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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 21 KB, 300x420, funny-senior-yearbook-quote-decided-look-like.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6193277 No.6193277 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw you didn't win Best Dressed in your school yearbook
My life is filled with regrets.

>inb4 underaged
I'm reminiscing.

>> No.6193285

some tryhard poof beat me because he would wear a tie and a peacoat everyday

>> No.6193297

I didn't win but people told me they voted for me
i also was on the ballot for most musical but a black kid who calls himself "flykid" won

it really is a popularity contest though

>> No.6193303

I'm at a point where I don't care who wins it. probably someone wearing Diamond supply

>> No.6193373

i got "most artistic" instead so it's all good

>> No.6193398
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everyone in this thread.

>> No.6193430
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>> No.6193438


>> No.6193455
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>voted most hipster
Could be worse anon

>> No.6193457


>> No.6193775

I was voted most likely too stay in my hometown...kinda strange

>> No.6193777

i wasnt voted anything


>> No.6193779


>hating on the best thing to happen to /fa/ since casemods

>> No.6193795

The guy who got it at my school wore 511's and CDB's every day, even in summer.

He was a fucking /fa/ god among AE bootcut jeans, graphic t's, and skate shoes.

>> No.6193811

The guy who won best dressed at my school was someone who wore chinos / jeans + polo most days.
The girl was just some thrift store slut

>> No.6193830

>I need more alcohol to have fun


right in the feels

>> No.6193839

That was a popularity contest at my school. Only friends of the yearbook staff/really popular kids won. Even in the pictures it was obvious that they didn't deserve the award/title. I'd post pics but I'm at work.

>> No.6193852

i got voted best dressed and best hair =*^_^*=

>> No.6193855

Same deal with my school, it was mostly kids whose parents were friends with the staff

>> No.6193860
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The girl who won best style wore Uggs in her photo. there was a huge divide between the people in the gifted programand the people who weren't. in the program everyone basically revolved around the same ideas and ended up nominating the same people for awards. I won most likely to be the next Lady Gaga. why? "you never wear pants or flat shoes and you're scandalous," the sassy yearbook editor told me

>> No.6193875

Hello Alekzie Hosein

Do you happen to reside in London? (pls b in london!!!!!)

>> No.6193889
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I dropped out of highschool, but a bunch of my friends worked in yearbook. They weren't allowed to mention me by name, but they always snuck pictures of me in everywhere.

>> No.6193897

Voted best smile, got to take a picture with the hottest chick in the school for the yearbook because she won too. Fuck yeah

>> No.6193923

that looks fun
my school had no beauty / looks related things for 'best' in the yearbook cuz MUH SOCIETY PERCEPTION OF BEAUTY FEELINGS GETTIN HURT FAT ACCEPTANCE
we had a fucking school day for fat awareness
like jesus fuckijng christ

>> No.6193924

haha that's awesome

>> No.6194207
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me too

>> No.6194217

i got class clown which really upset me so i dressed up as a clown and shot up the school

>> No.6194224

i got best dressed.

i felt really weird about it because i was barely at school my last two years and when i was there I was always avoiding people cuz I was usually so high and or anxious.

>> No.6194537

Translates to: Most autistic. Good job buddy! :))))))))

>> No.6194540

oh you still post here? Cool.

>> No.6194551

i got tightest pants

it pissed me off

>> No.6194560

There's like one perso who's not some kind of sandnigger, where the hell do you live.

>> No.6194595
File: 193 KB, 606x709, 1351710270274.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Bad haircut in photo
>Dorky smile and posture
>Was doing Accutane when I had to write up quote, future plans and favourite memory from highschool
>They cut half of my quote out because it wasn't deemed appropriate
>Tried to be funny and failed horribly
>They completely removed "my favourite memory"

My date for formal got voted "Most dramatic" on the big night, which resulted in her freaking out, which made me stress out, which resulted in me getting too drunk at the after party, which resulted in me telling her I loved her, which resulted in her shutting off completely, which resulted in me crying, which resulted in me running around the party trying to find somewhere to hide in shame, which resulted in me finding her with 'the other guy', which resulted in me crying more.

Fuck high school.

>> No.6194672

>voted best hair, haha.
>tfw no product or gel.

>> No.6194685

no u won it because despite chunky thighs u have a thigh gap
also, why don't you put your trip into a note or an email on your phone so you can use it on the go?
Unrelated: Did you get that summer gig in NYC? I want to kidnap you.

>> No.6194686

Canada u newfaf

>> No.6194687

>tfw senior year and everyone tells me they're going to vote for me and i will win

>> No.6194705
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>tfw no one bothered to ask what you wanted to have as your quote
>tfw had longish hair at the time and people thought I looked like frodo
>tfw just have 'frodo' underneath my picture

>> No.6194712

That doesn't sound bad, anon.
I hope that you actually did resemble Frodo.

