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/fa/ - Fashion

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6557722 No.6557722 [Reply] [Original]

me and a few anons have been talking about doing a meetup in manchester, meet in a pub somewhere near town

theres a student pub that wont b busy and serves under 18s called the ram & shackle on wilmslow road but i dont mind where since im 18 now

post with a trip in this thread so we know how many ppl are here

>> No.6557728

manchester? yuck

london pls

>> No.6557731

wear a bucket hat or a fedora

>> No.6557730


>> No.6557732

then were going to go to burger king and sing the my little pony theme

>> No.6557734

This. We should do a meetup at London Fields.

>> No.6557736

cool but make ur own thread

>> No.6557741


This is what this meetup will be like

>> No.6557744

fucking hell lol, i know what this is without even watching it, i've already rented out my limo already

>> No.6557758

Coxon is a legend

>> No.6557807

yeah man he is my idol

i worshipped him ages 13-15

i really want to make a blur tribute band lmao

i also want to make his cheryl t shirt

>> No.6557834

do you like oasis? i seem to be the only person who hates them

>> No.6557841

what you mancfags up to? :)

>> No.6557839

no they're shit

>> No.6557844

i'm watching breaking bad and making banner for my dog's birthday tomorrow lol, he's getting old so i'm starting to not take him for granted as much, yourself? are you coming to the meet up btw?

good lol

>> No.6557853

I fucking despise them mate

>> No.6557851

can we see a picture of you yung so we know who to look for

>> No.6557854

>under 18s

>> No.6557858
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just paid for somehawaiin baby woodrose seeds

>> No.6557859

>but i dont mind where since im 18 now

It's like you're a paedo imitating a kid on a chat room

>> No.6557864

>So many homosexuals in one place.
literally two girls the entire video and they're disgusting.

>> No.6557866

hmmm, i think the most /fa/ thing would be to hit up all the really expensive, underground, seedy bars around soho as well as the other delicacies soho has to offer

london fields is probably okay as well though

>> No.6557875

what about liverpool street or hackney central doe

>> No.6557869

london please

>> No.6557871

yfw theres like 3 tumblr meetups in manchester a month

>> No.6557880

are there any qt DTF tumblr grls there

>> No.6557882

somebody please record it and post it on /fa/
can't wait to see the awkwardness

>> No.6557883

hahahahaha kek


>> No.6557885

almost certainly

>> No.6557887

be careful with them, if you take them wrong it's bad news lol
i didn't think you were the drug type

haha good man, all cunts as well

i hate her so much, i can't even escape it on facebook

>> No.6557889

>i can't even escape it on facebook

why not

why is she famous

>> No.6557895

That girl works in Byram Arcade in Huddersfield i think

>> No.6557898

your so beaitful <3

>> No.6557901

i don't mind going there but i'm quite bored of east london now

then again, i don't think the location really matters than much for a meet up. it's really just about meeting other anons i guess

>> No.6557904

how wud u know ur gay lel

>> No.6557906

who dis?

>> No.6557911

>tfw no birmingham /fa/ggots

>> No.6557915

>take them wrong
as in what

mine are untreated so i dont need to soak them

planning on taking seven

im not gay

>> No.6557919


>> No.6557920

where did u cop the seeds from

>> No.6557927


liverpool sucks real talk

best places for a /fa/ meetup would just oxford circus because it has stores or soho or convent gardens for lyk acne stores and shit namean

