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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 158 KB, 1218x960, ds33.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6578511 No.6578511 [Reply] [Original]

why the fuck do girls wear shit like this?
if she bends over even the slightest we can see everything
does she not think before she goes out?

>> No.6578515

Why is there a blowup doll behind her

>> No.6578522

I would completely destroy that pussy.

>> No.6578523

Because she wants to get buttfucked

>> No.6578525


Because some people have poor taste. No real mystery to it.

>> No.6578526

i thought she was the blow-up doll

>> No.6578527

You made this exact thread a month ago

>> No.6578528

>if she bends over even the slightest we can see everything

for that reason, girls like to get laid too

>> No.6578529

why do you care how other people dress themselves?

>> No.6578536

he wants the /r9k/ dwellers to come out of the woodwork so they can all pat each other on the back and complain about this sorta stuff

>> No.6578540


>> No.6578542

Does it really matter? You could catch gonorrhea looking at her.

>> No.6578544

oh, I see.

>> No.6579116


I almost agree completely OP. post more pics to be sure though

>> No.6579147

I would eat her asshole out. As long as she took a shower before.

>> No.6579148

Dildo under her bed

>> No.6579164

looks like a cheap strapon. It's in both pics and has some kind of black straps coming out of the base. Also she's probably underage and lives with her parents. Who the fuck lives alone, looks like a whore like that and still has a single bed.

>> No.6579169
File: 34 KB, 480x640, 1374946277438.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6579180

Nah she's definitely older than 16, seen her twitter.

>> No.6579189

I find girls like this so hot. What is wrong with me?

>> No.6579202

You didn't get enough pussy when you were a teen

>> No.6579212

this fuckin pic lmao

>> No.6579235

Probably. I just find it hot how she would probably let you bang her however, whenever, and wherever.

>> No.6579239


deep down do you wish you were her anon

>> No.6579247

Anyone will let you do that if you know which buttons to push.

>> No.6579256

Because the way people dress tells you a lot about their personality, and personality tells you a lot about what kind of person someone is.

When I see a vapid vacuous whore like this girl, I know that politically and economically she is nothing but a useful idiot.

>> No.6579260

Surrey girls.

They're none to smart, so they don't go to college. They get jobs as receptionists and waitresses.

They don't have much money so they live in single bedroom apartments, and they spend what little money they have or tanning sessions or saving up for breast implants.

They spend every friday and saturday night in Vancouver on Granville street where they grind against dudes in exchange for free drinks, get completely hammered, wear barely anything and sleep with strangers.

Eventually they get knocked up so they marry some dude who drives a dodge ram crew cab with spinnners. Together they rent a house from some indians and proceed to neglect FAS baby while she spends her days getting hammered on palm bay coolers and watching Sex and the City. He serves three years for assault and intent to distribute narcotics.

>> No.6579262

That's... all whores, dude.

>> No.6579265

how do i into buttons?

>> No.6579313
File: 1.53 MB, 197x300, 9.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tfw no thigh gap princess

>> No.6579324
File: 64 KB, 797x621, 1374005442443.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>living in Surrey

Yeah that's pretty accurate.

>> No.6579387
File: 125 KB, 500x723, tumblr_ma36l0ZWGe1r469u4o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She looks terrible. I know you were probably only posting this for the thirsty ass motherfuckers out there, but I'm just going to ignore all of them and try to explain my opinion on her /fa/.

For starters, she needs to get a hair color and cut that fits her skin tone and facial shape. The color she dyed her hair is much too light for her complexion, which happens to be a nice, radiant orange. People with naturally blonde hair have more pale complexions, which is why they look terrible with fake tans.
As if it weren't bad enough that she dyed her hair a horrible color, she chose to take those pictures of herself without getting a touch up for her roots or even getting her eyebrows done.

Her actual hair style isn't that bad, but if I were her, I'd for something that isn't so big. She probably used some sort of volumizing shampoo and/or teased her hair, and I think that's unnecessary. Also, she can't pull of the bangs; I think she would look better with hairstyles like this.

As far as her makeup, she needs to tone down the whole racoon eyes look down. It looks really fake and unrealistic. She needs to use darker lipstick/lipstain/lipgloss because pale colors look terrible with darker colors; likewise only people with darker skin tones should use bright red lipstick.

Lastly, I would just like to point out she doesn't actually have to bend over for you to see everything because everything is already showing. You can literally already see the bottom of her ass, and that really makes her look like a cheap whore.

