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File: 103 KB, 1024x769, kanye-west-1024x769.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6373648 No.6373648 [Reply] [Original]

What's your favorite album ever?

And what's your favorite album of 2013.

I want to know if /fa/ is patrish or not.

>> No.6373652

I dont really listen to music, so nothing.

>> No.6373662

Album ever? I guess Petsounds or Trans Europe Express.
Album of 2013: Modern Vampires or Yeezus

>> No.6373664

finally someone else
thought i was alone

>> No.6373666

Ever? Night Falls Over Kortedala
2013? Probably either Shaking the Habitual or Immunity

Also, the new Zomby LP sucked cock. Just thought I'd throw that out there.

>> No.6373667

My favorite albums are
Dr. Octagon
Take Me to Your Leader -King Geedorah
Money Store - Death Grips
Music to Draw to - Kid Koala
Muse- Absolution
Strange Days - The doors

Of 2013
IDK I am still catching up on shit from while ago

>> No.6373670

cat power - moon pix

so far the knife - shaking the habitual

oneohtrix has a new one coming out though so we'll see

>only asking for albums and not for a favorite symphony or concerto

le shig

>> No.6373672
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>> No.6373677

who the fuck are you to judge us
you're just a fuccboi and that's all you'll ever be

fuck off m8

>> No.6373680

electronica plebs pls go

>> No.6373682

Agreed on Zomby. I don't get the hype for it.

>> No.6373686

Get Rich Or Die Tryin' - 50 Cent
6Kiss - Lil B


>> No.6373693

>he still listens to guitar music

that's a high lel

>> No.6373696

I really liked the album art and the IDEA of a 33-track double album full of dark atmosphere/futuristic sounds.

Turns out it was more like 5 musical ideas stretched out into 33 tracks.
Also sounds like he forgot to write leads for most of them.
And "Pyrex Nights," what a fuccboi.

>> No.6373698
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>> No.6373699
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>having a favorite album

>> No.6373705

favorites: Can - Future Days, Suicide - s/t, Ground Zero - Revolutionary Pekinese Opera

2013: Yeezus or Dedalus by Antoine Beuger & Jürg Frey

>> No.6373701

college dropout

whenever, if ever

everyone else is good besides the packpacker pleb

>> No.6373703

edIT - Crying Over Pros For No Reason
Jonny 5 + Yak - Onomatopoeia
Moa Pillar - Roraima

either Yeezus or Desto - Emptier Streets

>> No.6373706

lol I don't listen to country nor shitty rock bruv

>> No.6373707

what do u do if a qt asks u ur fav album

>> No.6373711

Tell that bitch music is for fuccbois and go get some rick owens.

>> No.6373724

Too mainstream, imo
I prefer listing to the sound of the wilderness

>> No.6373739

Ever? Fuck, I can't even answer that, hard as hell OP.
2013? Yeezus/RAM/Dorus(when it releases)

>> No.6373742
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really nobody said RAM yet for AOTY?
mine is either RAM or Yeezus
prob Yeezus

>> No.6373745
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Cant really pick out a favorite album of all time, but I can tell you my favorite album of 2013

>> No.6373746

Natural Snow Buildings - The Dance of The Moon and The Sun

Fav of 2013
Nyetscape 3.0

>> No.6373750

ever: brian eno - ambient #4: on land
2013: autechre - exai

>> No.6373790
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Why do other rappers do shit stupid?

>> No.6373807

The Nth by OVERWERK its the best album of alllllll fucking time.

>> No.6373808

jk i love donald but hes cheesy as fuck

>> No.6373827

GOAT: Boredomes - Vision Creation Newsun
AOTYSF: Probably the new colin stetson record, idk

>> No.6373841

Lateralus by Tool
Traced in Air by Cynic
Leaving Your Body Map by maudlin of the Well

2013: Idk nothing has stood out that much or im forgetting

>> No.6373860
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>preferring Camp over Culdesac

>> No.6373880

>he still listens to music

>> No.6373883

GOAT: Marshall Mathers LP
2013: Yeezus, I guess. I haven't been too excited over music this year, but I'm expecting this to be beaten before the end of the summer.

>> No.6373915
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electric wizard - dopethrone

>> No.6373927
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if your lead singer doesn't have a beard, your music is pleb as fuck

>> No.6373930

Everyone besides this guy is a plebeian
Mutyumu-Il y a

>> No.6373935

Yeezus is Kanyes worst album.

