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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 306 KB, 463x571, OhBoy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6633138 No.6633138 [Reply] [Original]

>How women shop
"OMG this disgusting t-shirt is reduced from $7 to $6 in the sale I must buy it!!!!"
"Hmmm this skirt is a whole $5 I'm not sure if I should buy it or not! It's so expensive!"


>> No.6633141

"I'm a girl that means I know loads about fashion!... Oh my God Hollister, best brand EVER!"

>> No.6633143


>> No.6633157

Who the fuck cares what a pleb thinks. it's only when they're trying hard is when you should be worried

>> No.6633176

They do try hard though. They think Primark is high fashion, A&F to them is like Saint Laurent to us... Guys are bad too with the whole "swag" thing, but women have a sense of fashion superiority even though none of them know shit.

>> No.6633177

feels thread

>wearing persols
>"nice ray ban knockoff faggot"

>> No.6633196

>he thinks saint laurent is good


>> No.6633212

It's time for you to leave your trailer park neighborhood

>> No.6633240

I was just in Melbourne with my (platonic) girl friend. Her thought process when buying clothes was "I like this, I'm going to buy it, then I'll check the price when I've left the store" she spent $600 on Saturday and $900 on Sunday, the food and other things on top of that.

I envy that she works full time.

>> No.6633445
File: 3 KB, 140x140, up.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I like fashion
oh? Who's your favorite designer?
>ummmmm Idk I guess Betsey Johnson

>> No.6633508

I don't get it were you wearing Jordans or something?

>> No.6633506
File: 43 KB, 400x299, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wtf anon why do your dunks have a jump man on them

>> No.6633513

How fuccbois shop
>"Yo [designer piece] is so badass I want one just like it but for 90% off"
>this infograph has lots of good shit I'm going to follow its advice
>"man I bought these plain black shoes but I don't know what to wear them with!"
>"awwwww shiet zara is having a sale, gonna finally cop that fake thom browne polo and givenchy tee"
>"wtf man I bought all this asos and still don't have a gf!"

>> No.6633523

Jordan 1s and high top dunks share the same silhouette.

>> No.6633544


>> No.6633561

This happened with my sister and me last week. I used to believe her when she said that she was a complete fashionista and all that bullshit before I got into fashion myself.

>So who's your favorite designer?
>Oh, probably Coach

I mean Jesus

>> No.6633612
File: 79 KB, 490x397, 1374797268144.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They think Primark is high fashion
>"Hmmm this skirt is a whole $5 I'm not sure if I should buy it or not! It's so expensive!"

What? Where the fuck do you live?

>> No.6633734

I have a lot of girl friends and many of them buy some clothes in primark and they look really good.
And none of them thinks thei are superioir in fashion because there are girls. They like to listen to me and follow my advices even though I dont dress myself very well. I dont know what you are constantly talking about, maybe that dumb kind is an american thing, but where I live I rarely have to rage at girls.

>> No.6633741

North London

>> No.6633766

The Netherlands

>> No.6633775

Women generally aren't interested in the 'function' of things in life as much as they are interested in the social aspect. So when they see a pair of these shoes being talked about a lot, they want to have a pair because its 'in'.

However, look at clothing hobbyists on Stylezeitgeist or Styleforum, or even /fa/ to a lesser extent. We look at shit from a perspective of fabric and fit and color to a much more technical degree. We approach the hobby as would approach something technical.

There are people on SF/SZ that can tell you in detail about the quality of leather depending on where it's sourced and how it's treated. There are people who can appreciate something like a Ten C field jacket made of knitted polyster/nylon. There are shoe enthusiasts on there who have literally invented better ways of taking care of shell cordovan because they love it so much. Look at the raw denim hobby, COMPLETELY dominated by men because its a clothing interest that's highly technical about the actual fabric of the clothing itself.

Then look at something like Purseforum. Look at how they just post their "cutesy" forever 21 + designer purse fits and how they throw overly positive advice at one another. They're on that forum to play a social game. They're there for the love of talking about clothing and feeling accepted for clothing.

The male-fashion forums are harsh and all about love of clothing. The types of clothes the more hardcore hobbyists are into don't really give a social advantage and most people won't give a shit in real life. It's enjoying the hobby for the hobby's sake.

Women just want to walk around and get complimented on their OMG QUIRKY SPACE LEGGINGS.

There's exceptions to all this shit of course, but it's just fucking annoying. I go to an art school and have literally met female fashion designers who think ann demeulemeester is a brand of beer.

