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/fa/ - Fashion

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6349121 No.6349121 [Reply] [Original]

I just started working at Marshall's a week ago.
my assistant manager sent me home to change today and i feel discriminated against.

first of all, the people at my marshall's don't dress up or anything of the like for work. some do, others don't. i know that people judge you based on your appearance, so i try to spend a lot of time putting outfits together and looking appropriate and non-offensive (it doesn't matter if i work at marshall's or barneys)

today i wore black chino shorts from express (that i bought just to wear to work) with a white & black striped top, black ballet flats, a pink summer scarf. the minute i walked in, one of my managers said "you look cute today!" however when i left the lounge room, another manager called my name and said i can't wear shorts unless they go down to my KNEES. she said i had to either change into something else, buy something, or go home and change. i said i would go home and change, and i would have quit and not gone back if i didn't need the money right now. plus it took me an hour in driving time to go there and back (talk about gas money wasting)

the reason why i feel very discriminated against is because girls walk in to work wearing $2 old navy flip flops, yoga pant capris, running sweaters. i feel really discriminated against that i was sent home for my shorts, even if they did violate they dress code (though i feel that they do not, and my other manager even complimented me--idk if she knows i was sent home) then other employees should be sent home too

how do i address this issue? i don't want to start drama or problems at my work place (ive only been there for a week, but i'm going to spend the rest of the day today applying at other jobs because i clearly cant work with people like that, and i dont like the job anyway) but i can't just let that happen without doing something about it. should i tell my store manager? who could i tell, and how do i bring it up and talk about it without bringing drama?

>> No.6349136

yoga pant capris go below the KNEES tho

>> No.6349135

>how do i address the issue
follow the dress code.

>> No.6349137

Stopped there

>> No.6349143

well you really have no grounds for retaliation if it was explicit in your contract

so if you're unhappy with your situation either

a) go back to school
b) if you're in school, work at a different store

>> No.6349151

You weren't discriminated against.

Wear shorts that go past your knees next time. Don't fight or push this - you've got nothing to work with.

If they said you were a fag and you had to go home and change because your pink scarf - that's a different story, but again - you've got nothing here.

Don't push it. You will just look like a fucking idiot.

>> No.6349152

damn, she a real qt3.14

>> No.6349189

... I have no problem if I actually violated the dress code. my problem is that there are other girls working there who ACTUALLY violate the dress code by wearing flip flops and sweats, and they are not sent home. that is clearly discrimination.
not only that, but it doesnt say anything about not wearing shorts on the dress code paper. it doesnt mention lengths of shorts, and the manager who hired me told me they "tolerate a lot" (which is obvious seeing how some people there dress. but apparently i would be better if i wore sweat pants instead of an outfit i put together)

but fine, i wont talk about it again. Im definitely leaving as soon as i get a new job tho, which better be next week

>> No.6349198

sorry, i mean that if i actually violated the dress code, i would understand going home and changing. but i dont feel that i did. and even if i did, i feel really discriminated against because other people do everyday, yet they are never asked to change.

>> No.6349218

Different managers are differently strict. You're not being discriminated against, so put that victim shit to rest and figure out FAST how you're going to end up with a better job than the one you have now.

>> No.6349249

>ITT: female logic, cult of victimhood

>> No.6349311
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>> No.6349314

OP, you make us stand in a bad light...
I can understand that you feel treated unfair, but the way how you express yourself is just so... stereotypical. It could be straight of tumblr. Just at a little feminism shit here and there.... you know what I mean
Play down that victim complex.

I wouldnt got to the chef/stoe manager, I would just tell the one who called you out that you think it was unreasonable since everyone else dresses a certain why, and you dont understand why they can do this etc... It will end up in drama if you dont have the balls to tell her directly. To squeal someone is just an asshole move

>> No.6349330

well I dont want to tell her directly because I feel that it would cause a lot of drama. if I went up to her and said "that's unreasonable, you let other people work here..." i feel like it would cause drama there. if i told my store manager, i feel like he could then deal with it, and its not me fighting with a manager...

>> No.6349335

>Just at a little feminism shit
I mean add

Maybe provoce her next time by wearing the same chino, of course this time with something to change. And then you can confront her. Thats what I would do

>> No.6349339

Drop it. It doesn't matter. This is not worth the energy.

>> No.6349346

like i feel like if i told my store manager i felt discriminated against for being sent home for wearing black chinos and then girls came in later wearing flip flops and they werent sent home. i dont want to bring it back up with that manager because i feel like i would be starting an argument. if i told the store manager he could deal with it rather than me arguing with her ...

>> No.6349352

>Maybe provoce her next time by wearing the same chino, of course this time with something to change. And then you can confront her. Thats what I would do

How to lose your shit job over nothing.

>> No.6349350


I think it would cause less drama if only two people are involved, instead of the store manager and the people he also tells about this

>> No.6349361

why would he tell other people that i felt discriminatd against because i was sent home and other people wearing flip flops werent? thats obviously their own problem, and a real one...
its just annoying to me... i almost didnt go back but i need the money :(

>> No.6349362


she already implied she want to change the job, but yeah I wouldnt think about that shit more than a sec, too

>> No.6349369

i just hope i can find a new and better job by the time next week is over.

>> No.6349378

>she already implied she want to change the job

Better to leave on a positive note with another reference in your belt than to burn a bridge over Literally Nothing.

OP, try this. Sleep on it for the night. Take a day. Don't think about it, do some meditation, stress relief, whatever the fuck you do to blow off steam. Then consider whether this matters remotely in the course of your employment and life.

