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File: 209 KB, 682x600, 1368999548471.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6197437 No.6197437 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.6197479
File: 23 KB, 336x322, 16593265895.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lel what is that horrendous accent they all have.

>> No.6197480
File: 484 KB, 500x278, tumblr_m1m3c22hCH1qgne6io1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuckkkkkkkkkkkkking love the part where they preach on how she is self centered and all her work revolves around her because she is a fashion designer.

Crits are fuck nuts though, respekt for all the bitches and hoes that sign up for that shit.

>> No.6198783

Top lel

>> No.6198877
File: 59 KB, 500x666, irony.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

christ this reminds me so much of the kinda ppl i met when i travelled to indiana university (from aus), mostly arts students

nothing against arts students generally coz im one of them but these fucks were all so pretentious and affected in so many ways it was suffocating, dunno how they could even function.

this is a pic of one of them, not even joking

>> No.6198895

>tfw no angry art gf

>> No.6198911

he looks like he'd be a cool guy if he had nicer hair/facial hair.

>> No.6198919
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oh god I can breathe

>> No.6198924
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I love having this feel

>> No.6198927

kinda feel bad for that girl, her painting was total shit, and she was obv. untrained, but the critiques were equally stupid

>> No.6198945

>I don't really know what it like, means but I like it because it's like, a figure with a line going across it like, it's blinded


>> No.6198951

The freakout itself was the art project. It was for an art critique class, and she wanted to make a point about how people in society react negatively towards criticism by making something she knew would be judged harshly

>> No.6198955

OMG, Hi there Gurrrl
Cute girls opening them mouths is my fetish
>would slide my D inside/10

>> No.6198972


>> No.6198990

I've never once experienced a critique where someone blows the fuck up like that. Usually, if they took offense, like she did, they would just take it out on everyone else during their critiques.

>> No.6198993
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>> No.6199002


the vid is funny because she is def. not experienced at taking critiques.

during a crit, you shut the fuck up and listen to what people have to say, you dont argue. after a crit, i usually thank everyone that gave me honest input.

>> No.6199013
File: 211 KB, 874x954, tempt-c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

god i hate when people try and tell what a piece of there work means

no painting anywhere means jack shit
(nothing wrong with dat tho)

besides old shit like pic related

also critiquing art is the dumbest thing ever

>> No.6199031

2.5/10 for getting me to respond

>> No.6199036

im not trolling

>> No.6199085


>> No.6199094

>"To find out more, we Skyped with Teddy, the artist who "freaked out.""
>implying she's not just backpedaling

>> No.6199095

obviously shes reacted badly before as well hence the filming

>> No.6199104

>what is revisionism

>> No.6199105

>i spent so much time on this

and you did a shit job. i cant fucking stand people like this, when i was in drama school we had all the othet students critique the performance and people have gone off like this before

its a fucking workshop, not the final product

>> No.6199116

>what is actually backpedaling, but wanting to legitimize it as something professional

>> No.6199117

what sort of reactions?

>> No.6199131


To be fair I don't even think a shitty art student would have made that statement about not being sure what the line through the eyes even meant. She also seemed to get angry at the drop of a hat for comments that seemed to agree with what she was saying; she ignored technique and the girl agreed that it looked like "outsider art".

>> No.6199133

there was this one girl who was a perfectionist and a control freak - she literally thought she could deliver a faultless performance (there is always something wrong with a performance)

before one of her performances she said "this is going to be perfect, just you watch"

after she performed the teacher absolutely ripped her apart and she basically freaked out and started calling the teacher a cunt and then the students and stormed off - she got expelled lel

>> No.6199126

dramafags are the worst.

there usually not even clever or have good taste

>> No.6199128

i personally do not like the painting, but what exactly do you think is bad about it?

>> No.6199142
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I'm from socal and that was still fucking obnoxious.

>> No.6199152

yeah there were a lot of people in the school who thought they were going to be the next big thing, but didnt actually do any work
oh i dont know anything about paintings its just that her classmates/tutors obviously had constructive critiques and she wasnt having any of it

>> No.6199176

>implying there is such thing as right and wrong way to paint

>> No.6199184

>implying there isnt
>implying you know anything about painting

>> No.6199187

This is fake.
And although it is fake what the one critiquing says about the supposed lack of contrast drives me nuts as an art student. During critiques people love to make up this shit because they're all pretentious, competitive fucks trying to make sure everyone knows that their talent is better than everyone else's and will take whatever chance they can get to put down other's work.

>> No.6199195

well, it's a p shit performance piece 2

doe performance art is ridiculously hard 2 do well

>> No.6199201

there is no right way to paint
or film
or design clothes
or sculpt

only opinions

>> No.6199202


Do you even art history?

>> No.6199217


>or design clothes

yeah there is a right way to design clothes.

ive spent a ton of time fixing people's patterns that are impossible to sew. if your design is impossible to execute, ur doing it wrong.

>> No.6199234

Do people actually pay for this? I could get a group of my friends to do this for nothing AND get better feedback than this.

>> No.6199228

the only "rules" a given work has to follow is the premise presented by its own axiom.

a sort of formal autopoiesis if you will.

