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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 217 KB, 1520x1024, 1373614961790.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6570711 No.6570711 [Reply] [Original]

I think I'm becoming an alcoholic, is that /fa/?

>> No.6570714


Never /fa/.

>> No.6570740

ya its pretty /fa/, just dont let anyone know about it. it's like drinking is not /fa/, but alcoholism

>> No.6570750

when will self control and discipline become /fa/ ?

>> No.6570838

Get out, OP.
Get out while you still can, get out and leave and do not come back, ever.

>> No.6570850

alcohol makes you fat, cigarettes make you thin

now decide what's /fa/

>> No.6570898


>> No.6570906

But it is.

>> No.6570936

>Lack of self-control not being /fa/
Do you blue pill pussies even Linkin Park?

>> No.6570958


>> No.6571431

its only /fa/ if nobody knows

>> No.6571779

>eating carbs like a motherfucker and never getting fat
>very /fa/
>having shit genetics and fearing exercise
>not so /fa/

2,500 a day here

>> No.6571868

Are you a writer or something else creative?

>> No.6571874

I'm trying to become a rapper.

>> No.6571899

That's even worse. You'll get your confidence and stage presence too wrapped up in being tanked. At first, performing feels easier after a few belts, but it's not a sustainable coping strategy or a way to let the 'real you' out if its cage.
The cons will slowly begin outweighing the pros as you progress towards casually wearing sanitary napkins because your asshole won't stop bleeding and simultaneously thinking you've somehow outsmarted the whole alcohol game.

>> No.6571921

I was just joking, hoping I'd get ripped on and laughed at.

>> No.6572053

Yes, writer

>> No.6572168
File: 965 KB, 498x266, 1374308986374.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


lmao at that progression. It's not quite that dramatic but I am a DJ and it is REALLY easy to get into the habit of getting tanked to cope with being on stage. Especially when there is a bottle of Cazadores on your rider and you fly from city to city constantly.


>> No.6572181

Nigga being a DJ isn't hard you need to get hammered in order to press a space bar?

>> No.6572192

>40 years old

>> No.6572300
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Did he just hashtag unironically?

>> No.6572341


Yes but only to point out the underlying irony of someone as lucky and privileged as a DJ complaining about their job.

>> No.6572351

Being a proper DJ is a job that requires precise focus, endless practice and complete confidence. Fucking up a scratch solo, a drop or a blend in front of three hundred people will make you want to curl up and die. Especially if you use vinyl? Man, it's precision work.

>> No.6572353


>> No.6572458
File: 84 KB, 316x500, DJ+Krush+Dj_Krush.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

could you guys please stop scratching
is there any other sounds you guys could scratch besides ksssshhh
come on now
come on now
come on now
be--be creative

>> No.6572463

I swear down I don't like the sound of scratching it's well annoying. Any hip-hop track with scratching really grates on me.

>> No.6572487

>DJ krush
I fuckin' love you.