coochie gettin bitch ass maybe try to shut the fuck up, or do you want to hear more about how fuckin gay and lame you are? you cocksucking homo bastard go kill yourself you worthless chunk of shit, your useless and lame as fuck, and i cant wait to show your gay ass faggit no roastin abilities, you couldn't talk shit even if you ate shit, go slit your wrists you aint cool at all give up on your gay ass life

>> No.6664642

r u new or sumtin

>> No.6664647

no u fuccboi

>> No.6664659

that's a grl doe

>> No.6664662


well, well, well, what have we here another faggot neckbeard (most likely yuro) shitting up the place with his /b/ faggotry. you picked the wrong night to fuck around, asshole. i've just texted the a mod (we're friends irl) about this thread, so he'll be here shortly to deal with the matter, and most likely hand out some sorely needed bans. i'm also going to report and sage the thread (for safe measure), as well as alert the other moderators in the 4chan irc channel. and just in case you wanna try and pull a fast one, i'm screen shotting the entire thread for additional proof and e-mailing moot about the matter personally. i'm tired of you stupid fucking dick sniffers pressing out whatever lolrandom faggot shit you want on the fucking anime board. it's time for you assholes to get a reality check, because this shit won't fly for much longer. prepare your anus, you 500 pound pile of shit. your days are fucking numbered

>> No.6664664

thankyou P I needed that reality check. I forgot for a minute there that most of these guys have deep internal issues/personality disorders/social anxiety disorders and so on.. their mechanism for release is uncivilized behavior on an anonymous board where they will never have to take responsibility for their actions

>> No.6664668 [DELETED] 


well, well, well, what have we here another faggot neckbeard (most likely yuro) shitting up the place with his /b/ faggotry. you picked the wrong night to fuck around, asshole. i've just texted the a mod (we're friends irl) about this thread, so he'll be here shortly to deal with the matter, and most likely hand out some sorely needed bans. i'm also going to report and sage the thread (for safe measure), as well as alert the other moderators in the 4chan irc channel. and just in case you wanna try and pull a fast one, i'm screen shotting the entire thread for additional proof and e-mailing moot about the matter personally. i'm tired of you stupid fucking dick sniffers pressing out whatever lolrandom faggot shit you want on the fucking anime board. it's time for you assholes to get a reality check, because this shit won't fly for much longer. prepare your anus, you 500 pound pile of shit. your days are fucking numbered

>> No.6664673

im a grl too doe

>> No.6664674


Real funny faggot ass bitch. You think this is a joke? You think giving me lip is a good idea? I'll fucking murder you.

Yeah making fun of me is so funny, so funny I forgot to laugh. If you wanna talk like that to me why don't you come here and say it to me face so I can answer your insults with a swift fist to the nose. Yeah you have a lot to say from hundreds of miles away but I bet if my fists were in reach of your face you would be like a tv on mute with no volume button. So do yourself a favor and keep your mouth shut unless you want to die. Next time you think about saying something like that to me I want you to remember one thing. I know the guy that created google maps and I can locate you in the time it took me to type this. Don't want anymore problems.... didn't think so faggot. You have any idea what gorilla warfare is? I do, I was in the US Marine Core and I perfected it. I'm fully capable of using it on you motherfuckers. Do you know the dander your in if I find you? I am 100$ serious. Bunch of god damn newfaf loser here and I will not have it. At least I've had sex, had girlfriends, and gotten laid, and blowjobbed unlike you virgin piece of unpatriotic SHIT.

>> No.6664678

banana youre a native American?

>> No.6664681


You are so visibly upset, that you need to create shitpost on our glorious board in an attempt to raise your self worth.

Come at me you plebian. I am the fucking pinnacle of man, both body and mind. I attend an Ivy league university, completely payed off by scholarships, with the leftover money used to buy myself a luxury vehicle. My grade point average is perfect point O. After I finish my dual bachelors I will be accepted straight away into the doctorate program. I will have two doctorate degree's by age twenty-five, owe zero debts, and make more money a year than you will in a lifetime. The funny thing is, this is the average /a/ browser. There are many who far surpass me.

