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File: 32 KB, 512x429, spinach and garden.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6619151 No.6619151 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw been starving myself for 2 months
>tfw when still in the middle of the normal BMI

Welp. Another few months with no food.
BMI thread?

>> No.6619173

You know that BMI is an outdated and inferior system right? Fuckin' idiot

>> No.6619171

Mabye you should work out instead of starving yourself.

>> No.6619175

>tfw 18.2-18.5
Skinnyfat master race

>> No.6619181

dang, I'm 5'7" and weigh 100 lbs D:

>> No.6619196

What's rick's workout plan? Gotta drop 20 pounds by december

>> No.6619198

holy shit im underweight wtf
there is no hope then
i think my face is fat and if im actually underweight this means that my face is "skinny" WHICH MEANS THAT ILL BE LIKE THIS FOREVER FUCK

>> No.6619217



OP you're fucking dumb and pathetic

>> No.6619226

fuk u i gotta be skinne

>> No.6619248


holy shit
people actually think these things

>> No.6619270

god fucking damn the shitty nih bmi calculator making idiots think you can plug in two numbers and get a health assessment

actually measuring body fat percentage requires like a godamn calibrated water tank


>> No.6619293

5'11 110 lbs


i dont feel that skinny???

>> No.6619311

You're permanently damaging your internal organs, heart and brain with malnutrition. Go do cardio and eat normally.

>> No.6619356

Fuck. Is that why I stopped growing

>> No.6619357

Yes, that's exactly why.

>> No.6619362

eta: I don't know your genetics, ofc.

>> No.6619392


Yes... Did you really think that nourishment would fix your "problems"?

Your body has mechanisms to ward off starvation. One of which involves your metabolism drastically being reduced, impeding your weight loss even further.

If you want to lose weight, do it with the only way that actually WORKS in the long run. Eat healty, and exercise in moderation.

>> No.6619414

And to add to your post, this is why people were so much shorter in the middle ages - everyone was malnourished half the time.

>> No.6619438


OP there's a reason for you being the weight you are, and that reason will still be there once you stop starving yourself. Just east healthily and moderately do lots of exercise.

>> No.6619441

I... uh.. shit. Is there any way to reverse this?
I don't want to be stuck a manlet forever

>> No.6619471

Start by filling your body with bioavailable nutrients like fresh vegetable juices, oatmeal + casein protein powder, chicken. Do some light cardio. No guarantees, but it's probably your best shot outside of some obscure HGH regimen I know nothing about. You'll also discover a new way of life that will bring you some peace.
Here's the thing - the intrinsic value of exercise is the experience of pushing yourself to your limits on a regular basis. The experience of doing what your body and brain tells you is impossible & uncomfortable over and over changes you.
I don't think you have to be a meathead about it or go to /fit/. Nothing drastic.
I knew these parents, 2 old hippies who'd had their kid on ritalin or adderall since age four because they're shitty, lazy human beings on a very deep level. The parents are both over or close to six feet and the kid is probably 4'11" at 18 years of age. He was never hungry all those years because he was jacked up on speed and stationed in front of a super nintendo.

>> No.6619487

> 4'11" at 18 years of age
Wow I feel really sorry for him. Those parents sound terrible. Makes me feel blessed for my less-extreme shortness.

>> No.6619504

>Here's the thing - the intrinsic value of exercise is the experience of pushing yourself to your limits on a regular basis. The experience of doing what your body and brain tells you is impossible & uncomfortable over and over changes you.


Old and now sad as fuck, but relevant and excellent. Whole series is worth reading.

>> No.6619510

>perscription drugs

you have no idea what a hippie is

>> No.6619515

You have no idea how hypocritical humans can be.

>> No.6619520

Oh boy, another "omg look how little I eat guise am I cool yet" thread
Start squatting you pansies.

>> No.6619530
File: 232 KB, 771x1239, Soriyama_Woman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Old hippies. Old hippies sometimes turn into lazy yuppies who can't even be arsed to spank their kids.

