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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 486 KB, 475x347, 1363539265226.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6479429 No.6479429 [Reply] [Original]

How does it feel to be good looking /fa/?

>> No.6479463

You look at someone and you just think "I bet he/she wants to fuck me so bad. Man I'm awesome."
You start to realize how awesome you are and then you feel awesome. It's an awesome feeling.

>> No.6479503

>tfw when shitty cashier
>start getting numbers from girls
not even dressing /fa/ im just like better than everybody else

>> No.6479513


>these people are probably underweight ugly, acne ridden neckbeards who have some sort of superiority complex given to them from constant compliments from their mums

>> No.6479534

Get looks from every chick on the street

It's a pretty good feeling

>> No.6479566

I know this feel, it does get uncomfortable at times
>be me
>tfw get complimented when you get a haircut/shave/growabeard/doanythingnew
>tfw your friends' gfs hit on you
>tfw girls are always nice to you
>tfw you get girls numbers/contact info without asking for it
>tfw you are that pretty motherfucker

Like some people think I'm a player when really I'm just a nerd who likes fashion

>> No.6479574

>tfw your friends' gfs hit on you
don't feel special about that one, most of them do that anyway, regardless of how attractive you really are

>> No.6479584

It feels great. You get away with a lot of shit you otherwise wouldn't be able to.
There are some downsides, but they can be avoided if you keep your ego in check and have depression.

>> No.6479610

they only hit on me though not my other friends

I remember once my friend got a haircut just like mine b/c his gf told him to

>> No.6479614

I'd like to correct myself on that and say "a lot" instead of 'most'. I'm not a misogynist--actually more of a misanthropist, since it's a universally common trait.

>> No.6479620

and suddenly everyone on /fa/ was "good looking" despite being anorexic manlets

>> No.6479629

I highly doubt she straight up told him to. She probably just said something like "wow, anon really has a nice haircut, don't you think? uguu~", and that was enough for him to erroneously think "oh boy, I better get that same haircut to hold onto her!!". You really need to check your ego and be a little more humble about yourself. That's infinitely more attractive than blatantly showing off your insecurities by overstating your level of confidence.

>> No.6479653

>I highly doubt she straight up told him to.
except she kinda did
>be at their house
>she comes out of her room, sees my fresh haircut and compliments me on it (girl is a total bitch and never says anything nice/friendly to other people)
>later that night hear my homie and his girl talking in their room
>"you should get a haircut like anon"
>"anon ____??"
>"no, THIS anon"
then I went over again like 3days later he had my haircut

I never act like I know how much of a qt3.14 I am, why are you so angry with my post?

>"oh boy, I better get that same haircut to hold onto her!!"
if you need to get a new haircut because you are scared your girl will leave you for it, find a new girl

>> No.6479651

/fit/ please stop projecting

not everyone is an ugly manlet

>> No.6479669

>basedprophet complaining about projecting

>> No.6479671

it's pretty good
except i'm really awkward

>> No.6479672

I'm very attractive, but I'm not at all charismatic. I mostly just intimidate people, apparently. Chicks have the 'he wouldn't be into me' mentality sometimes.

>> No.6479679

iktf too much

>> No.6479685
File: 495 KB, 500x293, 197400274.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

P-post a picture... p-please...

>> No.6479787
File: 127 KB, 472x359, 13967243028.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know what you mean
>Monday night
>Old friend from school sees me out drinking
>Waves me over to join the conversation with her friends
>Introductions and small talk take place
>One of the girls tells me I'm beautiful
>Rest of the group now starts discussing how good looking I am
>Later told me that they had seen me around and knew who i was
>Didn't approach me because of some intimidating vibe i give off
I hear the intimidating thing a lot from people I've just met but now i try and use it to my advantage being a bit of a dick.

>Mfw everytime someone says they are intimidated when I'm almost underweight and under 5'10"

>> No.6479801

Post a pic of ur butiful face, bb.

Seriously though, in these sort of "beautiful/hot/sexy/whatever people"-threads, face pics should be obligatory.

>> No.6479810

by under 5'10" u mean 5'9" right

cos no way would u be intimidating at sub 5'8"

>> No.6479812

I am one of the beautiful anons in this thread but I'm not posting my face, as a few of my good friends regularly go on da 4chan and they might run into my face with a vain post attached to it, but really though, how stupid are you?