Of course, knowing this, you figure the only way to attack me is the only way you know how, using words of which the meaning escapes you, insult some genre of game no one on this board plays, and using our own image macros to mock yourself.

You forgot your "My face when" by the way, the text suits you perfectly.

Go ahead and reply, doing so only proves my point to such an extent that you might as well just beg to suck my dick and eat my bodily waste, so that maybe an iota of my greatness could pass onto you.

>> No.6664689
File: 26 KB, 311x423, monkey_thinking-236.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are you doing all this for attention? is that what this is all about?

>> No.6664692
File: 191 KB, 600x337, GIFT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think it's not always their fault entirely. Pic related is a very real phenomenon.

>> No.6664694

Try to edit your responses of unnecessary material before attempting to impress us with your insight. The evidence that you are a nincompoop will still be available to readers, but they will be able to access it ever so much more apidly. If cluelessness were crude oil, your scalp would be crawling with caribou. You are a thick-headed trog. I have seen skeet with more sense than you have. You are a few bricks short of a full load, a few cards short of a full deck, a few bytes short of a full core dump, and a few chromosomes short of a full genome. Worse than that, you top-post. In HTML. God created toads, houseflies, cockroaches, maggots, mosquitos, fleas, ticks,slugs, leeches, and intestinal rasites, then he lowered his standards and made you. I take it back; God didn't make you. You are Satan's spawn. You are Evil beyond comprehension, half-living in the slough of despair. You are the entropy which will claim us all. You are a green-nostriled, crossed eyed, microcephalous, hairy-livered inbred trout-defiler. You make Ebola look good. You are weary, stale, flat and unprofitable. You are grimy, squalid, nasty and profane. You are foul and disgusting. You're a fool, an ignoramus. Monkeys look down on you. Even sheep won't have sex with you. You are unreservedly pathetic, starved for attention, and lost in a land that reality forgot. You are not ANSI compliant and your markup doesn't validate. You have a couple of address lines shorted together. You should be promoted to Engineering Manager.

>> No.6664700

you're on a fashion forum. you posted a fit of yourself. I judged your fit. I happen to dislike your fit.

omg call the feels police

I didn't judge your personality from your fit, I judged your fit from your fit. but now that you responded like you're incapable of existing in the real world I'm judging your personality. you brought that on yourself.

I'll reiterate; you're on FASHION BOARD, posting YOUR OUTFIT. like, yeah, I'm going to judge your fashion. are you 12 or something.

go back to tumblr.


>> No.6664706

this thread's fucked. need a new waywt

>> No.6664707

started from the bottom

>> No.6664710

>.this is a silly lil website why cant we all just get a long and be at least a lil nice to each other
You've obviously never been to /pol/

>> No.6664717

now we here

>> No.6664713

dickwad theory (>>6664692) confirmed.
thankyou for your feedback anon now please post fit or get lost

>> No.6664725

no we need a new FIT so we could get back on topic...I suggest this >>6664700
guy to post one but we all know he's too chicken shit to do so bc he may be judged as harshly as he judges others

>> No.6664734

lel I just read >>6664577 and wow what world do you exist in

>do you seriously judge people by their looks and clothes so harshly?
>do you have no friends and look down on your family members
>so judgemental and closeminded
>youre gonna lead a lonely depressing life
>im actually starting to feel insecure
>I just cant get over the effort a person would take just to stomp on another person like that. wow.
> I know ive been mean on here before but I was joking the fuck around
>this guy like seriously means to hurt my feelings and shit
>total definition of a fucking bully
>I recommend you to watch the documentary "Bully"
>you guys are crude as fuck

>I have this hunch that you will not post a fit...mainly bc youre either fat, FUGLY, and don't dress well yourself.
>bc youre either fat, FUGLY, and don't dress well yourself.
>don't dress well

seriously hope I made you tear up.

>> No.6664735
File: 114 KB, 500x800, 1044.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

get rekt

>> No.6664740


>> No.6664746

Le All Saints DBSS
Wear a different color tee under your shirt. The solid underneath everything looks too unified from a distance.

