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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 29 KB, 590x425, decisions.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6433554 No.6433554 [Reply] [Original]

Sup /fa/
I'm 21 next week, need a dress for my birthday.

Which is better?
Baring in mind I don't have the curves these women do I'm not sure how well they will transfer to my body shape.

>> No.6433563


>> No.6433564

post pic of body so we can properly judge

>> No.6433566

>asking about dresses
>don't post pics
Just cover the face op

>> No.6433578


>> No.6433575
File: 495 KB, 640x480, ijiLrmQQh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have like no hips.

>> No.6433584

Can't judge with those clothes on. Get nude and we'll see.

>> No.6433586

lets see the back

>> No.6433600

Need you to get fully nude so I can understand full body proportions.
> I make dresses

>> No.6433602
File: 455 KB, 640x480, AVL9tNKHQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel like we've gone off the point but whatevs.
Different clothing.

I feel like without having curves it might not look as great on myself, also the bit around the neck on the right one could possibly be too big for my neck.

>> No.6433606

Please be in london

>> No.6433607

Both are rather boner-inducing and I sense that's what you're going for.

>you will never have a girl do this for you

>> No.6433608

A summer dress that stops halfway between your knees and hips, in a nice summer color. Maybe yellow. And make sure it has a low cut, but not slut-tier low.

Add a nice pair of wedge sandals, a small purse that complements the dress without outright matching it, and a simple necklace and earring pairing (target can knock it out of the park when it comes to finding these accessories), and you'll look gorgeous.

Source: I have a girlfriend, and I help her pick out her outfits frequently. Everyone always compliments her on her outfits.

>> No.6433615

Okay op... Stop posting pics you kinda look like a attention whore now

>> No.6433624

youre late, but there are still some good ones left for incredible prices

>> No.6433619


u want me

>> No.6433621
File: 1.92 MB, 500x390, peuOXlZ.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'd put it in the butt

>> No.6433623
File: 22 KB, 290x370, black-summer-dress.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

samefag. If you're going for a nicer occasion, swap the color to black, adjust accessories accordingly, and you are set.

Pic related: playful, sexy, doesn't play off of the hips but off of upper bone structure, and best of all very affordable.

>> No.6433633

Not OP, but that is a great site.

>> No.6433644

You have decent butt tho.
I personally like the right one.
the bodice(?)-type thingy in the left one would look weird with your build. Right one should show off dat ass.

>> No.6433654

hah it sure is. is this your first day here?
heres some more sheer/seethrough stuff as you seem to be into that, OP:
i personally like the versace one the most

>> No.6433652
File: 70 KB, 952x1428, 31232F109011_1_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6433657

No but I'm in the country.
I do tend to go for a bit of a slutty look.
As nice as it sounds I don't think it would look quite right for a night out.
They asked man.
I'm just using camwhore shots, I am sorry.
Okay then.
True, I'm bad at buying plain items though, I feel like I want something a bit more exciting for my money, I hate buying plain essentials. I don't have much money.
I can't afford that stuff, I also presume it will have a high shipping cost to ship to UK and may not come in time

>> No.6433666

post some naked pics u pleb whor

>> No.6433670

Dat price just killed me, but that's a little strange for my taste.
We are dealing with someone who doesn't have a job right now.

>> No.6433675

do what tomato said

>> No.6433684

haha i wont keep heling if you say shit like that. i dont have class tomorrow, its pretty late where i live and im bored as fuck

>> No.6433715

/fa/ shes clearly not willing to spend big dosh on big names

stop rec'ing her expensive stuff, impress the grill later

>> No.6433717

well if that's the case poorwhore




>> No.6433721


yeah, because ur a beedy eyed beta

you fucking beta

i have bitches sending me nudes, but not bitches like op (skinny fat) fucking model bitches with big titties

>> No.6433723

wow can i suk ur dik?

>> No.6433733

Well I only came to ask this one thing, didn't know you're all only interested in expensive shit.

I don't give 2 craps about brand names, as long as it doesn't look tacky and doesn't fall apart then I don't care.
I'd rather have quantity than quality.