>> No.6373944

I don't have a favorite album. Favorite genres are vaporwave/EDM/ambient

favorite album of this year. Hmmm I really enjoyed yeezus, and John Hopkins and Benga's new album.

>> No.6373953

Drukqs - Aphex Twin (2001)

>> No.6373955

i think you spelled graduation wrong

>> No.6373962


>> No.6373963

Graduation had a few good songs though flashing lights, everything i am, good morning etc. t'was better than my beautiful dark twisted fantasy anyway.

>> No.6373972
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of all time - Grizzly Bear Veckatimest

2013 - Atoms For Peace Amok

>> No.6374008

>Pyramids - Pyramids
>Burial - Kendrick EP
>Kraftwerk - Trans-Europe Express
>Can - Monster Movie

In no particular order.

>> No.6374012

oh and a bunch of IDM and glitch shit

>> No.6374015

good joke m8


>> No.6374021


>> No.6374343

kind of blue


>> No.6374344

i barely even listen to music
and i know this is bait

>> No.6374359

Exuma - Exuma

Iceage - You're Nothing

>> No.6374369
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got damn

>> No.6374367

ever: pic related

2013: as of now, yeezus. dunno kinda hard to tell yet since theres plenty of good shit thats gon come out still

>> No.6374368
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Jesus... filtered!

>> No.6374409

There we go.

>> No.6374429

wtf holy shit, you faggots actually think yeezus isnt totally shit???!?!? lmao right now at you fucking faggots

>> No.6374444

it bumps, so i like it. i dont really listen to kanye for his lyricism..

>> No.6374445
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Exmilitary - Death Grips
Sadboys2001 - Yung Lean
Gods Father - Lil B "THE BASED GOD"

unknown death 2002 - Yung Lean

>> No.6374458

Death Grips - Money store\ Crystal Castles III
Didn't heard any new music

>> No.6374470

Ever: Loveless - MBV

2013: North Borders - Bonobo

>> No.6374493

>North Borders
ma nigg

>> No.6374502

>North Borders - Bonobo
Sounds like shit
I bet you wear fedora

>> No.6374508


Ever: homogenic, ( ), all is wild all is silent

2013: kveikur, north borders, shaking the habitual

>> No.6374510

i like death grips and shitty 2obscure4uedmlel but more and more i find i like listening to my car and road noise.

i wonder if can make that a thing. is that a thing?

>> No.6374516

Loveless or Ys

>> No.6374525

Say that to my face and not online kunt, i'll fucken rek u

>> No.6374524

Some of my favorites are Merriweather Post Pavillion, Veckitamest, Helplessness blues, Red Flame, XXX, For Emma Forever Ago, The Money Store, James Blake, Cosmogramma, Back From the Dead, The adventures of lord quas, madvillainy, LiveLoveA$ap. My favorite of 2013 has to be James Blake's Overgrown. how about you, OP?

>> No.6374536



gambino is just a black macklemore and vice versa

log off and never come back please

>> No.6374546

Yeezus sucks, anyone who likes it is a delusional pleb.

>> No.6374548

lmao no

macklemore is really over the top preachy as shit kinda rapper, which gets old pretty quickly. and dat flow fuken hell

gambino is literally shit. dat voice. dat flow. dat pathetic LMAOSORANDUM references to pop culture.

both complete opposites. both terrible.

>> No.6374563

I agree that it's cool, and stands a bit out, but favorite album ever? It's far from ambitious enough

>> No.6374569

pls be in London

>> No.6374586

either Shut Up, Dude, or Sit Down, Man, by Das Racist

>> No.6374583

/mu/ and /fa/ should totally be gay 4 eachother~

>> No.6374587

GURU's Jazzmatazz Vol II

>this year
J Cole's Born Sinner

>> No.6374593

/mu/ is with /x/. Idk why.

>> No.6374606

Last dinosaurs - A million years

Skream - Skream

>> No.6374622

Titus Andronicus - The Monitor
Zebra Fucking Katz - DRKLNG

>> No.6374624
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>Sound like shit
Did you trip and hit your head on the pavement while wearing your ninja outfit?

>> No.6374669

If your favorite album of all time was made in the last 10 years, you're a retarded kid who shouldn't be posting here. I'm not saying "music used to be so much better!" or implying that today's music isn't good, but you need to give an album proper time to age and be approached in different contexts before declaring it your all-time favorite. Anything less than a decade suggests immature infatuation rather than true appreciation.

