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File: 471 KB, 420x974, DANSTORE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6155654 No.6155654 [Reply] [Original]

>Denim Dan. Got a lifetime of hard-earned folk wisdom.
>Denim Dan round the campfire a few nights ago.
>Says he ain't never trusted no man without a little dirt under his fingernails.
>Says "Never slap a hooker when she's chewin' tobacco."
>Works hard and drinks hard.
>Reveals how he was born in the back seat of a greyhound bus.
>Knows when to hold 'em and when to fold 'em.
>once shot a man in Reno just to watch him die.
>Don't own nothing but the clothes on his back, one pair of blue jeans and this here guitar.

>Denim Dan.

>All-American Hero

>> No.6155665

he's canadian though

>> No.6155705

bretty gud

>> No.6155734


>Denim Dan. Y'know
>So he's round the fuckin parkin lot at the oilers game, right?
>so I walk up up to im and I says hey man ur THE DENIM FOOCKIN DAN
>and he says, I knoo right?
>so we're sittin there shotgunnin pilsner and cigarettes and jus fuckin givin er and gettin er done and gettin right fucking ripped and then this pig cop come over and tells us we can't be shotgunnin pil in the parkin lot and denim dan's like FUCK YOO IM DENIM DAN and I'm like RIGHT FUCKIN ON And they can't do that y'know we gots like rights under the fuckin charter and shit and they should know that, eh? and ain't no way I'm gunna pour oot a whole pil cube just cause some fuckin cop says so and denim dan he knows that too but he's like fuckin hardcore and shit so he's just fuckin give n er to this fucking cop talkin about like our rights and shit and that fuckin pig he turned around three hunred and sixty degrees and walked the fuck away and that's why denim dan is my fuckin hero

>> No.6155769
File: 13 KB, 321x397, 2ahu0d0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6155788

I think that in the long run, Dan will achieve a level of peace and self-knowledge that would seem alien to many folks here.
Suffering is a prelude to enlightenment and lord knows he's been torn down in this place, suffered something akin to ego death at the hands of countless heartless anons.
If the hate didn't completely harden his heart, I think he'll turn out a better man than most.

>> No.6155790

I just came out of the ice cream shop with a triple scoop ice cream cone when, Denim Dan comes up to me and whacks the cone out of my hand. He said,

"You don't deserve anything because I'm Denim Dan."

And I said, "Fuck you, Denim Dan."

He got mad and threw me onto the ground and began to kick me in the face, as good hour went by when he finally stopped kicking me in the face. After that he just left.

About 6 months later he came to my door step crying, I sat him down on my couch and made him some coffee. It turns out Denim Dan was HIV Positive, and that he just wanted to say how sorry he was for kicking me in the face. I accepted his apology, then we made a goal. A goal for Denim Dan, a goal so he could do the things he wanted and I would help out.
It was the greatest summer of our lives. Denim Dan and I did everything that summer.
We egged houses.
Drank Coke with Pop Rocks!
Had a Conan The Barbarian Marathon.
Ding-Dong Ditched houses.
Made our own Fight Club, that only lasted 27 minutes.
Built a house.
Killed 4 cats.
Read the Holy Bible without skipping pages.
Almost caused Nuclear War.
Killed a Great White Shark.
And shot a 44. Magnum without it recoiling into our face's.

It was a glorious time.

But soon September came, and I had to go back to school. Denim Dan thanked me for all that I had done, then he disappeared. I went through the repetitive motions of school, until one cold January evening I got a call from the Hospital.
Denim Dan was currently in a hospital bed, dying. I had to go visit him, and got on the soonest plane possible.
I finally arrived at the hospital.
I walked in the room.
Closed the door.
Everybody do the Dinosaur.

>> No.6155804


>> No.6156712

>All-American Hero
How new are you OP?

>> No.6158527
File: 81 KB, 403x452, lelz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He will be missed.

>> No.6158581


i lold out loud

>> No.6158624
File: 133 KB, 445x593, 1368562866025.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6158666
File: 169 KB, 414x286, denim dan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Daily reminder that denim Dan murdered his wife in cold blood. You are all idolizing a murderer.

>> No.6158675

Fuck me, does this guy live in Edmonton? I saw him walking around the other day and I coulda sworn he looked familiar, here is now.

Fuck. What.

>> No.6158681

fuck you ruined that movie for me