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/fa/ - Fashion

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6220341 No.6220341 [Reply] [Original]

Femanon here

What's more /fa/, being short or being tall? All my guyfriends say I'm too tall at 5'10".

is it impossible to be qt at this height?

>> No.6220354

It's possible. Quit letting people give you shit for your height, whether "excess" or "lack thereof".

>> No.6220351

If you're tall and fat you aren't be /fa/. If you're tall and skinny then you are the /fa/est.

I prefer short girls however.

>> No.6220356

can't* sheesh.

>> No.6220359

Tbh im 5'11 and crushing on a cute artsy 5'11 asian girl. if anything i feel sas that she probably has some predetermined standard for height in a man cause of her own.

It takes male female polarity of the relationship

>> No.6220360

Confirmed to have manlet friends.

>> No.6220368

i like short girls a lot more but if you're good looking and really skinny you're model tier

>> No.6220371

There are no real men at my fucking art school )':

coincidentally 90% of the school is korean

The other dateable percent is neurotic and egocentric

>> No.6220379

see, this seems to be the consensus, though.

"tall girls are model-tier but i don't want to date you i want a short little brunette qtgf'

>tfw when being model-tier just scares guys away

>> No.6220387

are you skinny and have a good face? if not you're done and will never get a good bf just some beta who gets whatever he can get

>> No.6220392

>125 @ 5'10"

as for my face, i've been told i do. i think i do.

>> No.6220394

sorry but i'm 5'11 and having a girl in heels being taller than me is awkward as fuck
i don't want her to be insecure about her femininity

>> No.6220423

>tfw no qt3.14 5'3 gf in heels to cuddle with

>> No.6220426

ITT: being so insecure about your perceived masculinity/femininity that you wouldn't want to be seen with a taller woman/shorter man

>> No.6220433

sounds like somebody is too tall

>> No.6220464

I hate these types of questions.

>Do 99% of the population prefer this specific normal ass thing?

You do realize everyone has different taste right? Especially with genetic features.

>> No.6220469

sounds like somebody is too short

>> No.6220473

Sounds like somebody is just right.

>> No.6220477

i'm between 5'10 and 5'11 how did you know?

>> No.6220480

Fellow 5'10" femanon here; I wouldn't give a rat's ass about this subject if I were you. Being tall is awesome.

>> No.6220495

keep telling that yourself

>> No.6220499

sounds like youre the insecure one if you find it awkward

>> No.6220513

i don't find it awkward to stand next to a tall girl but i do find it awkward if a girl feels too tall and doesn't wear heels etc

>> No.6220514

Go on, I'm sure you're an expert and you'd like to elaborate on all the disadvantages of being a tall girl.

>> No.6220518

5'4 girl here, I would eat cream cheese from Joe Pesci's ass hole to be 5'10
People always want the shit they can't have

>> No.6220519

all talk and no fits

>> No.6220517

you're probs a qt ery1 just 2 scared 2 do nething

ur gon hav 2 make 1st moves its sad but u got no otha choice

>> No.6220522

pls b in london

>> No.6220520

u cnt b ct n bois wil b agraid of u

>> No.6220528


>> No.6220524


r u a qt3.14 korean girl op

>> No.6220571

naw, i'm very white

>> No.6220575


ok den egg off fuccboi

>> No.6220597

pls be in Mordor

>> No.6220596

i'm a girl??

>> No.6220671

Hi! Few things to start off with =]
1. Yes I added you because you're a female lurker, 'tis an awesome thing to see!
2. I'm Brian.
3. Don't be intimidated, but I'm not a stereotypical guy.
If anything, I'll be the one in the kitchen =D.

>> No.6220672


Where is this from?

>> No.6220674

tall girls have some nasty feet, which i think is from supporting the large body

>> No.6220679
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>> No.6220690

i don't think it matters. You can play up the cute more if you are short. But being tall, you can do just about anything. Being elegant and shit is so much easier when tall.
Just being not horribly ugly and thin will make you look great no matter what height.

>> No.6221784


>> No.6221810


I had an ex once who was 182 cm and she totally pulled off the elegant look. Seriously, looking like royalty is so much more mesmerizing than 'cute'.

>> No.6221813


>> No.6221825

I'm 5'5"
I'm okay with it
I wish I was taller
I have nice feet tho
I think that compensates

>> No.6221830

I think ideal height for a woman is ~5'1-5'4
5'10 is too tall imo.

>> No.6221833

good thing about /fa/ is that it made me realize that my height issues (6"2') aint nothing compared to you guys

>> No.6221834


pls be in Rohan

>> No.6221836

>i have nice feet too

well dont leave us hangin post em

>> No.6221840
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skinny tall girls are best tier
> dem legs
> dat stomach
wouldn't care too much unless its extreme in either way, more tolerant of tall girls though

>> No.6221854

>5'11 asian girl
Jeez, didn't even know that existed.

>> No.6221864

Insecurities, when you wear heels you'll be like 6'1

Most men are about 5'10. It makes them feel immasculated. Go date an athlete, they love tall women.

>> No.6221876

i love tall girls and I'm not even that tall (6'1")
you gotta be skinny and have a really nice face though

>> No.6221873
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>tfw 18 years old and my hair has been turing grey since I was 17
>tfw you only see it when you look closely at it, but it's getting worse
>tfw I feel like Benjamin Button

How do I cover it up?
And is it appropriate to dye it back to its natural color at this age, while I'm a guy?

>> No.6221883

just embrace it dude

>> No.6221892

this! Long legs are amazing! Fuck yeah and if you dont already, work on getting a bubble but. than maybe i will sex you qt3.14

>> No.6221900

My dad's hair turned silvery/grey when he was in his early twenties, he had great hair. I remember some random woman at a restaurant came up and asked if she could feel it.

>> No.6221912
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>Tallest girl ever dated was 6'5"
>Those legs.
>Those boobs.
Tall girls are brilliant. Don't be so insecure.

>> No.6221919

I'd switch my 5'2'' to OP's 5'10'' anyday.

Yesterday I had to get out my ID for buying an energy drink(need to be 15). I'm 20.
Only people with pedophile fantasies wants me.
People picks you up randomly, because appearently being petite you don't have the ability to walk on your own.
Never taken seriously because people see you more as a child than an adult.
Needs to ask for help each fucking time you want something from a top shelf because they stack things too fucking high in the store.

>> No.6221931
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>Only people with pedophile fantasies wants me.
I feel like the odd one out when it comes to age preference, i feel you.

I was more interested in adult women at 15 than most 25 year old's are.

Must be hard to find men who don't have odd fantasies.

>> No.6221930

I had two gfs that where longer than me, the first one was 185cm, and the second one was 183cm.
I'm 180cm. I guess I only attract long girls.

>> No.6221939
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>I had two gfs that where longer than me
>I guess I only attract long girls.

>> No.6221942

That's like saying you're insecure if you find short guys awkward.

OP knows very well that her height is not even a problem to become /fa/. Validation attention whoring pls go

>> No.6221965

i have a good face. egocentric? maybe

>> No.6221972

I kind of like this actually, people have mistaken me for younger since I was 18 it means I haven't aged a year in all that time.
Plus I can wear 12'' heels and look tall next to my 6'3'' bf.

I still wish I was taller though bf it must feel so good to look at everyone from above, sigh

>> No.6221977

>there no pic to back up your claim and being a grill

>> No.6222027
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>Real men

>> No.6222049

6'3" master race reporting in, tall women are goddesses