>> No.6664752


i like it but get a diff. color tee

>> No.6664756

it's like you really are new to 4chan or the internet in general
sweet jesus fucking christ

but anon you fucked up
you didn't approve of a girl online, or give her validation! therefore you are in the wrong and incorrect, and obviously have issues
how dare you not lavish her with compliments and praise!!

>> No.6664768
File: 1.99 MB, 351x348, IQ49Ifl.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

itt: autism

>> No.6664772

dude why do you make the exact same post over and over

>> No.6664775

laid back and comfy. I like it

>seriously hope I made you tear up
wow you've got deeeep issues if you seriously HOPE you made me cry. woooow
you should trip/namefag

>> No.6664780

That's called depression, anon. :^)

>> No.6664785

eeyore we all know you hate girls bc you've got no game and have never been kissed. pro tip - this attitude will not help your desperate situation

>> No.6664790
File: 548 KB, 640x640, 3b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

damn prodigy bby don't get so worked up over nothin

>> No.6664795


>> No.6664797

I don't normally speak this way, but I get the feeling you wouldn't have all these issues with feminism if you actually got a little pussy from time to time.
Cut the bitter act. I've seen a picture of you, you're a reasonably handsome individual. You have loads of potential. All you need to change is the shit inside. Focus on gratitude for once. That hatred you drag around shows in every other post you make and the silliest part of it is that you sit there throwing vitriol at women/feminism/libruls/etc, but at the end of the day nothing has changed in your life and you've literally wasted hours being guided by your resentments.
Stop doing this. Stop it.

And before you play the "white knight" card, let it be known this has nothing to do with anything or anyone on this board but you and the miserable attitude you bring to this place and every other sphere you inhabit. You wonder why you're alone? Because you wallow in it, man. It drives people away.

I apologize if I've offended you.

>> No.6664802

PRODIGY impersonating poet

>> No.6664804

shots fired seriously how can you say your poon-scoring issues aren't anything to do with your own personality when most of your posts center around congratulating people on the internet for not succumbing to those evil attention-seeking bitches and sluts who won't lick your bell end

no hate u just need a re-think that's all

>> No.6664807

you vein inssufferable fags, stop arguing and post fits ffs
>doesn't post a fit

>> No.6664809

nah they got very different styles ovb
prodigy says the right things in terrible ways usually
poet is just on form

>> No.6664811

PRODIGY impersonating anon defending PRODIGY impersonating poet

>> No.6664814

good jokes man it's all good

>> No.6664815
File: 76 KB, 720x960, 483966_589957797716663_742986162_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

trying something new today

>> No.6664818

8/10 giggled

>> No.6664821

I know. im ashamed of myself for letting that miserable asshole get to me.
shoulders brushed off.

>> No.6664822


prodigy tier fit

>> No.6664825
File: 993 KB, 250x250, 1369365136303.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6664833


Thanks. I thought something might have been a bit off but I'm glad you like it.

>> No.6664835

hey now! ive had enough.. go pick on someone else

>> No.6664837

kill yourself faggot

>> No.6664842

i have the same jacket. rips fast huh

>> No.6664843

Dude, I think we have the same shirt.

>> No.6664845

All this just because I didn't respond to a woman in a positive way. I wasn't aware /fa/ was so "defend a woman because she's a woman". It's embarrassing to see. Hell, she practically posted a picture of her ass which is pure camwhore-tier, and throws a fucking tantrum at the slightest negative reply.
I'd bet money that she grew up very spoiled because she seems extremely narcissistic and doesn't know what to do when she doesn't get her way. It's not even about "feminism" or "getting pussy" or gender at all. No matter your gender, that kind of immature behavior is disgusting to see.

At least you did better than immediately jumping to such a generic assumption and rationalization like she did but I don't exactly expect that from someone like her. However, your second bit counters your first bit. Pick a side ("friendly" advice, or gross assuming) and stick to it. You'll have more credence that way.

>> No.6664849

Taking other people's photos off Facebook so you can enjoy watching us flame them is nothing new. Fuck off.

