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File: 19 KB, 519x342, tim1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5921403 No.5921403 [Reply] [Original]

thoughts on this cunt giving out fashun advice on youtube?

>> No.5921406

sort of like all those fat people who advocate low carb/high meat diets. you're not fooling me, faggot

>> No.5921408

who the fuck is this thing? link to the video plz

>> No.5921409

i saw that watch today

>> No.5921413

who is this

>> No.5921418

search timsbakery on youtube

>> No.5921416


>> No.5921425

for lazy people


>> No.5921427
File: 11 KB, 384x302, Pat-Bateman-christian-bale-12280075-384-302.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He looks like a fuccboi in that snapback hat and logo shirt. wouldn't take advice from and his stupid face is making me angry

>tfw I wanna stab him to death and play in his blood

>> No.5921428


>> No.5921434

oh my

>> No.5921437

who cares it's good for people who are into that stuff

>> No.5921442
File: 164 KB, 398x307, 1364328263646.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>urban outfitters haul

>> No.5921444


>> No.5921457

guy still probably gets more pussy/man hole than you guys though

>> No.5921461

whatever. it's not like he's advertising how to dress like anything other than a basic hypebeast and i guess it's solid advice for people who want to dress that like that.

>> No.5921479

>I have more than one thing from that video

I feel only abject shame

(I don't wear shit like that anymore for what it's worth)

>> No.5921478

that chigger is 5'3 i doubt hes getting more poon than me lol and if he is its prob tiny femlet filipino chicks lol

>> No.5921492

a friend met him some time ago and claimed hes the biggest dickbag there is. massive fucking ego thinks hes the dopest motherfucker rocking pleather jackets and vans lol hes a total herb. plus he hates being called a hypebeast lol

>> No.5921499


look at vids with his girlfriends

>> No.5921507

>femlet filipino
my thoughts exactly. but dat ass doe holy shit wouldberrymydick/10

>> No.5921511

He doesn't bother me. I don't dress like that but if he wants to amd make videos of it fine. Lrn2notbeafaggot

>> No.5921512


Sex is whatever, it comes and goes. I would rather have a special connection with another person
Being yourself with no regrets or apologies, walking tall, loving yourself without dipping into narcissism, facing social anxiety head on and being unafraid of rejection.

This, coupled with patience of the saintly variety, will net you the woman you deserve and desire. The key is to keep exposing yourself to the world until a molecule of opposing charge makes itself known.The point is to enter genuine dialog. If the quality of the dialog is strong and both parties have something to say, a relationship can begin based on deeper things than physical attraction.
I'm going to let you in on a little secret. We all place a hell of a lot of weight on getting laid, scoring, all that. How much of it is for the benefit of our own social standing? How much of it is pure base lust, the same 5 seconds of ecstasy that's kept humanity and nature rolling on and reproducing for millions of years?

You know when the amazing, life changing sex occurs? when the woman that just totally kills it comes along? When you make a sincere emotional connection, that's when. When you're in touch with another human being on a deeper level than the next orgasm or your own frail egos. When the two of you establish an unspoken lover's language. That's where transcendence can be found. This endless seeking? These club bathroom fucks and one night stands? they are PALE imitations. They are the difference between a handmade couture dress and a polyester knockoff from forever 21.

The depth and purity and intensity of eroticism that can be had between two evenly matched and intelligent souls is justification enough for the entire human race. You've just gotta have the patience of a saint to wait for it, you feel me brother?

>> No.5921528

wrong thread homie

>> No.5921568

is that a copy paste of a post made by poet?

>> No.5921571

y copypast poet

>> No.5921606

Isnt that killa cam?

>> No.5921624

The Filipino kid that sits next to me in infotech always watches that shit along with Filipino pop lock crews.

>> No.5921651
File: 322 KB, 801x1062, DarkSide.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just.. wow.
Pretty deep stuff brother.

in all seriousness I wonder how much of what I've written here is floating around the aether like this

>> No.5921670

hate these kinds. almost all the filipino kids that i know dress like a swaggot clone, listens to rnb and talks like a fucking nigger its infuriating

>> No.5921677


Hey are you still around I want to ask you a question that I made a thread on a while ago and got some interesting responses, don't remember getting one from you

>> No.5921687

>mfw this was me a while ago except i dont talk like im black that shits beyond retarded lol
>mfw i still listen to frank ocean and maxwell cos fuck you

>> No.5921731


Back to /b/ teenager

>> No.5921740

this fucker is 29. holy shit lol why the fuck would you dress like that. plus hes earning serious bank from his other shitty youtube channel should use that for better fits lol what a waste