>> No.6194714

I got voted, most crazy, and most likely to take over the world. I was in a mental ward for the last 3 months of High School. Good times.

>> No.6194722

wore OCBDs and DBS until the very last year when i switched to goobyninja and copped some rick and obscur shit
>didnt win the best dressed at the end of the year
>friends with someone who was organising the awards
>get told i would have won if i didn't "dress weird all of a sudden"

>> No.6194723

well I got it but my parents said no because I was in the hospital last month and they're worried about me. I'll stay in Toronto til I'm 21 then head to my mother's for July/August

>> No.6194729


>> No.6194735

I won best dressed as well as homecoming king and prom king. That was a long 7 years ago..

>> No.6194790

just out of interest, do you live in New York?

>> No.6194800
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>> No.6194852

My best friend (in school, not overall) and I were voted as best couple, I don't know how to feel about that

>> No.6195200

My senior year I was voted Most Likely to be Famous. That was six years ago, and I'm still in school doing nothing at all.

>> No.6195327


>> No.6195338

keep up the good work

>> No.6195350

30 years later lel

>> No.6195351

>tfw voted most quiet in high school

>> No.6195376

>i hope no one will touch my hair and reveal my weak hairline

>> No.6195377

is your name Anthony

>> No.6195381
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>tfw voted most likely to end up in prison
how was that even approved

>> No.6195383

>Tfw lose to negro wearing swag

>> No.6195392
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>> No.6195404

>tfw you got expelled from highschool and now live with coked out gf in tiny apartment
a-at least its kind of /fa/ right?

>> No.6195418


>> No.6195431
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thnx bro

>> No.6195447

yeah but clearly you are right and the rest of the world is wrong.

>> No.6195457

i went to a really small school and only thirty people were in my graduating class so we came up with ridiculous shit to vote for and everyone got one

i was "most likely to travel sideways in time"

>> No.6195470


It's not about being right or wrong it's a matter of taste.

>> No.6195480


>> No.6195625

Holy shit that's scary accurate...

>> No.6195629


>> No.6195787
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Does your last name start with G?

>> No.6195909

i thought id prolly die in prison, expensive taste in womeeen

>> No.6195917

I didn't win best dressed this year, I think I got like 2nd or third place. It's pretty cool hearing that people voted for you.

>> No.6195953

I won best dressed in like middle school. I also got best hair in my senior year but that's because I was in a school full of Mormons who have a cookie cutter style. Also i was embracing that asian hair gene back then and was looking like a fly anime character lel. brings back cringes of how much time i spent doing my damn hair.

>> No.6196164

How come ur in toronto and ive never seen u

>> No.6196285

i had won that .... AWWWWW YEAHHHHHHH!!!!!!!

>> No.6196306

Dude my friend Anthony is so quiet in school... Wtf...

>> No.6197231

Best dressed kid at my school came from a rich family and wore a tie, dress shirt, and vest every day, with like 2 weeks worth of clothing to cycle.
I got Most Manly though, so I'm feeling alright.

>> No.6197239

>Didn't go to public school and never had to deal with cliquely faggy stuff like this

it feels good not being a plen

>> No.6197249

>not being a plen

A detailed proposal for doing or achieving something.

Your private schooling shows.

>> No.6198813

We didn't have that kind of stuff at my school. It would've been pointless anyway, considering there were uniforms 99% of the time

>> No.6199118

We didn't have Best Dressed. Closest thing was Class Individualist. Some people voted for me but I lost to a gay trans guy who wore eyeliner.

>> No.6199148

it's some unfunny thing that /mu/ came up with, misspelling "pleb" on purpose

what a riot

>> No.6199156

there is no picture of me anywhere in my yearbook
and you better believe thats how i damn well like it
as if my face is going to be in a shitty ass highschool for the rest of my life
no thank you

>> No.6199166

Plen (noun) is a small desktop toy humanoid robot that can replicate complex human movements. It is controlled remotely by use of a Bluetooth enabled phone. When programmed, it is able to use a skateboard, rollerskates, pick up, kick and throw small ...

Go back to /mu/ faggot

>> No.6199177

>because it's not insanely easy to accidentally type "plen" instead of "pleb"

Please tell me /mu/ doesn't take credit for that

>> No.6199233
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LMAO!!! abdel!!! is that you OP????? thats my bestfriend, Im the one who uploaded his image in funnyjunk like a year ago, its even on my facebook, abdel if your in this thread I miss you lel, if not then thats funny that someone liked your stupid enough senior photo to post it here LEL, what a fruitcake