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6042104 No.6042104 [Reply] [Original]

how do you know if you're attractive?
is it subjective because of different lighting?
can you be ugly in one light and good looking in another?

>> No.6042112

There's a thing online that rates your face out of 10

>> No.6042129

If you're asking this, you're not.

>> No.6042136

that's funny

does having bad skin automatically make you unattractive? not talking about grosspizzaface people

but that's why i asked about lighting

>> No.6042163

just work on your personality. it's all that really matters and the only thing that you can change.

shower too

>> No.6042174 [DELETED] 


Don't know brah, but it's the same Anon here. I hope not.

tfw 25 and have acne

>> No.6042181
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Hope not, brah.

>tfw 25 and acne

>> No.6042204
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>> No.6042258

>tfw got an 8.33 but still think I'm unattractive

>> No.6042788

Link pls

>> No.6043370

it rates your symmetry, not attractiveness

>> No.6043379

do you have:

>strong jawline
>strong chin
>aesthetic nose
>straight teeth
>high cheekbones
>nice eyebrows
>bountiful eyelashes
>nice lips
>nice hair/hairline
>good skin
>good symmetry
>limbal rings

if you have most of these you are most likely attractive

>> No.6043426

I really have to get my eyebrows done, where do I go? I always tweezed them a little but its really out of hand now and it just looks clumsy as shit. What should I ask for?

>> No.6043504
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Trimming them is better, and not very difficult either. If you get them waxed then you'll most likely get yourself stuck with arched eyebrows, so unless you want to look gender confused look up how to trim them. Also just tweeze your unibrow and stray hairs.

>> No.6043841

>tfw girls keep trying to talk to me and laughing at whatever I say and blushing and complimenting me for the stupidest shit (even in front of their boyfriends) all day
>tired of trying to be friendly
>tired of the attention

>> No.6043879

be an asshole to people


it fucking changed my life for good

go wild for the night fuck being polite

>> No.6043898

That doesn't fit with my moral system. I am self aware enough to at least try to impact people's lives neutrally or positively when I come into direct contact with them. I find that being negative towards others - in thought or action - allows me to be negative to myself more easily. I'd rather try to appreciate people and reflect that appreciation instead.

>> No.6043906

>I have never known the touch of a woman

>> No.6043917

But if I'm an asshole to everyone, how will they take there time if they want to get to know me?

>> No.6043938

lol you are so mean

>> No.6043944

>implying there aren't women who appreciate that sort of attitude
The attention was unwanted because I have a girlfriend

>> No.6043948

Ill break this down so you can skip wasting your fucking life being 'nice' and getting nowhere.
People don't want nice, they want strength. We didn't follow the nice guy into the forest to hunt for food, we followed the strong one.
Society makes it sound like the world would be a better place if everyone were nicer, but not everyone is going to be nice all at once. There will be rapists thieves and terrorists probably until this world ends, and until it does end, strength will always be admired more and have a more positive.impact on people than niceness because strength is what has and will continue to keep us alive. Nice is just a luxury and a tool for manipulation the weak use in stead of strength.
You don't necessarily need to be an asshole, but its a major problem if you can't ornate afraid of being one.
The only people who succeed from being better than humanity are super heroes, they don't exist.

>> No.6043953

how do u find a girl w/ the same personality and taste as u b/c honestly I am perfect in these regards

>> No.6043958

>can't or won't**

>> No.6043972

what is the meaning of lie?

>> No.6043988

I'm strong enough to take personal responsibility for my emotions, and to understand other people's situations rather than allowing my emotions to rule my actions. I don't expect anyone to act any differently toward me because of it. I self validate. You need to get past the idea of kindness being weakness.

I live a fulfilling life. Rather than "trying to get ahead" (what exactly is ahead?) I learn to appreciate my experience and give that appreciation to the people around me. You need to try to further understand where your beliefs and desires come from.

>> No.6043989

10/10 post saved

>> No.6043996

His argument sounded nicer, but I prefer yours.

>> No.6044043


>not knowing what "get ahead" means
>no plans, no goals
>don't know where you want to be in 5 years because "it's impossible" so you never have a reason to grow or anything to strive for
>content with current life

what's it like being a complete loser?

>> No.6044063

You're projecting.

>> No.6044069

What is getting ahead? Why is that better than something else? Why do you believe that that is better? There is no objective answer. You're eating up other people's beliefs, and wasting your life running after them. I have goals. That doesn't mean I'm not content with my current life. It's not like I'll ever live anywhere else than in my current life, so why would I waste it being discontent because I'm waiting to "get ahead" so that I can be happy. I'm happy now. I'll be happy when I reach whatever goals I have. I'll be happy in between, because I've learned to appreciate what my life is right now. If being content is being a loser, then I'm a loser.

>> No.6044071

Wow, you're not an American are you?

>> No.6044075

There are certain sets of traits, skills, and professions that are required for mankind to advance and survive - Physical and mental strength, wisdom, technology, etc.

Then there are certain sets of traits, skills and professions that we survive and live for - love, compassion, arts, etc.

Your arguments are yin and yang.

Im an attractive dude and use a combination of strength and niceness. Tonight I had a 9/10 18 year old in my bed. Balance my friends, balance.

>> No.6044080
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>"I am perfect in regards to my personality and taste"

>> No.6044091

u can tell when it is and isnt uuuuhhhh posting

>> No.6044087

Of course they are. They are arguing about a specific point from opposite angles. You're assuming that that specific point is their entire outlook. It isn't. You're also validating based on the age and attractiveness of women you sleep with. You may want to reevaluate.

>> No.6044208

Wait this isn't about sleeping with women?
If not it should be.

>> No.6044293 [DELETED] 

I know pretty well what my beliefs are and what i desire, and this argument isnt supposed to be based on the schismatic nature of two value systems with different prospects in life, its based on what you implicated when you said that you try to impact peoples lives positively by being positive, nice. I'm trying to say that valuing niceness for the sake of niceness will not impact anyone's life better than strength. A positive impact of niceness is a good feeling whereas a positive result from strength, physical or mental, can be the acquisition of goods. This argument is practically the quintessence of man/female mentality. One is to nurture and the other is to work. We -like- to be nurtured, that's why movies show us the nice guys winning the girl, but we -need- strength and decisions that might require sacrificing the luxury of being content so that we can stay alive. And that's why, even though not every person is a psychologist who can grasp these concepts, will always admire strength over compassion. Forget the 'getting ahead' semantic crap, I'm not talking about exploiting these concepts to become a CEO, you can decide what's important to you. But if having a positive impact on other peoples lives is what you strive for above all things, being stern and hurtful can be more healing than being kind in all areas of life.
Being nice doesn't make you weak, but it does enable weakness, and weakness hurts more later than scorn hurts now.