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/fa/ - Fashion

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6242931 No.6242931 [Reply] [Original]

Just got out of the military.

Can grow hair and facial hair for the first time

what do so I dont look retarded?

>> No.6242941
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Thank you for your service, OP.

I think you could get away with a manbun and a van dyke, but that's just my opinion.

>> No.6242940

>what do so I don't look retarded

Don't think there is much you can do champ


>> No.6242953
File: 217 KB, 1280x1024, 1315651182163.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hope you realize she's been cheating on you while you were deployed

all girls do, don't feel bad

>> No.6242952
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>> No.6242954

your words confuse me, attempting the google machine

>> No.6242957

would be nice to see some nicer jeans and shoes to suit. You're a (proven) man, unlike the douchebags in /fa/. Also handsome. Just keep it simple and go on with your life.

>> No.6242959

1/10 made me reply
troll harder

>> No.6242966

>proven man
>sat around and did what he was told for x amount of time

>proven man

>proven man

>proven man

>> No.6242975


good one m8

>> No.6242981

Should I have used quotes instead of parenthesis? To the majority of americans, he's a proven man, which comes with a certain pre-disposed image. He served.

>> No.6242983

and what is your occupation oh smug one

>> No.6242990

I always come back to this golden example

>kid joins military
>goes through two weeks of boot camp
>stands up when "veterans" are acknowledged

>75% of military in nutshell

I'm referring to an actual person too

>> No.6242996

>one guy
>75% of the military

>> No.6243003

You mad

>implying I wasn't generalizing to begin with

>> No.6243008

I acknowledge your point. I like to assume that OP did something useful in the military. Maybe he a was a good cook, and made some tasty meatballs for everyone to enjoy.

>> No.6243014

A "Veteran" is someone who was in an actual warzone

regardless of what some 19 year old basic training dropout sack of shit tries to tell you

>> No.6243015

>tfw you can always get a rise out of someone in the military

It's as if they have no clue how pathetic they are

>> No.6243018

Yeah, you know - I've just had the misfortune of running into the worst of the worst when it comes to the military

I won't complete discredit OP having done something worthwhile

>> No.6243028

Oh, I know

And what is hilarious is that you nailed it - it is/was some 19-year-old sack of shit

>> No.6243029

I was a medic, and as far as useful goes I never had anyone die on me, and I'm fairly certain my direct intervention preserved the use of a few arms, but as far as actually being the difference between life and death for someone I cant say for sure

>> No.6243039
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it always is

most people older than that have a bit of humility

I aint even mad bro

>> No.6243041

Everyone that I knew who joined the military did it because they wanted to kill people.

>> No.6243046

that's because you were hanging out with edgy kids in high school

>> No.6243095

...goddamnit I just want to know if I should shave off my mustache

>> No.6243249

He means a french cut

>> No.6243275

You need some style, all I can say is lurkmore
Lol, don't expect any less from /fa/, everyone's an expert critic.