>on a fashion board
>refusing to believe that handsome posters regularly come here

You're right bro we all have to be ugly/average overcompensating nerds w/o a personality in order to come here

>> No.6479824

i just wanna see good looking people who post here is that so much to ask

>> No.6479827

Everyone that claims to be good loking please post pics

>> No.6479829

>You're right bro we all have to be ugly/average overcompensating nerds w/o a personality in order to come here

talk shit post fit

>> No.6479838

You know how many people post their faces regularly on boards like /soc/ without anything happening with their pictures, right? Hell, even here on /fa/ with the
>am i a mouthbreather???
>wat do with hair
That's just a poor excuse you're using.

Also, you said your good friends go on 4chan. How would that matter? If they know your sweet honey-ass goes on here too, there's no issue.

>You're right bro we all have to be ugly/average overcompensating nerds w/o a personality in order to come here
qt, now you don't at all seem like some overcompensating, insecure, little boy.

It is if the person is stupid.

>> No.6479843
File: 56 KB, 382x509, k.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6479866

attractive people post their pics here all of the time, i don't know how you could miss it

posting your pic in a thread like this is just asking for harassment

>> No.6479880

A few anons have posted that they also live in/close to my area so with the amount of crap the tripfags get I have no idea why anyone wouldn't want to stay anonymous.
5'9" without footwear so I'm just average height and thin

>> No.6479896

The tripfags get shit because they are tripfags.
You don't see random anons get shit for more than a few posts about some stupid bullshit in all the other threads where /fa/gs post pics.

>> No.6479931

I'm 5'6'' and good looking (nowhere near where I need to be though)

Anyway it really sucks that you'd say that. If I get on my issue, I think I have a chance

Different kind of intimidating, but I've physically intimidated people who were acting rude before. I-i j-just hope I have a chance to be top tier

>> No.6479947

No reason to post a picture if you already know you're not ugly because people compliment you in everyday life.

>> No.6479964

Then what's the point announcing it in threads if you're not going to back it up? If you already know you are drop dead gorgeous, why not post a pic? What would you lose by doing it? There's no logic in your arguments.

>> No.6479967

if fucking rj would post his picture on this thread he'd get ethered because uggos are mad

>> No.6479975

I went from someone who was a solid 4/10 until junior year of high school to around a 8/10 now as a rising junior in College.

Everyone is much nicer to me, I am much more confident in myself and I think it is easily reflected in my personality and the way I care myself.
What blows me away is how much GUYS want to be friends with you more when you're attractive. Overall I think it opens up a lot of opportunities. However I do believe it is more about the confidence and the way one cares themselves then the actual symmetry of their face or the sharpness of their cheekbones. Unless you're really deformed at any given time some girl might find a "6" to be more attractive than an "8"

>> No.6479972

>If you already know you are drop dead gorgeous, why not post a pic? What would you lose by doing it?
what do you gain from posting your pic on a japanese cartoon forum?

>> No.6479981

For other anons to believe your bullshit stories of how good looking you are.

Do you even bother thinking?

>> No.6479997

why would I care if you believe me or not

>ask how it feels to be good looking
>get told all these wonderful things
>call bullshit

what were you expecting exactly?

>> No.6480003


man, I can be confident/have a good personality etc. but being ugly just sucks. I can have the best day and catch someone staring at me and it just ruins my day. fuck.

>> No.6480002

You're missing the point.

I'm not even going to bother with this any more. Continue as you please for whatever weird satisfaction your ramblings give you in this thread.

>> No.6480021
File: 441 KB, 605x606, down syndrome awareness.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

me on the bottom right

>> No.6480022

Maybe they're staring at you cause you're goodlooking/interesting? are you overweight? I lost 16% bodyfat in these 4 years which helped a lot

>> No.6480030

>Implying I'm good looking and I don't just dress well to make myself feel better about my appearance

>> No.6480033 [DELETED] 

also someone i only get attention from old ass ladys.

they tell me im handsome or whatever. someone came up to me today and said i look like a young will smith... ok

>> No.6480035

also i only get attention from female senior citizens

they tell me im handsome or whatever. someone came up to me today and said i look like a young will smith... yeahok.

>> No.6480036

top fuicking lel

>> No.6480044


nah m8, not overweight but I have a birthmark on my face which is probably the reason I get stared at.