>> No.6633785

If someone thinks that highly of Primark, what do they think lowly of?

>> No.6633787

Men have to nitpick because women can wear every piece of clothing in existence. Men can really only wear shirts and pants.

>> No.6633795


Oh god that's my girlfriend holy shit
>I wanna be a fashion designer! Who's Dick Simmons?

>> No.6633809

same feel here
>gf claims she's interested in fashion school
>i give her a talk about fashion industry is more than just wearing quirky space leggings and collar studded shirts, explain her without sounding mean that fashion isn't for her, try to give her advice blah blah

women think that fashion is nothing but dressing like lookbook sluts

>> No.6633813

Women are different, you know. Some are interested in fashion, some are not, but all have to pretend they are. Of course some are shopping for cheap stuff. I would only buy cheap stuff if I wouldn't care about the shit I buy.

>> No.6633840

i like it when she does the cartwheel thing

>> No.6633876
File: 32 KB, 651x451, 1315358796851.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw every girl I know who's "into fashion" where I live thinks that knock-off Coach sneakers are the highest of high tier
I once told a friend that I think Jeremy Scott and Marc Jacobs are hacks, she hasn't talked to me since.

>> No.6634003

are you from Mexico, lol?

>> No.6634011

Worse: Minnesota. Not the metro area, either.

>> No.6634374
File: 101 KB, 854x859, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw /fa/ loves those shitty Jeremy Scott wing Adidas

>> No.6634440

Just wondering, what do you think is so bad about Marc Jacobs? I'm not that unimpressed with him. The pricing is bad, but that's because plebs everywhere have picked up on it so he can get away with shoving them up.

However when you think about the actual stuff it's nothing I'd feel embarassed about wearing.

>> No.6634475

I hate it. I hate girls all over my Facebook who are in fashion school. They don't even know fuckin' A.P.C. even though it's more mainstream stuff sold in Selfriges even. Or Ann D, which is UNACCEPTABLE you'd think she'd at least be mentioned at a FASHION ACADEMY. But nope, they just post up their shitty fits of disgusting jeans and yellow shirts from H&M to enter into fashion competitions and ask me to vote for them to win.

>> No.6634489
File: 128 KB, 1928x1428, original design do not steal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

His actual clothes aren't that bad, I just say Jacobs is a hack because he blatantly steals designs from other popular brands.

>> No.6634505

how is that even a comparison

>> No.6634504

that's just incorrect

>> No.6634509

Lool oh God that's terrible!

>> No.6634519

It was the best picture I could find, but a month or two ago Ssense had some MJ sneaks that look almost exactly the same as Achilles lows.
>nearly identical cup sole
>gold monogram on the side (one of the things CP is most well-known for)
>same minimal aesthetic

>> No.6634542

How does he... Jesus.

>> No.6634565
File: 37 KB, 578x349, Raf_Simons_velcro_strap_sneaker_white[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To be fair CP soles aren't exclusive to CPs

>> No.6634570

There's even a parody blog (at least I hope it's a parody blog) somewhere with tons of pictures of designs that he's stolen.
It isn't any one element, but all of them together. Hell, without the monogram I would just assume it was a coincidence.

>> No.6634575

>everyone uses that sole tho
>not a monogram but sure
>cp isn't the first to offer minimalist takes on classic sneakers

not saying jacobs is any good, but...

>> No.6634778

I honestly wouldn't have thought anything of these two if not for the text on the MJ one.

>> No.6634805

>Hell, without the monogram I would just assume it was a coincidence.
yeah that really seals the deal

>> No.6634816
File: 18 KB, 620x413, marc-jacobs-2012-spring-summer-classic-low-top-1[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why wouldn't you post the Marc Jacobs sneakers that are clearly a ripoff of CP achilles lows with just enough changed to make it not 1:1?

>> No.6634841

>have literally met female fashion designers who think ann demeulemeester is a brand of beer.
Top lel. Would drink Ann D. beer.

>> No.6635520

I wouldn't.. Don't even want to imagine what sort of "avant garde" ingredients she'd mix in with it.

>> No.6635552

Half Guinness, half civet.

>> No.6635561
File: 44 KB, 426x639, Main_Del4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it would be an ale or lambic in fairly classic belgian style, with certain notes (the sourness, perhaps) emphasized to make a thoughtfully asymmetrical flavor.
it wouldn't be obscenely priced, but it would be just a little bit too expensive to session with.

>> No.6635587

T-that's how I shop most of the time