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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 100 KB, 639x477, autismunstoppable.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6139299 No.6139299 [Reply] [Original]

/r/ing the insagram of the fat rich kid who wears givenchy, HBA, Been thrill etc

>> No.6139395


hes more LV tho

>> No.6139408

naww this kid was like all up in the shitty overpriced streetwear gothninja game

he was like mikey something

>> No.6139425

brandon sales

>> No.6139432

>brandon sales
naww dude he was like a really chubby 12 year old

>> No.6139446
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Franalations nigg

>> No.6139462


my moneys on this

I think that dudes like 25 tho and just has some disease

prime example of how money cant buy taste

>> No.6139469

are you talking about franalations?

>> No.6139472

ahg guys we had a thread about the kid im tookin about just a few days ago. None of what you are suggest are him though ;____;

He is a fat 11 year old kid
Rich parents
Dresses in HBA, Been trill, Pyrex

on his instagram its like "according to @asaprocky im now known as @asapmikey or something like that

>> No.6139474

too slim dude

>> No.6139479

i know who ur talking about just dont remember his name

>> No.6139483

o found it


>> No.6139485


>> No.6139486

yes fuck yes thats him

>> No.6139489

oh fuck op I know exactly who you're talking about I was just trying to look for him the other day ago that shit was priceless

>> No.6139491
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>> No.6139496
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Ahhh shit nigga I remember now, yeah he had on some expensive as shit but it all looked terrible because he was 1. Fat 2. 12

Ima trying to remember his name...he had a real round head\face

>> No.6139502

wow dis niga look wavy as fuck
would smok og kush wiv in the bay

>> No.6139507


>> No.6139508


had 2 do some reverse google image searchs to find him but there u go, enjoy

>> No.6139512

dear mother what the fuck did i just browse

from disgust at his well below facial aesthetics

to incredibility at his large sums of "giveaway" cash 60k and 20k. to flying out 4k on balloons...

clearing out apple stores to troll

to amusement.

this fucking guy answers when celebrities call him out. to rhianna, saying "broke bitch u net worth only 80m" holy shit mfw wat?

>> No.6139518

oh wow he bought the rick socks

>> No.6139524
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>> No.6139525

Its lavish bitch

>> No.6139526


>> No.6139538
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hahahah holy shit

>> No.6139540
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>> No.6139542



>> No.6139549


>> No.6139561

Jesus fucking christ I wish I had never laid my eyes on such horrors

>> No.6139559
File: 116 KB, 612x612, 413609924276743692_287346498.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

more goof than ull ever be


>> No.6139564

its cool and all, but he's going to be bored and alone during his transitional ages, as we can clearly fucking see.

seclusion for security and privacy
and with all that money, nothing to really strive for.
work for
build character
develop personality
essential to grow as a human
wonder how his education is. readily available money + education vs. willingness to learn, common sense, memory, street smart, "fighting" experience, survival, developement of knowledge.

as a man. also similar to education, sex. he'll be sleeping primarily with higher end escorts at this age. he wont be building any relationships, learning about emotional attachment, love.

arguing loss of humanity, and "soul"

bear with me, as i'm simply listing out my points as notation.

fa discussion? ill get back after dinner

>> No.6139569

lol are those mobile homes?

>> No.6139575
File: 133 KB, 1024x640, 1347768322576.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

usually bored rich men start racing teams

the Maserati racing league is fairly cheap (300k a year) plus hotels/crews/food/gas

>> No.6139624

yall just mad cause you didn't have that sense of style at his age.. smh

>> No.6139663

wow when u put it that way i genuinely feel sorry for him, must not have any substance at all in his life...

>> No.6139667

no fucking way loooooooool nigga looks #trill.

>> No.6139674

>I AM NOW KNOW AS A$AP MIKE ACCORDING TO @asvpxillz AND @asvpxrocky

Oh, God.

>> No.6139723

yeah, Teddy just moved in with him since he couldn't sell his geo's.

>> No.6139724

he will have, granted money bought it all. but it will be different... like the feeling of use playing a rpg game. you can't exactly be the pixel hero in the screen, no matter how you dress up, speak like and try to mimic thinking as. eventually he'll mold into humanity at late age, given he lives that long, but he'll have experienced a loss. a hole in his un-whole heart.

>> No.6139752

I feel like such a brokeboi...

>> No.6139776
File: 46 KB, 640x495, HTEJpFN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not realizing itslavishbitch is a massive troll.
>Fake items purchased off ioffer. With purchase history backing up the pictures
> no cash "winners" have ever come out
> middle eastern nerd attending Albany public high school in Albany C.A.
>all pictures have some sort of filter making it easier to cover up photochops
>mother is NOT Indian bank CEO as rumored (her kids ages don't match up)

>> No.6139812

>mfw I murder that kid and steal his clothes and they fit me because I am small

>> No.6139846

Just had a look through his pictures, they don't seem shopped.

>> No.6139905

>> no cash "winners" have ever come out
uhh yes they have, look at his recent feed and click the winner profile

>> No.6139937
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>> No.6139962

>b-but that is effay's idol

>> No.6140005

lol what elementary school did you just graduate from?

>> No.6141320

/fa/ in the flesh.

>> No.6141328

>tfw you realize everyone in A$AP is probably laughing at him behind his back

>> No.6141332
File: 137 KB, 606x606, oh god.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You won't ever have this car. Keep dreaming serfs. Im drivin with no permit too. #Aventador #parkinglot #imrich

>> No.6141339


>> No.6141357

his dad is probably a good businessman who failed to raise his kid , cant blame him tho

>> No.6141362

why would he ? he's just a little kid.

>> No.6141367
File: 93 KB, 607x605, water.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but is this real or not?

