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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 63 KB, 430x639, tumblr_mgdiy7ap4J1rvxeiqo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6336412 No.6336412 [Reply] [Original]

darker men > lighter men.

lighter women > darker women


>> No.6336420

i agree

female here, I prefer darker guys to pale ghost men, pale men remind me of just generally unhealthy people with like bone defects and health issues.

>> No.6336433
File: 29 KB, 530x400, 1365425619574.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

light brown men are master race. that guy is hot but he's bordering on too brown

imo this is the perfect colour

>> No.6336441

it depends

inb4 200+ replies of /int/ shitstorm

>> No.6336453
File: 110 KB, 700x700, grace-jones-nightclubbing-kopie1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


is there anything more /fa/ than this? the answer is no, there isn't.

>> No.6336456


>> No.6336460

But indians are the most un/fa/ people in the world.

>> No.6336461

is that a female

>> No.6336462

I prefer lighter for both genders.

>> No.6336463



do you remember americas next top model season 2 where the girl had to replicate this shoot

>> No.6336465

hey bb, i think i got a bone defect. maybe you can take a look at it B)

>> No.6336466

mixed race master race

>> No.6336480

look at it's chest its a male thingy

>> No.6336484
File: 29 KB, 450x300, arjun-rampal-housefull.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Indians are Aryan

>> No.6336517


>> No.6336515

Is that the guy who got banned from saudi arabia for being too sexy?

>> No.6336529


Look up albino indians and tell me they don't look like ugly swedes.

>> No.6336540
File: 1.73 MB, 1000x1282, GraceJonesPoster[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>digging through vinyl in a thrift store
>find a copy of Grace Jones's "Portfolio"
>meh, not her best but I'll buy it for $1
>little kid sees it and loudly says "That's a boy!"

>> No.6336539
File: 124 KB, 936x1219, full-aishwarya-rai-eyes-1275912598.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look up anything on Aryan mythology.

Hitler considered these guys Aryan. Aryan doesn't always mean "white"

>> No.6336545

When women say they like dark men they actually mean hair color. Tanned white men possess a higher replication value than natural shitskins.

>> No.6336548

You mean mediterraneans?

>> No.6336566


By tanned white men I mean Europeans who go to the beach and get tanned.

>> No.6336572

Weird, the exact opposite for me.

>> No.6336581

But they turn red. Girls like red sunburns?

>> No.6336578

>replication value

why can't i... hold all this broscience?

>> No.6336582

>higher replication value

you mean skin cancer risk?

>> No.6336597
File: 89 KB, 341x358, ima.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lighter men > darker men.

lighter women > darker women

fixd it for u m8:)

i love palepale skin, but i also like being able to get a golden tan

>> No.6336718


we turn red, we shed our skin and then we tan normally. unless you are a disgusting ginger or some shit like that.

>> No.6336918

why do white people tan?

>> No.6336952


to look healthy and attractive

>> No.6336962

>Aishwarya Rai

Dat plastic surgery.

>> No.6336970


Who cares what Aryan meant originally. When people say Aryan these days they refer to nordics.

Can you quote where Hitler says Indians are Aryan?

>> No.6336985

>being insecure borderline ginger-pale but blonde hair and beard is auburn
>see this thread
>securely insecure 4 life.

>> No.6336998

nah man you are incorrect turkey and west is considered pseudo-aryan
that is if they look any bit aryan

>> No.6337003

its not indians, its persians. they are the original arische rasse and shit

>> No.6337014


But what I'm saying is, it's still irrelevant because the term Aryan conjures a blond and blue eyed person now.

>> No.6337017

White men
White women

The rest of you are gross, sorry.

>> No.6337020

fucking niggers, when will they learn

>> No.6337047

i see what your saying but i find it extremely interesting how we became indians from black people and then white from there
it seems like only people at the very end of the spectrum are considered aryan

>> No.6337056

It's common knowledge that Iranians + Indians are included in "Aryan."
You have Indo-European and Indo-Aryan. Both are Aryan. Both have, hypothetically, the same ancestors and their languages can be traced back to the same source.

But what kind of Indian, I don't know, because there are many and they don't look alike. My guess is that its Indians in the north, closest to Iran, and those who spoke Sanskrit and their descendants.

>> No.6337068

>But what I'm saying is, it's still irrelevant because the term Aryan conjures a blond and blue eyed person now.

Aryan literally means Iranian.

>> No.6337070


Hitler's own anthropologists admitted that even Roma people were closer to being "Aryan" than the krauts themselves.

But since they didn't give a fuck/didn't maintain their "Aryannes" they were packed with the rest of undesirables

>> No.6337088

I prefer darker women to lighter ones. I also think light skinned men are more attractive than darker skinned men (n-no homo). This is coming from a dark mexican.

>> No.6337105
File: 183 KB, 500x700, tumblr_lq5pdyL0Vv1qarksao1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How dark are we talking? Because I think its universally acknowledged that mediterraneans > nordics

But darker than that is hit or miss, imo.

>> No.6337178


Indians are gross and they aren't Aryan. The light skinned ones are from Persian decent.

