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/fa/ - Fashion

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6300261 No.6300261 [Reply] [Original]

Hey fa what is in this??

>> No.6300266

sruli dildo

>> No.6300269

fuccboi moneyboy shit

>> No.6300276

an anteater

>> No.6300282

A half ounce of weed

>> No.6300286

nothing. it's just a bag.

>> No.6300291
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>> No.6300298

gay scarf

>> No.6300347
File: 499 KB, 826x480, Beautiful_Backzip_Guidis-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guidis are my best guess.

>> No.6300350

>shopping bag with website printed on

>> No.6300399
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Better bag design.

>> No.6300416

Post the fucking boots faggot

>> No.6300425

nothing to see here it is just socks

>> No.6300430

it is an augusta box

>> No.6300437
File: 1.95 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there were many things in the bag

>> No.6300479

how much do guidis generally retail at?

>> No.6300500

£600 - £1500

>> No.6301187

I love atelier so much, the first time i went in was for kith but then i realised i was in utter heaven, not only is kith a sneaker store with a much lower fuccboi per capita but atelier was a store which i could stay hours in.

>> No.6301359

cmon op dont let us hangin like that

>> No.6302896
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>> No.6302971



>> No.6305339
File: 1.39 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey fuccbois why are you guys still bumping this thread

here is something else in the bag but not in the box

>> No.6305357

>how do macro?

>> No.6305388

The brand is on the zipper so if it was in focus it wouldn't really be a teaser, more like overtly showing you what it was


>> No.6305392


its guidi, you can see by the shape of the zipper and by the teeth on the zipper, and 2 lines of contrast stitching next to it

>> No.6305430

So op got guidis in a1923 box. This is how fakes are sold, now the only thing left is to decide what atelier bag has to do with it.
If, instead, you've bought a pair of guidis and augustas, hell, congratulations, man. This is a fucking solid cop and I am glad for you.
Too bad you won't be able to rock them for 3 months from now on, but fall will came.

>> No.6305443

I wonder if I should link a sz thread where OP is taking his pictures or not.

>> No.6305479
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Lol please do, I'll post a time stamp bitch

>> No.6305523

You'd better do it fast.

>> No.6305547
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No, post the thread I am taking pictures from so I can shame you publicly

>> No.6305580

fucking manlet

>> No.6305585

Isn't it obvious? http://stylezeitgeist.com/forums/showthread.php?t=2528 look for the fucking page by yourself.
>implying you don't know the page

>> No.6305596


do you really think augusta makes sz 3 shoes?

>> No.6305618

and what makes diciannoveventitre worth $2000 a pair exactly?

>> No.6305654


if you have to ask, theyre not the right purchase for you.

>> No.6305668
File: 1.75 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why don't you show me the page you poor piece of shit?

You are pathetic.

>> No.6305678

just answer the question you stuck up cunt

>> No.6305695

like most artisanal clothing you are paying for exclusivity, design and craftsmanship

>> No.6305694


why? its a waste of time. either you get it, and understand the product, or dont, and wont buy it. im reasonably sure its the latter seeing as you probably dont have a pair.

>> No.6305698

a1923 backzips :--) good choice

>> No.6305701

bull derbies actually

>> No.6305716

There are no reasons to be so mad. I hope you have some backzips already, though you won't have a problem to cop one even if you don't.

I am so fucking jelly of you.

>> No.6305733
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Lol you shouldn't assume that everyone on /fa/ is a fuccboi, you seem very jaded

>> No.6305744

yea that's mostly what i figured, which is a shame, the crafsmanship and design are certainly fantastic no question there.

no i don't own a pair, because at that price i'd get another pair of bespoke shoes, i own guidis, and demeulmeesters i was wondering if there was a genuine reason they're priced so much beyond exceptionally high quality footwear, and i got my answer, because someone is willing to convince themselves its worth it

>> No.6305745

DH is nothing compared to the items above. A really nice denim though.