>> No.6433745


>> No.6433773

>I'd rather have quantity than quality.

u a goofball

>> No.6433790

No, I'm just a person who doesn't really care about fashion.
You can get nice things that don't cos the world, even if I had a lot of money I couldn't stomach to spend a certain amount on just one thing.

>> No.6433796


fucking whore

shouldnt you be claiming your jsa you little slut

>> No.6433814

lol I do.
I spend my money on food and rent mostly.
Life is sad.
Why does not having a job make you a whore? If I were a whore I would be in the money.

>> No.6433818
File: 23 KB, 311x480, Natalie Refresh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

before anymore aggressive response: i support your stance

>> No.6433823


i feel sorry for you

you are quite literally a peasant

maybe i can throw you some SAMS chicken shop scraps you absolute loser

life must be grim when you are too fucking grim to be a prossie

register on mfc (type it in on google) because u get banned if you post it, good luck, fucking slut

>> No.6433848

Wow everyone on this board really lives up their own asshole.

I've got it it a hell of a lot better than some people so I am thankful for that.

>> No.6433867

I'd like to live up yours bby ;)

>> No.6433877

You said you have camwhore shots. Not to go too far off-topic. But since you said it...
I think /fa/ would be interested.

>> No.6433886

>No, I'm just a person who doesn't really care about fashion.
you realize what the fa in /fa/ stands for, right

>> No.6433894

Uh huh, but no you wouldn't.
I'm not impressed by my one trip to this thread. Don't really wanna share here, people will just call me a whore, boring, heard it all before.

>> No.6433904

Fuck off back to walmart whore you clearly dont belong here.

>> No.6433918
File: 225 KB, 600x900, 5yWTB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6433919
File: 13 KB, 432x365, 1372703422744.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no, not at all

>> No.6433920

because u r lol

now fuk off cheap bitch

>> No.6433931


>> No.6433944

what the fuck do you know about anything? fuckhead.

>> No.6433939

pls mr moneybags, buy me a £5000 dress, I can't possibly live without one

>> No.6433940


Why are you so emotion??? so sad....

listen girl when u camwhoring on /soc/u deserve everytinh u get, wake up its time to face reality okkk biatchhh

stop crying and get a kleenex, little bitch

you are a speckled shit compared to me

you are a peasant

victorian peasant

lick my feet, fuckkin scrub

loser, get a job,

fucking scrougner

fucking benefit taking scrounger, exterminate yourself


>> No.6433964

hahaha everyone here is hilarious.
Do you call cum your britches over brands names?

benefit taking scrounger lol, what do you think the benefit system is for?

>> No.6433968

pls move to london

>> No.6433972

>disgusting hair
>fat body
i can only imagine how ugly you are.

>> No.6433977


ok i admit maybe im a little harsh

do you want to talk about it over a skype sea food dinner?

>> No.6433978

You could make good money on a cam site.

>> No.6433981


/fa/ is a fucking mean board. I came here from /fit/, and it is way worse over here. You /fa/gs need sunlight.

>> No.6433990

I can only imagine how you are jumping on the troll rage bandwagon.
Don't use skype.
People seem highly offended that I won't spend a lot of money on clothing and that I can't find a job at the moment, got nowt to do with them, why do they care?

>> No.6433993


>click on front page of /fit/

>> No.6433996

if you don't care about fashion you may experience some hostility on this board

>> No.6433997

post feet pls be in london

>> No.6434000


download it then and we can chat x

>> No.6434005


we're only mean if you're a retard unwilling to try new things/espouse your opinion as an objective standard

>> No.6434014


oh shut ur mouth u boring cunt /fit/ is the worst board

fucking insecurity, an average dude will post his picture and you faggots will call him disgusting and ugly

sort ur life out, stop being some fucking preacher, lil faggot, go click on your board now and find one thing positive you little bender

stop posting or ill punch you in your face head meat head

>> No.6434016

or are a girl

>> No.6434022

Never been on /fit/ but I'm pretty sure the whole of 4chan is pretty vile and mean, how bored would everyone be if we were all just nice to each other.
I won't be back don't worry, I only wanted a simple opinion which involved saying the word "left" or "right". If I ever want an opinion on clothes again I will take it to another board after this shitstorm of richfags getting mad at me for having a low budget.
I'm okay thanks.