>> No.6557936

tfw no tumblr famous slut gf studying media at salford

>> No.6557929


this bitch si so haggard honestly wow

>> No.6557933

come to manny it's pretty easy to get there, my cousins live in cannock

you can buy them online haha

ah right, well have fun

i'm sick, acid trip

>> No.6557940


>> No.6557943


lol u seen that video where she gets fuckkin wrecked in a fight 1v1

>> No.6557950


this one

>> No.6557953

no lmao

>> No.6557962

damn i thought he was gonna lose it and start snapping necks

>> No.6557970


alex clark vs tyne kitson

she gets wrekckd but u cant see shitt

>> No.6557965

is he kissin a boy lel

>> No.6557968

:^) whats wrong

>> No.6557976

imagine if that kid was your son

>> No.6557975


lol i knw what it was gonna be b4 i opened it that is fucking funny

>> No.6557978

dat Alex slag is hideous as fuk doe

>> No.6557992

is anyone coming to the meet up then hahaha

>> No.6557993

i know m8 lol



>> No.6558001

>ooooooooooooooooooh they're kissing
fucking tumblr kids man

>> No.6557999


lol is that girl attcking him afterards?

>> No.6558000

tfw she didnt die

>> No.6558008

yo matt wanna come to a tumblr meetup and beat up some skinny gay tumblr faggots?

anyone else wana come too

>> No.6558009


make a date and time then and i think more people will come

idunno why u cant get the train down 2 london though no one is going to go to manchester meetup lol

have fun drinking beer in a pub sounds real fun...not.hah,bitch

>> No.6558011

yeah those slimy parasites lets crack some skulls, slice some adams apples

>> No.6558015

id rather sit and talk than trapse round selfridges and shit

>> No.6558022

yeah london is crowded as fuck too

i've got a car so we can do a drive by

>> No.6558023

i woudlnt

>> No.6558025

>Oh look they're over there
>Someone go say something
>Let's go to the Ram & Shackle so we don't get id'd
>Yeah we'll show them next time

>> No.6558032

stop projecting

>> No.6558027


social anxiety beta detected

u scared of people seeing u and wanna hang out in a dark pub full of old men drinking shandy and eating peanuts while playing darts lol lol ha ha -ha

>> No.6558039

Oh come on you know you guys wouldn't say shit to them.
What would you even say to a crowd of 30+ tumblr fags?

>> No.6558045


ok I understand, but a pub is generally quite boring. Wouldn't you honestly rather go somewhere out like a field or some shit and drink instead rather than sitting in a pub...you can get drunk and do stupid things

a pub just sounds really boring imo, i'll like to stand arounds and talk but wearing my sick fit

>> No.6558044

stand up somewhere high and shout "you're gay"

>> No.6558047

jesus, they were joking you fucking aspie

>> No.6558057


lold hard at this

>> No.6558059

you know you can sit and talk in london as well? being in london doesn't force you to trapse round selfridges

>> No.6558064

>drinking in a field

are you 14?

>> No.6558062

yeah okay i dont really mind too much thats jst what we talked about in the other threads

i dont see why its so boring though

yeah i know

>> No.6558069
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> go somewhere out like a field or some shit and drink
>you can get drunk and do stupid things
>i'll like to stand arounds and talk but wearing my sick fit

>> No.6558086


ok go fuck yourself, i really can't wait to hear about this meetup, NOT like it's gonig to happen because it sounds like the most stupidest boring shit ever, have fun in ur fucking pub drinking and talking about trivial bullshit you fucking boring indepth pieces of shit

after u fucking spout "raf simons rick owens" after the tenth time all of you are going to explode from nervousness]

like i said, ITS NOT GONNA HAPPEN because ur all fucking loser faggots who are just unpleasant to be around, sorry, bye.

>> No.6558090

>a pub is generally quite boring

Are you from a different planet m8?

>> No.6558095

wow that the fuck dude

>> No.6558097

Don't get mad because you can't get served yet mate. A pub is the perfect place to get to know strangers.

