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6589169 No.6589169 [Reply] [Original]

someone tell me the workout routine for this body

>> No.6589172

Bench press
Don't eat.

>> No.6589173


>> No.6589177

just work out until you have tose proportions and stop increasing the numbers and just do maintenance

>> No.6589180
File: 60 KB, 468x700, Jeremy-Young-chez-Mabille.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

any shoulder/arm workouts?

abs too right

>> No.6589190

>bench press

>> No.6589184

Sounds about right.

>> No.6589194

that's where the don't eat part comes in

>> No.6589197

>Don't eat

>> No.6589199

what if i am already way skinnier than he is?

>> No.6589203

You don't need to work out your abs if you're doing standard compound exercises and a little bit of cardio.

>> No.6589210

Do you have fat? A picture would be really helpful, but either way.
Ab Crunches, all sorts, really. Throw in a couple of pullups/chinups and a lot of pushups. Also, planking will help build your core, but, uh, a picture of yourself of a similar body would help a lot.

>> No.6589221


Is that an actual thing though? You get defined abs if you're skinny enough?

>> No.6589242

also, don't do crunches if you don't plan to deadlift. otherwise you might end up with the infamous duck-ass posture.

>> No.6589256

yeah thats why real skinny dudes have abs, its like big tits on a fat chick

abs look better with more mass so you can work them if you want, but you don't have too

people work abs because it builds core strength which helps them do other lifts and also keeps their core proportional to their body

>> No.6589261


They'll protrude more if you work them but if you just want definition it's just a matter of getting rid of fat.

>> No.6589263
File: 29 KB, 466x381, 301099_496627843682031_1716978481_n1348617047152[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ab work is good for posture so is back work.
if you do deadlifts right then you get improved posture.
shoulders back, chest up, neck neutral, abs tight it all leads to good posture.
some of y'all niggas probably have terrible posture and don't even know it

>> No.6589264
File: 103 KB, 900x582, 1-ab-wheel-exercise-medicalrfcom[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this solves all the problems

>> No.6589272

>also, don't do crunches if you don't plan to deadlift. otherwise you might end up with the infamous duck-ass posture.

>> No.6589276
File: 35 KB, 333x608, 1359377569862.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just read the sticky on fit, please

>> No.6589280

Even fat people have natural abs, it's just that fat hides it all. 8 to 9% bodyfat is what you want for the OP.

>> No.6589283

read it in a study once but i suppose this shouzld do too.

>> No.6589302
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>> No.6589304
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>> No.6589306

Alright I thought so. What's the best core exercises anyway? Someone said planks earlier and I heard leg raises are legit.

Fuck man I think I do and have no idea how to fix it. I used to lift deads too.

Thought so.

>> No.6589342

Want me to type up an old pole vaulting workout? It works out every area, even the bottom two muscles.

>> No.6589352

Is it bodyweight? That's all I can do at the present so I wouldn't want you to waste your time.

>> No.6589358

very, very little. i'm 6'1" and 128 lb. i would take a picture but i'm still at work. would you have recommended change based of this fact?

>> No.6589366

would what*

not typing very well today

>> No.6589370


I'd start with planks first and then move on to plank variations like elevated feet or forearms on a foam roller. Leg raises and crunches are good but they're very easy to cheat on.

>> No.6589372

Sticky is a fucking mess

>> No.6589380

Anyone know if Scooby's workouts are good?

>> No.6589385

Just go swimming and dont eat.
Disregard everything else

>> No.6589397

just design a workout for yourself, m8. a bench movement, a pressing movement, a twisting movement, some sort of pullup/down, a row movement, a squat movement, a deadlift and some tricep/bicep work. the rest is up to you.

>> No.6589396

Is there a good overall bodyweight routine? I know there's a million of them but I don't know what is worth doing and what isn't

>> No.6589416

Even i was very sad since i workout well for abs but nothing was coming. Between I saw an interview with body building champion where he talks about 7 odd foods he eats to keep his abs hard.

>> No.6589421

it's a decent guide.
all you gotta do is split your days.
chest, shoulders, back, abs, legs, calves, biceps, triceps.
split it up in 2 days or 3 days.
AxBxAxx or AxBxCxx

>> No.6589423

the frailtypenigga workout

>> No.6589427
File: 98 KB, 467x654, 1334064058_harry-styles-one-direction-article.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do i get this body

>> No.6589445

by being skinnyfat and only working abs while bulking.

>> No.6589456
File: 88 KB, 500x562, tumblr_maod5edYyH1r6reg2o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its model tier
no one wants bulk

>> No.6589459
File: 28 KB, 536x157, bicycle-abs-exercise.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah it's bodyweight.

