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/fa/ - Fashion

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6114413 No.6114413[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Alright guys.

I think we had a lot of fun last time we tried to have this thread, but now it's time we get down to business.

Ok, so let's put our heads together and begin:

How do we get Rick Owens to visit us on /fa/?

>> No.6114428

you honestly think he hasn't seen it at least once
earl knows about /fa/

He prob thinks its dumb tbh, plus if he would post anywhere it would def be sz

>> No.6114424

Write him a letter asking to visit.

I'll start


>> No.6114443


he has corresponded with people on SZ in the past, the guy who runs it has corresponded with him for magazine articles, and other sz related stuff.

>> No.6114433

Okay, we've come further than the last thread, keep it up.

>> No.6114455

what does rick do in his free time besides work out and smoke cigarettes?

>> No.6114454

pls respond.
<3 /fa/

>> No.6114468

fuck his qt3.14 on his marble granite bed

>> No.6114472

steamy hot sex with Michele

>> No.6114475

I hear he makes a mean sandwich Doublesdan

>> No.6114474


he walks around paris listening to the sisters of mercy. i read it in an interview.

>> No.6114473

well thats diff but okay

>> No.6114493

Do we have any people in SZ who can arrange him to come to /fa/?

>> No.6114502
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>> No.6114511

lol head turn @ the end i never get tired of that

>> No.6114515

nobody thats a regular sz poster would ever admit that they have been to this board

>> No.6114522
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fucking faggots all of them sware on me mum

>> No.6114526


rick has the sickest swagger. lookin puffy and shit w/ parisians going wtf

>> No.6114550

word he looks so natural and at-home in his clothes plus that silhouette is sick

killing it

>> No.6114553
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allegedly rick saw some of my posts on sz and thinks im rly funny
and michele likes to keep cute boys around for decoration
so i figure ima visit paris and hang around rick hq till i find michele & meet her & join her entourage
then meet rick
we'll take a double selfie and ill get him to do an ama on /fa/

>> No.6114557
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>> No.6114563

Why does SZ charge fashion agencies on their site and do they pay? I guess it has something to do with advertising??


>> No.6114569

when is someone going to make a version where you can see the dad with the stroller do a full 180

>> No.6114570


yeah what if you're not cute enuf

>> No.6114572


>> No.6114573
File: 71 KB, 900x600, RickOwen_adaudiffret-8-sur-16-900.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's a joke, and no, they don't pay him.
afaik rick browses his own thread in designers and maybe his collection threads
it's all combed over by some cool spotters 4 sure but i couldn't confirm nethang
im sure some of the gn flankers like the dus involved in voidthebrand r prob paying attention

>> No.6114584

>not cute enuf
pick one

>> No.6114575

gonna need to see some receipts

>> No.6114586
File: 72 KB, 640x460, michele-lamy2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what if im 2 cute & michele is jealous & wont introduce me 2 rikk D:

>> No.6114594
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/fa/ is so embarrassing, i dont even tell anyone i come here

i would die if you made him visit omg. worst idea

>> No.6114607

Im gonna start posting on SZ then and slowly lure rick over.

>> No.6114629

I can just imagine him imagining: "what the fuck is wrong with these people?"

I think every collection after that would be a private collection and his prices would go up even more ensuring people on /fa/ can't get them.

>> No.6114656
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come one man dont say that, it's bad enough he will never know I exist. Maybe if we clean up the place a bit.

>> No.6114672
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my heart

>> No.6114665

we're low fashion

>> No.6114676
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rick would probably just be disappointed with how petty ppl here can b

>> No.6114690



>> No.6114695
File: 60 KB, 500x750, tumblr_mfadf59fhc1rkruyjo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

manlet spam, reflexive hate against anything and everything, do i really need to spell this out?
4chan on the whole needs to chill the fuck out imo

>> No.6114699


SERIOUSLY, the people on this ANONYMOUS IMAGE BOARD need to CALM DOWN and act as COOL AS ME

>> No.6114711

u know what he means

>> No.6114712

Well, Rick says he walks through the Tuileries gardens every day, so if there's anyone on here who happens to be in Paris, you could always wait and approach him casually.

>Implying anyone here would have both the composure and clarity to say something comprehensible and keep his attention for long enough to convince him it was a good idea to visit /fa/.

>> No.6114710


lol @ validating his point

or being ironic. either way lel

>> No.6114704
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case in point
this du mad as fuqq and i didnt even say anything about him specif

>> No.6114706

i assume it's all trolls just avin a laff

>> No.6114722
File: 165 KB, 690x347, tumblr_m8vwq1Zq3T1qigxpeo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i am totally certain that most of the shit posting comes from a very small number of people. not just on /fa/, on the entirety of 4chan
i just worry that sometimes ppl get the wrong idea and think its okay to act like a turd because that behavior gets reinforced by the trolls.
could u imagine kids bein raised by 4chan and turning into earnest versions of what trolls endorse D:

>> No.6114727

i be that pretty muthafucka

>> No.6114728

Fuckin' check 'em, brahs!

>> No.6114739


Why is it wrong to act like a turd on 4chan.

>> No.6114743
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Don't forget to check these, brother

>> No.6114746
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r u familiar with what futaba channel and 2ch are?

>> No.6114751

cuz then everyine acts like a turd and that obstructs good conversation

its like the opposite of everyone circlejerking on reddit

>> No.6114758


I don't speak Japans so no I don't browse those forums

>> No.6114759


its not wrong, it just means it will never be a reputable board. (i dont have any delusions of it becoming reputable) thats just the result of constant shitposting. thats why /fa/ will never be taken seriously like sufu or sz or styleforum. idc tho i love fa :)

>> No.6114763


what good conversation? The only good threads I ever see are when a few people dump a bunch of good inspo pics, most of the "conversation" on this board is just stupid argument anyway.