>> No.6664850

8/10 simple but everything fits really well and looks good on you

>> No.6664853

are you from cali prodigy?

>> No.6664856

>All this just because I didn't respond to a woman in a positive way.
Stopped reading right here. He clearly said it's because you're a whiny piece of shit in general. I can honestly say this is the first time I've actually had the restraint to stop reading something mid-paragraph while also having the disinterest to never start again.

>> No.6664867

job well done anon

>> No.6664862

Nice palette, nice fits.
Shoes look like something my dad's gotten from Costco though.

>> No.6664863
File: 48 KB, 426x364, gnight.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>lurk 18 months
>finally post first fit
>well received

good night /fa/, ilu

>> No.6664865

tfw i wish i had that hair :(

>> No.6664870

>iktf bro
It means you did your homework. Congrats anon. Sleep tight, dream safe.

>> No.6664872

jesus u nerds are autistic

>> No.6664876

you must be new here

>> No.6664877

>that remote
My nigga

>> No.6664878
File: 157 KB, 500x500, tumblr_m3zb2qn2K01qgtjjeo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll have to agree with some of the other anons.

I mean, obviously, you're going to get positive reactions from other guys. But mainly because they'll want to fuck you, in that tight little skirt of yours. Is that how you want to be seen by guys? Or would you want to be a bit more classy, sophisticated and genuinely more attractive? If so then I definitly think you have the potential and you're on your way. But honestly, that skirt of yours is only one or two cm below your ass-cheeks and it made my dick throb just looking at it. Fuck that, I'd approach a girl like you for all the wrong reasons.

My 2 cents.

>> No.6664883

Again, this is not about Prodigy, this is ENTIRELY about YOU and your attitude. I swear it, from head to toe I swear it, may I go broke if I'm lying. This is about YOU.

>pick a side
>you'll have more credence
What, like clearwater revival? There are no sides, don't you get it? There's just you, stuck in a behavior loop that ensures your continued isolation and suffering. Prodigy is not here, she has no place here, this is just about you, enforcing your own loneliness and misery almost at gunpoint by virtue of your inability to look inward or accept blame with dignity and honor.
Change Eeyore. You must change.

>> No.6664889



>> No.6664893
File: 69 KB, 1024x768, jim-carrey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whore tier
fits like a middle aged woman.
>you look like my mom
shoes are ugly as fuck
>tfw same color top and bottom

>> No.6664900
File: 146 KB, 717x960, wiwt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First time posting. D-did I do well?

>> No.6664897 [DELETED] 
File: 107 KB, 600x800, lol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was i /fa/ when i was 4?

>> No.6664901
File: 37 KB, 450x617, banana.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6664902





>> No.6664910


>> No.6664907

8/10 pants are from target or something

>> No.6664911

yea those pants really aren't doing it

>> No.6664912

bad haircut tho

>> No.6664914

Topman haha. I have chicken legs :(

>> No.6664915

It looks like you haven't lurked much. You'll learn.

>> No.6664922


I'm legitimately new here. Not trying to start shit, I'd just like some feedback.

>> No.6664928

WELL then that was a waste of $70.


>> No.6664932
File: 599 KB, 384x288, cits22.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's not about feminism
>"My mistake has been treating women like human beings" - You

>> No.6664940

ahh now i just feel bad for saying it

>> No.6664938
File: 1.59 MB, 2592x1936, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Calm the fuck down nigger.

>> No.6664939
File: 340 KB, 795x884, IMG_8207.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


mostly posting this because I'd normally stay away from wearing patterned shirts w/ plaid. the shirt has black mesh on the obverse side. I feel like this should look terrible but doesn't, so I'm conflicted.

my camerawork is terrible, I know.

>> No.6664943
File: 806 KB, 556x589, ducks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and shoes.

>> No.6664947

it does.
capatcha: giveup already

>> No.6664949

8/10 on the boots

>> No.6664948

yeesh gurl showin to much skin ther

>> No.6664953

Those don't even look like clothes.