Do each exercise for 5 (if you're newish to cardio) or 10 reps and add a rep each week. Keep your head off the ground for all of them

Situps- Your basic sit up. Arms behind the head, knees together, go as high as possible using only your ab muscles.
RIght Situps- Same, but with your knees on the ground. Just rotate your lower body.
Left Situps-Same but to the left

Crunches- A situp with your legs up and your feet crossed
Circles- Crunches with your bottoms of your feet together, but bring your legs up instead of your head
Leg Extensions- Legs straight, head up. Bring your legs in to your chest and back out to a straight position

Leg Extension+Crunch- Same as above but touch your chin to your knees
Toe touches- Legs straight up in the air, reach and touch your toes with your hands
Leg Raises- Legs straight, bring them up and back down. If you can, roll onto your shoulders and kick up once your legs are in the air

Bicycles- pic related, double your reps
Jacknife- Leg raises with a toe touch at the same time. You can drop your legs to the ground after a rep, but keep your head up.

The text breaks are where sets of pushups would go if you wanted

>> No.6589469

what about it is good ? he has a bit of a v-taper but other that that ?

>> No.6589467

what about the dudes who said that stuff is gonna fuck up my back and posture?

>> No.6589475


>> No.6589482


>> No.6589478

i would advise against that much ab work. really, don't fucking do it. but if you absolutely have to do deadlifts just to get your posture even.

>> No.6589493

Alright. How many times a week do I do these? Standard three times or so? And do I do all of them even though some are 'upgrades' to others (like going from crunches to leg raises and that sort of stuff?)

I appreciate you typing it up. I'll save it to a file.

>> No.6589496

these /fa/ niggas won't eat enough to support that shit. keep it light and within their diet requirements, there is such thing as overtraining

>> No.6589511

you can get used to 6 workouts a week. i'm currently doing abcabcx and i'm doing just fine. of course, it's not necessary but i like working out too much to keep my ass out of the gym. just make sure you get 8 hours of sleep and eat enough.

>> No.6589520

Do that two to three times a week, and then do deadlifts with random heavy stuff if you can't get to a gym. Proper form with deadlifts is the most important thing, though.
Keep in mind that this is also made for functional athlete strength.
I like to do it an hour before sleeping, but whenever you feel most awake and not full. Do them in that order so that you're not working one area too hard. I would advise going beyond 15 reps of each; after that, it just builds more strength.

>> No.6589530

*against going

>> No.6589537

I don't have a set sleeping schedule so I'll do it whenever. And you said I can do pushups between each set, right? Just normal pushups but not beyond a certain amount of reps or whatever? I'm honestly fine with building strength but I have nothing now so it'll take a while.

>> No.6589543

3x3 fork downs.

>> No.6589545

Not even that really.

>> No.6589554

just sayin that he does have a group of muscles above his pelvis. would probably look better is he has less bodyfat.

>> No.6589555

>Eating only the dew of grass
>Eat breadcrumbs to help build muscle
>Puke a lot
>Do a situp or 40
>Masterbate to Mr. and Mrs. Owens fanfic
>Take laxatives and use your giant Yohji hat as a chamber pot and throw shit at fuccbois
>Tada now find yourself a qtπ
>jk you will tfw whn no gf at r9k

>> No.6589556

Question. Is this the whole workout or how many sets of each?

>> No.6589566

2 sets of 5-10 pushups on an incline in the text breaks will give you enough muscle to give you a v-taper but not give you tits. If you have some old dumbells (any kind, even like 3 pound ones) you can use them as pushup stands; hands flat on the ground is bad for your wrists.
That's the whole workout.

>> No.6589567

do everything in sets of 3 and with 8-12 reps. about 25 working sets should do. do this 3 times a week and you'll have killer abs in no time.
signed, SixPackShortcuts.

>> No.6589576

Alright. I'll try to find something like dumbbells. And what would you suggest for amount of reps? I used to use the BW routine on the /fit/ sticky and it said to do 3x15 before moving on to the next increment (but it had progressively tougher workouts.)

>> No.6589578

>Breadcrumbs for muscle
>For muscle growth


Try a healthy diet and cardio. Eating little doesn't get you that.

>> No.6589579

So just do it once through and you're done? Thanks for the post
Cannot tell if joking

>> No.6589580

>/fa/ trying to give fitness advice that won't work
I'm laughing aloud reading this thread. go read the /fit/ sticky and drop your body fat %

>> No.6589587

Just run and do push-ups, pull-ups, and planks.

>> No.6589589

of course i'm joking. dedicating an entire workout to your abs is fucking retarded. maybe incorporate one or two of these exercises into your other workouts and that's it.

>> No.6589592

Pretty sure that was a joke post lol

What all does running work on your body and improve? Just straight running and nothing else?

>> No.6589597

Cardio always good for heart

>> No.6589599
File: 38 KB, 500x500, stop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you still not understand that losing bf% overall will make abs appear?

>> No.6589606

Of course.

I know that. I was curious in general. Not even really worried about making abs appear, personally.

>> No.6589612

read harsh's worksheet
and starting strength

>> No.6589613

Routine for strength as well?
Don't wanna get big like /fit/ is obsessed about, so just something that can get me to a point and I'll just maintain

>> No.6589618
File: 11 KB, 199x320, stickman[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you should know that doesn't work on /fa/ skeletons

>> No.6589616

Starting Strength is a given if you have access to weights.

>> No.6589623

I'll admit, the workout isn't for most people because hardly anyone actually needs to use their abs. Gymnasts and athletes that use gymnastics are the target group for heavy ab workouts.