Also if you listen to Death Grips please kill yourself :-)


>> No.6374678

post ur favorite then nerd

>> No.6374682

Probably This Heat's s/t


>> No.6374711

fuck off

>> No.6374716


my nigga

>> No.6374717

wow calm down :-)


>> No.6374729


>> No.6374732
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>> No.6374743


top lel

>> No.6374750

Honest to God, I think my favorite album is the 10th Anniversary Cast of Les Mis (Along with the 25th Anniversary West End performance with John Owen Jones as Jean Valjean when I want to hear a fantastic tenor).

Best album of 2013 is ...Like Clockwork. QOTSA worked their magic again.

>> No.6374768
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The most /fa/ album of modern times. Period.

>> No.6374775

ew no

>> No.6374777
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so many results for aoty 13 yeezus
goddamn plebs yeezus is a 6,5
this is a true aoty '13

>> No.6374803

All time?
Probably Gorilaz - Plastic Beach
This year?
I'm digging the new zomby, yeezus is pretty great, and the new wavves is good.

>> No.6374813
File: 89 KB, 620x620, Never%20For%20Ever[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kate Bush - Never for Ever

Uh, Half Shadows by TOKiMONSTA i guess

>> No.6374812

If you're unable to appreciate new music while simultaneously appreciating older music, kill yourself.
p.s. music doesn't age like wine, that's nostalgia that skews how you rate music.

>> No.6374817

Tokimonsta is dope. Such a qt 3.14

>> No.6374831

Actually a somewhat valid point. In order to judge an album to it's fullest extent, you need to factor in things like influence and whether it stands the test of time or becomes cheesy and outdated. That said, that's for a more in depth objective rating, and your favorite album is based on how much you enjoy it, which is subjective, so I don't see anything wrong with calling a new album your favorite album, you just can't say anything like 'best ablum ever xp'

>> No.6374836
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>tfw gay
I'll admit tho she is pretty qt in a friendly way

>> No.6374843

Minutemen - Double Nickels on the Dime
Eels - Electro-Shock Blues
Tom Waits - Mule Variations/Alice/Rain Dogs

2013 - I'm really behind but it could be Jamie Lidell's s/t, Push The Sky Away by Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds or Sunbather.

>> No.6374855

I suggest that you read my post again. If you walk away with the same interpretation, I suggest you actually learn to read, then read it a third time :-)


>> No.6374944

Ever: Dismemberment Plan- Emergency & I
2013: Portugal. The Man- Evil Friends

>> No.6375056
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>Dismemberment Plan- Emergency & I
my fuckin nig

>> No.6375082

what?! plastic beach? what about demon days?

>> No.6375107

fav album ever are a tie between:
You Forgot It In People - Broken Social Scene
Forgiveness Rock Record - Broken Social Scene

>> No.6375129

I don't have a favorite album but The American Football album and MBDTF get a lot of plays from me.

>> No.6375440

seconded. his werk out remix is the only nxtlvl thing ever posted on this site

>> No.6375751
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Either In The Court of the Crimson King or Divorce Lawyers I Shaved My Head
The Raven that Refused to Sing

>> No.6375831

Ever: No idea, too many
2013: The Afterman: Descension

>> No.6375879

Currently Can - Future Days I guess.
Deafheaven - Sunbather from this year.

>> No.6375927

Cocteau Twins - Treasure
For Against - Echelons
The Smiths - The Queen Is Dead

Lovesliescrushing - Ghost Colored Halo

>white people claiming to like kanye west unironically

>> No.6375936

Deltron 3030
will be Deltron 3030 Event II if every track is at least half as good as the one they released

>> No.6375950

mah nigga

>> No.6375944

shut up faggot one of your favorite albums is the fucking Smiths you can't talk shit about anyone's taste in music

>> No.6375959
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>> No.6375962


>> No.6375969

The Smiths are the greatest band of all time.

>> No.6375972


>> No.6375980

Anyone who thinks that's objective is an idiot.

>> No.6376009

The Smiths were responsible for the greatest pop music ever written. The only person who comes close to the greatness of Morrissey and Marr is Roddy Frame.

>> No.6376025


>> No.6377341

>What's your favorite album ever?
Giles Corey - Giles Corey

>And what's your favorite album of 2013.
I don't stay current.

>> No.6377356

>le hipster face

>> No.6377388

But hipsters are current as fuck. Try again.

>> No.6377390

Fuck GC is so good. I need to get into Have A Nice Life too

>> No.6377395
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>no one is ever going to want me :(