>> No.6664955

Haha it's k- my qt likes it enough. What's wrong with it though? I wanna get better. I have shit tier super coarse Asian hair doe.

>> No.6664956

Fuark, wish I was a girl. Wearing shitty looking clothes and still manage to look good/attractive.

>> No.6664966

t-thank you anon
can you give me more explanation? I don't really understand how that can inherently be a problem outside of formality reasons, unless you're saying it just doesn't work with the fit.
who said anything about being a girl

>> No.6664967

We wouldn't be having this conversation at all if I replied in a friendly and positive manner. Please.

>ENTIRELY about YOU and your attitude
...Because I -- like many other people in this thread -- called her out on being an attention whore. However, it's not okay for me to act this way despite it being fine for everyone else to do so. If I had replied to her saying something like, "Hey you look nice and that outfit suits you very well! :)" then there's no chance in fucking Hell you would have launched this onslaught towards me, out of nowhere. Cut the fucking shit.

I already know what is going on with me, and what I need to change and not change. I can't exactly take advice from somebody whom I have never interacted with and who only sees what I post on an internet imageboard.
If by change, you mean become a cowering doormat? Then no, I absolutely refuse and have no plans to ever turn into that.

That being said, /fa/ is a terrible place to have this argument. I don't like leaving posts unreplied to so after this, I'm done. You're one of the very few civil people I've seen post here but yes, the context of this discussion bellows "white knight". I'll hope this is just a one-off incident.

>> No.6664978
File: 55 KB, 500x364, tumblr_mapigiBcdX1qismlko1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yup me too, mines super thin its terrible. i just dislike the way the back is. i like the back totally buzzed if the sides are buzzed too, unless you only buzz the bottom of the sides (ie toby mcguire in the great gatsby). thats just my opinion though

>> No.6664983

Why is she an attention whore for posting a fit in a WAYWT? Because you don't like the fit? Your sexism and resentment towards women rooted in your own self-esteem issues becomes obvious when you criticise women for doing things that are fine when it's men.

Are you an attention whore for posting your cheap t-shirt pickups in a recent cop thread when really they aren't of interest to anyone? Or for posting a fit in gym shorts and a tee? Surely by posting these thins the only purpose is for people to reply to you, therefore asking for attention.

>> No.6664980

shut the fuck up eyor u fucking nerd go back 2 r9k no one fuckign wants u here u stupid bitch prick u wear those fucking shoes that look like a girls toe sox in grade seven u fucking fagot bitch if i met u irli woudl fucking kidkc ur bitch ass u littl pussy fucking cubt. if u talked shit around me id fucking dkick ur shit ing u whiny litlle cunt.enjo9y being a virgin for the trest of your like u faggot fuc,/

>> No.6664981
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>> No.6664982

i swear to god that was the actual capatcha

>> No.6664989

shhh, it's okay

I believe you

you're safe here

>> No.6665003

>cowering doormat
Never. Just be cool, and let go of your resentments.
And for the third & final time, this has nothing to do with Prodigy. Honestly? I haven't even seen the fit that started this. It's up the thread somewhere. I have no context for the validity of you telling her she looks like shit. Last time she posted a fit I called her "southern/10". Go look it up on Fuuka if you don't believe me.
This 'onslaught' is the culmination of the posts I've seen you make to date. Nothing more. There is an anger inside of you that needs to be gotten rid of. You hold onto your anger because you think it is a necessary ingredient of righteousness and strength, but it's not. It will make you strong in the short term, but will eat you alive in the long run. You need to be strong from within because you're one man alone in the world, not because you were wronged in the past. Strength that comes from within is purer and goes farther than strength borne by anger.
I'm sorry if I've fucked up the thread, I just had to say something, even if it does fall on deaf ears.
No disrespect intended.

>> No.6665009

aye grl u dykn???

>> No.6665011

You are speaking the truth man. I've felt the exact same way. Keep it up :)

>> No.6665020

you seem like you'd be a tender lover

>> No.6665046

Also it's my first post in WAYWT.
Did i do well? Please.