>> No.6558113



the funny thing is i bet this faggot is like 16 thinking he is a big man because he wants to go to the pub, newsflash kid, the pub is boring you faggot 16 year faggot


fat loser cunt, if it happens ill sure be there to kick your head in

>> No.6558130

whats your problem dude

why are you getting so angry

>> No.6558144


because im sick of u know it all little shits that why

>> No.6558149

no one gives a shit

>> No.6558160


well u will give a shit when i order a large pint the smash it over ur head and cut u with the shard of glass you fucking fat cunt

>> No.6558163

large pint hahaha that really made me laugh for some reason

>> No.6558164

the only 4chan meetup i've ever been to was really good. i didn't have high hopes for it and initially it was really awkward and a few of the people were very autistic but after a few drinks, and initial introductions, everyone is cool. it's a really novel experience being able to talk about 4chan with people

i've even managed to stay in contact with most of them and look forward to meeting them again

you read some real 4chan-meetup horror stories but the one i went to was great

>> No.6558173

/fa/ is probably less aspie than most boards

i already have a friend who goes on 4chan loads so we make a lot of jokes about it but it will be cool to meet ppl from /fa/ i think they'll just be normal guys

>> No.6558176


tfw I was going to study audio engineering at salford but I thought it was for pleb tumblrcore chillwave faggots

>> No.6558178

i haven't heard anything about the meet ups.. is there any in the archive or something? i think we'll get some chill guys though

>> No.6558197
File: 1.42 MB, 2592x1936, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First and only 4chan meetup I went 2 had one girl there who I ended up fucking and making my gf , just throwin that out there

>> No.6558201

is dat her? and which city wos it

>> No.6558203



sorry man i apologize can i come to the meet up

>> No.6558213



kek i wonder what the chances are of a girl coming to this

>> No.6558224

i can get a couple of trannies from canal street over on the way there

>> No.6558242


females ruin meetups because meetups are full of betas/loners and they then act all obnoxious or loud around the girl to get her attention

>> No.6558259
File: 16 KB, 204x220, 1374433168786.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>when i order a large pint the smash it over ur head
>large pint
yeah it probably wouldn't have the same effect if you ordered a half

>> No.6558304

are you fags forgetting the attempt to organize a london meetup at the beginning of this month?

the entire thread was full of people telling the op to fuck off and how stupid it would be. it always fails because of crybaby autists who don't want anybody to have fun.

>> No.6558317

cool are the fashionable

>> No.6558333


yeah lol i can imagine

>> No.6558344


i thought you would disagree with me and be like "no it wouldn't happen we are just normal guys" but you actually understand what it would be like

>> No.6558355

yeah some guys just cant not play up to girls also it wont be a very female environment a girl probably wouldnt even enjoy it

>> No.6558361

yeah they dropped a David Bowie x APC collab

>> No.6558378

London meetup
Saw a film
Went back to one of the guys house and drank/got high
Then she invited me back 2 hers

>> No.6558413


fukkin slut

>> No.6558835


ne1 wna play cod 4 promod just got the game back

>> No.6558891

Lol did u rag her out

>> No.6558914

U still a virgin m9?
If u r i mite hit up this meetup and hook u up for fun

>> No.6558956

Bay Area sf people lets do this also pls

>> No.6558968

I'll be going down there soon so I could come along.

>> No.6558977

chill c u there

when u gyuys thinking date wise?

i dont care

>> No.6558974

matt fucks all the bitches he doesn't need ur help

>> No.6558984

would it be weird if a black guy came?

>> No.6559000

Yeah I'd stab 'em.

>> No.6559008

Nobody outside of 4chan has the balls to be racist

>> No.6559026

probably not

how old are all of u btw

>> No.6559027

no oldies allowed

>> No.6559082

I'm 38. Can I come?

Also a bit on the pudgy side. I'm 165cm and 73kg.

>> No.6559106


no fuck off

>> No.6559115

>tfw no meetups in Bristol

>> No.6559133

Did you mis-reference my post?

If not, I'm just really eager to hang out with the sort of people I want to be like. Maybe take some photos for my Facebook and make some friends. I literally have zero friends at the moment. Trying to make contacts with cool folk.