I'm reading this for the first time and enjoying it a lot so far. I especially agree about the negative feelings part - I always encourage people to really feel their losses and process them. It's the difference between personal growth and spiritual cancer.
On a similar note, the 1970's pseudo-self-improvement movement 'est' and various eastern Yogis & Buddhas assert that once you fully experience a thing it becomes immaterial, it fades away.

Always feel blessed; things can always get worse.

>> No.6619550

I remember hearing his name on the news. He committed suicide and helped create reddit.

>> No.6619578

Definitely want to stray away from steroids. So if I run a bit and eat adequately, I have the chance to at least hit 5'10"?

>> No.6619592

>sexy robots
reported, saged, hidden, called the cops, called the fbi, called the cia, called my mommy

>> No.6619593

>who can't even be arsed to spank their kids.

I'm not a huge anti-spanker, but you think it's productive? It's always struck me (no pun intended) as a particularly brute, un-thought-out form of negative reinforcement. In fact, I'd say it seems a particularly lazy way of conditioning behavior. It takes five minutes.

And it carries with it its own lessons, about physical pain, and fear (which I'm really, really not a fan of founding families on), and what kinds of motivations are worth respecting. "Virtue compelled becomes vice" and all that.

>I especially agree about the negative feelings part - I always encourage people to really feel their losses and process them. It's the difference between personal growth and spiritual cancer.

Definitely agreed.

>On a similar note, the 1970's pseudo-self-improvement movement 'est' and various eastern Yogis & Buddhas assert that once you fully experience a thing it becomes immaterial, it fades away.

Interesting. I can't really run with Buddhism, but that sense of a thing in your life having played itself out and come to fullness is incredibly freeing and quietly (in before) euphoric.

Going to have to look into est at some point. I've heard of it.

>> No.6619598

I have no idea, I'm not a doctor or a nutritionist. But at this point it's easily your best and safest choice. You ought to be doing it anyway, don't go setting yourself a minimum limit of potential rewards. The rewards are arguably limitless if you really find a sport or dance that you're into.

If you're worried about making an impact socially and getting laid, take it from someone who was a very tall and meek person 16 years ago - being interesting and confident is a thousand times more important. One of the best ways to be interesting is to be passionate about things.
Why not start getting passionate about your health?

>> No.6619600

>He committed suicide

Yes, after struggling with depression and a personal vendetta prosecution arising out of an incident where he was probably trying to liberate JSTOR that involved no actual cracking open computer systems.

>helped create reddit.

Not really. He was early on the staff because some VC merged something he had founded with reddit after it was already created, but he pretty much flaked right out of having anything to do with it.

>> No.6619607

I think that clearly established boundaries are more important for both you and the child in the long run. Besides, everyone hates their parents regardless. The smart people get over themselves and realize that their folks were just human beings doing the best they could.
I live in a pretty bitch-made neighborhood right now where people schedule playdates for their children and will literally attempt logical debate with a screaming toddler in a supermarket. These kids grow up so entitled and shitty. It really, really plays against them in the long run. In my opinion.
I don't know, of course. It's not for everyone. But I got hit a fair amount and looking back I really deserved most of it. I've gotten over any resentments I had about it and I see it as just another painful reality of parenting and coaching someone through life's training level.
I'm not saying child abuse isn't a really big deal, I just think there comes a time in every kid's life when she or he deserves a boot in the ass and will be worse off for missing out.

>> No.6619623

read everything on 4chan with a grain of salt and go see a doctor for your own sake

>> No.6619650

>Besides, everyone hates their parents regardless. The smart people get over themselves and realize that their folks were just human beings doing the best they could.


>These kids grow up so entitled and shitty

Is this because their parents attempt logical debate in a supermarket, or because their parents are entitled and shitty yuppies?

Also, I've got a lot to say about this discourse about "entitlement" and everything that gets subsumed under that, but some other time.

