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/fa/ - Fashion

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6288545 No.6288545 [Reply] [Original]

drugs esp.weed are extremely /fa/ and you know it
except when people make it their life and never shut up about it

>> No.6288561

Like how you are talking about it right now while no one else wants to?

>> No.6288563

Lmfao u couldn't be more wrong.

>> No.6288617

It's true, dealing is one of the few ways one can come to afford rick stuff. But consuming drugs is not effay because it depletes the funds going towards new rick shit.

>> No.6288626

dealing drugs isn't great money though

>> No.6288630

weed is probably one of the least /fa/ drugs

>> No.6288637

420 blaze it xDDDDD 420 blaze it erryday nigga xDDDDDDDDDDD

>> No.6288643

A lot of people don't consider it a drug

It's just a plant that has an enjoyable effect when combusted

I feel bad for you guys that think you have to be too good to smoke weed

Enjoy going to the bar every weekend and looking 50 when you're 30

>> No.6288648

You niggas need to try it once so it'll open your mind

>> No.6288650

smoking weed reguarly was always something that 13-year-olds and Americans do. Thirteen-year-olds do it because they can't go to clubs or buy booze in any worthwhile quantity yet, and Americans do it for much the same reason. It seems like something you'd naturally graduate out of once you'd had your first legal pint, your first illegal pill, your first experience of the crushing high-effort/low-profit venture that is love, ect.

>> No.6288673

>It's just a plant that has an enjoyable effect when combusted
In other words, a drug.

>> No.6288671

>consuming things that ruin your body

why are you glorifying your self-destructive behavior

>> No.6288672


I smoke everyday and I'm 21

I don't care for coke
I don't care for MDMA
I don't care for alcohol (except at parties and sometimes chilling)
I like mushrooms/acid but I don't do it often

you fuccbois just need to realize/accept everyone has a drug of choice, and saying you're "/fa/" because you like ____ is retarded. People consuming/doing things just so they can tell other people how cool it is smh

>> No.6288676


none of those things are exclusive

you are not worldly

>> No.6288679

How does weed ruin your body?

Holy shit you're 15 aren't you

>> No.6288686


nah mate it's a herb. shits good for your mind and soul

>> No.6288685

When I take drugs, I do it because I want to feel sharp and to artificially augment my own sense of self-esteem. I don't do it so I can sit around having a whimsical smirk at somebody's Yoda impression. The truth is that for the majority of the time, smoking weed is just fucking dull. If it were a colour, it would be the colour of a jumper from Reiss. If it were a film, it would be something that was highly acclaimed at Sundance, but which is actually just lots of wide-angle shots of people running dust through their fingers.

>> No.6288681
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Let's see your piece /fa/. Here's my rig, set up for flowers instead of oil.

>> No.6288689

Why doesnt weed do much for me? Or am I expecting too much from it? I had tried shrooms before trying weeds and they were mind blowing. I just get really spaced out and feel like sinking in the sofa. One time though I got really paranoid that my friends gf was hitting on me and putting her hands on me but actually she was several feet away from me but I was too scared to look.

>> No.6288694

Alright - you know what. I don't give a fuck. I'm a ghetto-ass motherfucker, and I'm going to smoke weed. I'm sure I'll smoke a bowl the morning of the day I die

>> No.6288696

This is the prime example of a shit post.

Fuck you, OP.

>> No.6288697


have you already smoked so much weed you've completely forgot what cancer is

>> No.6288698

>it's just a plant XD

so you are cool with cocaine opium and heroin then?

smoke O err'day it's good for you because it's a plant XDDDD

>> No.6288705


weed overdose

>> No.6288706

Yeah, you're expecting too much from weed, and based on how you talk you really come off as a junkie, and I don't recommend any chemicals for you - that or you're an underage banned

>> No.6288707

Okay - you are trolling. Smoking weed does not give you cancer

That, or you're an underage idiot

>> No.6288708


r you that fucking blinded by government propaganda? herb can cure and prevent cancer. look it up

>> No.6288716


why should I care of some other man wants to smoke some opium

>> No.6288718


aside from bodily effects there are the mental. The paranoia. Because that's the real problem, isn't it? Because even though science is yet to prove absolutely conclusively that weed turns your brain into an ice-cream scoop sized splat of dog's diarrhoea, we all know people who could prove it with just one look at their bedrooms. These are the casualties, because for every Willy Nelson, every Snoop Dogg, everyone who's handling their shit on the bud, there's a jobless, catatonic, paranoid person whose problems can be directly linked to their draw habit. The only argument that the "legalise it" brigade have to counteract this seems to be listing another billionaire who buns occasionally.

