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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 168 KB, 500x632, 1366953000959.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6047049 No.6047049 [Reply] [Original]

Can we have a backpack thread? need inspiration

no fuccboi messenger bags allowed

>> No.6047064

But yo, you posted a guy in capris, thats definitely some fuccboi shit

>> No.6047090
File: 45 KB, 442x442, 543632.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My next pack as soon as it's back in stock.

>> No.6047102
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nah, fuccboi

>> No.6047109

i would like this minus the pussy fuccboi white stuff

>> No.6047110

>no fuccboi messenger bags allowed
fuck you dude, messenger bags are awesome, backpacks are for college kids and homosexuals.

>> No.6047115

>wanting to have a giant black penis on your back

>> No.6047128
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>> No.6047139

this is /fa/ after all

>> No.6047141

i bet you like guitar music LOL
fuck outta here

>> No.6047153

lel, holy shit I just notice that, damn you have a good eye.

>> No.6047156
File: 164 KB, 686x960, 1366174823330.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw someone is a pleb near me

fuccboi ur taste in music is shit

fite me irl

u r nt evn wrth m time

>> No.6047158

spoken like a true nigger.

>> No.6047166

Enjoy your fucked up spine

>> No.6047176
File: 184 KB, 685x254, 1365450825335.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>guitar musak
get with the times grandpa, you fucking plen fuccboi

>> No.6047172

Who doesn't like guitar music? Plebs and niglets?

>> No.6047185

patricians do, guitar musak is shite for angsty teenagers lel NMH, lel flaming lips, lel lelelele fuccboi

computer is best instrument

>> No.6047182


>> No.6047189

Niglet detected.

>> No.6047191

hows that beatles tattoo healing fuccboi LOL

now post some backpacks befo i fuc u up son

>> No.6047202
File: 44 KB, 883x837, 1363939909941.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

spoken like a true neckbeard

gb2 your 2d gf drawn by little shrivled dicked jap men lmao

pic related, u

>> No.6047204

Stay pleb niglet, you would probably fit in my pocket.

>> No.6047216

look at dem fuccbois wit dem jimmies russel cuz i teach them music
u seem mad bruh bruhz

>> No.6047231

You sound like a poopskin.

>> No.6047257

why do white people use >muh culture as an argument but then say immigrants are ruining their culture as they proceed to point out pictures old buildings

>> No.6047258
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>> No.6047270
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Guitar music is shit though.
Western classical, and a variety of electronically produced genres are better. Also black people invented rock and roll, Hip-hop has more in common with 70s German electro

>> No.6047275
File: 76 KB, 960x640, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because our Jew overlords are destroying our race and culture by shipping poopskins to our countries. Cultural diversity is cultural holocaust.

>thank goodness for our poopskin friends and their wonderful culture

>> No.6047276


>> No.6047284

the bomber is white

>> No.6047283

le rusemaster !!

>> No.6047279


>> No.6047291


I can't hold all these generalizations.

>> No.6047296

Notice I used the word "niglets" not "niggers". This is because old niggers made good music.

>> No.6047303
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>> No.6047304

but guitar music is shit though
prove me wrong

>> No.6047305

So much implying. Poopeyes pls go.

>> No.6047322
File: 8 KB, 220x195, 220px-Hatt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao, you're from /pol/
you prbably haven't read any political books and get all your arguments off of stormfront

>hurr white genocide
>hurr let me tell you exactly how every culture in the world functions
>le me, a political genius, I am aware of so many things these blind sheeple cannot see

>> No.6047326

I only listen to electronic music as a joke. It's for plebs.

>> No.6047333

Poopeyes, pls go.

>> No.6047342

I know it's shitty.

>> No.6047336

epic strawman :)

>> No.6047338

you don't know shit about electronic music

>> No.6047345

Why are your eyes the color of poop?

>> No.6047346

>15 year old meal listener

>> No.6047353

I can't handle all this pleb.

Your knowledge of music is actually so narrow.

>> No.6047356
File: 68 KB, 484x700, 1329233010239.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, what about the backpacks?

>> No.6047364
File: 24 KB, 540x400, givenchy-black-obsidia-backpack-0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2much /pol/
not enough backpack

>> No.6047371

any alternative to this kind of bag (black / leather) but cheaper? 300 euro for a bag or more is too much

>> No.6047372

Look, we're busy calling each other plebs and dissing things we don't understand. There's no time to talk about fashion.

>> No.6047368


So many missed shots.

>> No.6047373

Sure it is.

>> No.6047379

go to bed, dad.

>> No.6047398

What are your favorite artists?

>> No.6047402

skrillex metallica blink 182 and some more obscure band that youve probably never heard of (opeth, burzum, mayhem...)

>> No.6047446

Animal Collective, Mars Volta, Death Grips, swans, joy division, animals as leaders, you know The epitome of wanna-be-patrician.

>> No.6047502

bruv it is possible to like bands like this and not be a wanna-be-patrician /mu/ dickrider

>> No.6047545

all this entry level.

>> No.6047605

i fucking hate everyone on this thread

>> No.6047721

where can I cop a similar jacket?