I don't have kids, but I see the ideal posture to take as one primarily of modeling and education, and letting them go off on spontaneous play-not-dates and figuring things out for themselves. And they're throwing a fit in the supermarket? Fuck it; I'm just going to drag them along and get out as quickly as possible. But then I don't really think kids whining in the supermarket is something anyone should care about, passerby or the parents or whatever. I never do.

I wasn't spanked much, and my parents weren't any image of bad parents, but most of my functional behavior and what I value about myself as an adult came more from the ways I departed from or subverted my parents as a kid.

Maybe the best example is how I was diagnosed with ADD in elementary school, prescribed Ritalin, hated the way it made me feel, and every morning would hide it somewhere on my body or in my clothes and stash it somewhere. The air ducts of the house we lived in then are probably still filled with little Ritalin capsules. Of course, not being on it, faking being on it, I had to force myself to actually learn how to focus. This went on daily for five or six years before they gave up; I got caught maybe a dozen times. I was forced to take it when I was, punished, sometimes physically.

>a boot in the ass and will be worse off for missing out.

>> No.6619656


But is a boot in the ass really the best boot? That's what I'm saying. I'm not even talking about actual child abuse, which I don't think spanking is.

If it's the "fear" comment you're picking up on, it's a more deeply rooted objection to the way Western civilization socializes people, starting in the family.

>> No.6619720

barely squeaked in there

>> No.6619717

>Besides, everyone hates their parents regardless
No offence but you sound like you are projecting there Poet, not everyone hates their parents.

I think smacking your children can be appropriate in certain situations, but I think as a general tool it devalues conversation between children and parents and promotes the idea that violence (however mild) is a way to deal with things you don't like. And how often are young children told not to hit each other when they get upset? Seems counter-productive to me.

I think young children are a lot smarter than they get credit for, and the more they are talked to by their parents and not disregarded, the more they will deal with the things they are upset with in a rational way. Responding to screaming with hitting doesn't seem like a good way to run a family to me.

>> No.6619735

>most of my functional behavior and what I value about myself as an adult came more from the ways I departed from or subverted my parents as a kid.
Yes, well put.
Also, I guess it really depends on the kid. I was a real stinker.

You're right, I probably am projecting and I don't advocate corporal punishment as an option for simple misbehavior. But I think it has to be put on the table at some point. I think it was Roosevelt or Bugsy Siegel who said "You get more with a kind word and a gun than you do with a kind word."

>> No.6619749

This thread is has been incredibly insightful

I've read a bunch of PUA stuff, but this is where I've always been stumped: I can't say I'm passionate about much of anything.
And that always slides over into other aspects of my life. It's hard for things to excite me.

>> No.6619754

There's no one little niche or field that's always mystified and amused you somehow? You are on a fashion board, you could be very well passionate about men's wear.

>> No.6619756

5'9, 110 lbs

16.2 bmi, 20 years old, going to go to the doctor and have my growth plates checked to see if theyve closed or not

if they have, i need to find $50k to go to russia and get that surgery where they break and slowly stretch your legs

>> No.6619758

To add, just be really invested in certain things. Care deeply about something. If you can't care deeply about anything in particular, get off the internet and do something. You're overloaded with choice and your brain is paralyzed.

>> No.6619763

>But I think it has to be put on the table at some point
Maybe I'm being too optimistic but I like to think that when I have children I won't have to put it on the table ever. I think it's the kind of thing where the more you do it, the more you need to. If a child realises that you don't mean shit unless you actually start smacking them, that's all they are going to care about. I would smack a child if they wouldn't stop doing something incredibly dangerous after talking to them, but I can't visualise it in any other situation.

> "You get more with a kind word and a gun than you do with a kind word."
That's an interesting quote but I don't think that's a very good ethos to have when it comes to raising your children. You seem to be implying that your children are your enemies. All the people I know that have this attitude have children that are just as shitty.

