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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 770 KB, 630x3508, YesPoo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6165361 No.6165361 [Reply] [Original]

Did BarberFag create anymore of these or just the one?

>> No.6165418

>2 shampoos 1 conditioner

top lel

>> No.6165447


That's the standard for most hair salons.

>> No.6165452

gtfo noopoo faggot. youre the greasy weird kid noone wants to sit next to on the bus.

>> No.6165458

oh, i didnt realise you guys worked at salons...
i dont do no poo but 2 shampoos is a waste of money

>> No.6165480

>waste of money
>on /fa/

also two shampoos for
>dry hair
stop being a fag

>> No.6165486

>waste of money
>on /fa/
>implying 99% of people on /fa/ arent poor as fuck students

>dry hair
>shampoo causes dry hair
>solution - 2 shampoos

sure is broscience

>> No.6165502

>public transportation
>implying nopoo means no wash
lol you rinse it every day faggot. there is no smell or above average grease.

>> No.6165511

Nopoo isn't a troll, it works. Baking Soda is better than any shampoo you'll ever use.

>> No.6165516

>can justify dick dunks
>but 2 shampoos?! wallet breaker

>2 shampoos
>thinks two applications, every other day or so, will dry out your hair
>you prob put more than a quarter size
>does not consider conditioner

>> No.6165519

i didnt justify dick dunks

>does not consider conditioner
why the fuck would you need 2 shampoos? every shampoo ever made does the exact job it was made for
2 is just unnecessary

>> No.6165535

Yeah, no, this is a troll. 2 shampoos? actually believing it's possible to "go crazy on curly hair with a brush" if you've put a product with even the slightest hold in it?

>> No.6165539

my point is youre on /fa/ nigger there's better things to point out than 2 shampoos

you need two shampoos if you have dry/oily hair that combat different factors etc etc; im assuming you dont have either of those problems so you can justify two shampoos

>> No.6165542

>cant justify

>> No.6165546


I saw you explain how to ask for a HY in your thread the other day but I forgot to notepad it. Did anyone get it? It was something along the lines of 'short back and sides with...'

>> No.6165552
File: 49 KB, 512x824, PoXCGqk[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what faceshape would this be?

>> No.6165555

wait shit I just remembered we have an archive now, fuck yes

>> No.6165558

>Undercut without blending round the fringe.

If they still don't understand then ask for short sides and disconnected top


>> No.6165559

and whatafuk is the part about the best hairdressers being in malls? mall-barbers (mallbers?????) are way more keen to rush it than other places. Hell, even fucking Australia have got TONI&GUY.

>> No.6165563


>> No.6165560

for anyone else intersted:
"Undercut without blending round the fringe. If they still don't understand then ask for short sides and disconnected top."


>> No.6165572


>> No.6165577
File: 449 KB, 1461x1192, Thor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also related

>> No.6165576
File: 57 KB, 960x720, Kili.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hair that hangs beneath the chin is not considered attractive by women in general. below the shoulder is pushing it.

>mfw all girls swoon over kili

>> No.6165586
File: 5 KB, 227x222, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

remember, short hair is bad only if you're unattractive. but then everything is bad by default.

>> No.6165594

Exceptions to the rule. Hurrrr. We all know most long-haired guys look like they're cosplaying as jesus or an angsty teen metal fan.

>> No.6165599


baking soda will strip your hair to shit.

>> No.6165603

2 shampoos makes sense as he recommends SLS free shampoo. It's milder.

>> No.6165619

see >>6165586

it's because they ARE cosplaying as jesus or being an angsty teen metal fans.

>> No.6165654
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>> No.6165659
File: 302 KB, 900x600, joos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I still don't get the "no poo is le trole" and "it will cause acne" I haven't touched a bottle of shampoo in 7+ years, my skin is near perfect and my hair is almost perfect.

I wash it with cider vinegar once a week, water the rest of the days, and that's that. I can see people getting problems/stinking hair (you might not believe this but GASP Everybody reacts differently to different things) but crossing it as troll either means this "barber" knows fuck all about hair or he is a ruseman

>> No.6165667
File: 29 KB, 320x240, Picture 4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what face shape/hair style should i go for

>> No.6165669


People still don't understand that hair is self-cleansing. It's the same with our genitals. There is no need to use soap on them. Warm water is all you need.

>> No.6165675


>> No.6165680

In the first thread he said that no poo worked in theory but was largely impractical because if you don't react to it the right way it can get pretty gross, so he's not entirely dismissing the idea that you could find success with it

>> No.6165687

Fuck you, I do nopoo and my hair looks much better. When I use shampoo/conditioner my hair looks and feels much worse

>> No.6165692
File: 22 KB, 490x360, wesc_headphones_001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how can you get to these messy curls from straight hair?

>> No.6165703

barberfag put up a photo of himself

he couldnt be older than 23 unless he has serious babyface

i bet hes trolling

>> No.6165706
File: 32 KB, 453x500, 1367262960157.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw when /fa/ cant even get a haircut without guidance.

talk about pathetic, what are you? mostly in your 20's?