She looks like she has a lot of beauty potential; all she needs to do is lose a little weight, even out her skin tone, fix her makeup, get a new haircut, dye her hair, and redo her wardrobe, and then maybe she will look as beautiful as she could be.

>> No.6579398
File: 6 KB, 249x249, JACK BLACK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>actually asking why women wear revealing clothing

Top faggot

>> No.6579405

>actually asking this on a board dedicated to fashion

>> No.6579411

That's kind of repulsive.

>> No.6579419

pretty much

>> No.6579425

>That is all whores, dude.
u wot m8

>> No.6579430

>lose a little weight


>> No.6579432

Wearing revealing clothing is not the same as looking like a used whore.

>> No.6579438

Change that to mon-sat going out and you might have more credibility. Doesn't cost them shit to go out so they go out every night.

>> No.6579450

Come on man a bitch like that is getting used every night from 16 on.

>> No.6579454

They want the d.

>> No.6579459

I've met more than a few girls who appear to slut it up but are actually just feeding off of the attention.

>> No.6579461 [DELETED] 
File: 10 KB, 200x279, 200px-Kate_Moss_Calvin_Klein.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

those thys man. Also, you don't know this because of the way she is posing, but when her arms are touching her sides, they look God awful, they look like this. And besides, heroin chic is beautiful.

>> No.6579467

That's...that's what I was trying to say.

>> No.6579476

>surrey girls
One of my buddies married a surrey girl. I face palmed so hard and I had to hide it an pretend to be happy for him/

>> No.6579486
File: 135 KB, 920x1024, Beckybetts-920x1024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When she's not posing, I promise you her arms look God awful. And her thys look terrible. And besides, heroin chic is hot.

>> No.6579491

Oh, God. Poor man.

>> No.6579505
File: 92 KB, 347x780, PicsArt_1374977477555-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her makeup and surroundings are the reason she looks bad.

>> No.6579512 [DELETED] 

She's covered in fake tan you dumb cunt. I swear the rest of the world is 20 years behind UK street fashion...

>> No.6579517

She still looks orange and her clothing is still awful. Her hair is still not fitting for her.

>> No.6579522

>She's covered in fake tan you dumb cunt.
That's exactly what I'm trying to tell you! Pay attention.

>> No.6579527

You wrote to much so I skipped out that bit, sorry lel

>> No.6579532

That Kate Moss pic is my twitter background 8)

>> No.6579533

She's still an orange. That's the issue.

>> No.6579534

Her ass is straight hanging out, who knows how many sizes too small that is.

>> No.6579535

Oh, no problem haha. Sorry about the wall text.

>> No.6579538

I love you.

>> No.6579542
File: 30 KB, 435x571, Fat-hairy-guy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd tap that

>> No.6579551
File: 77 KB, 700x393, smilex.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is nobody addressing her face? She looks like she inhaled a fatal dose of Smilex in the first Batman movie.

>> No.6579567

Judging from the Druids cans she lives in Ireland, unless they sell that shit in the UK, and a lot of girls go out looking like that; underaged or not.

>> No.6579568
File: 25 KB, 440x293, category-colorgroup-orange-top-001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can't just ignore her makeup and face; that's a huge part of her look. I can forgive bad surroundings, but not bad facial aesthetics and makeup work. Her skin is still rocking a mellow shade of orange. Her clothing is terrible and she has no taste in fashion.

>> No.6579564

Because she doesn't want anybody to notice her face.

>> No.6579575

see: >>6579387

>> No.6579574

Don't be so mean

>> No.6579582

She lives in the South of England I think, somewhere near winchester. Anyone got her twitter so we can confirm? I unfollowed her months ago.

>> No.6579579

Don't be so unrealistic.

>> No.6579580

She screams fuck buddy/pump and dump. No respectable man would let their girl walk around like that.

>> No.6579589
File: 59 KB, 299x450, dep_1598214-Man-with-hat-blowing-away.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't drop your fedora.

>> No.6579621

Sorry, I lost it for a bit.

I dig all that, but there's just this terrible grin plastered on her that's horrifying.

It's not helping.

>> No.6579622
File: 78 KB, 490x483, hear-old-joke.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't be so lame.

>> No.6579625

>lose a little weight
fuck up

>> No.6579630

>I lost it for a bit.
What? No you didn't? You made a totally valid point- no one has mentioned her weird as face.

>> No.6579635

You must be fat.

>> No.6579644

You would also probably tap a bag of shit. What else is new?

