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6256934 No.6256934[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

drinking like 15 cups of water a day
skip breakfast
have a salad
coffee for dinner

>> No.6256941

except you're ugly so it doesnt matter

>> No.6256947

thats fucking gross

>> No.6256948

in b4 heart attack, renal failure and malnutrition

>> No.6256953

>15 cups of water


>> No.6256958

not really

yeah i'm going to stop soon. it just so happened that i wanted to start drinking more water and too lazy to go to the supermarket so i thought i'd lose some weight.

>> No.6256964

Nigga that's how you wreck your body, not lose weight

>> No.6256970

>having to actually not eat to have a skinny body

fatass detected

enjoy shit genetics

u mirin metabolism?

>> No.6256966

you could try intermittent fasting and eating healthy, but cutting out all food (salads barely count as a source of nutrition, unless it's mixed dark leafy greens), you're doing a bit of damage to your body

>> No.6256980

weight's been dropping tho
>yeah i'm going to stop soon.

always been skinny. currently 6'3'' 152. metabolism pretty high.

>> No.6257024

No, you're not losing weight, you're pissing your organs out.

>> No.6257026

i eat like shit, always been skinnyfag but im 18 now 5'11 135lb and i noticed it's actually having an effect on my body now going to go on 2 week 500 calorie deficit + 8 hour intermittent fasting window and see what happens

>> No.6257031

i'd just like to lose some face and thigh fat

>> No.6257037

yeah the past two months I really cut back on how much I eat

i'm just less hungry, yknow

>> No.6257038

Fuck the caloric deficit, just eat thrice your veggies. Eat mostly cruciferous... Learn to love brussels.

>> No.6257050

if you niggers are so into losing weight and shit you may as well work out.

do yourself some good. and go to a gym or some shit.

>> No.6257065

i'm 21, 5'8" and around 110 lbs
gaining weight is hard when you're for the most part broke or trying to save up..

>> No.6257074

are you me?
but im only 19. gaining weight is pretty easy for a few weeks. then i get tired eating afterwards.

>> No.6257086

it's easy for me for a few days until i eat all my food for the week. i've been about this weight since i was about 14

>> No.6257096

few days only? yeah basically i just get motivated once in a while. im much skinnier when i was 14 but i gained up to 120lbs in a few months. just eat!

>> No.6257142

trying to mate but i'm already spending too much of the money i'm not allowed to spend.
and probably not helping that i'm trying to become full vegetarian either...
but i love how i look it's just a big health concern
my family never buys food but i'm about to come up soon

>> No.6257151

you dont have to go broke. Milk, eggs cheese will do it. I gained like 30 pounds in 5 months thanks to them.

>> No.6257152

>trying to become full vegetarian either.
This is your problem
Eating healthy is cheaper than eating unhealthy
Beans and brown rice are extremely cheap and good for you and chicken breast is like $2 a pound(1 pound=500 k/cals and 100grams protein) so it's hella good to eat every day

>> No.6257166

thats my problem too. it costs shit. im a cheapskate. but i just try the same food even though im sick of it. bread, peanut butter, oatmeal, etc.

>> No.6257174

>all this broscience
I see why ennui went back to /fit/

>> No.6257212

serious question, if I take vitamin supplements and protein powder, can I safely lose weight with a 1k calorie deficit?

>> No.6257218

i never eat breakfast
probably that's why i never can gain weight

>> No.6257228

thats probably true. back then i never eat breakfast cause its just too tiring to do it but now its like, im obliged to do it not because i want to.

>> No.6257249

they say it's the most important meal, and it tends to get you to eat better throughout the whole day because you're more willing

>> No.6257275

i don't eat breakfast because I often wake up 12pm or later, on later meals i eat like a pig, drink protein shakes, lift weights, but i can't gain any signifcant mass

>> No.6257296

>>Intermittent fasting

>> No.6257303


ennui stayed at /pol/ lel

>> No.6257300

i never eat breakfast either

i feel sick if i eat soon after waking up

>> No.6257311

i feel like people who eat breakfast has got their lives put together idk

>> No.6257326

>15 cups of water

How you not a bloated blob?

>> No.6257331

I woke up at 10 this morning and all I've had today is some water bottles and a banana. It is now 8:44 p.m. and I will soon go to bed. Get on my level which is 6'3" 145lbs.

>> No.6257366

like how the fuck you gonna just do all that lmao

unless it's the weekend and i'm getting drunk or i'm out, i constantly have water beside me
miracle ass liquid

>> No.6257373

OP, it's better to eat something for breakfast, it will get your metabolism working first thing. eat light throughout the day and do a little bit of working out and you'll be fine

>> No.6257379

Sauce on this?

>> No.6257424


>> No.6257475

Fuck this board.

>> No.6257481

what season/episode?

>> No.6257479

ya i feel that too if i eat breakfast im hungry by noon if i eat no breakfast im fine till dinner

>> No.6257505

fuck you

>> No.6257510

First season, one of the later episodes. Around 10? I think it has RJ in the title.

>> No.6257528

what are kidneys?

>> No.6257530

post your results OP

>> No.6257535

Yeah, chapter 9. TY.

>> No.6257547

Fuk me? Fuk U!

>> No.6257559

i pee every 20 mins

>> No.6257647

not really a result but ok