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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 737 KB, 1280x1864, tumblr_mjtvs7rf8Z1rvhwhbo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6031483 No.6031483 [Reply] [Original]

>you will never look as good as inspiration pictures
>you will never be fashionable all the time, physically doing things in your clothes you look out of place
>your clothes will never be as pristine as they look in photos and catalogs
>your clothes will always look bad in person outside of photos
How do you feel, /fa/?

>> No.6031489

that jacket looks like total ass

>> No.6031492

he knows those feels because that fit is awful

>> No.6031497

The picture isn't relevant.

>> No.6031505
File: 358 KB, 683x1024, 00360fullscreen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seems like it'd be up your alley

>> No.6031506


Then why post the picture with it?

>> No.6031522

I feel that you don't live in NYC

>> No.6031532

i dont like it either but i like that he understands how theyre actually supposed to fit

>> No.6031553

>tfw 5'4" stocky messcan
>511s too tight on thighs
>514s too loose around ankles
>they're all too damn long anyways
>shirts that fit shoulders drape like a dress
>shirts that are good length cant fit over chest
>always look like im trying to show off 'muscles'

i can be confident in an outfit but not myself ;_;

>> No.6031562

>tfw 5'3 1/2
>people think i puff chest out
>tfw im not
>hard to find clothes that fit chest

>> No.6031565

lose weight to be proportionate

>> No.6031566


508's my doe

>> No.6031576
File: 120 KB, 419x652, 1336563182379.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>hating on knoch, the godfather of /fa/
>not knowing his outfits


>> No.6031586

>tfw gradually improving style
>tfw getting compliments
>tfw unsure if actually looking good or not

>> No.6031624

i sense some jealousy

u jelly, manlet?

>> No.6031630

jelly of what

>> No.6031634

his fit + aesthetics

>> No.6031642

My life.

>> No.6031641

everyone knows his outfits n we also know that a lot of them are shit

>> No.6031648

that fit sucks tho
I mean yeah he is handsome but so am I B^)

>> No.6031654

post a fit fuccboi

>> No.6031662

why do knoch dickriders get butthurt when somebody doesn't like his fits?

>> No.6031673
File: 124 KB, 307x237, uh face.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"I mean yeah, he's handsome but so am I"

>> No.6031684

What an ugly pleb. I'm no longer taking anything he posts seriously.

>> No.6031696

so ugly xC and balding too

>> No.6031709

every trip on /fa/ is the same im afraid

>> No.6031712
File: 34 KB, 800x563, uh face 3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6031752 [DELETED] 

>OP's pick

Hey that's that fucker that always calls me a faggot on the street.

Not so tough without your van huh faggot?

>> No.6031767

This isnt actually him.

>> No.6031792

ye it is

>> No.6031788


He's posted a ton of fits. Are you really this new?

>> No.6031795
File: 86 KB, 640x793, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Not taking fashion advice from someone because they arent great looking...o...k

>> No.6031797

Dude looks 6/10 to me. That's hardly ugly.

>> No.6031799

Can't you just imagine him saying that while you're hanging out with him?

>"I mean yeah, he's handsome and all, but then again, so am I"
Smug little shit.

>> No.6031825

post one, fuccboi

>> No.6031838
File: 50 KB, 496x512, chris-pine-with-beard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's too bad you're a twinky. You could rock the manly stubble look pretty hard with dark hair, blue eyes, and that face shape.

>> No.6031839

most of /fa/ is like this. You honestly take shit these fuccbois say seriously, like they speak on behalf of fashion and the whole of /fa/?

>> No.6032876

I live in NYC and still dress like shit what are u saying

>> No.6032877

that's an a/sp/ie

>> No.6032885

BIg sexy knoch knows how to wear a bomber, slim bomber faggots stay mad.

>> No.6032900

seriously where to find grey / black hoodies for the sport/goth/urbanninja look?
Not American apparel but no overpriced shite please

>> No.6032935

>tfw no one ever answers you

>> No.6032944

How much you wanna spend? £$€

>> No.6032945

idk 100 euro or less

>> No.6032947

it looks bad
get over it

>> No.6032958

muh slim fit everything, muh bog standard silhouette.

>> No.6032963

shut the fuck up

knoch wears whatever he wants, be it slim or baggy silhouttes

you're just a shitty newfag talking shit about other shitty newfags using knoch as your tool

kill yourself

>> No.6032966
File: 247 KB, 500x396, rafsimons00-01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's not what I'm saying at all
stop catching feels over ur husbando

>> No.6032972

sorry to say but the shit you wear doesn't look any better

>> No.6032978
File: 718 KB, 1148x1920, tumblr_mlatyayHtc1rvhwhbo1_r2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what you're saying is wah wah I'm a midget with temper problems please look at me

>> No.6032987
File: 31 KB, 427x640, rickowens.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if u honestly can't see how badly that bomber fits then I don't know what ur doing here

>> No.6032992

bomber jackets are supposed to be worn by muscular army men. yeah, they are not meant to be slim fitting but regardless of that they will always look like utter arse on scrawny tosser lads

>> No.6032995

if you honestly can't see how you're wrong I know you've been here too long

>> No.6032996

also how is that image meant to help ur cause

>> No.6033004

You don't even know my cause you little fucker because there isn't one.

He wears what he wants to and that is that.

Stay pseudo, midget

>> No.6033008

>>tfw no one ever answers you

>> No.6033010
File: 84 KB, 974x1600, raf-simons-pyramid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He wears what he wants to and that is that.
I'm not denying that?
it looks like shit that is all

>> No.6033012

Who CARES? I haven't seen you post anything in all the time you've been here that was appealing to me.

Do I run my mouth about it because I'm an insecure little midget? No. This is the first time I ever replied to you in a thread. So shut the fuck up and end it.

>> No.6033014


at the end of the day, koch's bomber looks gay as fuck

>> No.6033015

>replying to uuuuhhhh
>shit namefag of 2012/2013

>> No.6033017

>yfw I look good in everything I wear

>> No.6033018


it still fits like shit though

hop off

>> No.6033019

at the end of the day nobody cares about you or your opinion be it good or bad

>> No.6033022

well clearly u lol
sounds like ur the one that's insecure tbh

>> No.6033025


if my opinion is so irrelevant why do you bother replying, tosser lad?

>> No.6033028


shut the fuck up you whiney little girl

>> No.6033030
File: 796 KB, 1274x1920, 1364578419916.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So much mad in this thread, and so little capitalization and punctuation.

>> No.6033035

It's funny to see people get so mad over things like this. All that wasted time on the computer.

Why not go outside and be /fa/ and wear the things you're jerking it over ?

>> No.6033039

anyone know why knoch doesn't post here anymore?

>> No.6033037

>complaining about formatting
>not getting the syntax right

>> No.6033042

because of threads like this and constant shitposting

why do you post here?

>> No.6033047

because of threads like this and constant shitposting

>> No.6033048

why should he? /fa/ is shit

you can't discuss anything without having shit trips or namefags derail threads, anon teenagers from other boards whine about haircuts

>> No.6033053

There's also the fuccboi uniform and thought redundancy that goes with it.

>> No.6033065



>> No.6033076

you haven't left the house in two months

>> No.6033431
