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6566646 No.6566646 [Reply] [Original]

/fa/, I was hoping for some opinions on my hair...

I'm moving to NYC in a little while, and I'm considering trying my hand at modeling, but I don't know what I should do with my hair. Obviously when its shorter it opens up my face a bit more, but I kind of like it longer.

pic related, me with short hair

>> No.6566652

>I'm considering trying my hand at modeling

don't waste your time kiddo

>> No.6566650
File: 974 KB, 955x552, fa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

me with long hair

>> No.6566662

at first i was gonna laugh at u for saying you were gonna try ur hand at modeling (you kinda look like shaggy from scooby doo in thumbnail).
But the longer i look the more i can see it.
open ur eyes for me bb.

>> No.6566669

you're probably 17 yourself

>> No.6566676

Why have you shut your eyes? Do you have a lazy eye or something you don't want us to see?

>> No.6566677



Just to be clear, I'm not moving to NYC to model, I'm just moving to NYC because it'd be far better than where I am now (small town, Texas)

>> No.6566684


nah, I just really hate taking selfies.

>> No.6566681
File: 54 KB, 640x498, YOUSHOULDLOOKLIKETHIS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do this

Sidenote: you might be too old to enter into modeling. Goodluck though.

>> No.6566683

Ride one subway car and you'll realize you have no chance. You are nothing but a spec of dust. It wont work.

>> No.6566693

incorrect kiddo

>> No.6566695


tfw I'm 23

>> No.6566722

23 is old for modeling dude.

No I am not trolling you. Most dudes start that path prior to finishing highschool with peaks around 20-21. You could still get in though, and have a relatively good lifespan of a few years, but by 25-26, you'd likely get dropped by your agency unless you really made some headway.

Outside that, NYC is a jungle and expensive as fuck to live there. If your idea of the perfect lifestyle is wondering around doing free shit and not drinking or chilling much unless its in some shithole drinking cheap beer, then you need to rethink NYC. That is, unless you are rolling in with a sizable bank to support yourself.

Sizeable is at least 5 figures, if you have a couple grand that wont really do much unless you have work lined up.

>> No.6566777


yeah, like I said before I'm not moving to NYC with the sole intention of modeling. I'll be moving to finish my degree, and I'll be sharing a room with my girlfriend. We'll both be working shitty jobs, and as long as we're living in BK I would say it's feasible. I'm not much of a drinker and I tend to stay inside when I'm not working/going to school,

>> No.6566782


* so I figured that trying a few open casting calls couldn't hurt.

>> No.6566788

Longer hair looks better

>> No.6566791

Forsure dude, goodluck with it. Definitely worth a shot.

Give TV/Movie a go too, you can usually get extra work really easily. It pays like shit, but for a day off, why not go get free food/drinks and stand around for 3 hours while making 50-70 bucks?

>> No.6566799


Out of curiosity, do you live in NYC? What do you do, if you don't mind me asking?

Also, $50-70 a day doesn't sound too bad, when the alternative is working as a barista or a waiter.

>> No.6566810

You're thinking of female models who get picked up at 14. He isn't saying he's going right to an agency, just to castings. Male models tend to be aged between 20-30.

>> No.6566827

Extra work isn't something to look to to make a decent wage, mostly because it is here and there, but maybe NYC has enough productions to really flex that.

I don't like talking about where I live on here because of crazies, and I also don't work in these fields at all. I have done extra work a number of times in the past though, its boring as fuck, but not bad.

>> No.6566833
File: 82 KB, 600x732, woo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I was the one who suggested this to you last night

>> No.6566839

Nah, I am thinking of male models and getting picked up around 17-18-19. The look he has wouldn't be the type of look that would work until he is 30, usually as the older the model gets, the more manly/beaf cake they tend to get. This isn't really a hardfast rule, but it is visible within the modeling community if you think about it.

23 is too old for a variety of reasons, but it is also not a bad age to give what he is talking about a shot. You can try at any point really.

>> No.6566847


ty for the confidence bb

i lit had 0 before last night

>> No.6566851

that's what someone said to Jack Nicholson once before he got in the movie business...

>> No.6566861


I am named after jack nicholson's character from chinatown, too

>> No.6566867

Its not like he's attempting to become famous.
I don't doubt they'd take him.

Also, yeah 23 is a little too late for runway and it would have been better if he had started at 18, but he's fine for print/commercial. I know an old man who is technically a male model, he does print modeling. Or he could be a model for hairdressers.

I see people on /fa/ do this a lot, you guys generalize as though there's one type of modeling, and its runway.

>> No.6566869

JJ pls go

>> No.6566874

what did cole mohr have that op doesn't?

>> No.6566885

What are your stats, OP?

You look like Drake Bell.

>> No.6566898

more interesting face

>> No.6566904 [DELETED] 


6'2, 140lbs.

I boxed for 5 years, so I'm pretty much ottermode-ish (if you can't tell from my semi-smashed nose).

>> No.6566910


6'2, 140, ottermode-ish

>> No.6566916


*size 32 waist, maybe 31 (32 is a bit loose)

>> No.6566927


If you're 5'8"+ you can do commercial as long as you're not doing fashion. The 5'11"-6'2" limit is imposed upon fashion models.

>> No.6566968

That's acting and different. Thats talent. Modeling is genetics.

>> No.6566980

well then besides the body comment from >>6566898 which I think holds true, I don't see at all how your subway car spec of dust couldn't have applied to Cole Mohr as much as this OP dude going just by face, and if they were both the same age before starting.

>> No.6567182

I think you are generalizing what I am saying and not taking it into context. I was just giving them the advice that if he wants to do it as a fun side project, then he should. But beyond that, not to really put much hope into it. I don't see anything wrong with saying that at all.

Cole wasn't 23 when he started modeling. He's only 26/27 now, and he was likely at his peak around 22 or 23.

>> No.6569056

Never move to NYC with a girl. They can't stand the stress. Oh by themselves they are always fine but with a bf they'll hate everything the city smells, it's to expensive, our bathroom has no toilet, I can't find my keys (they are always leaving the house without their fucking keys), I don't have any tampons, on and on and on and if your ass is anywhere in sight it will all be your fault. You'll say "No man. My gf is cool." NO she's not you'll see. Good luck focusing on modeling with every old fat gay dude trying to stick something into you or asking you to stick something of yours into them.
You want some advice. Come here without the gf, get used to old dudes sucking your dick and focus on your modeling.

>> No.6570540

look for some stylist who works with an photgrapher and do some headshots with different lengths of hair. It will add some range for your portfolio or whatever that is called.

>> No.6570574
File: 30 KB, 640x480, TPhoto_00002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi-jacking for suggestions on what to do with my hair.

>> No.6570586

Aside from the old dudes sucking your dick part this post is extremely spot on, made this mistake and was a pita.

>> No.6570661

> 6'2 140lbs
> ottermode-ish

Just say skinny. /fa/ loves that, and most models are really skinny.

>> No.6570841

salut Yann, comment ça va depuis tout ce temps ?

>> No.6570851

buzz it

>> No.6570863

keep the way it is, but cover temple areas to hide your shit hairline.
Sort of like a quiff.