>> No.6665050

wy u hav 2 hoody

>> No.6665051

You seem too small/young for that look :(

>> No.6665053

it's a t-shirt

>> No.6665059

then your fit is 0/10

replace the t shirt with another hoodie tied around your waist and it becomes 10/10

>> No.6665056

It's a problem because don't dress like a slut.

>> No.6665058

fuck, a shirt, i mean.

>> No.6665060

yo what's wrong with sluts

>> No.6665062


>> No.6665063

i'm 5,9" and 24y old
but yeah, i lost ~9 killos in 2 months, i guess.

>> No.6665073
File: 59 KB, 614x642, 1374109797949.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuckin degenerates man

>> No.6665080

all I'm saying is if there's no miscreants how are uppity bitches sposed to feel good about themselves


>> No.6665083

Kill yourself.

>> No.6665082

Good, but I think the drape of the top layer could be improved some. Like, of that actual piece you're wearing.

Very nice.

Okay, but nothing special. Unless you have a thing for it, I'd avoid contrast pockets. They can work done right, but they're a trend right now and people are pumping out ill-considered examples.

You could improve this a lot by switching the pants to red slacks in a darker, accenting shade to the contrast pocket.

I actually really like this and how the prints play together.

Drop the top layer; it just seems entirely out of place. Otherwise? Good, but work on upgrading fabrics.

She's showing a very tiny amount of midriff. And why is "dressing like a slut" a problem?

>> No.6665085


Gb/2 1939 Bavaria.

>> No.6665096

How does it feel actively contributing to the downfall of society?

>> No.6665103

how does it feel actively being a douchebag

>> No.6665105
File: 40 KB, 500x500, 547097_10151768229187148_1109480083_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6665107

Great, hopeful, thanks.

>> No.6665108

no my mom said I can't go there

>> No.6665112

Saved and will show barber next time haha.
Thanks Anon, that's really good advice. I (>>6664900) guess my attraction to contrast pockets is a west coast thing. Never really thought about matching pants with pocket. Will keep it in mind next time. Although in this particular case, I left when it was still bright and sunny and I always feel odd wearing dark clothing during the day/summer.

>> No.6665119

You can do a bright red, too, if you're not reluctant about it like a lot of people would be. You'll probably want to swap the sneakers to something not white, though.

>> No.6665132


>> No.6665130

Brighter like cherry/Nantucket Reds? I'm open to that. What would you suggest instead for shoes?

>> No.6665137

tfw my dope fit got slept on : [

>> No.6665139

sexybb, would nervously spaghetti to.

>> No.6665141


Casey <3, where did he go?

>> No.6665149

Fuck, just when I think I have the hang of /fa/, threads like these make me realize I've learned nothing in 6 months of browsing.

>> No.6665154
File: 843 KB, 614x612, berry3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all these plebeians not picking Berry

>> No.6665155

started browsing this month. first time posting fit. people are nice, friendly, and helpful. Would recommend to friends.

>> No.6665157

You seem too frail for a look like that. Brighter colors maybe? I don't know, I'm new here.

>> No.6665163

they're mostly all faggots. fascist is nice and knowledgeable, but he's probably not my type of bro irl (seems like a bitch). I'd fuck alekzia fo sho.

>> No.6665166


wow, she is so naturally pretty

>> No.6665168
File: 170 KB, 399x675, 51034708a84f4m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6665170


>> No.6665171

what the fuck are you doing on what appears to be a children's bathmat

>> No.6665173

he's asian, therefore no shoes in the house

>> No.6665178


lurk more

fit is from sufu

>> No.6665182

yeah and his name is azurewrath and he is asian so idk what ur on about

>> No.6665186

Shit palette hombre
Fits aren't too offensive though.
The red on your shoes looks bad with the color of your pants. Shirt's pretty ugly on its own to be honest. Too bright. If you're going to wear bright colors, pair them with dark colors and black, not white and off white like you're doing.

>> No.6665191

Jesus Christ man just cut it yourself. Green room guy here. You guys can't see my hair in most of my fits but I've been cutting it for a few years now and at this point I can get it done before I would have time to drive to a barber and back.
Definitely a skill worth learning if you really want to be in control of your own image.