>> No.6480051
File: 105 KB, 612x612, 1372515302607.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to so pretty people don't approach me so easily

>> No.6480057

>what's the point of announcing it
try reading the op

>> No.6480063


>> No.6480081
File: 32 KB, 296x288, sad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm told I look like Edward Cullen. Most annoying shit ever. Used to be called Twilight at my gym...

>> No.6480097

god i know that intimidating feel
there was a really big amount of girls in the last time who told me that i would be "beautiful" "cute" etc.
and then there is a friend of mine who really discussed how i look with her friends and after that i got a friend request of a girl i don't know - just because she was so impressed on how they talk about me.
strange feeling, really.
mostly because i do not notice this most of the time.
i mean i know that i'm good looking. but i didn't know how good i look.
>also getting a message of a girl who saw me around telling me sth like this: "hi i just wanted to tell you that i think you are beautiful. that's all. have a nice day"

>> No.6480102

What would anyone gain from posting themselves since these are the only reasons i can think of:
>Positive compliments
If you get called good looking often these aren't much motivation
>Negative posts
Why post a picture for harassment
>For proof
A stranger on the internet not believing me is fine with me since i only posted to tell my experience and not for some compliments..
I can understand why you would want proof but having you agree/disagree means little since I've already received the acknowledgment i could need otherwise why would i wouldn't have posted in this thread.

>> No.6480104
File: 132 KB, 640x465, faggot jaden.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


cullen is sexy tho. i dont see anything wrong here

>> No.6480114

I used to get that a lot

>tall, pale kid
>indiscernible demeanor
>feel intimidated
>twilight movie just came out
>okay let's say you look like that actor
>safe association
>okay to interact with now

No, but really - when you've got a handful of people calling you some lameass nickname and it's "omg so annoying" - they just want to be your friends

>> No.6480120


>>also getting a message of a girl who saw me around telling me sth like this: "hi i just wanted to tell you that i think you are beautiful. that's all. have a nice day"

that must be an alright feel

>> No.6480122

Cullen is nearly synonymous with faggotry though :(

>> No.6480134 [DELETED] 

>if you need to get a new haircut because you are scared your girl will leave you for it, find a new girl
Your reading comprehension seems to be abysml, because you completely glazed over the fact I prefaced the statement with "erroneously".

>> No.6480135

I'm not sure whether or not I'm good looking. People have told me I'm handsome or cute and average girls have approached me to flirt or, in one case, say they want to have sex with me. But at the same time I've been told at least ten times that I look like Eric Forman from That 70s Show and when I see myself in the mirror or in pictures I think I'm ugly or average.

>> No.6480136
File: 122 KB, 634x773, mc ride & rob.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

naw Robert Pattinson is a bro. did you know he hated being in the movie twilight. clearly did it for the dosh.

also hes a huge DG fan

>> No.6480146

but somehow strange
pushed my ego
than i thought about it
i think it's kinda cute - but strange, nevertheless

>> No.6480159

I never had a problem w him. Im a fan, I just think people >imply when they say I look like him

>> No.6480179


My own self-image fluctuates pretty wildly on a daily basis

>> No.6480194

Eric Foreskin detected

>> No.6480204

I can't wait to be a man

>> No.6480223

>How does it feel to be good looking /fa/?

Everything goes well until I open my mouth and my completely underdeveloped, hollow and absent personality rears its head.

usually not a problem unless in longer term relationships though, thank fuck.

>> No.6480232

robbie is actually a pretty solid actor doe

>> No.6480268
File: 256 KB, 780x1082, tumblr_m8p3uxgoMv1r1af4ho1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be of indiscernible ethnicity
>be handsome, built, and well dressed
>always called Fez
>always asked my ethnicity
>grills often position themselves closely to me, will open me more often than not
>be accused of being gay often (because being well dressed and handsome but socially inept makes people suspicious)
>complimented on looks by males and females
>feels whatever, rather be handsome than ugly but I often get unwanted/undesirable attention
>I lift so have been molested by sluttier grills
>still struggle with insecurity, body dysmorphia

>> No.6480272


that bitch bad

>> No.6480286
File: 230 KB, 533x800, 1370479708437.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All of these are true

Its nice to be pretty

>> No.6480303
File: 163 KB, 960x800, commes des fuckdown.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Never do anything with it
>probably because i never make advances on women they think im gay and never approach


>> No.6480305

Oh dude, total bruh

I get told I look like him constantly too

>> No.6480317

we roboerto pattinson sanchez now

>> No.6480322

What the shit are your problems?
Its not hard to talk to people
They are all behind façades alllll daaayy

>> No.6480328
File: 46 KB, 533x800, 1371368320396.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are you pretending that you haven't posted pictures here before?
you're like a 2/10 MAX

>> No.6480335

Holy shit, I literally shuddered opening this. I hate ugly people so much.