>> No.6559144

you need to put ur dick inside joseph (me)

>> No.6559850
File: 48 KB, 480x318, bendy legs ben.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6559888


>> No.6559899

haha we have one of those lads where I live too

>> No.6559911

dubs and trips all round

are his legs really like that tho??
also i reckon we should do it sometime in august maybe

>> No.6559916

so how many people are there in this thread who are interested

reply to this post with a name if u are

>> No.6559923

Fuck, Helders you fag you live in Manchester? Never posting a fit again...

>> No.6559930

it's zach

>> No.6559936

what why

>> No.6559940

My mates call me Nice Z. Tripping just for this thread.

>> No.6559949


because i don't want to be recognised. You're actually alright, idk why everyone hates you.

>> No.6559952

that's pretty cool. how'd you get that nickname if you don't mind me asking?

>> No.6559947

somewhere like 6-10 maybe 12 people would be good imo

>> No.6559954

Gonna be a solid meet up.
Take pics.

>> No.6559970

wtf is leeds?

>> No.6559963

can i come if i'm a 4'10" 20 year old black male


>> No.6559975

yah i'd prefer that rather than a purple ackie type du

>> No.6559980

When a friend was being mugged, I poured lighter fluid on the mugger's jacket and set it alight with my Zippo. He ran away and we made an escape.

>> No.6559981

everybody thinks everybody hates

i dont catch much hate

>> No.6559998


is fucking every trip/fa/g from manchester?

>> No.6560003

no just me

>> No.6560005


wut your real name matt?

>> No.6560010


>> No.6560024

i can see why they call you that, pretty heroic. if i'm honest i'm a bit of a bitch in things like that, i wouldn't of thought of doing that

>> No.6560058

Opinion on Manc fashion in general anyone? IMO they give good looks a bad name up there, too many ugly guys with breads trying to pass for hipster. Unbutton your top button, you look like a pear and trim that fucking beard and grow some inches in height. Also plenty of neckbeards avec leather trenches and other shit like that. at least not so many fedoras.

Girls are worse, most need their clothes burned.

>> No.6560063


joe what

>> No.6560077

never really been to manchester and concentrated on what people are wearing but i live on the outskirts and it's fucking shit in all honesty

my mates don't care about fashion, so i can't really blame them or other people who are like that but the people who try to look good most of the time look worse than my mates. air max everywhere, jordans are making an appearance here as well

>> No.6560081

fuck it i'd be up for this, i feel like everyone would be silently criticizing the fit i show up in however...

>> No.6560090

i wont be

im gonna wear something really shitty

>> No.6560096

we're meeting each other from a fashion board but the way i see it if you feel comfortable it's kool as long as you don't dress up as a gimp or something

it's prolly gonna be hot as fuck too

>> No.6560100

you're the only anon I've seen mention bristol on here. I love that place.

>are his legs really like that tho??

yea, I remember reading that people with legs like that are Romani whose legs were broken when they were kids so they could make more money begging. Probably an urban legend tho.

>> No.6560102

well it'd just be me judging everyone else's then. fuccboi.

>> No.6560106


Yep...98% of people who try to dress well dress shit. typical english fuccboi look.

At least the girls mostly look like they don't care so much about fashion

>> No.6560148

i'll meet you but i'm going to have a friend film while I kick your ass.

>> No.6561127

no you aint

>> No.6563833


>> No.6563862


>> No.6563931

>oh cool, an /fa/ meet up
>catering to under 18s
>25, feels old man

>> No.6564010

have we decided on a date yet or anything

>> No.6564034


>> No.6564056

well what day do you think we should do it on? a friday, saturday etc

>> No.6564070
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these are people who i share the internet w/

how do i log off?

>> No.6564075


i would love to see you at a meet up

you would die from awkwardness/trying to keep up your e-persona

>> No.6564076

wow edgy XD

dont care lol, im off school and have no job any day is cool

>> No.6564080

ask your mom to change the router password

>> No.6564085

#lockout #shutdown

>> No.6564092
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lmao ethered

>> No.6564100
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yeah same here


>> No.6564110
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game over
turnleft log off

>> No.6564133
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