>> No.6665192

Colors look fine.
Fits look fine.
Not understanding the hate here.

>> No.6665194

They don't hate the fit; they hate women.

>> No.6665195

Thom Yorke reincarnated, age 16

>> No.6665201

wtc bag like dis

>> No.6665204

Bright + Dark? I've always leaned more toward Bright + Neutral, especially during summer and spring. Haha, noted- will lurk more. Can you post a fit for me to emulate?
I completely agree, but I tried it once and it sucked. How do you fade the sides so that it blends with the top? Best I can do is make it look really block-ish. And unfortunately $70 is the best price next to $20ish mastercuts around my area.

>> No.6665225

I hope you're not suggesting bright red pants.
Awful advice/10

>> No.6665229

You this guy?

If you are it looks good if not a bit generic. Don't see any others that need more attention than they got.

>> No.6665234

no thats big poppa

>> No.6665245

cuff jeans, your hair also looks like it needs some product in it

>> No.6665248
File: 622 KB, 1366x2048, Look 19.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Can you post a fit for me to emulate?
I don't really wear bright clothes dude. I'm white so it looks like shit on my skin. Dark colors can be neutral by the way. What you want is contrast. There's more contrast between red and black than there is between red and white for example.

I'll post a fit that's not me though.

You actually replied to me twice by the way.
>How do you fade the sides so that it blends with the top?

Uh. Longest hairs on top of your head, shorter hairs as you go down. I only use scissors. I made a ton of mistakes when I was teaching myself but it's part of the process. It's not for everyone.

>> No.6665260
File: 307 KB, 1366x2048, Look 31.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another example of contrast between bright/dark. You don't have to like the whole look to appreciate the bright yellow on the deep green.

>> No.6665390

>>6664878 (and all the others who think I look like a hooker/slut, regardless of the fact that all my previous fits were conservative as hell)
My general rule of thumb is to not wear bottoms shorter than finger tip length. this dress is quite malleable and it was riding up a bit bc Id been sitting prior to taking photos.
Either way I think its ok to wear a shorter bottom when the top is more conservative (loose fitted and not low cut at all)..not to mention my legs are one of my better features I like showing them off...
Furthermore I purposely wore short ass skirt bc I knew I was going to spend a lot of time in the sun that afternoon - im totally obsessed with tanning my legs.
Lastly I have to admit, ever since I turned 25 Ive been dressing a little sluttier only and only bc I realize I wont be able to soon and im simply tryina take advantage of the little time I have left to be a little over the top with my clothes
(I know this all sounds very "autistic" but im just being honest. btw damn you all to hell for making me get all defensive n shit)

TLDR - before you run off calling people ugly names based on the clothing they wear, you should take into consideration there may be good reasons why the person chose to look just so

>> No.6665393


>> No.6665397

What the fuck are you even doing on this board? Go back to reddit from whence you came. This is a fashion board not a feel good about yourself and dress ~*~how u like~*~ board. Unless you're a troll in which case 11/10.

>> No.6665398

Can I cum on your pic and show it to you

>> No.6665406

idk what country you hail form but I live in AMERICA where we have the freedom to do as we please...
seriously tho wtf are YOU even doing on this board where you bully females bc youre all sexually frustrated and don't know how to flirt

also - I think its already been confirmed that I am pretty much an epic troll so get with the program nancy drew