>> No.6114767


why would you want /fa/ to be taken seriously? So it could attract swagfag normal scum?

>> No.6114775

>most of the "conversation" on this board is just stupid argument anyway.

cuz ppl get mad

irl when ppl have a disagreement about something like fashion they just discuss it and learn from eachother

here its shit-flinging but not all the time tho

>> No.6114782
File: 943 KB, 884x1280, rick owens.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really want to show Rick this and see what he has to say about it.

>> No.6114783


I personally dont care, but the cool thing about forums that are taken seriously, is that industry people post on them and make interesting contributions, members tend to post higher quality content, collections, detail photos of products, interviews with designers, reviews, high quality outfits, stuff that they have for sale, and generally discuss design at a level that you never really do on 4chan. ideally.

>> No.6114787
File: 212 KB, 768x1024, Fred-Hornof-Novembre-768x1024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i don't either
but they were just lifestyle boards. ppl congregated for the purposes of talkin about trains or w/e, not to engage in meta nonsense
tbh ive been on 4chan since 04 or 05. not continuously, i'd stop for years at a time. but back then 4chan wasn't about being a meme factory or acting like a fucking 4channer, it was just a different kind of message board that happened to have a lot of traffic and produce a lot of content. after a while tho the meta shit developed and ppl tried to b self-conscious /b/. that's when u started having ppl act like turds just for the sake of it.

moot himself has said that 4chan developed into what it is mostly because he couldn't afford the staff to control it, which has changed recently. other boards have cleaned up dramatically. i don't know why moderation on /fa/ is still so conspicuously absent.

>> No.6114797

moot hates fashion
all he can think about is cooking. he's making a cooking show with people on /ck/
>moot will never come back to /fa/

>> No.6114814

do people actually do this shit? holy fuck you fags are depressing

>> No.6114829
File: 365 KB, 415x460, ohgod.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Who are you talking to buddy? Do you just want someone to be mad at? Are you feeling alright?

>> No.6114839

Fuck off you fat piece of shit

>> No.6114926
File: 9 KB, 649x236, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw sruli recht is onto me B)

>> No.6114939

also confirmed kills Sruli Recht has read my shit, feels gud man

#hola twerk soz 4 th heat b
gl w/ meting rick hun

>> No.6115031

thats just a sales rep
owned biiiatchhh

>> No.6115059
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Maybs but even then I think it's indicative of them possibly knowing who I am.

Maybe not though but idk...I wouldn't bother making the connection between 2 emails if I was the sales rep.

I took out like all the details but you don't have to believe me if you don't want to ;s

>> No.6115080

>tfw everyone from /fa/ is in cool cliques but you

>> No.6115107

you know that one guy who posts with the small givenchy tees in waywt threads?
yeah, same guy with the vomit carpet.

>> No.6115116


just hang out on TC, say interesting things and don't be a faggot. On the other hand, if you're a MASSIVE faggot for a year or two people will just assume you're interesting or are cool to hang out with.

>> No.6115162

what is TC

>> No.6115164

gayest place in the universe

>> No.6115166

why dont we invite moot to /fa/?

>> No.6115188

been a few times.

shit fest.

>> No.6115201


>> No.6115203

ples tell me I want to see for myself.

>> No.6115208

I've been in ur mum a few times

>> No.6115215

inside turn lefts butt hole! XD

>> No.6115221

catch it at a good time and there might be some quality discussion and people playing runway shows, etc. but usually it's just the same few people hanging out alone in a chatroom

>> No.6115233

oh fuck that shit I am too shy. I guess I will never fit in.

>> No.6115246

>go in there
>gossiping about turnleft
>"would you eat her pussy"
>playing doom metal
>mfw i have no face

>> No.6115267


patroklus = twerk it

>> No.6115278


>> No.6115302

Why do people from SZ even come here if that place is so nice? Just to look down on us?

>> No.6115309

its fallin apart b

fausts kingdom is crumblin

>> No.6115326

ur mum is crumblin on my dik

>> No.6115321

because /fa/ is more random. I'm usually an SZ user, yet I still come here and browse a little bit sometimes. Sometimes I find interesting pictures or something that makes me laugh. I'd never engage in real discussion about fashion here, though.

>> No.6115334

why? cause of the drama that got stirred up last month and some users left? There will always be people signing up wont they?

what a shame

>> No.6115332
File: 54 KB, 500x334, tumblr_mih9yhrZVf1rjldpno1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whats ur u/n

>> No.6115344

Do you have any pics of faust? I wanna see what he looks like.

>> No.6115347

maybe but the admin that stay already have a bad rep.

just read through their psots and you get a pretty ugly impression of who they are.

>> No.6115356

I'd have to register for that, and I can't come up with a good username. With that being said I guess I have no choice but to believe you. Guess I'm sticking to SF and sufu.

>> No.6115378

Someone please tell me what SZ is.

>> No.6115382

How about I show you instead.


>> No.6115389

a fashion board geared stronger (though not exclusively) towards what is called "goofninja" here.

>> No.6115395

It's probably a better platform than SF and sufu though...IMO
Just make an account with whatever and lurk, no one cares.

i dont know my opinion is prob biased since I think /fa/ is a p.good stage as long as you hide lots of shit ;s


>> No.6115415

Well dude, I've always preferred /fa/ but after a long time of having fun here I've come to realize that I'm not getting the information I want from here. And lurking other forums is a pain because I don't like forums in the first place other than 4chan. So if I want knowledge based from the consumers I'd have to go to either of those 3 boards to where people can sit down and have a serious chat because their E-rep is at stake.

I'm probably making a bigger deal about it than I should be but it makes me feel bad that I have to leave /fa/ for that type of discussion because I started here.