>> No.6589621
File: 139 KB, 769x1024, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Running helps build your stamina and it tightens your core. Try doing lightweight squats with a tight core to tighten your abs. Don't eat as much but don't starve yourself, food is good for you (contrary to what some dumbasses on here actually believe.) If you can, swim a LOT. Almost as much as you run. Running is pretty much the best thing you can do for your body, you're raising the heart rate while working a whole range of muscles, and one of the muscle groups that are worked are the abdominals. Don't fall into the habit of doing thousands of crunches a day, do maybe 2-3 sets of jackknives and knee touches for 30 seconds, rest 15 seconds. Then run. Then do some other workouts that you think you should do. Then eat. Then sleep. Eventually it becomes clockwork.

Pic kinda related, girl I got to bang because of doing a workout related to what I described.

>> No.6589624

google seans stripped 5x5
good beginner strength program
If you want to be more upper-body centric and not have huge legs then I would sqaut and deadlift once a week each.

Also read starting strength to learn how to actually lift the weights.

>> No.6589627

this i'm too skinny to have any decent abs :s

>> No.6589628

>Routine for strength as well?
just do higher weights and lower reps. also, you won't accidentally look like ronnie coleman. even gaining a bit of muscle can take some time and dedication. overall it's a great idea to start with a strenght program and once you've got a solid foundation switch to a hypertrophy workout.

>> No.6589631


>> No.6589636

I want to swim so badly. I'm checking to see if my uni has a pool once the new semester starts because there are fuckall places to swim here.

Are there any specific running routines? I used to follow couch to 5K which worked out great for me but I need to restart whenever I get back into running, and work on upping my speed since I was running pretty slow.

That's okay. I'm grateful for the help, personally. Figures the /fit/ crowd of /fa/ would be laid back.

>> No.6589639

Holy shit

>> No.6589640

The lack of trapezius is horrifying

>> No.6589643

gomad and squats

>> No.6589655

if his traps were any bigger they'd look out of proportion with the rest of his skinny body.

>> No.6589654

>girl I got to bang because of doing a workout related to what I described.

My sides, I lolled so fucking harder than I should have

>> No.6589661

>tfw ;~;

>> No.6589673
File: 220 KB, 720x960, symmetrical sixpack.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol yeah I forgot if people eat they are fat.

>> No.6589678

do SL for like
two weeks

>> No.6589679


So how many sets do you do?

>> No.6589687

dat listerine

>> No.6589703

I do that one three times a week, and a different ab workout on alternate days, resting Sunday. I've gotten lazy though, and I haven't done it in a couple days. I'll probably head back to the gym in August and start swimming and lifting again.
His torso looks like a prehistoric sea creature but mirin'

>> No.6589706

Lel I know I laughed while typing it
Really it had nothing to do with the workout at all
Luck I guess
Try running a mile in 5:30 then doing intense cardio like burpees, mountain climbers, etc.

>> No.6589713


Yeah, I get the three times a week, but how many sets do you do while working out? Like, 5 reps 3 sets? 5 reps 4 sets?

>> No.6589726

I'm assuming you do around 10 reps once per each exercise, +1 a week but that seems very easy to progress in.

If we get to 15 reps each, do we keep doing only 15 reps each time once we hit the plateau?

>> No.6589804

i tried that. just made my legs really big. took them ages to get back down... i think op's pic is a pretty good example of what i'd like to look like

>> No.6589820

low tier-Ottermode?

eat less, do 40 minutes of cardio and go swimming every day

That's it, easy as hell

>> No.6589857

You can do more if you want, but after that it really serves you no purpose. 15 is upkeep.

>> No.6589867

Uhh, bouldering/rock climbing twice a week.

>> No.6589871


Ok, how many push ups do you do? Or do you just follow the same pattern?

>> No.6589873

>You can do more if you want, but after that it really serves you no purpose.

You're just regurgitating bullshit you heard from /fit/. I know loads of really strong guys who work in that rep range regularly.

>> No.6589940

I do two sets of 20 four times right now because it's months until the season starts again, but I do a different kind every set.

It goes:
Pop-ups—Clap pushups where you get your whole body off the ground
Wide Grip—Arms far out from your body
Freaks-Lift one leg and the opposite arm, hold for 3 seconds. Do the opposite side. Double reps.
Diamond-close grip pushups, index fingers and thumbs touching each other.

If you're doing it for aesthetics, stop at 15
If you're doing it to improve your health and strength, keep going.

>> No.6589970

I've been doing it for much longer than that and I'm still skinny as fuck.

>> No.6589985

eat more
not TOO much more
but enough to build a little muscle

>> No.6589995

what is SLmate

>> No.6589998

Oh yeah, and cut out fast food and soda. Drink lots of water, get lots of sleep, eat lots of healthy food. You want a cookie? Bake that shit yourself. Want pizza? Get a pizza stone and a hot oven.

>> No.6590007

StrongLifts 5x5
a variation of SS, with less Deadlift, no Power Clean, and some OHP