>> No.6480337

Fuckin people are too afraid to look like a fool
I rather look like a fuckin retard then regret not talking to ppl

>> No.6480346

holy fuck iktf
even my past 2 ex's told me that I was intimidating because I didn't really talk much, and I browse /mu/ so like i'm seen as smart (i'm not) for having a 'unusual' taste in music and intimidating like i'm judging everyone when i'm not

>> No.6480340

>those jeans
what the FUCK?

>> No.6480352



I get on with guys like a house on fire and have a good laff with them. With girls I can't be bothered conversing with them properly and end up coming across as a bit of a cunt.

>inb4 homo

>> No.6480358

>dat picture
Thank you for burning the liars.

>> No.6480363

you're just autistic is all

all you gotta do is talk and ask stuff until you find something they won't shut up about, then act like you're interested and want to hear more about it

>you do the exact same thing with dudes too

>> No.6480364


geo confirmed for definitely not attractive

>> No.6480365

this... I don't know if I'm good looking but I often hear that girls are intimidated by me...some say my intelligence and how well spoken I am... I disagree....how do I become more approachable guise

>> No.6480362

holy shit i'm laughing my ass off this is gold, someone screencap this

>> No.6480371

yes, or worse. that's just how this stuff works.

>> No.6480369

Does everyone else that claimed to be attractive look like this? This thread just lost a bunch of credibility .

>> No.6480372

by using pyrex cac


>> No.6480378

This is what you fags believe??? Post faces anima pls

>> No.6480374

you're not approachable because you look like a weirdo

>scan your lecture hall
>converse everywhere
>shitty predistressed jeans
>random graphic tees
>that one guy who wears a dress shirt and trousers everyday whose always sucking in his cheeks and doesn't talk to anyone

you look like you are going to shoot up a school is why

>> No.6480379


i can back it up

tired of posting the pic tho, i've posted it a handful of times

>> No.6480382

why is it that nobody from where i'm from complements each other, like only the girls complement the girls, I never see a guy get complemented to his face.

i'm from uk btw, college student

>> No.6480383

I can't even see the pic it pops up for a split second then turns white

>> No.6480389


i can see it normally

>> No.6480394

you hang around dorks with no steeze

>> No.6480408

nah most of my friends aren't retarded with clothes, they just dress like your everyday college student, vans and obey hoodies

>> No.6480424

>look like everyone else
>not getting compliments

you only get compliments when you do/wear things that people normally don't see

>> No.6480441

that logic

>> No.6480452

We twinz now

>> No.6480453

Tumblr core logic

>> No.6480503

> tfw everybody is making shit up
never change you fat motherfuckers

>> No.6480508

>tfw you'd be 10/10 if you weren't a manlet

Why must life be so cruel to me?

>> No.6480541

but what do i talk about with random people?

how do i start a convo and keep it going?

>> No.6480567

Pretty much.

>> No.6480578


/fa/ standards are ...special... for aesthetics

>> No.6480584

Are you this boring... honest to god
I talked to someone about how I took a pic in the bus accidentally and the flash went off. And how everyone turned around and I was embrassed as fuck
Just things, things that happen in your life Idk
I talk about stupid little things that happen and things I see

>> No.6480599

i guess i know that, but how do you keep a going convo after that
like after you explain about that flash what do you do then?