>> No.6305751


>someone is willing to convince themselves its worth it

welcome to every product designed, ever.

>> No.6305752

>because someone is willing to convince themselves its worth it
This is the reason high fashion exists.
There is no need to get a1923 backzips if you have guidis already.

>> No.6305775
File: 1.87 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they are the destroyed jeans from 04

worth a lot of $$$ and they are pretty iconic at this pt

value is relative

this is a picture from the met punk exhibit book showing them with dior sneaks

>> No.6305783

keep telling yourself that, most products don't have price points in the clouds because their producers can get away with it

most products have a production costs, marketing costs, et cetera, then the producers decide on a profit margin that is both acceptable to them and their customers based on demand, but exclusivity comes and they use their own inflation of price as a selling point, it's very very different from >every product designed, ever

>> No.6305795

Why have you asked your mom to buy you derbies?

>> No.6305813


>because their producers cant get away with it

so then the question is why? if a product is designed well enough to command a price like that, then there is something about it that differentiates it from lower pricepoints.

>it's very very different from >every product designed, ever

not at all, every design that is successful, is successful because enough people are willing to convince themselves that it is worth it.

If this was failing with these shoes, they would have to change their price or their production costs to allow for that. But apparently they dont need to.

>> No.6305824

Ok, Brady Jackson, you've made me jelly. I don't have a clue why these are bought by different people, maybe this is really your mom, I don't care. Let me repost it to /b/ to see the reaction. I hope you don't mind a few calls to your home, right?

>> No.6305863

most products have inherent value that bring their price up, which is the point, and i pointed that out, but you ignore that and just state the opposite without evidence

the point there is that there is no inherently greater value in the product itself to warrant the greater price, it's a gimmick where the price itself is the selling point not the product

it doesn't need to be that high for sufficient profits to be made, but the producers raises the price significantly to play off social ideas that having the illustriously expensive thing is better, and the false correlation of price increase and quality increase

>> No.6305864



how do u like working at nautica man

>> No.6305884

It's pretty much /fa/

>> No.6305878

Pretty great, my nautica job allows me to drop approx $5000 np

>> No.6305896

good cops, post fit(s) please

>> No.6305894


>most products have inherent value that bring their price up


The design of this shoe for example, has the inherent qualities to drive the cost up. Since they are a no-name brand, there is no cache involved in buying it for the price, because upon looking at it, a person on the street doesnt know it costs $2500. Therefore, the only thing that would make it successful at the price point it is, are the inherent qualities of the product.

>but the producers raises the price significantly to play off social ideas that having the illustriously expensive thing is better, and the false correlation of price increase and quality increase

citation needed, i havent seen any evidence that the designer has used this technique to market products.

also you dont know what they cost to produce, unless you are the accountant for the brand. the designer could be making $40 profit on each pair for all we know.

>> No.6305898



i didnt know graphic designers made that much

>> No.6305937


op here and ive been following this conversation closely. It is true that augusta is a brand that is not recognized by 99.999% of people so it seems like brand recognition should not be a pricing factor - but it is. augusta is one of those weird niche brands like ccp or bbs where the work is done by Italians in basements and shipped out to few retailers because they don't make many.

that is how exclusivity plays into the price - for example, the luc j pants I bought normally retail for $1700. seems crazy expensive to most but only 19 were made, which means the designer needs to make quite a bit of profit from each sell in order to keep his business afloat.

I don't think prices are raised artificially with these artisan brands. I think givenchy is a prime example of a house that utilizes douchebag tactics by increasing prices to keep the less wealthy out of their clothing without elevating construction quality.

It goes without saying that the luc pants, a1923 shoes and guidi bag are extremely well made with absolutely outstanding construction quality.

>> No.6305955

a lot of graphic designers I know make $100k+ per year and they are in their 20s

with that said, I dont think it really has the salary growth of other jobs like engineers or bankers/ people in finance, but it is a fun job.