>My dick only pisses the finest water
wtf hahahahahahahahaha

>> No.6141372
File: 137 KB, 604x605, true.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I stay high like these true religion prices

>mfw i spend more on jeans than this rich kid

>> No.6141373

its real

>> No.6141379


tbh if i was as rich as him id do the same shit id gets like 50 sluts in my bedroom and pop bottles and take a pic and post it and watch jealous people comment

>> No.6141381

>more than 30 waist

>> No.6141385
File: 128 KB, 602x604, water.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but it's freaking hilarious
>Only wash my hands with sparkling water 💵

>more than 28
you must be fat

>> No.6141389

you will lose your soul

maybe it's fun for a day or so

>> No.6141396

sounds like a fulfilling life

>> No.6141397

were all gonna die just like him so theres no point in being jelly boys

>> No.6141402

I'm a 26 waist but i am still fat :(

>> No.6141409

i'm not jelly at all
i don't want to be this primitive and waste money on ugly shit like LV and RL

>> No.6141410


well yes its more fulfilling than donated p to starving children or doing some bullshit marathon for ur mums diseased ball bag dude id rather live that life than be some fucking humanitarian fuck like u pretentious faggot go suck ur mum stupid faggot bitch oh look at me i hve such high morals haehehehe i am such a good person no maybe u can invest some money into ur dads strained prostate u lil faggot bitch

>> No.6141406

are you 5'2 ?

>> No.6141412

I am 5 foot 7 so yes.

>> No.6141415

>laughing at a little kid
get em

>> No.6141418


>> No.6141427

god i hate these uneducated fucks
it's like giving an ape too much money and let him throw it away
awful parents

>> No.6141436

that kid will never learn the value of money and probably end up in a significant amount of debt one day.

>> No.6141469

with that amount of money he couldnt even if he wanted to

>> No.6141473

he doesn't appreciate any of the things he has
he is not interested in food, garments or cars
this guys life is so empty that without the money he'd be worth nothing

>> No.6141501

nigga got money though

>> No.6141523

he could use it for better things
actually no he couldn't because his intellect doesn't allow it

>> No.6141555


I feel bad for some people who actually think like this guy, it's so painfully obvious how desperate you are and how delusional your are for believing you actually have a chance of becoming rich in your life. Only looking at the success stories of people who became rich, and laughing at everyone else. You will be like any normal person, prioritizing what is important to spend money on and saving up.

>> No.6141562

Can you tell me what does it take to get rich then ?

>> No.6141585

Tell that to every multi-millionaire and billionaire that went bankrupt.

>> No.6141594

Not comparing sums, but people like that are the reason my mother didn't tell me we're multi-millionaires until I was 16. Even then, she said I'm only touching that money when I'm successful or she dies.

I can't thank her enough for this.

>> No.6141597

>Steve Jobs , JP Morgan , Rockefellers , Rothschilds , Carlos Slim etc will ever go bankrupt

>> No.6141600

steve jobs is dead dude

>> No.6141601

and yet another self proclaimed multi-millionaire browses 4chan

>> No.6141605

can't go bankrupt if he's dead

>> No.6141607

Meant to write Bill Gates but you get the point man

>> No.6141637

I browse /fa/, /ck/ and /x/, sometimes /adv/. Been to /b/ a couple times only.. No interest in anime. Your argument doesn't make much sense, anyways.

>> No.6141651

he deleted all my hahahaha comments

>> No.6141654

holy shit his mind is on another planet in that pic

>> No.6141659

Not saying they will, but it's all a matter of knowing where to invest, how to deal with it, you know the drill.

Most of the families you listed will never go bankrupt because their money rests in different hands. Smaller families have less individuals dealing with it, so... a couple spoiled brats later, bankrupcy.

>> No.6141673

>Because a millionaire has to defend his opinion on a forum by giving a detailed explanation of his preferences .
Rich people dont give 2 shits about other people's opinions but ill give you a 2/10 for trying.

>> No.6141679

Last part makes sense ill give you that .

>> No.6141681


let me tell u something i did not read ur post HAHA

>> No.6141692

If they didn't, half these instadipshits would kill themselves over how people don't care about their money and expensive possessions.

But oh well, no need to prove anything on the internet, etc. Just gave my two cents.

>> No.6141721

You dont get it son .
These instadipshits are turned on by making people jealous and theyve got the tools for it .
Theres a difference between rich people and pretentious children.

>> No.6141762

top lel

300k a year is nothing. national karters spend 100k a year try more like 1 million+ easily.

>> No.6141777
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>> No.6141809

5'8 here
125 pounds, skinny as fuck, 29" waist.

>> No.6141818
File: 3 KB, 98x125, 1362203770466s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6141828

inb4 you were raised as extremely upper middle class and think you know the value of money.

>> No.6141904

sounds like you guys would love this


>all these cunts copping Hermes

>> No.6141981

Any amount of money can be blown through.

I doubt that kid even has more than $100 million.

>> No.6142008

With $100,000,000 banked well, you'd have to buy houses to make a big dent in it for long.

>> No.6142021

This guy is hilarious, and I pray he's real instead of a stupid prank.

>> No.6142042

not to mention the interest he can earn by just letting it sit

>> No.6142061


>> No.6142089

yup but i still followed him for that next giveaway namean

>> No.6142114

what a hero

but why did you link him?

>> No.6142157

im 6'4 200lbs and wear 30/34 jeans
you must be fat as fuck

>> No.6142182

Because he blew all his money

>> No.6142200

>6'3, 185
Curse my hips.

>> No.6144673
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>> No.6146886

I'm 6'2 and /fit/, 29 waist. It's fucking annoying ok.

>> No.6147157
File: 4 KB, 210x229, 1326346888974.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>He claimed he took five hours a day to dress, and recommended that boots be polished with champagne