>> No.6579647


>She looks like she has a lot of beauty potential

Not really, her only hope is to cake that shit on and become Queen of the Sluts

>> No.6579654

>wearing 00 when you're an 8 or 9

>> No.6579657

I think she could look nice if she went natural and stopped abusing her body and skin.

>> No.6579674

u knw me 2 well bruv

>> No.6579679

>why the fuck do girls wear shit like this?
Most often because they don't know how to present themselves in an appealing way without dressing in a sleazy or cheap way.

>if she bends over even the slightest we can see everything
does she not think before she goes out?
She's thinking that if she dresses inappropriately she will get the male attention she never got from her father.

>> No.6579694

I'm not sure if you are just not willing to admit that he would totally tap a bag of shit, or you're willing to admit it, but not sure how to do it.

>> No.6579700
File: 51 KB, 474x632, you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry not sorry.

>> No.6579705

Oh God, this picture is older than ur mum's cunt

>> No.6579706

I tap bags of shit errydayy. ur mom

>> No.6579707 [DELETED] 

>Someone makes a thread about girls wearing skimpy outfits.
>/r9k/ pops out of the woodwork to circlejerk about "how all girls are sluts".
>Someone makes a post or thread about Andrej.
>/r9k/ pops out of the woodwork to call Andrej an atrocity.
>/r9k/ robot who lurks on /fit/ makes a thread about how /fa/ is for losers and being a meathead is the way.
>other robots who lurk on /fit/ pop out of the woodwork to circlejerk with the OP.

Fuck, I wish there was a way that if you post on /r9k/, you're banned from this board.

>> No.6579711

Someone makes a thread about girls wearing skimpy outfits.
>/r9k/ pops out of the woodwork to circlejerk about "how all girls are sluts".
Someone makes a post or thread about Andrej.
>/r9k/ pops out of the woodwork to call Andrej an atrocity.
/r9k/ robot who lurks on /fit/ makes a thread about how /fa/ is for losers and being a meathead is the way.
>other robots who lurk on /fit/ pop out of the woodwork to circlejerk with the OP.

Fuck, I wish there was a way that if you post on /r9k/, you're banned from this board.

>> No.6579717
File: 51 KB, 351x500, somethingnew_1148604618.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's something new.

>> No.6579720

u dont no how to spelled mom wrong haha

>> No.6579729

i no tehe sometyms i fak up lelkek

>> No.6579725

from my experience girls who dress like that are the least likely to fuck someone at the end of the night.
don't get me wrong, they make out (but usually with their girlfriends) and flirt with tons of guys, but they aren't the type to leave with anyone.

>> No.6579734

Sure they are.

>> No.6579738

youre just ugly

>> No.6579741

while there's a thread about how girls dress, anyone have the pic of that really qt girl and it's a mirror pic. now if I remember right, she was wearing a white shirt, black leather jacket, geobaskets, black jeans, and most importantly I'm pretty sure she was wearing a smile :^)

>> No.6579743
File: 87 KB, 520x778, 4813239_f520.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

man spray tans are really nauseating. i saw a literal orange bitch today. i’d never seen one in real life before it’s a really jarring thing to see. white people yall gotta stop cutting corners

>> No.6579748
File: 7 KB, 208x243, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh wow u sure got me m8 u outtrolled me lol wow ur so good omg teach me how to be a wizard troll master bro i kno u can teach me god ur so cool how do i /b/ as cool and le edgy as u?

>> No.6579755

I was going to answer this with a response of an orange bitch, so I typed in Snooki. I found this great picture, but then I realized it was the same picture you had posted.

>> No.6579757

oh oh! and it had a black and white filter if I remember right, much thanks to whoever has it, I want to show some tumblr chick what #fashiun looks like that I like

>> No.6579784

im not saying they don't leave with ME, specifically. i like watching peoples "game" at parties and social events, and it's fun to watch who hooks up with who.
i've never seen a girl dressed like this leave with anyone other than the girls she came with.
it's probably different outside America.

>> No.6579938

Someones mad

>> No.6579944

>it's probably different outside America.
Fuck yeah it is.

Anyway, aren't women over there too fat to wear dresses that short?

>> No.6579973

you dont really think that every person in America is fat right?
Girl in pic is going to show up with three to four short, skinny girls dressed similarly with one fat friend (most likely was friends before getting fat).
They will act "sluttiest" based on their looks within that group. The fattest one will BE the sluttiest, because her friends won't stop her. The girl second to last (since fat girl is obviously ranked last) will head over to her hotter friends as soon as they are getting too sexual with a guy.
This is "to look out for her friend" but is essentially a cock block out of jealously.
That's why the hottest girl is the least likely to leave with someone else.