>> No.6165707
File: 110 KB, 600x381, 600full-mads-mikkelsen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tried nopoo for a few months and didn't notice any difference in my hair but my scalp was very dry and flaky. I'll continue to use shampoo like most non-autists do.

>> No.6165712

>nopoo is troll guise
>amirite guise ?

>> No.6165719

>no poo
Confirmed for retard. Been washing only with baking soda every other day for several months now and my hair has never looked better right out of the shower, no products, no nothing. A dab of pomade and my side part looks like a million bucks every day.

>> No.6165732

but baking soda removes oils just like shampoo does

>> No.6165736

No-poo guys got wreckt in OP pic. Damn

>> No.6165738


Don't forget the high ph stripping the fuck out of your hair

>> No.6165737

But it doesn't leave a silica layer on your hair to force overproduction of oils and sebum.

>> No.6165742

not the same guy, but i'm no poo that BarberFag complimented my hair. I still have the screenshot ;_;

>> No.6165744

>i'm no poo that BarberFag
I meant "and BarberFag".
polite self sage

>> No.6165749

>I still have the screenshot

Please re-evaluate your life

>> No.6165754

>posting on 4chan
Your point is moot.

>> No.6165758


>> No.6165764

what people dont seem to account for in this 'shampoo vs no shampoo' argument is that people with good hair are going to have good hair either way, just as people with shitty hair will have shitty hair either way

the differences are almost negligible

>> No.6165766
File: 26 KB, 573x138, cap.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I saved it so I would remember his advice next time I went in for a haircut, champ.

He said I had good style, which is good enough for me, given that he's actually a barber.

>> No.6165772

Not true. My hair used to get greasy as fuck and looked really dull, before. Now it's shiny and it looks clean a lot longer. It also made my hair color a teeny bit lighter.

>> No.6165796

post a comparison pic

>> No.6165822

Lol nopoo has made my hair better than ever , some guy randomly complimented it today. A different random guy asked me where he could buy my shoes as well. You know today was a good day.

>> No.6165827

What do you wash your hair with?

>> No.6165829

>was out last night and the girls i was with (group from uni) were complimenting my hair and running their fingers through it
>tfw I have to straighten it to look good

>> No.6165833

feels, man. i feel them too.

>> No.6165836

anyone answer this?

>> No.6165848


I don't have straight hair, but it's worth at least trying what the link says. Also, as somebody who's hair is naturally how you want yours to be: WHY. I fucking hate that my hair waves like that.

>> No.6165863

>skin fades
>not always in

>shampoo every day
>not once a week

>hair that hangs below the chin is not attractive

fuck barberfag

>> No.6165871

did he mention anything about ways to protect hair from falling?

>> No.6165868

>everyone who disagrees with me buys rick
why is this a thing

>> No.6165891


>> No.6165914

Water. I have fairly thick hair which grows fast so I get it cut every couple of weeks.
>Wake up
>Scrub head with water till it feels clean
>Towel dry

>> No.6167279
File: 140 KB, 320x240, 4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how should i let my hair grow?
also tips for greasy hair?

>> No.6167304

guys, stop acting like bitches over nopoo. some people have hair that get's greasier sooner, some don't. I've been on nopoo for a month or so. Just wash your hair with water in the shower, and if it still feels dirty, wash with baking soda/small amounts of shampoo. even if you insist on washing with shampoo 2/3 times a week is enough for almost all people.

>> No.6167406



>> No.6167422

don't ask for hairstyle advice unless you have something to work with seriously

>> No.6167427
File: 16 KB, 282x237, trpska.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6167495
File: 136 KB, 320x240, 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i cut it short so i have time to think about a proper haircut until it grows longer
here's a picture with longer hair
the problem is that i was unable to style my hair besides the front with any product because i have shittons of whirls(crowns?) on the top part of my head. is there anything i can do against that?

>> No.6167555

Why is it soooooo hard for these children to just bring in a picture of what they want? It seems like every time there is a hairstyle thread, the OP insists on explaining to the barber how they want their hair cut, but ends up looking like shit because they're autistic.

>> No.6167571


I think it looks fine, I'd date you.

>> No.6167606

>no poll is a troll

This is why tripfags suck.

>> No.6167639

>no poo is a troll
>tells you to trim eyebrows instead of pluck


>> No.6167656

how does the hair clean itself?

>> No.6167662

shampoo is for removing oil for your hair. conditioner is for putting it back in. neither of them are really needed, your hair can maintain a balance on its own. as far as dirt and shit, you can remove that with just water.

>> No.6167669

What are some good hairstyles for asian guys with an oval face who don't look like women?
All I ever see is the top crop

>> No.6167674


I can't believe people are still buying this nonsense.

Any girl that's going to run her hands through your hair is going to have waterproof hands afterwards. Don't be disgusting.

>> No.6167678


Any hairstyle.

>> No.6167689

Personally I only shampoo my hair every week or so, and condition is every 2 days. If I do shampoo more than that, it gets greasy as fuck

>> No.6167702

we have?

>> No.6167700


That's more than enough, too. Depending on how greasy your hair gets, once or twice a week is fine. Any more or any less and you're just being a moron.