>> No.6434030


>> No.6434040

Unwilling to try new things?! I can't fucking afford these things you have posted. I can't just magic up money and try 'em.

>asks which dress is preferred
>gets bitched at for not being an idiot with money

>> No.6434044


you little fuckig peasant

wow i could of given you life advice

but no

its your choice

for the rest of your life you are goingt o be a fat camwhore peasant

living off scraps from the local chippies sucking dick for pennies and sherberts

go fuck yourself bitch


>> No.6434049


They don't have anything better to do, and know little about fashion.




As Item A in evidence, this idiot could not even quote the correct post.

>> No.6434056
File: 32 KB, 300x300, hi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

go shop at forever21 you cheap ass pleb whor

>> No.6434065

Why would I want "life advice" of someone who talks like that lol, no thank you!
You're offended by me not having a lot of money, when I suppose you do? wut

>> No.6434067


>> No.6434073


Rick Owens looks like shit anyway. For 5k I would rather go on a trip then own a mangled black rag.

>> No.6434069

dats a new one

>> No.6434076

only like 10 people on this board have money to splurge on clothes.

why do you think roshes are so popular here

>> No.6434077

As would I.

>> No.6434085

That's how they're acting, like they're all millionaire tories who hate poor people.

>> No.6434081

>traveling to other places
why the fuck do people do this

>> No.6434083


i just made a couple B)

>> No.6434088

You'll never know, I guess. It is something about... learning and experience. Stuff like that.

>> No.6434093


Go buy some Vans

>> No.6434107


If you want my opinion, given the choices, I would choose the dress on the right. The one on the left only works if you can continue the contours. If you are worried about that, stay away.

>> No.6434110


you are annoying me so much

just your existence

knowing you are living near me

knowing you exist

knowing that you was the sperm that made it

you fucking useless piece of shit

i can believe it



why do you even live

fuck off

>> No.6434119

blalalal you are so good at this.

buy me something

>> No.6434129

the right one OP

>> No.6434130

haha anon cannot comprehend that people might not want to spend as much as him on clothes

>> No.6434134

>Go buy some Roshe's

>> No.6434150

OP don't listen to these retards they don't know how to interact w/girls.

A fitted LBD is best to go shopping for bc you wanna try it on before purchasing. TBH both those dresses look a little slutty. Go out shopping and youll find something that suits your budget at the local mall (and theres nothing wrong with this)

-honest girl perspective

>> No.6434144
File: 13 KB, 300x300, 1372801528731.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6434145

>Go buy some Common Projects

>> No.6434162

the joke was buy some cheap shit

>> No.6434181

>-honest girl perspective
no one cares what girls think they don't know sht about fashings

>> No.6434191


bitch detected

fucking so stupid man

girls on 4chan, how can you not know how to talk to them

most of you are fat retard who cosplay lol

fucking idiot

you prob got pink hair and like anime

you acne ridden scum bag i swear

fuck off and leave this board

for good


>> No.6434202

I wondered why you were typing like that but the I realized: your posts are poetry.

>> No.6434203

if you're going to continue doing this please stop writing like that. Do it in a paragraph.

>> No.6434216


dont tell me what to do you son of a bitch bastard

i am a gentleman and a scholar

i will not take orders from an absolute cunt

i will write however I want to write

do you undertand

i fuck hoes

you need to go


im sick

of these bitches blowing up my spot

i post up

you post down


>> No.6434219

ehh 6/10

>> No.6434249


do you know what is a 6/10

your mums cunt

actually no its not

it was a 3/10 because i looked at it and i decided i wasnt gonna fuck it

it made me feel sick and it look like burger meat

fucking hell

ur mum works in a kebab shop you loser

go claim your job seekers because you are a scrounger

you are living under a rock and you take the governments money you disgusting scrounger

get a job

fucking hell

>> No.6434252

For the only real answer: the one on the right.