>> No.6480609

pls go
fuck you fuckin boring piece of fuck

>> No.6480616

just pretend she has a penis

you have no problem chatting up dudes lmao faggit

>> No.6480619

i just want help bro ;__;

>> No.6480644

Honestly what are you afraid of?
Looking stupid? People thinking you're weird? Afraid they won't talk back?
When people don't really reply back after I say something I say "well you're a really fun person, It was a JOY talking to you"
Just have confidence you faggot don;t be so scared

>> No.6480655


scoff all you want at reddit and the pickup community but the sidebar has terrific advice on breaking out of your shell and becoming a charismatic and interesting person. And you'll enjoy yourself along the way. As social aptitude is an incredibly rewarding and enriching ability it naturally takes a great deal of time and effort to cultivate.

>> No.6480661

but in college people will start to think of me as a dick

>> No.6480675

>wanting to please everybody
>being the nice guy
pls anon

>> No.6480680

no they won't because they're all trying to do the same thing

>caring this much about what strangers think of you
you are holding yourself back, be less of a little bitch please

I'm done helping you, please do not reply to my post

>> No.6480985
File: 37 KB, 533x800, IMG959573.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucken rekt amirite?

To be fair its a shity snapchat pic from an iphone

Anyways I'm still pretty af

>> No.6481000


you are deluded

>> No.6481019
File: 50 KB, 860x720, IMG_20130622_152845.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whatevs its all part of the game
>talk shit, post pic

>> No.6481088

Tripfag ruins another thread.

>> No.6481102
File: 996 KB, 300x220, tumblr_inline_mp9y23bNju1qz4rgp.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you're passable but you're far from"good looking."

I hope I get better looking when I'm older.

>> No.6481107

you do realize he's not a trip right?

>> No.6481114

a qt just told me to "Stop being so attractive, it's distracting"

feels good

>> No.6481143
File: 88 KB, 480x640, NotTwinzthen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe we not twins. I don't think you're ugly though.
Sorry for shitty iphone quality. I have longer hair than this now.

>> No.6481151

I've always been told I'm just good looking but never "hot."


>> No.6481154


You're pretty attractive tbh

>> No.6481177

dat jaw & dem colored eyes

Yeah you look way like rp

>> No.6481211

LOL'D HARD at all the delusion in this thread
worse than fatties on tumblr

>> No.6481216

post ur pic?

>> No.6481225

why are your eyes so wide apart eyes

>> No.6481246

Kassem G/10
not bad-looking, but not especially good-looking

All these buttmad fuccbois. Noice job, fuccboi.

>> No.6481259
File: 776 KB, 634x754, 1372195494683.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6481262

nigga be sweating yo
he be nervouls lol
he lieks vampire dickkk

>> No.6481272

"oh shit im feeling him"

>> No.6481282

these threads are so fucking gay

so fucking gay

just people fucking beefing their own egos and fucking projecting their insecurities

they always have a fucking 'but'... and some fucking pathetic explanation/justification >girls do that to everyone m8 >no! no seriostly everyone says my hairt looks good im serious its different to how it is with other people

fucking pussies stop hiding your insecurities behind these blatantly fucking transparent posts just fucking admit youre obsessed and terrified with what people think of you and cling to any possible positive sign you pick up which you then exaggerate in these in these fucking soggy bisciut circlejerks

>> No.6481287


matt, when did u become so mean?
u were so much better as a qt

>> No.6481293

If you didn't notice - Matt recently joined an alliance and will this encourage him to put his foot down occasionally is accordance with the aforementioned alliance

>> No.6481295

i aint being mean just its 5 am im stimmed up and felt like laying some shit down

nothign wrong with being insecure or wanting validation its when its hidden behind this fuckin veneer of phony high horse shit blatently just protecting their insecurities

>> No.6481298

im the only dude in the fucing alliance mate

>> No.6481301

not on my watch

>> No.6481315

Feel like people judge me ever once in a while.

I'm like: "What the fuck would you have me do about it, pleb?"

>> No.6481322

drinking red bulls all night doesn't count as being stimmed up

>I get drunk and project my insecurites on 4chan all the time
>that means it's okay
your logic

>> No.6481329

is this you? put this all in a video response please

genuinely enjoyed the accent even tho some of ur logic was flawed

>> No.6481337


yeah it is thanks this isnt something to make a vid about though what logic is flawed

>> No.6481344

Some people are sensitive to caffeine

I've been abusing it for years, but initially I could pound four rockstars, take a bong rip and it'd feel like I popped two ecstasy

If I abuse it enough I will have auditory hallucinations and hear unwritten symphonies in my head

>> No.6481352

I'm not, I'm a manlet asian.

