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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 127 KB, 893x663, pic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6366261 No.6366261 [Reply] [Original]

Just got a haircut today based on the hair inspo thread. H-How's it look?

>> No.6366267

yall look like some kinda vietnamese refugee child whether you choose to construe that negatively is up to you

>> No.6366269

The back looks terrible. It should be much bore faded. You basically shaved underneath a bowl cut.

>> No.6366274


>> No.6366273

It looks bad on you.
HY doesn't work on asians.

>> No.6366276


fug :DDD

>> No.6366280

These sum it up basically.

>> No.6366285



asians have straight/heavy hair that simply doesn't work for the HY because it lacks the texture and always falls into the same shape without sufficient styling and work.

>> No.6366288

10/10 would marry

>> No.6366287

think it's cool ,mang

>> No.6366300


stop you're gonna make me look like im samefagging, but thanks anyway.

I know the HY doesn't work well on Asians but its all good. i like it currently and if i dont like it it'll grow back. peace

>> No.6366303

Yup, Asian hair sucks. We have a few options:
1. Cut it short, like really short.
2. do the traditional emo-fag beiber skater thing most asian teenagers have
3. grow it out super long for the samurai warrior look.

>> No.6366311


lel at #2 & #3

Being the same as every other asian isn't /fa/

>> No.6366312

looks good, OP.

>> No.6366316

no, it isn't.
which is why Asian hair sucks.

>> No.6366319
File: 8 KB, 330x220, HAIR SAVIOR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

omg yes i know

one tip that distinguishes a bad asian haircut from a good asian haircut is thinning and layering. if you don't give it the right texture then it's going to be one glossy bowl like layer and that's horrible

>> No.6366332


Grow it out long.

>> No.6366341


i wanted a manbun once but man that will take way too long

>> No.6366349


i know this feel

>> No.6366346

>tfw asian
>tfw can't grow a beard
>tfw can't sport a manbun because no beard

>> No.6366357
File: 15 KB, 300x400, 1362548734656.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that dyel chink

>> No.6366361


y-you mirin my calisthenics physique

>> No.6366360

Haha, sorry, I actually like it. You look like a NK solider (except not malnourished).

>> No.6366363

>that skinnyfat chink

>> No.6366373

Sorry Johnny it looks like youre gonna have to get k-pop hair

>> No.6366383
File: 16 KB, 350x350, th.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

since when was it a requirement to have a beard with the man bun, if you have the right jaw line you should be able to pull it off beard or not.

>> No.6366391

are you trying to use that picture as evidence?

>> No.6366396
File: 200 KB, 980x652, 2306-Le-21eme-Adam-Katz-Sinding-Backstage-Damir-Doma-Paris-Mens-Fashion-Week-Spring-Summer-2013_D4A0679.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6366397

bruv you got trolled into getting the haircut.

>> No.6366402

It requires either an effortless looking beard, or exceptional, sharp and defined chin.

>> No.6366406

I wouldn't say it's impossible for an asian to pull it off decently. Video related: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R3yyUegQofc

>> No.6366413
File: 38 KB, 600x330, 0126noticed-articleLarge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6366419


It has to be a smaller area, preferably in front of the ear.

>> No.6366426

What the fuck OP

>> No.6366430


best post yet

>> No.6366449

That's not really a HY. Pretty nice haircut, btw.

>> No.6366450

You need to eat bro

>> No.6366456

Care to elaborate?

Yeah, but it's the direction you wanna go if you're asian and want to give off the HY feel.

>> No.6366464

Hilariously bad. Just shave it all off and start again.
You look like the bowl cut chink in every 3rd grade class, except someone pushed you under a lawnmower.

>> No.6366486


>just shave it all off and start again

no thanks.

>> No.6366522

i dont even think it looks that bad, just a bit of thinning out at the sides and back

>> No.6366534

racism isn't /fa/
ur crit is invalid sorry

>> No.6366538

the japanese really are the only people who have the facial hair which explains why they do it better than everyone else

>> No.6366585

Yeah, I only take comfort in the fact that they are the only Asians without economic growth.
Fuck them.

>> No.6366623

For what it's worth, regardless of the haircut, I think you have a nice face.

>> No.6366670


first time anyone's ever told me that. th-thanks /fa/

>> No.6366723
File: 444 KB, 500x500, selfieurgh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>asian hair this, asian hair that
/fa/ has no idea what they are talking about, as usual

Just get a short back and sides(pic related) next time, that's not even a real HY, they usually have a little fade up top and is slicked back with product

What you have there is a bowl cut

Also your cut/shave is extremely messy, who the fuck did that to you

>> No.6366752

>sweat on forehead
>shirt off
>picture possibly taken after masturbation session

>> No.6366758

5K in the morning, getting ready for shower mode

>> No.6366769


I don't really like to put my hair up so im fine with my hair as it is. Thanks for the input though. noice hair m8

>> No.6366778


pls marry me

>> No.6366819

Here's another idea for good Asian haircuts.


I like yours, man!
I'm half Asian and am currently rocking a shitty variation on a HY, but I'm switching it up soon.
Saved your pic for inspo.

>> No.6366820

yakuza pls go

>> No.6366840

now that everything has been said; lose some weight you fat fuck

>> No.6366846

>HY on an asian

all i think when i see one like op is VK.

or if its a really toned down one, i think 'hey that dude will probably know where i can get cheap coke, and probably let me fuck the shot out of his 15 year old sister if i give him $100'

>> No.6366854


>> No.6366864

I think that when I see HY on Asians that look more Laotian, Vietnamese, etc. (you know, the ones with bigger noses)

I can handle HY on a standard fuccboi Japanese or Korean or Taiwanese babyface, though.
I can say that because I'm half-Asian. I'm not racist, I fucking swear.
Half my friends are black.

>> No.6366865

d00d, you blaze?
you blaze up?

>> No.6366870

meh I'm always envious of asians hair. It's so thick and i've never seen anyone with a bad hairline.

You guys can pull off the manbun the best.

>> No.6366875

c'mon, i'll show you around the quad

>> No.6366876

no m9 but his left eye is right cheeky

>> No.6366880

lmao did you even consider what you would look like before this

this legit looks like you tried to get a bowl cut but your side grew out, speaking of sides, whered mine go?

>> No.6366894

i dont see why you wouldnt get your hair textured, ever
hell, im white guy with fairly thick hair (as far as roundeyes go), and i always get it textured so it doesnt terrible. i actually sorta wish my hair was a little thinner sometimes so it wouldnt look so coarse (which it is).

>> No.6366944


>> No.6366958

ha, nice to see some more MDE fans on here.
what's 4chan's view on MDE anyways?

it seems like most of the Internet hates them except a few select circles

>> No.6366986

I'm thinking about getting a messy looking fauxhawk dyed blonde for the summer. Different asian here.

>> No.6367021



>> No.6367030


only dye it blonde if you have very white skin

>> No.6367035
File: 153 KB, 444x331, jerry hsu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have Jerry Hsu skin.

I liked the look he was rocking in Bag of Suck

>> No.6367051

i like it. Standup is weak as fuck though and i feel like it taints the rest of their content.

>> No.6367146

Agreed, but I'm not going to lie: Gutta Man and Sam Hoidel made me fucking cackle like crazy.
Like a cracka do.

>> No.6368543

Do you guys think this look works on brown asians?

>> No.6368579