I know it's not my place to say but that sounds like a lot of cost and pain for a height that won't really have much of a significant impact. 5'9 isn't going to stop you from enjoying your life, unless you make it the focus of your life.

>> No.6619775

Different strokes for different folks. It depends on the child and maybe there are no right answers. Setting a boundary doesn't have to mean a declaration of war.
Cheers, mate. Maybe we just disagree on this? I can only speak from my own experience.

>> No.6619786

>You're overloaded with choice and your brain is paralyzed.
You are my new favorite (kinda) trip. That exactly describes how I've felt for a while.

And even though I spend hours daily looking at clothes, I'm kinda stuck in between that menswear/dadcore - streetware phase most of us go through, so I don't think that's too impressive :/

>> No.6619800

>It depends on the child and maybe there are no right answers
Yeah of course, it's just the attitude that children are rotten and need to be spanked that pisses me off. It definitely creates a problem rather than solves it. Not saying that's what you are saying, but a lot of spanking-advocates seem to be in this mindset.

>> No.6619900


>> No.6621329


What? Why? You're 5'9". That's a pretty average height. I don't see why you would want to spend large amounts of money and time in recovery just to gain an inch or two.

>> No.6622315

No. Why do people actually think this?

If you do that, you will be healthier, happier, and you will probably look better, but you won't get taller.

>> No.6622477

>tfw 5'11 173 lbs
>tfw 24.1 BMI
Enjoy all your nogainz you pussyfaggots

>> No.6622498

Starving yourself out makes your body thing there is a food shortage and goes in "I am being starved mode". This mode makes you go extremely fat when you go back to 'normal' food intake.
That is why girls always 'jojo' with their weight.

>> No.6622508
File: 60 KB, 468x700, Jeremy-Young-chez-Mabille.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lift weights
eat more

my goal body

>> No.6622551

Heard this a thousand times but never experienced it. I fast like 2 or 3 times a year for 7-12 days.
Always sounded to me like a fat people excuse.

>> No.6622562

that's not a hard body to get at all

>> No.6622728

Is there some way I can reduce fat off my face? I fucking hate it

>> No.6622735

>lift weights
>goal body a guy who probably hasn't lifted in his life
Just do calisthenics. This guy looks like one of those "I played sports when I was going through puberty and now my pecs are forever defined from calisthenics"

>> No.6622762

or you could just lift weights and achieve the same results as callisthenics in half the time.

>> No.6622769

this, just as long as you don't eat that much
people really don't understand how weightlifting effects the body

>> No.6622775

No, sorry. That's not at all how it works.When you lift you get way too much compound (too big forearms, lats and so on) to reach that mode. Calisthenics or nothing, m8.

>> No.6622782

Bullshit. Weight lifting does the exact same thing faster.

>> No.6622802
File: 19 KB, 467x500, 1367381149241.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't forget you're lowering your testosterone when you starve yourself because your body isn't getting any of the nutrients (fats, vitamins, zinc) to properly produce enough testosterone.

It can also get stuck that way and stay low permanently if your body adapts to producing less testosterone day-to-day.

>> No.6622808

last i checked it was 16.0 and i eat all the time

>> No.6622822

It was because genes moron
>he doesn't know evolution

>> No.6622824

lol my stats are the same and I have sunken cheeks

>> No.6622848

what the fuck

no it is because of nutrition
that is why kids grow taller than their parents nowadays

>> No.6622844

no it isn't
it's why north koreans are ~3 inches shorter than south koreans

>> No.6622854

do you honestly believe that natural selection increased body height by 10 cm in just 200 years? That shit takes longer.

>> No.6622856

So why are Scandinavians so tall? Because "hurr durr they eat more"? Lel. No. Genes.

>> No.6622877

they may be taller in comparison to other races, but that doesn't mean not eating well doesn't affect height

>> No.6622882
File: 53 KB, 532x434, fat_as_fuck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate being fat :c

>> No.6623042

You get big forearms from doing benches, just do flys and other chest workouts and it will still be fine. You can workout different parts of your body to get your ideal body.

