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/fa/ - Fashion

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6118577 No.6118577 [Reply] [Original]

>going to bus stop after class
>have stop n chat with friend
>oh my god anon i almost didn't recognize you. you never dress this well.
>ouch / thanks

/fa/ feels general

>> No.6118597

Post fit

>> No.6118604


>> No.6118615

i put it in the waywt couple days ago for some neg rep which is why idk what the fuck that compliment means

>> No.6118625

he meant post the fit they complimented you on

>> No.6118643

likely means that while you don't look great, its still a hell of a lot better than what you normally wear

>> No.6118642


>> No.6118687
File: 452 KB, 598x800, 15.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wearing p much this and a backpack

free transpo for students, can't complain

>> No.6118689

now someone >feel with me pls

>> No.6118695

wow this sucks

>> No.6118699

But that's really mediocre.

>> No.6118702

Nothing wrong with that, definitely a little basic but most girls are into the menswear because of their electra complex

>> No.6118710

>not really trying
which is why it was hard to tell if it was really a positive compliment

>most girls are into the menswear because of their electra complex

>> No.6118719

They want to fuck their father.

>> No.6118730

>button up & cardigan

fucking plebs

>> No.6118733

For men this is called the oedipus complex. Oedipus is basically a story of a king and a queen who has been told that their son will kill the father and fuck the mother.

So they throw him out on some rocky place, a shepherd finds him, brings him to the king and queen of the other country, and then he kills his father without knowing it, and fucks his mother without knowing it.

What it really means is that Freud thought that all girls like their fathers and want their mothers to leave when they are really young. The want their father for themselves, therefore they try to find guys who are like their father.

>> No.6118737

And vice versa for boys, of course

>> No.6118745

She was probably being sarcastic and you didn't realise..

>> No.6118747

dis niqqa went full grandpa core smh

>> No.6118750



>> No.6118753

I don't want to fuck my mum?

>> No.6118763

You dress like somebody I'd bully

>> No.6118760


>> No.6118771

>tfw compliments from a grill

>> No.6118772


you are so new...

>> No.6118776

According to Freud, you look for your mother in a partner to some extent. So... you *do* want to fuck your mother.

But then again these are just theories.

>> No.6118777

you don't sound too sure

>> No.6118779
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>> No.6118784

Freud loses me at Elektra Complex. From Wikipedia, because I'm lazy:

Soon after the libidinal shift to the penis, the child develops her first sexual impulses towards her mother.
The girl realizes that she is not physically equipped to have a heterosexual relationship with her mother, since she does not have a penis.
She desires a penis, and the power that it represents. This is described as penis envy. She sees the solution as obtaining her father's penis.
She develops a sexual desire for her father.
The girl blames her mother for her apparent castration (what she sees as punishment by the mother for being attracted to the father) assisting a shift in the focus of her sexual impulses from her mother to her father.
Sexual desire for her father leads to the desire to replace and eliminate her mother.
The girl identifies with her mother so that she might learn to mimic her, and thus replace her.
The child anticipates that both aforementioned desires will incur punishment (by the principle of lex talionis)
The girl employs the defence mechanism of displacement to shift the object of her sexual desires from her father to men in general.

Freud's obsession with cocks just leaves me on the verge of laughter. I've had a hard time taking him seriously ever since I read his psychosexual development theories way back when.

>> No.6118802

Freud is really fun because everything that is longer than it is wide represents a dick to him. Then again all of his research is based on sexually frustrated people, especially women, so it's not that strange that all of his shit revolves around sex.

>> No.6118813

That's true - we are talking about the ass end of a VERY repressed era.

>> No.6118829

Yeah, keeping rich women around as dolls really isn't healthy.

>> No.6118868

you dusty nigga

>> No.6118861

this nigga tryin to say why bitches got daddy issues?

nigga ill tell you why. girls ain't meant to do shit other than suck dick

the dad supposed to be there to stop her from suckin dick all natty

>> No.6118883

lmao time to read some freud

>> No.6119579

The annoying thing about Freud is that you can't disprove him, he always has counter theories for most arguments. Like if you go for someone who looks like your mother, this proves the Oedipus complex. If you don't go for someone who, it's pretty much saying you can't handle your guilt. He also has theories about children even though he didn't experiment with children, grr

>> No.6119594
File: 25 KB, 300x250, fuck muffins.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thats not rly a solid argument tbh it just sounds like him making excuse

thinking hard right now i don't feel attracted to my mum or ppl who look like her

but I wasn't starting an arguement just pointing out a flaw in his reasoning

>> No.6119631


His counter theories are fucking stupid circle arguments to always have some credibility.

I like women of all shapes, sizes, and colors.

Except black girls, but in rare occasions they're super hot.