>> No.6579986

Truth. Every single word.

>> No.6579989

i'm still interested in this picture if anyone has it

>> No.6579992

>cum dripping off the bed

>> No.6580007

Americans are fat

>> No.6580018

God I just want to fuck a slag like that one time. I have no idea why but I really do

>> No.6580039

OH GOD that shit is nasty

>> No.6580048

damn you got me angry with this post.

not really.

Americans are fat.
but not ALL Americans are fat.
it depends on what city you're in. the city i live has soo many fat girls it's ridiculous, and laughable. but if I drive like an hour to SF or Berkeley it's a different story.

>> No.6580134

Still. You have enclaves of morbidly obese hamplanets that bring your averages down.

>> No.6580147

So you're a fat American?

>> No.6580173
File: 1.55 MB, 160x120, officermarioxxx.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no im fit as a fiddle.
if youre asking you obviously havent seen the video i took of myself.
heres a gif i made.

>> No.6580175
File: 1.79 MB, 450x254, first time.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this hahah

>> No.6580177

Digging the meth-chic vibe in her room.

>> No.6580209

You're fat, but obviously that size is the norm to Americans who only consider the 600Ibs+ fat

>> No.6580212


>> No.6580217

nt rlly m8

>> No.6580227

so you are chris-cahn. i fucking knew it.
it's not him, m8. he posted in a thread about makeup or some shit he has like a two pack. also fuck you.

>> No.6580228

You type like a 12 y/o

>> No.6580230

i already said im fit as a fiddle.
im in shape homie. check out this vid i made for my sweetheart to show how strong i was

this was several years ago and im even stronger now

>> No.6580232

yeah, haha nah

>> No.6580235

Except I'm American, 5'9", and 120 lbs. That's 175 centimeters and 54 kg.

>> No.6580237

Isn't it though? I really wish OP hadn't shared this God awful picture with us.

>> No.6580244

Do you live in San Fran? Because I live near SF.

>> No.6580251

i live in the bay but im in SF enough.

>> No.6580255

You obviously are too retarded to understand how shitposting works. Get the fuck out.

>> No.6580256

We live in the same general area then. I moved less than a week ago.

>> No.6580260

I remember this thread. It was a good one.

>> No.6580271

stop it i dont want to start laughing at him again

>> No.6580275


>fedoraing intensifies

>> No.6580281
File: 25 KB, 500x375, tumblr_mpibmaCqKp1r7d03po1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It got you mad, that's how shit posting is done right. I tip my fedora to you good sir and bid you a farewell until tomorrow.

>> No.6580282

This...this isn't really you, is it? I'm easily trolled, so I'm just keeping my fingers crossed that's what's going on.

>> No.6580285

No, shitposting is what you do when the other person is too fat to understand what the hell is going on, and there is no use explaining. Please, fuck off.

>> No.6580287

>Americans getting mad because they're fat

It's ok America, the rest of the world already knows and we've excepted you as our fat friend who we chill with because you can buy us nice things

>> No.6580288

i don't wear video game tee shirts so much anymore.

>> No.6580297
File: 233 KB, 1024x733, Wszmprs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

le master of the ruse has tricked you into getting mad, my work here is complete! You sir, have been trolled xD

>> No.6580300

top kek

>> No.6580314

Alright, so I think it's safe to assume that you're not trolling, although I still have my doubts. If it is you, then all I have to say is that I can't BELIEVE you act the way you do. I don't know why in my subvocalizations of your texts I took you seriously, but I did. IRL you're a loser. Even the people in the top comments know it, and the fact that you're this big of a loser and have the nerve to even pretend to understand a thing about women is cringe worthy. I fucking hate how you assume all hot girls just want to sleep around and are whores. You may live in my area, but I'm just keeping my fingers crossed that doesn't mean I'll ever meet you in person.

>> No.6580324

Lelele contrary to your thinking, you've been the one trolled all along kekekekekekekekekek

Faggot, how successful one's trolling is definted by how much you enjoyed yourself, not how mad the other person got (unless of course, seeing other people get mad makes you happy, in which case you're a loser and should not be taken seriously or even acknowledged).

>> No.6580325


>> No.6580329

The only vagina officer marios ever touched was his moms when he fell out of it! Also, >>6580007 you're right, too many of us are fat but I'm one of the 1% skinnies, mexico is worse.

>> No.6580343

if i'm such a loser why do i have a whole website of fans?

