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/fa/ - Fashion

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6627360 No.6627360 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw you're more /fa/ than literally every girl in your school because all of them are either sluts or try to be effay by getting floral prints/high waisted jeans/black slipper shoes

>> No.6627369

Talk shit post feet

>> No.6627382

And you're a mean jerk that shit talks people who don't know any better.

>> No.6627417

>tfw have by far the nicest pieces on campus after literally two years of /fa/
>tfw recognized by people as "that guy who always looks really nice"
>tfw too socially retarded to take advantage of this and make friends or get a gf

>> No.6627435

>tfw all the replies are newfag girls bitching

>> No.6627450

>all of the replies
>only one of the replies is of a newegg grill bitching

>> No.6627451

I'm so glad I can dress myself AND am socially awesome. It's fucking great.

What the fuck motivates a bitch to come here and proclaim to the world how great her dumb high school ass is?

>> No.6627457

>wear contrived h&m/topman/asos #menswear bullshit w/ $30 peacoats, blazers, vests, etc.
>omg anon ur so fashunable
>now dress in more subdued heritage/streetwear
>no more compliments

im actually ok w/ this

>> No.6627487

OP you're a dirtbag

>> No.6627492

Similar feels.

>wear silly graphic tees all the time
>"haha anon that's such a great shirt."
>wear simple fits with great shoes and accessories
>watch as frat boys in tattered khakis and old boat shoes get fawned over and called "dapper" and "spiffy" by their sorority girl friends

>> No.6627542

>tfw dirt bags are/dress better than sluts

>> No.6627565

uh is your college set in the 1940s lol wtf gramps

>> No.6627573

I bet some of these girls are really nice dressed and you just hate on them because your /fa friends told you so

>> No.6627571

this hits home

>> No.6627570

Where do you live OP?

>> No.6627581
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>graphic tee

>> No.6627583

It's so easy to tell when a grill is posting. She'll always use profanity and capitalize at least one word.

>> No.6627619

all grills replying to this thread wear what OP's complaints are

>> No.6627649

the fuck is heritage

>> No.6627663
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>> No.6627676

>tfw tried to dress well in high school and couldn't pull it off because I was chubby
>tfw lose weight before college, stop dressing /fa/
>tfw in shape, wear same outfit every single day

never been happier

>> No.6627686

too many pockets

>> No.6627685

what the fuck are you doing here pleb

>> No.6627698

yeah. those pants pockets hurt me to look at. why would anyone think they improve anything. im curious about what shoes those are though

>> No.6627704

Fashion is too important to be left to women.

>> No.6627757


>> No.6627801
File: 162 KB, 800x1066, IMG_20130804_213521.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

btw. fa, how do you like my new graphic tee?

>> No.6627828

lmao confirmed for high school age get out

>> No.6627910

Why so beta?

Like if you really know that you could take advantage just do it. This is obviously not true.

>> No.6627924
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Want. Loves me some Dragonball.

>> No.6627976


White greeks are trash

Most greeks of organizations of different racial heritages dress well.

>> No.6627983

I know this will sound like self pity, but trust me when I say I'm just trying to objectively explain this.

That's not how that works; it's similar to telling a depressed person to just cheer up. I've improved a lot and am working on becoming more social, but I'm fighting against years of having just a few close friends and spending most of my time alone.

It's hard to just start talking to people, because even though I'm aware that most people (at least girls) would be happy to have a conversation with me, there's still a pounding voice in the back of my head that tells me everything that could go wrong, and that I'm better off just sitting by myself.

If you were social as a younger kid or teenager, this probably was never an issue for you, but every conversation I have with a stranger is a big deal for me.

>> No.6628015
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>> No.6628025

>hey anon you look good
>y-you too

>> No.6628050


Not sure if serious...

>> No.6628082


I'm completely serious.

Okay. Perhaps I came off like I admired their clothing. They don't dress well in the sense that they always wear great stuff; but in the greater picture, the ways that they present themselves are far greater than white greeks.

I've always seen a member of Alpha Phi Alpha dress better than fucking TKEs

>> No.6628101

I can agree with that. White frat guys seem to think that being in a frat is their be all end all ticket to being hot shit, while black frat guys still care about themselves and have less of a tendency to get fat and dress like total shit.

>> No.6628132

And you're bitter about it because nobody will sleep with you.

>> No.6628396

I'd wear it. Source?

>> No.6628418

>tfw going into niche boutiques
>employee is wearing floral tight pants

>> No.6628604
File: 123 KB, 329x359, 3904824392293.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd wear me some kuririn. Find me a Jackie Chun shirt and you're gold.

>> No.6630394


except tumblr girls appreciate streetwear/gothninja

good way to weed out the girls with reverse oedipus complex

>> No.6630422

that's actually the best response

>> No.6630465
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>> No.6630475
File: 104 KB, 500x436, look at all the steves.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

high waisted shorts are literally the best thing

worship the booty

>> No.6630490

If I was still into DBZ I'd wear it.

>> No.6630493

>people in asos/h&m/zara/topman thinking they dress better than everyone

>> No.6630516


yet i'm sure her outfit was better than anyting u've ever put together~