>> No.6288722

why do u care so much

i dont even smoke but you're a proper odd one

>> No.6288729

The people that have weed open the floodgates for their schizophrenia were going to get it anyway

>> No.6288730

lol what im not a junkie or underage

I just read about shrooms on the internet got interested and went to the first field we found with a friend and BAM over 100 semilanceatas

feels really weird looking back to it, it was 2 years ago and havent gone there since

>> No.6288734
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I don’t need no speed, no
I don’t need no heroin, no thanks
I don’t want no coke, not today
You can keep your ketamine, yeah
I’m a bassline junkie, what?
I’m a bassline junkie, tell them again
I’m a bassline junkie, tell them again
And I like it funky

>> No.6288736


ok so are you going to tell me tobacco doesnt cause cancer too?

yeah you probably are because your brain has turned to shit and youll completely ignore the obvious evidence right in front of your face

>> No.6288740

>When I take drugs, I do it because I want to feel sharp and to artificially augment my own sense of self-esteem.
>When I take drugs, I do MDMA.

>> No.6288742
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>> No.6288750


it opens your mind to new ideas like steve jobs. and alcohol would be worse for those people anyways, herb only relaxes

>> No.6288751

You have got to be trolling. I fucking love it. I love that I keep falling for your bait.

Tobacco-smoking obviously causes cancer. However, smoking weed does not.

Even if you smoked weed until you died - yyou would die from carbon monoxide poisoning, and it's not actually humanly possible to smoke that much weed - not too mention you're just going to get wicked stoned, change mindset and stop doing it

>> No.6288754

>herb only relaxes
paranoia and anxiety are pretty relaxing

>> No.6288764

If you smoke weed and you get paranoid and anxious - don't do it

Weed does not do that to 75% of people, AT LEAST

>> No.6288766


so you are claiming that weed and tobacco dont contain the same sort of toxins that kill your brain cells and that the smoke doesn't damage your lungs and give you cancer

ok junkie

>> No.6288767

what will your mother say when she finds your body?

>> No.6288770

>causes cancer
vape faggot

>> No.6288776

You are an excellent troll. However, I am done playing

>> No.6288786

heres some scientifically proven research for you to read if you arent too stoned right now to string together words


>> No.6288803
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mfw /fa/ discuss drugs

>> No.6288807


bullshit that's just government funded research, i can tell from experience that it doesn't and besides you can take it in other ways

>> No.6289108


hows that weed-induced paranoia treating ya big guy

>> No.6289167

Only cocaine

>> No.6289177


weed is stupid, couchriding is stupid, it's culture is stupid, the people that do it exclusively are stupid

>but le famus people smoke le weed

yeah but you and the vast majority of your idiot friends are not famous, nor intelligent, nor rich, nor drug dealers of fortune.

Uppers that destroy your pleasure centers are the only fashionable drugs. Staying alive, staying inside, smoking dope and getting drunk, growing old, coping with day to day existance for 80 years and raising a family is what everyone does.

If you wanna be effay, you gotta die young in a visceral and violent manner. Otherwise, there's no point. Might as well just be fat.

Id rather BE fat than a pothead.

>> No.6289190
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OP here, think whatever you want about weed, everyone's entitled to an opinion.
I smoke weed because I like feeling a bit more chilled than usual.
If you don't like it fair enough but get off your fucking high horse, just because you don't smoke doesn't mean that you're any better than those of us who do.

>> No.6289194
File: 11 KB, 645x773, tfw14.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>high horse

>> No.6289197

Uppers get old.

>> No.6289200

>tfw you can only smoke weed like 2 times a week because you need to have a clear mind

>> No.6289204

Das wusup. We should totes hang.

>> No.6289210
File: 378 KB, 1280x1804, 16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's impossible to be /fa/ if you're fat.
I'm not saying I smoke a fat joint everyday, every now and then I have a couple of singles with friends and that's it.
And I only ever smoke outside. Haha.

>> No.6289220

creativity is /fa/
understanding yourself, life, nature, culture is /fa/

therefore the only /fa/ drugs are psychedelics

>> No.6289248
File: 113 KB, 600x900, 13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this guy

>> No.6289543

weed is gross fuccboi

only fa drug is cocaine