>> No.6119658
File: 93 KB, 473x355, The_Unpublished_Freud.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even if you can't disprove the man directly, at some point you have to stop and say "This is utter bullshit."

And a lot of it really does strike me as such. When I read about his cocaine use and the haphazard manner in which he prescribed it to 'morphinists', I can't help but take his theories with an even larger grain of salt. Nevertheless, I don't doubt his importance - he started a valuable conversation that we're still having today.
I think Jung was far more advanced in his thoughts and theories, but that's just my opinion.
Now, back to work for me.


>> No.6119674

See I like black girls best and my mum is white, this stuff is complete bs made up by a fucktard who fantasised about incest

>> No.6119677

Pls do not feed the plebs.
Thank you,
Zoo staff

>> No.6119682

lol I would guess some of it would him projecting ya

>> No.6119687

You talk like someone whose sister I would fuck.

>> No.6119692

well to be fair, cocaine works a lot like other anti depressants...

>> No.6119716

i gon fuk yo moma wog cunt

>> No.6119772

I don't think Freud is taken seriously by modern psychology at all. It seems like it's on the same level as Thomson's model of electrons. Just an interesting historical step towards the modern paradigm.

>> No.6119781

I already fuqqed yours m8

>> No.6119803


>> No.6121845

10 star post.
>that feel when I was >>6118702

>> No.6121870

I saw a girl that posts (posted?) on here on the bus today

>> No.6121878

>Friendly with baristas at a cafe I frequent
>Cute employee shyly comes up to me
>"Are you an assassin? You always dress so suave and walk like you don't give a shit"

>> No.6121879
File: 141 KB, 204x528, 9itlsk[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

was it le timber face <3

>> No.6121922

>Used to be pleb A&E, hoodies, and boot cut blue jeans with holes with bad posture and general anti social behavior
>"Anon, you're great."
>Start caring how I look, start wearing OCBD's and dressier shirts, fix posture, start talking to people.
>"Oh Anon.. you're.."

>tfw all your classmates and friends start to think you're gay because you don't dress like a pleb, are 5'8", and have a feminine looking face

>> No.6121931

just some anon bz that was posting her face

>> No.6122049

Should have made some innocuous "You should post on the internet less" comment.

>> No.6122090

who is this?

>> No.6122117

shudve sat bhind her and whispered into her ear

pls b in london

>> No.6122128
File: 446 KB, 500x370, 1367726577554.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

le timber

>> No.6122133


Was it that pink haired coke hore chick?

I think she's sydn.

newy you should've said hi, could've had a weird gf to talk patty e biz w/.

>tfw no sruli waifu's

>> No.6122141
File: 265 KB, 1000x1500, X.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she looks good! how is that rude?

>> No.6122145

>pink haired

oh u mean me?? im from syd

heres my blog :P

>> No.6122151
File: 11 KB, 183x275, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hmm did u ask her permission/?

>> No.6122148

>Post on /fa/ just about every day
>Constantly googling male models and comparing myself to them
>Dressing sexy as fuck every day
>None of my friends even give half a fuck about fashion
>If they knew how I spent my time, I'd have no friends

Fucking plebs.

>> No.6122162

>run into tumbr-bitch friend from high school I haven't seen in a couple years
>she ignores me and goes to talk to the people I was with
>finally realizes who I am
>wow anon, you look so hip! I didn't recognize you!
Not sure what mfw

>> No.6122169
File: 2.01 MB, 250x274, 35jgqoi.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6122301

is tarocash /fa/? got a $200 gift voucher

>> No.6122311

no experience but they're pretty low end business wear? just cop some oxfords and shit and maybe get them tailored

>> No.6122314

goddamit i hate gift vouchers


>> No.6122316 [DELETED] 

reported for spam

>> No.6122321

i just had a look at their shoes, jesus christ its all so ugly

jersey shore tier

what the fuck do i do

>> No.6122324

dan sucks at shitposting when he actually makes an effort to do so

>> No.6122329


>> No.6122357

>walk outside and everyone stares at me weird
feels good man

>> No.6122368

request that u leave the choice 2 associate my name w/ those pics up 2 me. thanks

>> No.6122447

>looking good
>ppl talk abt u
>compliments on dick
>eyesex all day
>cumgod swag rapelord

>> No.6122460

welcome 2 the club

>> No.6122467
File: 19 KB, 300x250, wig.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

u better have taken that further

>> No.6122475

/fa/? hahahaha

>> No.6122492

dan I root for you because you're the underdog but you need to drop phrases like "plebs"

come on man

>> No.6122498

fuck you aussie fag cunt plebmaster

>> No.6122499

>thinking dan is dan
looking good dan

>> No.6122502

calm down danny boy