>> No.6665412

~*~how u like~*~~*~how u like~*~~*~how u like~*~~*~how u like~*~~*~how u like~*~~*~how u like~*~~*~how u like~*~~*~how u like~*~~*~how u like~*~~*~how u like~*~~*~how u like~*~~*~how u like~*~~*~how u like~*~~*~how u like~*~~*~how u like~*~~*~how u like~*~~*~how u like~*~~*~how u like~*~~*~how u like~*~~*~how u like~*~~*~how u like~*~~*~how u like~*~~*~how u like~*~~*~how u like~*~~*~how u like~*~~*~how u like~*~~*~how u like~*~~*~how u like~*~~*~how u like~*~~*~how u like~*~~*~how u like~*~~*~how u like~*~~*~how u like~*~~*~how u like~*~~*~how u like~*~~*~how u like~*~~*~how u like~*~~*~how u like~*~~*~how u like~*~~*~how u like~*~~*~how u like~*~~*~how u like~*~~*~how u like~*~~*~how u like~*~~*~how u like~*~~*~how u like~*~~*~how u like~*~~*~how u like~*~~*~how u like~*~~*~how u like~*~~*~how u like~*~~*~how u like~*~~*~how u like~*~~*~how u like~*~~*~how u like~*~~*~how u like~*~~*~how u like~*~~*~how u like~*~~*~how u like~*~~*~how u like~*~~*~how u like~*~~*~how u like~*~~*~how u like~*~~*~how u like~*~~*~how u like~*~~*~how u like~*~~*~how u like~*~~*~how u like~*~~*~how u like~*~~*~how u like~*~~*~how u like~*~~*~how u like~*~~*~how u like~*~~*~how u like~*~~*~how u like~*~~*~how u like~*~~*~how u like~*~~*~how u like~*~~*~how u like~*~~*~how u like~*~~*~how u like~*~~*~how u like~*~~*~how u like~*~~*~how u like~*~~*~how u like~*~~*~how u like~*~~*~how u like~*~~*~how u like~*~~*~how u like~*~~*~how u like~*~~*~how u like~*~~*~how u like~*~~*~how u like~*~~*~how u like~*~~*~how u like~*~~*~how u like~*~~*~how u like~*~~*~how u like~*~~*~how u like~*~~*~how u like~*~~*~how u like~*~~*~how u like~*~~*~how u like~*~~*~how u like~*~~*~how u like~*~~*~how u like~*~~*~how u like~*~~*~how u like~*~~*~how u like~*~~*~how u like~*~~*~how u like~*~~*~~*~how u like~*~~*~how u like~*~~*~how u like~*~~*~how u like~*~~*~how u like~*~~*~how u like~*~~*~how u like~*~~*~how u like~*~~*~how u like~*~~*~how u like~*~~*~how u like~*~~*~how u like~*~~*~how u like~*~

>> No.6665448

>waywd thread turns into a prodigy therapy session because she can't handle the internet

top welp

>> No.6665449


>> No.6665451

b-b-but folds...

>> No.6665459

new one

>> No.6665461
File: 516 KB, 540x534, 1369179111554.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

more like the internet cant handle prodigy

>> No.6665466

You're the one out of place here.
>picking anyone out for bullying, on 4chan

Harsh criticism is part of this board, if you can't take it without blaming randomly your counterpart's sexual frustration then go the fuck away.

Welcome to the internet, there's no etiquette here.

>> No.6665522

>needing fashionable clothes in fucking bed
I hate /fa/ and this is my last comment here. This isn't actual fashion. It's a style that you have to replicate to be confirmed /fa/ by other oblivious teenagers, and in the eyes of regular people without insecurities you all look ridiculous. "/fa/ fashion" my ass. This is all just an extension of emo/goth/punk with slightly more variety. PS: The jeans you buy for 2000 bucks can be bought for 50 bucks at H&M. Smoke DMT and overcome this shit, you'll be a happier person and probably more enjoyable to be around (your black clothes can't do that for you).

>> No.6665532

I actually agree with your post.
the board's variety as a whole is very singular - it sums up the general population - emo/punk/computer nerd/hentai/furry/anime freaks.

>> No.6665751

pls be in london

>> No.6665957
File: 424 KB, 1233x1232, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Blaming the board for your obvious mental disorder

Top lel

>> No.6667679

> jeans you buy for 2000 bucks can be bought for 50 bucks at H&M

u got it wrong derr buddy,we buy em for 20000

>> No.6668433

>The jeans you buy for 2000 bucks can be bought for 50 bucks at H&M
No they can't

>Smoke DMT and overcome this shit
Hallucinogens of all stripes have only deepened my appreciation for well made clothing and made fast fashion seem repulsive. Maybe I'm tripping wrong?