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6592683 No.6592683 [Reply] [Original]

Goin to italy for a few weeks. Tryna figure out what the casual style is for 20somethings, so i only look halfwaytourist. Anyone have links, suggestions, or advice for an average looking tall dude?

>> No.6592689


>> No.6592720


>> No.6592772


>> No.6592773


>> No.6592778

Fuck u. pyrex

>> No.6592779

get on google, look up clubs and restraunts and other places people your age might hang out, see what people are wearing, tone it down a notch and buy accordingly.

>> No.6592790

If you're an American you're going to look like a tourist no matter what.

I can tell the difference between an American and any European nationality by their faces. Americans are mixed with so many different european ethnic groups, they have a distinct look that no one else in Europe has.

>> No.6592798

This also includes "Italian-Americans".

I've only met one that looked legit, but she was actually a Jew too.

>> No.6592819

That girl is fucking gorgeous

>> No.6592845

OP here.

Yeah i hear ya. Nah this is more about, like, do people actually wear nice shoes allothetime (i.e. will tigers be out of place completely); or is goodjeans, button down the classic go-to for most casual occasions; etc

>> No.6592870

Legitimately perfect, in fact

>> No.6592884

I was always told italy was better overall with their fashion.
And that they're sleazy

>> No.6592927


>> No.6592990

Fuck u. pyrex

>> No.6592997

depends where you're going. If travelling around the north you want to dress pretty well - pretty much everyone there is effay. my sister told me she got rejected from eating in cafes because she wasn't dressed nice enough

>> No.6593025

Don't worry about this much at all homie. The Italians dress well, but the majority of the people in their 20's are still finding themselves.

You will notice a lot of people dressing incredibly euro-trash in the majority of italy. So no matter what, your style is going to be a bit outta whack with what they wear. Thick Jersey Shore, but with a little more class.

Now when you get into the middle/upper class type establishments, things peak pretty quickly with people dressing very well. But to be completely honest, none of these people care about you, so they wont even notice you.

Ultimately, as long as you aren't walking around with pale legs, high shorts, a fanny pack, a tourist tshirt, and a camera hanging off you all over the place, you'll likely be able to mask your tourist nature as best you can.

>> No.6593128

who the hell is this girl holy fuck

>> No.6593245

anyone else notice the old ass cell phone in her left hand?

>> No.6593271

why would you

>> No.6593281


>> No.6593291

What? I'm American and have completely European genetic heritage, and I don't look any different from anyone else here.

>> No.6593297

Just because you're a virgin doesn't mean you have to act like it on the internet.

>> No.6593308

I was just there a week ago.
Lots of Roshes. Roshes everywhere.

>> No.6593329

Is it one European nation, all the way back from when they got off the boat?

Or is it many different European nations, melting together to create you?

Because I think he was making a comment on the Italian/French/Germany hybrids that call the USA home. It's the mutts so to speak that he is talking about.

Moot did a disservice for the community when he destroyed r9k. It was at that point, that the robots realized there were other sections to 4chan, and at that point that every board started picking up more and more people like that anon.

>> No.6593372

>Is it one European nation
M hm. It's from one nation in central Europe.

>all the way back from when they got off the boat?
I've met most of my great grandparents, and all of them told me their great grandparents were from that country too. Also, my parents came to America, so I'm a first generation American.

>Or is it many different European nations, melting together to create you?
No, I don't think so.

>It's the mutts so to speak that he is talking about.
I'm pedigree European. That sounded snoby, and I didn't mean to.

Also, why did moot destroy r9k in the first place?

>> No.6593384

>M hm. It's from one nation in central Europe.
In that case you are like me, and we aren't what he was describing or talking about. He was more discussing the result of the cultural mosaic on human anatomy.

>Also, why did moot destroy r9k in the first place?
Because it turned into a whiney shithole.

>> No.6593393

>In that case you are like me, and we aren't what he was describing or talking about. He was more discussing the result of the cultural mosaic on human anatomy.
I see. That's pretty neat. Where are you from?

>Because it turned into a whiney shithole.
It's too bad that's still what it is.

>> No.6593428

>I see. That's pretty neat. Where are you from?