>> No.6481354

i took 2 scoops of ds craze and 600mgs of caffine a few hours ago before i lifted llmao

>> No.6481361


enjoy your kidney stones.

no but seriously man, you're going to have some gnarly kidney stones. Doesn't take long to develop them either, heavy soda and red bull drinkers i knew through HS and college started getting them in their mid 20's.

>> No.6481376

wasn't rly much as logic as it was you saying that our brains haven't evolved. Our brains are still evolving. I agree that there is a primitive side to our brain tho. I don't really care about slut shaming, I just saw your comment on the model files and watched your video.

>> No.6481389

yeah okay well yeah thats the underlying point everything stems from and everything else i said is based on that

>> No.6481390

I know. I really need to stop. I abuse it to modestly bump myself up because I don't want to face reality sober - it sucks

Even the clerks at the stores I go to want me to stop


>> No.6481394

Holy shit, brother. Please stay hydrated and make sure to eat at least something - you'll break even calorically-speaking

>> No.6481400

its cool

>> No.6481410

Caffeine is the shittiest stimulant known to man.
Like ecstasy? Are you kidding?

>> No.6481427

I can say as a guy it kinda sucks. Im basically treated like a girl, yet excepted to have no feelings like a man still.. Its pretty bullshit. I littearlly have had girls that I thought were my friends(who some were even married)tell me they will not be my friend unless I fuck them.


Also unforutanely im not a manwhore personality wise eitehr so its a sorta grass is greener on the other side kinda thing

>> No.6481463
File: 1.34 MB, 1836x3264, 1370394435541.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bro why do you think we're here?

>> No.6481488
File: 140 KB, 1239x696, lyfe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Insecurity isn't good and hiding it is even worse than being honest about it. If you're not happy with who you are, you're not going to be happy being someone else.

>> No.6481498

what are u, a pleb?
by the way starbucks is no real coffe just like mcD's are not real burguers

>> No.6481506

fucking word mate

insecurity is bad but natural, some of the pussies itt cant even admit they're insecure to themselves and try so hard to cover it

theyre in the denial stage

>> No.6481510

yeah, /fa/ is like a circlejerk now

>> No.6481537
File: 506 KB, 1192x1632, hunchback of owensfame.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good, kinda awkward cause everyone wants to fuck you, mostly gays and fat/ugly/older chicks doe

>> No.6481554
File: 93 KB, 720x960, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What does /fa/ think I'm I good looking am I /fa/

>> No.6481559



>> No.6481573


me, except i am judging people.

>> No.6481577
File: 78 KB, 640x960, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More photos

>> No.6481580

none of us give a shit

>> No.6481582

>Implying that's you

Yes though

>> No.6481599


that dude ugly.

I don't know why i'm so intimidated by girls even though I don't like them. The minute they find out I like dudes they stop being so hard edged and instantly everything I say is charming.

Most girls I meet are generally boring.

>> No.6481602



>> No.6481604
File: 136 KB, 640x960, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying it's not me

>> No.6481625
File: 1.72 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What about it?

>> No.6481658

I like you.
Added to my small list of trips I like.

>> No.6481677
File: 75 KB, 640x960, IMG_0834[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

feels good man

>> No.6482074

alpha as fuck

>> No.6482092

>tfw my mom's name is Elise
What the fuck dude... I thought we were bros.

>> No.6482425

>medium attractive looks
>dress okay to well
>have the personalitados
>get the grillz

>> No.6482493

>more of a misanthropist

That's how you be edgy m8.

>> No.6482518

ps b n ldn

>> No.6482911


They have no shame, It's ridiculous.

>> No.6482916

I wouldn't know

>> No.6482954

you look like you still draw dicks everywhere and act like a know-it-all . masculinity is effay and you lack it

>> No.6482957

You know what also sucks? Being rich. I HATE being rich... but I'd never give anyone money.

>> No.6482975

>NO! What the fuck, dad?! I wanted the Ferrari not a Bentley! All my friends from Yale are laughing at me. This the worst birthday in my life! I'm going to tweet about it on my 3rd Iphone 5. Clearly, no one is suffering as I am

>> No.6482982

I have always longed to be beautiful.