Iranians are true Aryans and by definition they are more Aryans than the Nordic and Germanic people. People don't realize this fact because they are stupid.

>> No.6337180


Nordics are in no way aryan. Hitler meant the term to reference the blood descendants of romans and greek and other indoeuopean peoples. Hitler invented a mythology in stating that blonde hair and blue eyes were aryan traits, this in no way represents the facts. He didn't care.

>> No.6337196

.... so tall, pale, blue-eyed blondes aren't desired?

>> No.6337199

Please just stop, my sides can't handle any more.

>> No.6337233

Are you a girl? Then yes.

>> No.6337543


It's certainly more feminine than darker hair, etc. Also eyebrows are usually mia, and that always looks poor.

>> No.6337562

Do you fucking know where the terms Iranian and Aryan comes from?

>> No.6337570

i prefer the middleground with dark black and pale white looking the worst on men
agree fully with second statement

>> No.6337629

>mfw will smith skin-tone black guy
>mfw perfect girl is mixed race black girl qt 3.14
>mfw there's none around me or they are only interested in white guy
>mfw they assume I'm not the first cookie in an oreos pack
>mfw too white for normal black girls
>mfw other race of girls interested in me is skeezy white girls
>tfw very lonely

>> No.6337667

If you mean pale, then that's a pretty hard look to pull off. Darker skin is easy mode because the higher demand means market caters more for the majority that is the not extremely pale.

>> No.6337701
File: 70 KB, 720x960, Xj12heO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I. Know. Every. Fucking. Single. One. Of. These. Feels.

>small Canadian town
>tfw /fa/ and minority
>have very "sharp" facial features
>fairly /fa/ and confident on myself
>catch girls 'mirin at me all the fucking time. Grocery store, restaurants, bars etc, there's always girls staring and/or 'mirin
>tfw they become visibly nervous when I approach/interact with them (when I have to, I am borderline shut in but I have friends)
>tfw walking downtown, dark sunglasses on. Local white guy white walking with his qt3.14 gf on the opposite way. Me being 6'4", guys are manlets. As they approach, guy scowls, girls faintly smiles and/or completely avoid the guy's face. Repeat this many times per week.
>tfw a lot of people think I'm gay because I am /fa/ and don't act like an Afro American thug ape

Fucking swear, this happens so many times.

It's partly my fault since I've been going Basquiat mode for a while.....I can see why its really off-putting (when I go to Toronto, I get a lot more people 'mirin) but whatever. sorry for the rant

>> No.6337734

they get nervous when you approach them because they're confused why youre staring at them and approaching them in inappropriate settings (grocery store, restaurants... bars are ok)

>> No.6337741


Umm, I used the word "approach" incorrectly, what I meant to say is, when I have to interact with them (ie cashier at a grocery store when I have to pay for my items, or pharmacist or w/e).....other than that, I generally hate small talk and I don't/can't approach girls just like that. And I am not staring at them, I catch them staring at me.

>> No.6337755

ah ok

well as a tall man myself don't mistake people looking at you because you're a huge thing entering their field of vision with people staring at you because they think you're attractive

>> No.6337766

>tfw I know each single fucking feel
>tfw qt3.14 asian girls mire my fits but would never date me
>tfw dadcore is the fit that draws bishes eyes towards me
>tfw want to do hobo-core but I'm black

>> No.6337780


It goes both ways. Yesterday I was at some restaurant (picking up food after the bar) when I bumped into an acquaintance of mine and 2 of her friends. She was drunk, so we talked for a few min.

At one point she had to excuse herself to the bathroom, and I was there with her two slutty gfs. Now, as I said earlier I don't like small talk but I am not an aspie, I can and do have long talks with friends of mine at the bar. Anyway, when I went to talk to these wenches....they completely ignored me. As in, it was like I wasn't even there. And this happens fairly often. Neighbors of mine won't even acknowledge my existence when they see me outside. The charms of small, bucolic Canadiana small towns.

I can confidently say I am an attractive guy. I get told once in a while that I should model. People often told me I have an "aura" and that I look like a "rock star" and shit like that. Like I said earlier, even by black guy standard, I'm pretty fucking outstandingly strange (Basquiat mode mixed with rudeboy and suedehead). You don't have to believe me on this but I don't see why I would be anonymously lying on the internet.

>> No.6337784


you sound really autistic

>> No.6337781

>middle east
>not nxtlvl

>> No.6337787



if my sentence structure is weird, you should know English isn't my first language

>> No.6337798

You sound like you read too much into situations.

>> No.6337802

h-hold me ginga

>> No.6337805


We are analyzing feels here, man. I don;t want to sound 3edgy5u but after experiencing a healthy dose of racism and sheer ignorance, I've grown a fairly thick skin. So every time episodes likes the one I described happen, I just turn 360 degrees and walk way.

I typed that wall of text because this thread seems appropiate for it

>> No.6337850

I'm a ginger and I have a fairly easy time with girls. Don't let your genetics hamper your life. There's always someone who has it better, and someone who has it worse.