>> No.6434261

you little punk watch your fucking mouth b4 I come over there and backhand your ugly face

these lil pansies need to learn to be respectful. thanx for reaffirming my first statement tho :)

>> No.6434299

damn people are extra mean tonight

Right, the left is no good with your body type IMO.

Happy early birthday OP

>> No.6434309


look im not even going to bother you

what are you going to do mr knight???

beat me up?? grab me by the throat

well i will end your existence in a heart beat

swiftly and quickly

you will be blown off the face of the earth

respect? respect for a whore?

dont make me laugh

>> No.6434313

>-honest girl perspective

*basic bitch perspective

>> No.6434328
File: 23 KB, 460x575, free-people-black-tea-for-2-dress-fabric-product-1-112228-169845701_large_flex.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you obv wanna look sexy so how bout something like this? its still somewhat classy while a touch trashy and its only 60 bucks....free people are one of my fave affordable retailers their quality isn't complete garbage

>> No.6434348

I think that's a little to risky to wear. if it wen up a little more up on the sides. Or she could wear a strapless black lace bra with it

>> No.6434355

nice sideboob

>> No.6434356

youre as lame as they come
tho i hope youre pretty much done
bc your poetry is shit
you best believe it
you obv crave attention
but heading in the wrong direction
accusing me of white knighting myself
are you lost or just cryin out for help?
either way just come to terms and get real
you forever be alone, how is that feel?

>> No.6434382

stop trying it's embarrasing

>> No.6434407

you know you're poor if.....

your go to dress has GAP or something similar on the label

if you've been to 3 baby showers before you hit the age of 28....one of them your own

you know how to borrow money and juggle it on 5 different credit cards rather than just pay cash

>> No.6434409

Joe you must be banging that krokodil
unless ur so dumb that it takes time and effort for you to make words rhyme

>> No.6434418

no sieg...people who are POOR shop at yard sales and goodwill...salvation army and shit..

what you described is middle class

you drive and accord you should know this

>> No.6434466

i sold my accord :(

the h22a swapped in t with skunk2 stage 1 cams threw it up a class

im currently sourcing a nova to run on the local 1/8th mile that opened up

i used to run that all of the time in my old k24 powered civic

accord only pulled in $7000 used, thats loaded up with spoon, mugen, a decent motor, clean clean cleannnn chasis, leather, limo tint all around, BAR'd motor swap, clean as fuck everything

should have pulled in at least $10k

and i guran-fucking-tee you that some mexican is going to yank the type-rs off of there throw on rotas, throw a password jdm carbon intake in place of the gutted OE one i have and cut off the exhuast and throw on a shit tier fake mugen muffler

>> No.6434487

no one will give you 10k for it when there a millions of them ready to be sold at any given time.

>> No.6434492

sieg confirmed for dirty greasy car mechanic. ew

>> No.6434503

>thinks an accord with $10K dumped into it in go fast parts is worth the same as an accord driven by some random slut, on the oil that it shipped with, and dirty used makeup containers under the seat

>> No.6434509

when i was 17 maybe
just a hobby now

since you know....i can afford to race them unlike /fa/ trying to make their daily driver pieces of shit "fa"

>> No.6434576

you don't have curves but I think you have a great body. Don't get any of the dresses you posted in OP. They look cheep and tacky.

Stick to black. if you want lace or shear it should be used as accents. I personally don't like the cut of the first dress at all and don't like the leather accents.

>> No.6434610

at the end of the day it's an econobox. Deal with it ricer

>> No.6434633

>wasting money on pleb cars
my audi would wipe the deck with your ricer any day of the week

>> No.6434686

And my 40 year old 250 2-stroke motorbike would wipe the floor with your audi. What's your point?

>> No.6434941

I have men sending me nudes. I dislike it but its gods plan.

>> No.6435249

My bus pass is part of a system that carries MAD people. What's your point?