>> No.6623546


>> No.6623732

there was a thread a few years ago about this kid that went to india or something. and he had this wire frame attached to his legs. he had pics and everything. and a dr broke is bones, and then made them heal, but the frame kept the bones in place, but was able to move them fractions of a millimeter farther apart after every break. after a few months the kids legs were like an inch taller or something. he had pics and timestamp to prove. the procedure is illegal in the US i believe.

>> No.6623763

the thing about spanking is that if the father disciplines the kids, but they dont learn why, is the problem. it will result in the same actions, with regret and fear after the fact, and no actual growing.

teabeti judges

>> No.6623989
File: 29 KB, 496x406, bmi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tfw when god tier metabolism

>> No.6624125

you cannot calculate bmi with any accuracy with only height and weight. Many other factors such as muscle mass and bone density go into it. starving yourself because of a highly inaccurate form of measurement is not good.

protip: when your body thinks it is being starved it will actually retain more fat and water weight than it would normally

>> No.6624959

No. BMI literally is your mass in kilograms divided by your height in meters squared. ((kg)/((M)^2))

It was originally intended as a best-possible substitute for an en-masse measuring of body fat for a population study of the effects of excess weight on health, the progenitor explicitly saying it was inappropriate for individual diagnosis.

But here we are, because healthcare professionals be lazy.

>> No.6624979

you p much have the same body as me
want to date

>> No.6625003
File: 31 KB, 213x353, Screen Shot 2013-08-03 at 11.00.01 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lel im dying

>> No.6625017

it is.

not eating anything (outside of water) for several weeks will kill your hunger pains by day three and drop 20 pounds within that time frame

however, if you have a significant amount of muscle, which you don't, you'll lose most of that, and almost all of your relative strength

if you're dyel, you'll be fine

tl;dr don't be a fucking pussy and stop stuffing your goddamn face

>> No.6625029

i'm 5'11" and my mom is something like 5'1 or 5' and my dads 5'4 or something. i always thought it was because in the US people actually get a proper nourishment (although most the time it's too much nourishment)

my eldest sister who was born in the mother country is like 5'2 or something, whereas my second eldest sister who was also born in vietnam but brought here at a younger age is like 5'6 or something like that.

nutrition is a key part of height development especially at younger ages, so don't rule it entirely out.

>> No.6625030
File: 17 KB, 222x378, killme.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me too.

>High school health class.
>BMI calculations.
>Chart doesn't go low enough.
>Scribble in lowest BMI rating.

Want to trade metabolisms? My estimated BMR is 1,538 calories a day.

>> No.6625042

in my health class, when the teacher started talking about eating disorders everyone turned an looked at me.

I just sat there looking straight ahead like a retard, pretending not to notice.

>> No.6625053
File: 28 KB, 427x231, 1354775245516.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dad 5'4
>around the same height as other viet dads
>childhood friends end up being 5'7-6'0
>tfw 5'5

th-thanks dad

>> No.6625052

I can relate to this so much, oh my god.

>> No.6625055

High school health class teachers are the worst and most clueless possible, honestly.

I wonder what's going on in the heads of people lobbying for including sex ed in schools; they have to be forgetting who is going to be giving it. In North Carolina, I was given it by a gym teacher who sponsored a student Christian group and served as a pastor or something at his church.

I mean, it's a good idea, but it's not like we're getting Dr. Ruth or something.

>> No.6625240
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>> No.6625256
File: 303 KB, 1456x2592, tspf no abs doe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

top lel
5'7", 130lbs

here's my body
bmi is bullshit

>> No.6625261

Mines 1682.4

>> No.6625274

That's insane. What do you weigh?

>> No.6625279


>> No.6625308

kill urself m8

>> No.6625316

all the weight is in my ass m8

>> No.6625339

Pull down those undies a lil more