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6110830 No.6110830 [Reply] [Original]

What's the most /fa/ way to suicide? I'm going to finish myself off tomorrow night and I want to do it in style. Any suggestions?

>> No.6110851


Don't do it. Everyone's doing it nowadays, so it's way cooler to live and suffer and achieve transcendence.

>> No.6110858

just jump out of the window
nobody can stop you
you can't pussy out once you let go
and some fag has to clean up your body lol

but if i way you i would at least try to do something fun before like killing somebody i hate or rape a little girl

>> No.6110860

Sucide is un/fa/. Don't kill yourself.

>> No.6110852

asphyxiate by having dozens of cocks ejaculate down your throat

>> No.6110866

suicide is only /fa/ if you do it in public and blame it on someone

>> No.6110868

stick yer dick in a blender

>> No.6110876

annoy rick until he punches your brain out

>> No.6110883
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Here you go

>> No.6110893


OP, just drink your own piss over and over until your kidneys can no longer filter it. Actively document the symptoms of body failure erry day in WAYWT, along with a fresh fit.
On the day you think you are going to die wear what you'd like to be buried/cremated in and sign power of attorney over to the board via skype and a notary,.

>> No.6110898

lel, holy fuck, that's pretty cool

>> No.6110910

why did nobody do this yet?

>> No.6110915

Coolest way to suicide is hang yourself to orgasm

>> No.6110917

Dont do it mother fucker.




>> No.6110940

Lurk moar.

>> No.6110944

Just dont do it bro, everyone in this thread thinks you're joking that's why they're suggesting ways.

No one in here want anyone to kill themselves on their watch.

Stay safe mate, if there's no one you can talk to then pay a shrink/talk to homeless dudes.

I really enjoy talking to homeless dudes when im down, though if you're small dude u might get molested.

>> No.6110949

it's some bored edgy shitposter, stop being a faggot.

>> No.6110955

what's wrong with you man? if somebody doesn't like life just let him end it

i would have killed myself a long time ago if i wasn't such a pussy. still depressed but it isn't bad enough to make me overcome the fear of actually doing it.
if you don't like a movie or book you stop watching or reading it. some people are just not meant to live

>> No.6110958

Excuse me for being "that guy" who doesnt like other people killing themselves.

>> No.6110979


see you on the other side m8

>> No.6111008

Difference is that once you get over depression you can do what ever the fuck you want and live life, after reading a shitty book you'll never get back that lost time.

Im not saying a guy who's terminally ill shouldnt be allowed to off himself, but the avarage depressed dude can still pull things together and have a wonderful, full and happy life.

excuse me for my shitty english, its my third language

>> No.6111031

I'd say seppuku wearing full gothninja

>> No.6111037

i'm depressed for 5 years now and even been to a clinic for a few months
nothing changed the slightest i just told everyone that i'm happy again and they let me go
live is the same boring shit it used to be
everything is ugly and evil
i hate it but as i said i'm too pussy to end it

>> No.6111082

Well it seems to me you're just a bit out of hope atm, you HAVE TO keep in mind that there will always be a better time than now.

And i know this all sound like a load of dog crap coming from a random guy on the internet, but that's the beautiful thing about it, statistically there HAS to be another one like you.

This fact alone givesmehope.

Theres actually a nice website built around this stuff, it's called "GivesMeHope".

Honestly, i believe you'll look at what is happening in your life in the not-so-far future and think about how things became so much better so fast.

Stay positive, have some hope, find the way which works FOR YOU, if what the clinic says dont work for you, dont do it.

>> No.6111098

dw bro youll always have us to talk to

>> No.6111126

My neighbor, a psychiatrist, once told me, "Once someone is ready to take their life, they don't tell anyone. Everything else is almost always a cry for attention."

Everyone go home.

Oh and Heroin overdose in a Paris apartment a la Jim Morrison.

>> No.6111142

post fit

>> No.6111180

The one's with depression in this thread, after you overcome it , you understand yourself in such a deep way, its almost like a super power, you understand how other people work, knowing that one day ill overcome this thing was the thing that kept me going through my rough times.

>> No.6111372

i would hate to do that
apparently the adrenaline rush you get after you jump makes you feel really good
you immediately regret it, but it's too late

aw man i thought my friend made this up and now i remember it's from bash.org

>> No.6111669
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Stop being a bunch of faggots. Oooh waaah I'm depressed, waaaah, I'm going to end it all, everything is shit. Do a bit of speed, go for a jog, get a cat, whatever. Because killing yourself is fuccboi tier. Get your fucking self off the internet, sort your fucking life out, and cheer the fuck up basically. Everyone has shit times, and they fucking deal with it. Mate at least you're not living in a mud hut made of aids. Here's a pic of my cat- lighten the fuck up, honestly. You don't have it that bad.

>> No.6112345

Suicide isn't /fa/
Get yourself off 4chan and the internet for at least a week.
Go outside. Find a place of natural beauty.

Phone a suicide hotline.

>> No.6112495

If you've never suffered from depression, it's understandable that you believe it is as easy as "lightening the fuck up" to overcome it. It is a long, hard journey that requires time, therapy, relapses and very often help from other people to heal.

If it's possible, getting a cat does help a lot, animal contact is fantastic when it comes to treating mental ailments. Go pet a horse, feed some ducks, hug a dog - suicide is not the way to go, m8. Call someone and tell them, ask for help.