>> No.6199245

you do make a good point about the sewing


>> No.6199252


exactly, right or wrong in terms of art is dictated by whether the piece achieves its goal. If my goal is to create wearable, comfortable pants, for a specific person, right and wrong is dictated by how well they fit and how comfortable they are. If they dont fit then i am "designing wrong" by those standards.

>> No.6199262

Jesus Christ Webster, I'm not a thesaurus.

>> No.6199261

You're absolutely right about the second part of your post. I generally try not to form opinions about others, especially from a superficial perspective, but the few fine arts classes that I took, I had the complete displeasure of viewing some of the most deplorable people spout the most vile, ill-willed shit, in their most charismatic personas possible.

Truly disgusting and disturbing at the same time, and I've yet to meet others equally as horrific in my every day passings.

>> No.6199278

>doesn't no those words
>trying to discuss art
have u ever evn red a dissertation?

>> No.6199282

A dissert what?
Better be tasty and sweet bro

>> No.6199286

What is art-related that you need a dissertation - aka PhD for?

Serious question

>> No.6199293

>like like like like like like
jesus christ, how horrifying.

That being said, that whole time I was distracted by how much I liked the painting. It would look nice in my living room.

>> No.6199303

>What is art-related that you need a dissertation - aka PhD for?
the fuck

a dissertation is just a paper u write about ur work. i no it's synonymous with doctorate in some countries, but the word itself only refers to a companion document presenting ur research or the work u've done in preparation for the project.

>> No.6199310

Yeah, american here

I've gone to school for psychology, and got to help do research with individuals in the field working to get their PhD - which is something you have to do, and then receive approval over it before you actually get the PhD

It's something I take seriously

Sorry for the confusion mate

>> No.6199320

dats fucking lame

>> No.6199318

>tfw I took a public speaking class in order not to say "Like, um, uh"

>> No.6199326

this makes a lot of sense

she seemed so mellow up until the moment she started shouting and it really confused me

>> No.6199324

Same here. I thought it looked pretty cool!

>> No.6199332

shit taste detected

>> No.6199336

reasons people say those words

-they dont know what to say next need 1-2 seconds more to think
-their vocab is shite
-they have no confidence

>> No.6199337
File: 456 KB, 506x631, laughing_bitches_and_whores.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all these art students

>> No.6199342

i disagree with that

in my high school art classes we'd have to go around the room to find things to critique and like 3/4 of the time i was either too lazy to think of something useful and just said whatever bullshit came to mind to get to the next person or it was so awful that i didn't know what to say and just picked something stupid like "more colors plz"

>> No.6199347

>all these sellout students not doing art

>> No.6199348

she's hot

>> No.6199350

This makes everything worse

>> No.6199355

y, but college is way more competitive

erry1 in high school art class just picked it cuz it ez

>> No.6199357

nah i like it

i dig the colors and the composition and everything it just looks nice

covering up the eyes is cheesy as fuck tho i don't know if i could deal with that

>> No.6199363

yeah you're probably right

idk the "more contrast" just seemed lazy but the bit about her being self centered was pretty fucked up

>> No.6199361

damn just saw her go ham on that canvas
bad bitch

>> No.6199371
File: 386 KB, 500x281, 1340094017780.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>have no confidence
And thats why I took the class, I hated getting up in front of people to speak. So I did it to get rid of the hatred.

>> No.6199378

also thinking back on this i think it'd be impossible for her to get to be a senior in a fashion program and not be able to take criticism like that

seems kind of clever i guess

>> No.6199381

>they dont know what to say next need 1-2 seconds more to think
Exactly. It's a filler word similar to people saying "uhmm..."
>their vocab is shite
That's not true.
>they have no confidence
Same as the first point.

>> No.6199392


>> No.6199399

>That's not true.
yes it is, they need fillers because they lack the words to describe what they're saying more efficiently

>> No.6199411

>having trouble formulating rapidly != lack of vocab
a speakers vocabulary is possibly his least important tool.

>> No.6199416

that wasnt the point i was making

they lack the words to describe efficiently, so they use like, um etc

>> No.6199425

Yeah, the actual problem is that the person usually doesn't know what the fuck they're talking about.
If you do not know how do describe your topic or idea effectively and concisely, then you don't understand it well enough.

>> No.6199428

not necessarily, they just lack the ability to generate coherent sentences without preparation.

your ability to express yourself verbally is only tangentially related to your ability to use concise and correct language.

>> No.6199433

>not necessarily
but sometimes, yes necessarily - im not saying this happens all the time but it is a factor

>> No.6199440

>tfw say uh before everything

>> No.6199469

Can't beat this one


>> No.6199505

sure u can


not only is the piece itself very funny, but the shitstorm it caused among sperglords who hate "hipsters" were nearly at tao lin levels.
>yeah! art!

>> No.6199514
File: 1014 KB, 500x280, 1356274021019.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I assumed everyone has seen that and it couldn't be beat so I didn't count it

>> No.6199526
File: 7 KB, 248x203, star wars.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah, ur prob rite

sorry m8

>> No.6199560


yeah she's pretty

>> No.6199580


I walk past OCAD once in a while, and it's full of affected hipsters.

>> No.6199666

I've never seen this video. But now that I have, I think I'm going to puke.