>> No.6482985

talk pretty post face

if GEO and fucking BASED FUCKING PROPHET are saying that they are attractive then there is no reason for us to believe anyone else here is unless you post your fucking face to prove it

>> No.6482993
File: 38 KB, 540x720, meinsummercoat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it feels pretty good OP

>> No.6483004

>>6482985 here

look at >>6482993 do you fucking see what im talking about jesus fucking christ you are all fucking ugly face the facts

i guess thats why you flock here but fashion with never make you any more attractive

>> No.6483008

is this a joke. I really can't tell

>> No.6483010

girls smile at me a lot and try to talk to me but i have a cute girlfriend so it's more frustrating than anything. it's really annoying how other guys tend to get threatened by you so they try to out alpha you which always succeeds because i'm a massive pussy.

>> No.6483029

Hey handsome guys. How does it feel knowing I would literally ruin your face because of sheer jealousy and extreme competitiveness in the sexual market place given the chance I was alone with you?

/fit/ tall guy with unaesthetic face, but high testostorone

>> No.6483031

> Spend whole year clearing up my acne, fixing scars
> go out one night, little shithead starts a fight and I beat him
> his faggot friend blindsides me and breaks my nose
> permanently asymmetrical nose
I'm out, fuck everything

>> No.6483032
File: 30 KB, 592x592, selfshot1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what do you mean? my mum says i'm beautiful

>> No.6483033

If that's you, then you are average and not at all attractive. No jawline, feminine face, no testostorone, loser.

>> No.6483036

Droopy eyes, good jaw. Not hot. Slightly above average.

>> No.6483039

You are ok. Above average, but definitely not good looking, beautiful, hot, etc...

The thing is, you have a very boyish face, which is not sexually appealing to hot women. Women want a man with a masculine facial structure. Wide jaw, strong chin, strong nose, good spacing, low brow, wide cheekbones, strong skull, dark features.

You look weak and therefore are sexually unattractive. You aren't ugly though, just not sexy.

>> No.6483041

You look better in this pic. Not masculine enough still. The jaw seems rather good here, but the nose sucks and eyes aren't masculine enough (raised eyebrows due to low testostorone).

>> No.6483049

You aren't that bad, but the glasses take away from your attractiveness. If you changed style, lost the glasses and started lifting you would have potential for alpha bro dude.

>> No.6483057
File: 142 KB, 490x490, yea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A-am I g-good looking..

>> No.6483060


>> No.6483062

Not by a long shot.

>> No.6483066

I'm srs I had a couple of harsh experiences in school and I'm pretty much a shut-in, ended up dropping out ;_;

out of/10 how much please be honest

>> No.6483069



>> No.6483071


And no, plastic surgery won't fix your fucked up spacing.

If you will try to be /fa/ or /fit/ people will think you are overcompensating or gay.

Your choice is to forget about women forever or just go to some forest and die off.

>> No.6483076

that's what I was thinking, I have all these features but they're all spaced/applied wrong, fuck this world

>> No.6483083

you're average though,5 would be more like it
and yeah, become manlier and there's enough pussy for you, you look like bear grylls gay little brother

>> No.6483085

>you look like bear grylls gay little brother

that is a great description. I'm going to hit up my gym.

>> No.6483087

Girls tell me I'm a 9/10 but I don't think I'm anywhere close.
I feel good when people compliment my style, though
>why is that guy wearing military boots?
>is he in the military or something?
>he looks like he's 12
I get more compliments than insults, though.
It just blows because I look really young for my age, though I'm 5'8".

>> No.6483091
File: 89 KB, 1024x848, most-ugly-people-in-world-funny-images-fun-pictures-bajiroo-photos-1-1024x848[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot my pic

>> No.6483093

Yeah dude, you're not super amazingly handsome, but you could definitely be way above average if you get a good body, dress well, maybe grow a nice beard if you can and develop a personality.

Remember, face isn't everything, the things you have to work for are way more important!

>> No.6483096

did you not read all of it?
>I look really young for my age
Nice one, though.

>> No.6483095

I would say 3/10. Is your scaling system normally distributed? 4/10's are pretty frequent in my system, and this guy is uncommonly ugly.

>> No.6483100

If girls don't fuck you, then you aren't attractive. P in V is all that matters. They can tell you all kinds of shit to make you feel good about yourself, but look at who they are fucking in the end. It's the attractive, masculine guys.