>> No.6305956

economics how does it work?
they are far and away not the only artisanal producer of footwear using these materials, production methods, or design motifs ascertaining a ballpark estimate for what is necessary to stay afloat and make great profits is simple.

You can't explain anything about the methods of production or materials used in producing these items that warrants their extremely elevated price point.

Citations needed?

Diamonds, Wine, Leather, guess what this is leather?

They are all documented products with producers that use this marketing scheme of falsely inflated prices to fool their customers into believing their products are worth it.

>> No.6305975

despite starting this argument and seemingly arguing against the copping of these goods, i still think they're great items and look awesome as hell

extremely limited runs do cost more and that understandable but much of the fashion industry is unnecessarily overpriced

>> No.6305977

are they worth $2000? probably not, but if someone wants shoes with that design and that type of construction then there is nowhere else to look.

are geobaskets worth $1400? of course not from a strictly objective sense looking only at costs to the designer, but fashion is subjective and you have to take into account the buyer. many are willing to pay exorbitant prices for a certain design because they like it. It is worth it to them no matter how inflated the price is - I don't see how anyone is being fooled.

>> No.6305988


>They are all documented products with producers that use this marketing scheme of falsely inflated prices to fool their customers into believing their products are worth it.

haha i get it, youre the smart one who realized that is all a big ruse.

everyone who bought the products are suckers because they just dont "get" economics like you do.


and just fyi not all shoes cost the same amount to produce.


>It goes without saying that the luc pants, a1923 shoes and guidi bag are extremely well made with absolutely outstanding construction quality.

I dont think there is any debate over the quality

>it seems like brand recognition should not be a pricing factor - but it is

can u explain how brand recognition is a pricing factor if you just admit 99.9% never heard of it?

>> No.6305989
File: 81 KB, 419x540, oh my good god.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't see how anyone is being fooled?

that's your thin privilege showing.

and with that i've gotta run it was fun debating with you

>> No.6305995


>much of the fashion industry is unnecessarily overpriced

unless you have access to accountant's books like i said earlier you are pulling this out of your ass completely. Post the exact profit margins that MA+ is operating under or shut up.

>> No.6306039

brand recognition playing a role is not the same as the way that well known people have brand recognition like Rick Owens. That probably doesn't make any sense but let me explain: brands like ccp luc bbs a1923 etc are recognized in niches of the fashion community as experimental designers (augusta less so but the point remains) that create some of the highest quality and most complex clothing on the market.

This makes up the .0001% of people who recognize the prestigious brand name and realize (by the name) that the shoes will be priced almost entirely due to the quality of the shoe itself, not hype or any other factor (barring some exceptions ie ccp drips).

While most don't recognize the name a diciannoveventitre, those that do know that they are purchasing a pair of shoes made in some basement in Italy somewhere by artisans just because it bares the name.

sorry I am typing on mobile this reply probably didn't make any sense

>> No.6306060


>brands like ccp luc bbs a1923 etc are recognized in niches of the fashion community as experimental designers (augusta less so but the point remains) that create some of the highest quality and most complex clothing on the market.

I see. I guess we are thinking of brand recognition in different ways.

just reading this

>that create some of the highest quality and most complex clothing on the market.

makes me think that its more about the quality/design of the garments then the brand that created them.

>> No.6306083

yeah it is a little different because the quality of the garments sells them rather than the brand name (as opposed to something like supreme for example, not that there is anything wrong with that).

with that said though brand recognition inevitably develops over time as people realized "hey, ccp makes really cool clothes." due to the price point, I doubt people will just buy ccp willy nilly like they do with supreme, but the brand is still at least an indicator as to why an item is priced the way that it is.

don't know why I'm still replying since we seem to be in agreement but I have nothing else to do anyway

>> No.6306218

still no fits
op realised he dropped 5000usd for clothes that dont fit him LOL

>> No.6307797


only total fucking retards post fits on /fa/

rick himself could post a fit and be criticized by faggots like you wearing your cdbs and levis thinking you know the first thing about fashion
