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6473374 No.6473374 [Reply] [Original]

Any /fa/ muslims here?
You ready to fast?

>inb4 hurr terrorist
>inb4 atheism
>inb4 shitskins
my mom is white (quebecer/irish) and my dad is palestinian. i'm probably whiter than 90% of you.

>> No.6473438

Do you think Islam is compatible with secular Capitalism, when all is said and done?

>> No.6473445

>won't get reported
>won't get less than 200 replies.

Fuck this board.

>> No.6473452

You're definitely not whither than me

>> No.6473453


go blow up s...


Fight the good fight my man, remove kike scum from premises.

>> No.6473462

its gonna suck but luckily im cutting right now and not working right now either lel

>consuming a days worth of food/water within a 7 hr window

>> No.6473458

> i'm probably whiter than 90% of you.
not even in a dream

>> No.6473461

mom was lebanese dad was paki
no muslim tho

>> No.6473471

ramadan is basically easier than the average /fa/ggot diet
try eating one meal a day for 10+ years to get on my level (185cm 58k)
you do not impress me

>> No.6473472

>implying you won't die when 40

>> No.6473474

>>>/pol/ pls go

>> No.6473475

>implying I care

>> No.6473476

not being able to drink water for 16 hours is the hard part.

>> No.6473481

swallow saliva
there u r

>> No.6473482

Can you drink piss?

>> No.6473491

Why would you want to be a muslim

>> No.6473496

Cause 40 vrigins dickward

>> No.6473494

some ppl are strange

>> No.6473501

how r u gna fuck em if u ded LOL

>> No.6473499

What if they're ugly tho

>> No.6473500

Calorie cutting actually increases lifespan by 30% in rats.

>> No.6473507

>implying Allah won't give you a 7 inch dick after you die
Have fun in Jesus' heaven you Christian faggot

>> No.6473512

Even your mum?

>> No.6473510

All women are beautiful from the back

>> No.6473513

im an athiest
/tips fedora

smh believers r weakminded lol

>> No.6473515

not bald fatties

>> No.6473519

If you like thick, middle-aged redheads then hell yeah son

>> No.6473521

Actually, yes. If I could drink water, it would almost be a normal day for me.

I don't know much about islam or economics, but why wouldn't they be? You mean the prohibition of interest?

>> No.6473524

Some guy in a warehouse got fired for refusing to touch alcohol maybe he means things like that.

>> No.6473536

Why are Muslim ppl crazy?
I live in Canada and there were at least 4~5 murders of fathers and husbands killing daughters and wives because they did something like stay up till 1 am

>> No.6473546


pick one

>> No.6473542

>implying race is relevant beyond racists and closet-racists

>> No.6473550

>implying anyone wants to be American white
I wish I can be European white ;_;

>> No.6473549

Got the same crazy shit in the texts as other religions but not the hundreds of years of progression.

>> No.6473565

That's pretty silly. In my opinion, as long as you don't drink it, it's fine. I still go to the pub with my friends, but I order a coke or something. When you live in a western country, especially with alcohol being a predominant part of the culture, you have to adapt.

>> No.6473566 [DELETED] 



>implying racism is

>> No.6473572


>> No.6473601

yes i'm fasting

i was planning on gaining weight too. but w.e

have a good wednesday fam

>> No.6473613

>implying the place you live in dont influence the hell out of you
If you living in America you have a fuckin American mindset faggot no matter how "open" minded you are
>American mindset = shit tier

>> No.6473630

fasting sucks
especially when it's in the summer
and i can't eat until like fucking 9

fuck this shit, shouldn't have come home for the summer

>> No.6473639

Your mom sounds 7/10 at least.

>> No.6473649

>implying theres not all types of people/cultures/mindsets everywhere

dude its the 24th century, due to the internet and people being able to travel with ease theres all kinds of people everywhere.
>American mindset/ = this doesnt exist you shit fucking fuck shit ignorant thinking fuck

>> No.6473667

dude are you from the future?

>> No.6473689


i love ramadan
i feel like a fucking child
and i love the discipline it teaches

>> No.6473699

I am the future and if you dont think like me the world will end.
>Save the anon, Save the world

>> No.6473703

I'm not sure whether this guy is serious or master ruseman?

What's going on in this entire fucking thread?

>> No.6473694
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why do you follow false prophets?

>> No.6473695

rational muslims are sooo dreamy

>> No.6473709 [DELETED] 

rats cant count silly goose

>> No.6473706

rational is the only way

>> No.6473711

No one is going to like "no way man irrational is best". Everyone thinks they are rational

>> No.6473716

already failed your ramadan because you swore
better luck next year LOL
talk about discipline

>> No.6473718
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Could you buy laceless sneakers (like some of Ricks or converse cuz I don't know anyone else that does this off the top of my head) and add laces to them yourself?
or would that ruin the look of the shoes?
also includes the black laceless ramones

>> No.6473719

well i respect them
over say rational christians

>> No.6473720

>crazy extremist decapitating innocent christian family
>iam so rational
oh pish posh

>> No.6473725

aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand wrong thread.