>> No.6580349

But sir, I'm am very happy with my Mountain Dew and Cheetos while I listen to K Pop and ruse multiple threads on multiple boards posting the results back to 9.gag. I am Anonymous, I do not forgive, I do not forget. I am the puppeteer in this game kiddo and it would seem that I've had the upper hand all along as you can not even spell defined correctly. You have been beaten yet again kiddo, watch yourself, we wouldn't want your accounts getting haxed into by carrying on your defeats even more so would we?

>> No.6580359

You must be new.
God, you're retarded please don't try speaking on behalf of us you make everyone look foolish.

>> No.6580373

plese stop you're embarrassing me. you're coming off as a really dumb motherfucker, that much is clear.

>> No.6581155


top lel

>> No.6581817

as is the porn we all watch, but you aren't complaining while the bishop is getting choked

>> No.6581912

its a can of hair spray

>> No.6581917

I am, I'm catholic.

>> No.6581919

shes irish, shes in my college,

>> No.6582708

get attention she do not get at home from their parents.
>you's a ho

>> No.6582729

What's her twitter? I'm sure she lived in southern England but it was ages ago since I last looked at her profile I must admit

>> No.6583282

were not all that bad...
some of us just want to improve our lives so were not robots anymore

>> No.6583289

because she looks hot as fuck and everyone wants to rail her

>> No.6583297

PROTIP: she doesn't actually wear it like that when she goes out. It's called a photo.

>> No.6583304

ITT: virgins that are mad they are too beta to go to a club and fuck a fine peice of ass like this and tell her to fuck off in the morning after destroying her

>> No.6585174

Yeah total dime piece.

>> No.6585216


>hurr durr u guise are homos for not fucking skanks

Fucking a STD Petri dish only because "hurrr I get mad hoes" is very un-/fa/

>> No.6585445

>fine piece of ass
Well, that's about it... because that face is a trainwreck.

>> No.6585458
File: 57 KB, 222x227, Screen shot 2013-07-28 at 9.12.59 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6585472

Dream girl

>> No.6585486

>fine piece of ass

>> No.6585510
File: 316 KB, 640x720, 1358469292403.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

women less attractive than her hate her because she gets all the attention from men that less attractive women want but did not have a chance with

if you have this bitch in a club, and op's bitch stepping out of a blacked out range rover covered head to toe in neil lane diamonds coming from bev hills

of course this bitch is going to cry foul, she has to scrape pennies for complex geometries

wearing knock off designers does not make one "classy"

it makes one poor, and it shows that one lacks the fundamental understanding of the "art" that they claim these designers are pioneering.

if you think rick owens is an artist, then why are you showing that it's pure consumerism by buying fakes?

>> No.6586405

>implying I'm mad
>implying you're not a virgin
>Implying you think you're /fa/
>implying you don't see all the things wrong with this whore's look
>implying he is a her

>> No.6586412

>women less attractive than her hate her
I don't think it comes uglier than this, buddy.
Anything less than this is subhuman.

>> No.6586414



>> No.6586477

the std would destroy your dick

>> No.6586519
File: 293 KB, 868x670, 1374365586759.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lelelelle but now the guise will be removed and the true puppeteer will manifest itself

>> No.6586816

>But sir, I'm am very happy with my Mountain Dew and Cheetos while I listen to K Pop and ruse multiple threads on multiple boards posting the results back to 9.gag. I am Anonymous, I do not forgive, I do not forget. I am the puppeteer in this game kiddo and it would seem that I've had the upper hand all along as you can not even spell defined correctly. You have been beaten yet again kiddo, watch yourself, we wouldn't want your accounts getting haxed into by carrying on your defeats even more so would we?

But, Anon, look deep within your soul. Are you really happy? Are you REALLY? Doesn't the feel just crush you? All those feels you must have, man.

God, I wish I had that picture with the TJ Maxx Anon and the grilled cheese and the whole "am I a fuccboi? Am I??" thing going on. God, it was great. I can't believe I didn't save it

Captcha: wore ediaanda

>> No.6586842
File: 70 KB, 480x640, i.chzbgr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>trolling trolls


>> No.6586856

Porn isn't gross. It's just videotaped sex. And I don't really watch very much anyway, so I'm not complaining.

>> No.6586850

I'm not new, I'm just...really...I- I'm just really...I ws confused.

>> No.6586867

>i have a whole website of fans
more like a whole website of fuccbois

>> No.6586874


>> No.6586879

Check out this kid

>> No.6586916

>Hey guys I'm 5'10". Am I muddel material for print?
>5'10"? More like 5/10.
