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/fa/ - Fashion

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6363413 No.6363413 [Reply] [Original]

>see something really cool
>it's sold out

>> No.6363428

Great thread

>> No.6363542

great post

>> No.6363545
File: 34 KB, 350x376, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw cow

>> No.6363548

Great reply.

>> No.6363550

I know that feel all too well.

Id' like to add
>see something really cool
>only your size is sold out

>> No.6363551
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i'm a tomato

>> No.6363554
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>tfw you will never be able to own remones

>> No.6363562

>tfw you get sent random fabric samples from a tailor and one of them is really really nice but you have little use for a suit and its the wrong colour for a blazer

>> No.6363564
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>something really cool
>buy it
>tfw when youre only dumping your paychecks into clothes
>your mom ask where's all your money
>"oh you know going out with friends
>"thats good dear, im glad youre having fun!
>tfw you have no reason to go out and instead just wear your sickfits while browsing 4chan 8 hours a day
kill me /fa/

>> No.6363565

sew the sample onto something you already own as a pocket

>> No.6363574

I'll cut it into two strips and sew it to my back like the rick owens labels

>> No.6363578
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>spend all my money on clothes and proper food to keep me /fa/ and /fit/
>when I'm not working out, stay inside all day watching animu and posting on /fa/

>> No.6363589

>run out of food
>okay i'll go grocery shopping
>put on sick fit in case there are any qt's
>elderly people everywhere
>nobody notices me
>cashier ignores me when I ask how he is
>go home
>browse 4chan

>> No.6363590

you too

>> No.6363592


learn another language and the guitar.

French if you're euro, spanish if american.

>> No.6363597

w-what if I'm Australian? should I learn didgeridoo?

>> No.6363601

I know spanish and play the guitar. What do?

>> No.6363604


whatever the most common foreigners speak.

Japanese? Chinese?

>> No.6363607

hey man at least you have the attention span to watch anime; i have ~2tbs of BD rips but im so fucking lazy

>> No.6363616

livin the dream

>> No.6363628

want to be my friend?

>> No.6363632

go busking

>> No.6363640

ill b your friend whats your name

>> No.6363663


>> No.6363672

cool, my name's bob

>> No.6363736

>tfw lock eyes with qt at bus stop for few seconds
>i had just been running, sweaty and pretty tired
>look down at the grown, look back up, she still lookin at me
>look at dude coming and walk past
>tfw i'm a fuccboi

>> No.6363753
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>see something really cool
>it's 2 sizes large

>> No.6363785
File: 69 KB, 437x626, portrait-de-froncer-les-sourcils-d-affaires_178430.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>walking in the city back in autumn 2012
>sick fit, with a camo jacket (it was hot back in the day)
>walk past 3 soldiers in camo uniforms
>they all give me this look
>I haven't worn it since

>> No.6363796

>rolling on MDMA in a warehouse party
>guy enters with a sick fit, asymetric tee and KVA multi lace sneakers
>go up to him, tell him I love his Kris Van Assche sneakers
>he shrugs and asks me what is a Kris Van Assche
>tfw this fuccboi was wearing fake korean shit

>> No.6363802

dont worry all they did was went to basic training and waiting their dicks to be sucked

>> No.6363806

What did the jacket look like? Sounds like they were just straight outta basic or something for them to do that.

>> No.6363815

>just nipping out for 5 minutes
>put on shitty clothes
>fucking high school reunion

>> No.6363816

>wearing camo m-65 jacket
>get call from friend in military
>"dude my car has broken down can you come pick me up from work"
>get into my old landrover defender
>drive to base
>get to entrance
>line of cars being checked by security
>oh shi I don't have a pass or anything
>security guard rushes over and opens up gate for me to go around other cars
>salutes me as I drive past
>walking around looking for friend outside
>people saluting me as I walk past them
>dropping spaghetti everywhere
>eventually find friend and leave without further incidents

>> No.6363853
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>About to buy some Damir after finally getting paid
>In the process of checking out my size goes out of stock

>> No.6363858

>flash sale website
>sic deal on a piece I really want
>one left, sells out like 20 seconds before I placed the order


>> No.6363860

>bored of my normal blazer
>thinking of getting a double breasted one
>not sure if can pull it off

>> No.6363863
File: 75 KB, 710x473, army-camouflage-jacket-vintage-710x473.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6363864

>see something really nice
>buy it
>too ugly to pull it off
>will never look good enough to pull off nice clothing because you'll just look like a tryhard

>> No.6363876

where do you live? if its not the US then they were just retards

if it was the us then they were entitled retards

>> No.6363879

I want to believe.
were you rocking a buzzcut, wearing camo pants and rangers too ?

>> No.6363881

Yurop, they were just patrolling retards I guess

>> No.6363885

what country? if you wore something of another countries military they were truly retards

>> No.6363886

Seriously, double breasted blazers look great with plain round neck tees

>> No.6363887


>> No.6363890

thanks bro I think I'll get it

>> No.6363892

post a pic of it
also remember that double-breasted blazers look better on tall and slim guys

>> No.6363895

So you wore the pic related?

Well then I know why they were pissed off. You don't wear a french F1 camo jacket when you're in france and not in the military

>> No.6363899
File: 246 KB, 540x810, sabir.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same as that, I'm 5'11 and stick thin so it should work for me

>> No.6363900

absolute bullshit

>> No.6363906

Haha, now I understand. I didn't know that it was a french jacket.
Thanks for the info bruh

>> No.6363912

Same measures here so you should be fine. It's a shame that It looks very formal tho, I've seen some with contrasting buttons that looked even better

>> No.6363911


unless you copped a pair of officer chevrons this is bullshit

>> No.6363916

yea kinda worried about it looking too formal.

>> No.6363924
File: 3 KB, 111x125, feel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i know this feel.

>> No.6363930

are you me ?

>> No.6363945

depends on what you're planning to wear it with

>> No.6363950


currently watching Samurai Champloo
I just got into anime so yeah i used to watch movies, in my spare, time but that got boring really quick.

>> No.6363953

plain t's or opened necked oxfords, and cuffed jeans with sneakers probably, I'm 20 what do you think? not sure if terrible or great idea

>> No.6363970


Watch the original 95 ghost in the shell movie, its amazing.

Id recommend more stuff but I don't wanna go full weeaboo on you.

>> No.6363972

watch Evangelion, it's a classic

>> No.6363974

Watch all of Macross in all it's dated and overtly japanese glory

>> No.6363981

Thanks guys this should keep me busy all summer :)

>> No.6363992



Make sure its the 2D version, there was a crappy 3D version that was not as good.

Also, FLCL. Its only 6 episodes, I think its on netflix, very very worth the watch.

>> No.6363997


Don't forget boku no pico

>> No.6364003
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>the fact that its sold out makes it even cooler

>> No.6364016
File: 12 KB, 200x189, 1307576777001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

FLCL looks very interesting. Already added to my watch list. And yeah I'll make sure I check out 2d version first

>mfw I look up the google image results of boku no pico

>> No.6364283
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mine is worse

>see something really good
>not 100% convinced, will think about it later
>10 minutes later, holy fuck i should definitely get that like right now
>run back to store

>> No.6364298

While you're at it, watch Elfen Lied and Gease.