>> No.6167709

how do you remove sweat and grease with water??

>> No.6167718

Usually conditioning falls to twice a week, sometimes less. Just depends on how my hair is that day

>> No.6167741

my grampa used to wash his hair with laundry soap. he had a full head of hair till he died

>> No.6167750

finally, somebody.

its just annoying how bigoted /fa/ is.
I mean one day they are like:

and meanwhile on his tumblr:
>I dont use any shampoo, just when my hair extremly greasy, then i use small amounts of h&s

and now this:

fucking faggots.

>> No.6167755

my hair has gotten less greasy since starting no poo
it doesnt build up. the only reason peoples hair gets greasy with shampoo is because the natural grease builds ontop of the grease from the conditioner. your hair can maintain a healthy amount of grease naturally, without it being removed and without artificial grease being put in.

>> No.6167754

he didn't say he didn't use any shampoo

read again

>> No.6167761


still the truth

>> No.6167765

but sweat smells when it dries. whats coming out of my skin

>> No.6167775

sweat smells because dead bacteria. which washes out with water.

>> No.6167778

i shampoo with mild shampoo a few times a week, and i get compliments on my hair surprisingly often. but i sweat a fuckton, so i dont think i could handle no poo

>> No.6167776

>havent pooed in 3 years
>no acne problems, best hair texture

stay butthurt

>> No.6167795

naturally what? mine is straight, wouldnt have it any other way.

>> No.6167836
File: 42 KB, 640x480, fa bro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sup /fa/gs, what's my face shape?

>> No.6168031


>> No.6168026


>> No.6168050


>> No.6168069

what face shape am i?

>> No.6168074
File: 1.25 MB, 1366x768, face.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot pic what shape is this?

>> No.6168071


>> No.6168079


>> No.6168097

advice for this one?

>> No.6168086

holy shit i was right >>6168071


>> No.6168141

Did nopoo for a couple weeks. Hair looked mildly better but my hair is shit thick and long right now anyways. Also got some ugly acne from it.

>> No.6168136

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>> No.6168249


No poo is a commitment.
It's not a "i tried it for a few weeks and it didn't work" deal

You need to give your hair 1-2 months to adjust.

>> No.6168260
File: 16 KB, 450x274, a-powers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6168263

if no poo was so great then why did we invent shampoo in the first place?

checkmate smelly hair fags

>> No.6168270
File: 48 KB, 300x345, 1357601402595.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>checkmate smelly hair fags

>> No.6168438

if shampoo is so good then why does my hair produce oils ?
checkmate dryheadfags

>> No.6168455

Yeah nigga my hair shiny as a mothefucker no poo up in this bitch nahmean got some dope oils up in this scalp YE YEAH bitch.

>> No.6168471

I always say no poo is a lifestyle. I don't even associate with people who use shampoo anymore.

>> No.6168481

BarberFag is a barber, not a stylist. He has a limited set of knowledge and engrained ideas about hair treatment that may or may not be true.

I wouldn't trust the old dudes at a grocery store old-timey barbershop to tell me relevant advice beyond the bare basics of hair care.

>> No.6168480

I always say that no poo is a religion, I don't even not bomb buildings of people who use shampoo anymore.

>inb4HUEHUEHUE l2engrisch

>> No.6168506


to make money?

>> No.6168502


I dont know about you guys, but becoming a barber doesnt require fucking master knowledge. You just have to know how to use your equipment, thats it.

Why does /fa/ think that barbers know everything about haircare ?

>> No.6168771

>YE YEAH bitch.

>> No.6168777

>Why does /fa/ think that barbers know everything about haircare ?

>> No.6168855

get out of /fa/
ur just mad jelous you aren't popular like him after you post incessantly for months

>> No.6168862

Anyone know what it exactly means when referring to trimming eyebrow hair with a comb?
>Thick eyebrows

>> No.6168886

comb eyebrows up, cut them.

>> No.6168895

barbers cut hair

they dont follow you around for months on end looking at the effects of shampoo on it

>> No.6168904

whoever considers nopoo has obviously no social contacts in real life.
>inb4 ehuheuehue

>> No.6168903

>do not pluck eyebrows
what the fuck

>> No.6168908


>> No.6168931

I totally believe you

>> No.6168955


>> No.6168962

yeah halfway through his threads i realized he doesnt know shit besides haircuts.

>> No.6169000

lmao fucckid

>> No.6169487

barberfag has absolutely no knowledge of the science of hair

>use 2 shampoos daily
enjoy premature balding

>> No.6169512

No poo is #1, you're supposed to dilute any baking soda/apple cider vinger mixtures with water and then sparringly apply it ever 3-5 days

>> No.6169520

yeah seriously none of that stuff applies to me, i have dry as fuck and brittle, wavy as fuck hair like ramen noodles

no poo + argan oil non-foaming shampoo every 3-4 days keeps my hair healthy and clean, 2 shampoos + conditioner would suck all the moisture out of my hair

and oils only weigh down / uglify my hair so he should include 'does not apply 2 every1