Plus, a unique appearance is often a good thing.

>> No.6337851

Dark people seem to "spiced" and full of energy that tries to come off as sensual, much like how they like to dance. It's too the point where it comes off as tribal instead of passionate.

>> No.6337867

oh so they are naturally unhealthy and unattractive got it

>> No.6337883
File: 294 KB, 2700x2025, 1362333839987.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Men should be light-skinned with dark hair. Women should be light-skinned with blonde hair.

>> No.6337888

he dyes his beard.

>> No.6337907
File: 125 KB, 1067x1600, 01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


back to /pol/ & stormfront with you

>> No.6337908

men and women should be everything
genetic variation is beneficial in ensuring the survival of the human species
(yeah i aced HS biology)

>> No.6337906
File: 280 KB, 1280x857, 1370376101008.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.6338016
File: 90 KB, 500x580, tumblr_lziounsycX1rpu2r7o1_r1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

unboring men > boring men

unboring women > boring women

prove me wrong buttnuggets

>> No.6338027

that's a great beard. I'm jelly.

>> No.6338035

The only reason darker men would look good is because they have some white traits

>> No.6338042

mediterranean is clearly master race

>> No.6338078
File: 78 KB, 800x1100, jon-jon-kortajarena-34617683-800-1100.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are fucking disgusting pale people, and disgusting brown/dark/whatever people. But not all of a single kind are unattractive. Also, it should be taken account that not everybody prefers the same shit.

On a side note, I'm a tan Spanish/Greek/French/Mexican mix and have been told that I can be taken as of Afghan decent. This is was a definite confidence booster.

>> No.6338087

>have been told that I can be taken as of Afghan decent. This is was a definite confidence booster.
>this is was a definite confidence booster.
i'm sorry, what?

>> No.6338093
File: 64 KB, 485x700, tumblr_ly5rkfOuBV1r8x6wro1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> still doesn't know about afghans, the most beautiful of all aryans

>> No.6338098
File: 170 KB, 467x467, 1371118693304.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is/was. Both fit the sentence.
I got my words all jumbled up.

>> No.6338101
File: 54 KB, 600x480, 600afghanistan-woman[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/fa/ thinks all afghan people are attractive because of this picture

>> No.6338111
File: 428 KB, 982x674, afghan14.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

implying that pic isn't overrated

>> No.6338126
File: 370 KB, 2358x1571, OALne.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She just has gorgeous eyes. If they were brown she'd look p. avg.

>> No.6338132

Yeah, now post the one of her ten years later.

>> No.6338134
File: 22 KB, 370x545, Copy_of_zm_zoomin_01[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that picture isn't representative of all Afghans
also, so far all the pictures are young girls. no surprise that kids have a youthful appearance

picture is the afghan girl all grown up

>> No.6338140


afghans are srs masterrace, bro; it's all thanks to alexander and his mixing with the locals.

>> No.6338142

afghans don't have brown eyes

>> No.6338143


What do you expect? She's been living in the desert her whole life

>> No.6338145


We all know she got ugly

But gee, I wonder if her shitty diet and living a lifetime of horrors had anything to do with it

>> No.6338150
File: 210 KB, 800x801, pakistanis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're all Pashtun people

>> No.6338151


/fa/ is too fucking stupid

>wait what? why didn't she just move to NY?

>> No.6338157
File: 29 KB, 500x279, tumblr_mkxe6cLQqy1rgma9bo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> israel orders america to fund crazy minority of religious fundamentalists
> country goes to shit
> good goy!
> israel orders america to go and start war with the crazy fundamentalists
> country goes to shit even more

what a delusional goy you are...

>> No.6338171

Do you not know shit about geography?

>> No.6338174

That's the point. It shows how a hard life can rob you of your beauty.
Prolonged anguish shows up in the face.

>> No.6338177
File: 49 KB, 500x297, 482164291.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

afghanistan has a pretty dope skate scene m8

have you never shredded up downtown kabul business district? lotta gnarly handrails and big sets

>> No.6338181
File: 37 KB, 220x475, Untitled-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6338184
File: 32 KB, 495x333, blackriver2[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nah bro I'm all about fingerboarding, skating with real skateboards is for kids

>> No.6338187

i'm saying Afghans look average. people are just posting the same pictures of girls over and over again.

>> No.6338192

lol you're really dumb m8...read up on history...israel commanded america to fuck up afghanistan twice over

lol i had a lil tech deck skatepark i'm not ashamed to say it

>> No.6338198

> posts a pic of old man

ok shlomo

>> No.6338200

nigger blackriver setups go for the same amount as real skateboards



>> No.6338220

For all we know that man has a terrible hairline

lets see the ba- hairline B)

>> No.6338248

you guys have poor arguing skills
you could probably fill a thread with attractive afghans. but you could also do that with any other race
and personally i dont' think that guy is particularly attractive

>> No.6338282

Shit, nig, thought you were talking about the whole recent ordeal with Palestinians.

>> No.6338461

I saw the face of evil. It bore its eyes into my soul. I saw... that child.


Stop it.