>> No.6473727

I hope this is a joke.
Have you ever met "rational" muslims and christians? They are both equally bad.

>> No.6473732

could the zuhur be this year?
i mean its happening and all
well extremists are everywhere unfortunately
at least you dont get crazy wahabis slicing peoples heads off just for not following their ideology

>> No.6473739

im not saying thats not true but i perfer the muslim anyway, it may have to do with my unhealthy fetish with brown girls

>> No.6473740

>stuck in heaven with 40 losers from /r9k/

>> No.6473745

sorry to hear that mate

>> No.6473750

no way man, irrational is best!

>> No.6473758
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No, but is a muslim/christan guy who hates homosexual and puts them in the same booth as pedophiles because his holy book tells him so, rational? I'd say no.

>> No.6473768


>> No.6473775

here we go!

>> No.6473778

What do you guys mean, "rational muslim"?
I'm a muslim and have no problem with the homogays

>> No.6473786

listen the religion says gays are wrong end of story
just because HE groups the two degenerates doesnt mean the religion is bad

its not bad just because it doesn't agree with your point of view

>> No.6473792

>implying being opened minded = rational
Jesus you guys are all faggots

>> No.6473797

Thanks bb.

Then how are you truly a muslim? It's against Islam to be homosexual and so on, so if you're not against it, how are you truly a religious mudslimetard?

You're not making any sense, kiddo. Come back when you're out of high school and can string a coherent sentence together.

>> No.6473798

its the individual who decides what do dislike and what to hate

the religion tells him its wrong but i dont have any problem if you fuck men
your not me
and im not you
i could care less

just dont rub it in my face or imma knock five

>> No.6473805

its wrong
thats it
no shade of grey

>> No.6473818

>dat view point
You know ancient Greeks fucked little boys?

>> No.6473820

If you call yourself a "true" believer in whatever religion, and you don't follow things as basic as that; then you're not a true believer in that religion.

Don't be so aggressive with the religfags, m8.

>> No.6473821

What I mean by this is being gay is genetic and in some ppls blood

>> No.6473839

Genetic and environmental.

>> No.6473840

doesnt apply to me
no one can be a true believer
but there is no reason why you cant try to be the closest to true as possible
doesnt mean you give up halfway

we are human
we arent perfect
but that doesnt mean we cant improve ourselves to the best of our ability

dont go there.....

>> No.6473847

What? No... Two kids can grow up exactly the same and one can like licking dick just because

>> No.6473849

>being religious


>> No.6473852

I'm not implying anything; that was not a rhetorical question.

>Then how are you truly a muslim? It's against Islam to be homosexual and so on, so if you're not against it, how are you truly a religious mudslimetard?
If you define a muslim as hating homosexuals, then I suppose I am not a muslim. To me, this is not a core belief.

>> No.6473858

You can improve on yourself without religion.

Environment is a big part of the damn thing, stop.
Do you just spew out "facts" and try to stick by them because you're too lazy to educate yourself? Are you this stupid?

>> No.6473865

So you only take things from Islam which seem to fit in with your world view. Okay, you're not a muslim then. Keep pretending if that makes you happy or excited for you 72 virgins or whatever.

>> No.6473902
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ok yes
but is it wrong? no
i use islam to help me through life and giving me a understanding on things

also why are the majority of this earths populous so lost.
you either follow it to the best of your ability or you dont at all

you cant be a part time muslim

>> No.6473911

>tfw gonna cut like 20lbs while fasting

>> No.6473919

do you pray 5 times a day?

>> No.6473928

how can i eat before i break my fast?
you mean before sunrise?

>> No.6473923

bowl of greek yogurt before you break your fast

>> No.6473932

where are you from?

>> No.6473930

tasbih afterwards follwoed by duah
and if i had a good day i pray namaz or 2 riqiat thanking god for a wonderful day....
gotta be mr.sunshine

>> No.6473940

Everyone always goes on about the virgins.

>you cant be a part time muslim
I'm not a part time muslims. I just don't hate gays.

>> No.6473934

before you start your mEAL at night

>> No.6473936

So you're not a muslim, you just like some of the values Islam has?
Sounds like a fucking weird way to learn more about life, but okay.

>> No.6473944

yeah i don't eat much when i break my fast anyways. usually some water, 2-3 dates, salad, soup, and i'll have a piece of chicken or something. i'll stay away from the rice and all that.

i'll probably end up cutting more weight this summer since i moved into my parents house and they're gone for the whole summer (no homecooked meals).

>> No.6473949

from the old city of baalback
im muslim
i agree with every aspect islam offers and i hope to study it further when i finish uni

>> No.6473951

I doubt anyone follows any religion

>> No.6473953

i'm guessing you live elswhere though?

