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/fa/ - Fashion

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6657239 No.6657239 [Reply] [Original]

> tfw you realize there will always be someone better looking than you

>> No.6657248

I know this feel well

>> No.6657247

what is fucking wrong with you man?

>> No.6657256
File: 1.80 MB, 282x257, 1353258270721.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw your exgf got super ugly and fat
>tfw you skipped eons ahead of her in terms everything.

Feels good coming out on top m8s

>> No.6657264
File: 25 KB, 362x359, 1340782769808.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you never wore your retainer and now your teeth are kinda going back and your jaw is less pronounced thus making you less attractive

>> No.6657275
File: 67 KB, 350x338, 1315844109484.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>just turned 23
>tfw getting too old for 4chan

>> No.6657278
File: 114 KB, 660x1064, BK_80s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know this feel, my friend. Pic related

>> No.6657297
File: 89 KB, 430x615, feelcoaster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


try 30 son

>> No.6657317

26 here, theres nowhere else to move on to internet wise yet.
One of us 20 somethings should make the new 4chan maybe

>> No.6657325

yeah its weird. its like there should be somewhere else, and i keep seeing these 16-18 year olds flooding 4chan but i don't know where to go

>> No.6657330

>tfw when 8/10 5 meters away from a mirror
>tfw 1/10 close to the mirror

Fuck shitty skin and developing seborrheic dermatitis on my fucking face. Honestly, what the fuck.

>> No.6657327

Mmm yeah. Same age. I feel way too out of place.

>> No.6657332

>tfw round jaw
>tfw short
>tfw ugly brown spots on my lips

>> No.6657333

go 2 doctor

>> No.6657339

so what? dont be faggots.

>> No.6657352


Already been, the dumb cunt said all I can do is moisturise it, it stops the flaking but doesn't stop it getting red as a chafed dick at the drop of a pin.

Fuck it I'm getting a second opinion.

>> No.6657361

> iktfb

>> No.6657379

Maybe retin-a?

Also maybe olive/coconut oils for some intense moisturizing.

>> No.6657380

>tfw no matter how skinny you are or how much weight you lose, your jaw/cheeks have a shit ton of fat on them

>> No.6657385

steroid cream

>> No.6657382

>tfw at a young age girls will basically always break up with you for a better looking dude
>tfw at a certain age they grow up and start prizing other traits like skills, intelligence, having a stable job, coming from a nice family, etc
>tfw you realize that means it will NEVER be your time for a truly perfectly beautiful girl

>> No.6657388

there will always be someone smarter than you

there will always be someone with better fashion sense than you

there will always be someone with a better body than you

grow up you fucking tosser

>> No.6657452


Will definitely give this a go after reading about it just then. Thanks.


I tried the 1% stuff but it didn't do much, apparently it becomes immune to it anyway.

>> No.6657464

fashion sense in an opinion so I don't think anyone has better fashion sense than me

eat shit, nigger

>> No.6657480


>I don't think anyone has better fashion sense than me

post a fit

>> No.6657849

28 is where I'd say the cutoff is.
At that point you should probably have a family.

>> No.6657861

virgin detected

>> No.6657867

>family at 28
fuuuuuck that

>> No.6657891

Oooooh, he called you out on yo shit! Where's the fit?

>> No.6657913

> 28
> not mid 30s

>> No.6657917
File: 18 KB, 630x420, what-is-seborrheic-dermatitis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>seborrheic dermatitis

nigga u nasty

>> No.6657922

>having a family at all

nigga u just went full plebian

>> No.6657924

i highly doubt that.

>> No.6657931

There's already too many people on this planet, and now you want to bring more in??

>> No.6657954

i'm 28 and getting gay married joke's on you

>> No.6659622

looks pretty /fa/