>It's too bad that's still what it is.
Prior to him distroying it, it was /adv/, /soc/ and /r9k/ all rolled into one. It was really brutal. Originally it was a little bit of a love affair for him because it was all original content, which was sick, but it slowly turned into this weird sess pool and then got dispersed around into a few different areas in hopes of turning /r9k/ into a source of original content rather then right back to its old self.

/soc/ did take a lot of crazy out of it though.

>> No.6593539

r9k actually used to be one of my faves, real talk.

>> No.6593560

you look more mutty than scottish babe

>> No.6593659

For like the first two weeks it was a breath of fresh air, and it was good for a little bit longer, but that was tops six months years ago.

>> No.6593794

I just visited /r9k/ and saw a thread devoted to hatred of women.

"All women are fucking cunts Fucking whores
They deserve to be all fucking SHOT and TORTURED. I SAID IT. They have nothing except their fucking disgusting holes...."

It was pretty pathetic.

>> No.6594987
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Europeans can tell Americans instantly because of their burger smell and lard asses

>> No.6594997

He trol u

>> No.6594998

And their inability to speak any other language than Murrican.

>> No.6595209

pyrex el o l so fune

>> No.6595425

If I were European, I'd be embarrassed by this

>> No.6595515

This. Anywhere I travel, I try to learn a bit of the local language, but my parents could never be bothered to do that.

>> No.6595527

yeah I would totally think you're a local if you asked me "where is the bathroom?" in my butchered language

>> No.6595537

No, it's so I don't ask loudly in English like a giant idiot. Besides, romance languages/accents are easy enough and the only countries worth going to (outside some obvious exceptions)

>> No.6595573
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and I don't fucking fault foreigners in America when they try oh so hard to speak English for us, so why do Europeans have to be so retarded about it?

>> No.6595604

It's probably hot as hell, depending where you're going. Just wear t shirt, light jeans and sneakers.
You will look like a tourist because of your face (or, if you're english, because you look like a lobster in the sun and are swimming in the pool with your t shirt on), not because of your clothes.

>> No.6595639

"thank you", "sorry", greetings, etc. it's called being polite, shithead

>> No.6595662

I was in Italy for a week in june. I stumbled in to one of the best resturants in Rome wearing shorts without reservation, and I still got a table because I did not expect shit. Just be polite, and everything will be fine.

Protip: Eat at Trattoria Monti. It's not far from the main train terminal/termini. You will not regret it.

For the better dressed italians I saw a lot of slim chinos, jeans, shirts blazers and colorful loafers without socks. The others dress eurotrash with animal print and popped polo shirts.

>> No.6595680

people are not expected to speak any random european or other language the same way they are expected to speak english.
it's like if you started speaking in broken norwegian to someone in norway they'd just tell you to switch to english, but if they were speaking norwegian at you they would have no expectations of you understanding any of it.

I guess you can't really win though because no one likes that one american tourist who refuses to speak anything other than english as if everyone had to cater to him, while using some corny phrasebook or something might get you mixed reactions at best for the reasons described above.

in real life it's probably nbd though, I'm sure most people appreciate the effort

>> No.6595701

You're an American, act like it. You're just visiting a fiefdom, OP. We crushed these guys in WW2, remember? They all speak American. Their grandmothers learned when our boys were getting their dicks wet in exchange for nylons and Hershey bars.

>> No.6595782
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>> No.6596698

Italians like to wear black, and don't like to wear bright colors. So like, don't bring your neon orange hunting vest.

>> No.6596716

Lost it at nylon.
>yfw it's called that because the guys who invented it where from NY and LONdon, respectively.

>> No.6596725

his wife is SO FUCKING SPOOKY.
I mean, he is no looker either, but she looks like she is a fucking shaman-witch-gipsy from a horror film

>> No.6596736

top kek

>> No.6596748
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>> No.6596749

We wear bright colours, though. Especially in the summer. It's just that americans have no concept of what colours go well together.

The easiest to spot americans are the ones wearing training shoes, cargo shorts and t-shirts which are too big on them (if they're not fat)

>> No.6596770

She's his muse, he has no choice in the matter. He loves her, anyway.

>> No.6597585

I don't want to ever be in a picture with any of these people.