>this is OP btw

>> No.6473957

fuck that rice
but you gotta get on dat fattoush
ya im visiting after ramadan
i live in edmonton now

>> No.6473964

oh nice, i'm just north of toronto

>> No.6473961
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> mom is french canadian, dad is spanish
> grow a beard
> get mistaken for arab twice
> "salaam aleikum"
> w-w-what?

I don't know how to feel about this.

>> No.6473974

yeah, i mistake a lot of portugese/spanish/greek sometimes italians for arabs.

>> No.6473970

Shave that beard off, you disgusting arab.

>> No.6473981

good at least they think your leb or syrian
better than thinkng your from the gulf
they mistake you for mediteranian arabs
>ie lebanese and syrian
i get called spanish or italian
sweet deal
im in regina for a couple of weeks and its full of indians
no arabs
its scary

>> No.6473990

lol you should go to halifax

shitload of lebs

>> No.6473995

alberta has all the money
i dont want to go broke

>> No.6474005

what/where do you work?
oil fields?

>> No.6474008

I went to an Islamic school for a while before moving to Canada, and up until I was like 13, my mom made me go to the mosque every time I did something wrong, but I never really believed in anything.

>> No.6474009

It's more like scruff and I like it...

Yeah, I could pass for Lebanese I guess.

>> No.6474011

you were a muslim??
bangladeshi probably, right?

>> No.6474021

i own a chain of pleb tier clothing stores
nothing you guys would go for
the people here just aint there yet

just opend a new one in regina
i mean i got diesel but the rest is pretty bad in fa's books
its not bad
at least if you get into a fight lebs will always jump in if they see a fellow leb getting his ass kicked

>> No.6474017

oh shit

is creating CP haram?

>> No.6474019

I like you just a little bit more now.

>> No.6474034

Yeah, Lebanese are cool. They speak french really well.

>> No.6474037

Indian. My father is selectively muslim (starts praying five times a day when he cheats on his wife, but never drinks or eats pork) and my mother is selectively Sikh (doesn't believe in God but donates money to the local temple). It was a marriage that was never meant to last.

>> No.6474062

>whiter than me
>implying I have a single recent ancestor who didn't come from Eastern Europe

Eat shit palestinian scum.

>> No.6474053

the average lebanese person doesn't really speak french.

>> No.6474066

so, you don't really associate with your dad anymore?

>> No.6474074

depends where in lebanon your from
christian areas are more french

>> No.6474070

>being this butthurt about muh white heritage

>> No.6474077
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>tfw no qt secular mudslime gf

>> No.6474079

mostly becasue the crazy extremists say french is a sin

>> No.6474084
File: 14 KB, 318x164, honestly.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6474099

still a decent thread where people are getting along for the most part.

better than the average daily shit that's posted on here.

>> No.6474112
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>> No.6474113

slav, pls go back to yurt fuck you

>> No.6474107

better than the shitty feel threats

>> No.6474119

dude she's like 14

>> No.6474138

Well, here in Kaybeck they do.

>> No.6474137

God tier
>in the library
>girl beside me wearing hijab
>has big eyes
>skinny jeans

>> No.6474148

Def not whiter than me

>> No.6474149

but she's going be hot when she's 16

>> No.6474159

what ddo you guys eat in the morning?

not only is it difficult to wake up (lol). i eat super small.

>> No.6474154

muslim here

i believe homosexuality is wrong
i dont believe i shoud hate homosexuals as i do not understand there situation
talked to my imam about this and he said that's an ok way to think

>> No.6474170

i'll wake up at 4am-ish and have some fruit and two glasses of water.

gonna try eating some yogurt instead of fruit this year. i heard it helps

>> No.6474193

>Spanish not equal to arab

>> No.6474196

also im going to pull a prayer all nighter when im not so busy
I want that godly blessin
Any bros do the all nighter?

>> No.6474213

gotta get up for work at like 6 30 man

>> No.6474222


do you sleep all day during fasting time or do you go out and pray? my friends sleep/slack off while fasting even tho we're supposed to be praying

>> No.6474224

HEar dat
Work gives you blessings too

>> No.6474225

Oh, I grew up with my dad and see him every few months. He lives about an hour's drive away (my mother is a three hour flight). He is just kind of clingy (I'm the only one who's left home) and I have to live my own life. He used to try to control what I wore, but in a snide way. In high school, I'd wear a miniskirt or strapless top and he would say "Where are the rest of your clothes" when I got into the car, I would just laugh it off, but I think he half-expected me to go inside and change.

>> No.6474256

When im not working I try to do an all nighter

>> No.6474264

i used to pull all nighters (stay out till 4am with friends, etc...), pray fajr, then sleep all day.

>> No.6474265

any1 know her name?

where are you guys from? bengali here

>> No.6474270

PLus your fasting isnt accepted without prayer

>> No.6474280

yeah that's what i heard from my parents and i wish more people knew that

>> No.6474323
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>this thread

>> No.6474384


GReat thread bros

>> No.6474631

Tripsk I just wanted to say that I think you're really cute and I hope you find happiness in your life.