>> No.6483101

>Yeah dude, you're not super amazingly handsome, but you could definitely be way above average if you get a good body, dress well, maybe grow a nice beard if you can and develop a personality.
If he does that, everyone will think he is an overcompensating manlet/beta boy.

It would work if he was 6'2", but he obviously isn't.

Better luck next time!

>> No.6483104

He is below average, but isn't deformed. His skin is clear. He is a bit below average.

Deformed - 3/10, 2/10, 1/10.

>> No.6483106

I'm 6'1", 2 if I actually apply correct military posture

>> No.6483110

I've gotten a great deal of ass in the time I've been in college (one year).
Some girls really like boyish features.
Strange, but I can't complain.

>> No.6483111

err, no.

>> No.6483123

what the actual fuck

>> No.6483126

i kind of get sick of being called it the whole time ;)

>> No.6483158
File: 93 KB, 612x612, selfie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally got my phone charged enough to take a pic.
as I said, I look young as fuck. I can post my college ID if you guys want me to prove I'm not underageb&.

>> No.6483163
File: 20 KB, 640x480, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hi guise it's late

>> No.6483175
File: 99 KB, 500x667, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im not great looking but guess who i met the other day.

>> No.6483178

Weird looking. Too feminine, not sexually attractive, not masculine. High brow ridge, lips too full. Weak jaw. 6/10, but only because of feminine features. For your best, I hope you are gay.

Completely fucking average 5/10.
Round face, mediocre facial features, no cheekbones, no jaw, no chin, no brow ridge, weak skull, balding and worst of all - ethnic.

>> No.6483194

I can dig that. I'm not gay, although almost every single gay guy hits on me.
I'll probably get a lip job down the road.

>> No.6483197

I wonder what they think about models or actual good looking people

>> No.6483196

post pic fuccboi

>> No.6483199


Will Smith?

>> No.6483206

I never claimed I was good looking, why would I post pics? I have studied facial symmetry though, so I can tell where a person stands very accurately.

>> No.6483208
File: 438 KB, 500x376, 19002584395622.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Funny how all the fuccbois didn't want to post pic in the beginning of the thread and now everyone and their grandmother hurries to post.

>> No.6483215

Funny guy.
I'm just repeating what I've been told.

>> No.6483224

>tfw just graduated high school
>tfw all throughout school moms thought I was hot/ handsome and would be weird and flirty and tell their daughters to go after me but girls my own age didn't think I was attractive at all

>> No.6483237
File: 107 KB, 461x461, yea2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this guy here, just curious what you think from a semi-angle pose

>> No.6483240

Life will get better for you once you can spot woman pedophiles - there's more of them lurking around than you think

>> No.6483245

Same, if not worse.

>> No.6483255

There's a shocking amount of women that go after younger boys with a singular obsession - it's just not discussed, it's seen as harmless because of the way gender functions in our society (i.e. differently than our legal system).
A 40+ year old woman might be a totally lecherous slimeball, but if she looks good and plays her cards right...
I wonder if it has to do with the way in which justice is administered in a patriarchy like ours. All I can see is that cop in south park going "Niiiiiice".

>> No.6483270

That's my fetish.
Older women can be really fucking hot.

>> No.6483278

you could do runway no prob
you have a weird look, but that is good.

>> No.6483279

close your mouth dude jesus

honestly though, not that bad. people on /fa/ have very high standards. it's not like you're difficult to look at

>> No.6483287

It's such an easy double-standard to abuse

Laugh out loud - fucking putting a knee up on a chair or desk - and then, "niiiice"

I'm still waiting on drugs. I'm not sleeping on your e-mails my good sir

>> No.6483291

No rush, man, honestly.
Sorry you're still waiting - nothing grinds my gears like waiting for art supplies.

>> No.6484239
File: 108 KB, 453x500, 1366061770765.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my sides,no...i need those

>> No.6484282

>go get a haircut
>everyone telling me how good it looks on me
>milfs saying Im probably a casanova heartbraker
>never had a gf
>12 girls had a crush on me during high school
>only knew about 1}
>some kid tells me his first impression of me:
>probably the good looking cool guy of my social circle that's had many gfs and can get any girl he wants
>tfw complete opposite

sucks to be socially retarded, even with good looks

>> No.6484342

>12 girls had a crush on me
how do you know