>> No.6349375
File: 32 KB, 644x364, steve_mcqueen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

post fit!, im a ex-manager but got in some problems for Sexual Harassment.

>> No.6349387

Okay, if you're a girl, and you're being held to a different standard than other female coworkers - you may have something, but this just seems like petty drama of working retail. I really don't think it's worth your time to pursue.

I'm sorry you have to deal with annoying shit like this in the workplace. I think the last place anyone should have to do deal with anything stupid is where they're trying to work and support themselves

>> No.6349412

What exactly does your dress code say?

>> No.6349442

lol... you cant get references for working somewhere less than a month.. ive only been there like 6 days, i plan to be gone by two weeks. thats my goal

yeah... thats why its offensive to me. if everyone dressed perfectly then i would see why she called me out- maybe i did violate it, and maybe its a strict dress code but a) no written things about short length in dress code b) other people violate it everyday by wearing flip flops and sweats... they are not sent home or asked to change.

>> No.6349457

>former Tjx employee
the dress code outlines all the shit you can and can't wear, this is all on you

>> No.6349461

What is this insinuation of victim complex bullshit?

I'm a guy and I'd be mad as fuck too. It's unfair and inconsistent as hell.

>> No.6349460
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i bet you were showing to much skin, post fit

>> No.6349472

yeah. it doesnt say you cant wear black chino shorts. AND THE THING THAT I AM ACTUALLY aggravated with is the fact that other people violate it but dont get called out or sent home. if i did violate the dress code, i take full responsibility. but not if people are coming to work in flip flops and yoga pants. no, no, no

>> No.6349489

first off, shorts are not acceptable professional attire. i'm not even sure why you tried wearing shorts to work.
secondly, go blow the whistle on them, if your managers don't resolve the issue, call the number in the break room

>> No.6349496
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hey op i dont have all day post nudes! i have things to do you know.

>> No.6349497

>wearing shorts to work
>expecting not to get in trouble
do you really think the customers want to see your legs OP? are you karlie kloss? I don't think so

>> No.6349501

because they were chinos, not jean shorts. but thats fine if i was wrong, i was just unaware.
and obviously i didnt think it mattered because people i worked with wear sweatpants to work, yoga pants, etc.

>> No.6349509

wear a dress or pencil skirt then fatty

>> No.6349511

it doesn't matter if they were chino or made of metal: shorts are not acceptable workwear

>> No.6349506

>karlie kloss
its 80 degrees. sorry but im not wearing pants.

>> No.6349518

Discriminated against?
You tell the story as if they shot you with a fire hose
It's black and white you weren't following the dress code end of story.

>> No.6349532

than youre probably a fag.
You have to stand over some things, if they are irrelevant and not worth it. Thats life, it is unfair

>> No.6349531

you're prob just too fat for the shorts and the other employees are fashion killas with sick bods so the management turns a blind eye to it but when you walked in with your thunder thighs the management saw your cellulite covered thighs and vomited into their coffee

>> No.6349538
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op is fat and ugly because not posting nudes or fit

>> No.6349539
File: 65 KB, 644x772, skirt[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah dude wear skirts. Then if they say anything it's gender discrimination.


>> No.6349575

I am pettite, and my shorts were a little loose on me even, and they are size 2.
and like i said my other manager complimented me when i walked in.

>> No.6349587

>size 2
i am lmao'ing my ass has literally been laughed off its sitting on the floor next to my pile of size 0 clothing

>> No.6349591

Im 5'6", and I can fit in size 0 (like i said they were loose on me...)

>> No.6349597

>not exclusively wearing haute couture
get out fatty

>> No.6349606
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1. Lawyer up
2. Delete Facebook
3. Hit the gym

>> No.6349649
File: 613 KB, 1229x1600, stevemcqueen3_491169.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sexual harassment Steve Mcqueen is back post fit or nudes

>> No.6351435

Why the fuck is /fa/ taking the manager's side? It's clearly unreasonable.

Let's say there was some kind of a point to dress codes for casual retail. There's absolutely, totally not, and any kind of civilized human being would think more of a fit with chino shorts - of any length! - than what sounds like the more concealing trashwear her coworkers get away with.

It also sounds like this was arbitrary managerial bullshit straight through - that there's aspects of the other employee's fits that violate the dress code, but short length is not actually mentioned in policy.

But let's say that it did violate the dress code. Let's say OP's knees do present some sort of impediment to Marshall's commerce. You know what also does? Sending an employee home. That's just bad, punitive, power-tripping bullshit that has nothing in common with actually trying to achieve a commercial goal. Assuming you weren't an idiot that overstaffed, you need that employee to be doing something more useful than changing her clothes.

Also, this is /fa/; we should find dress codes abhorrent as a matter of course. We're not talking e.g. uniforms at a restaurant to create an aesthetic environment and express someone's creative vision. We're not talking having a certain expected level of formality: something resembling a suit with a client or whatever. We're talking arbitrary restrictions on how people dress themselves become some fuckwit or some fuckwit's consultant decided that eking out a small bit of extra money by not pissing off the sort of close-minded asshole that needs to self-raged out of the culture was worth trodding over people's self-expression and culture.

>> No.6351465

only OP would put this much effort into defending OP

>> No.6351524

going to school wont solve anything

>> No.6351718

No. This is precisely the kind of shit, nearly the only kind of shit that doesn't involve people dying, that enrages me: imposed arbitrariness. It's so pointless and such a violation of sense and the target's dignity and agency.