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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 206 KB, 1101x571, ugh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5920328 No.5920328[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

yo /fa/, my hair is currently the length of the picture on the left, and i'm considering a short back and sides cut for my next cut, so i tried to style it like that to get an idea of what it'd look like

A) what did i do wrong when styling it
B) is it worth getting that cut, or should i stick with what i have

>inb4 lesbian
>inb4 punchable face

>> No.5920349

just go to a stylist

>> No.5920354
File: 216 KB, 1101x571, 1365306345394.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

circled looks stupid as fuck

>> No.5920359

whats the point
youre butt ugly either way

>> No.5920363


i like your bath curtain tho

>> No.5920366


So you're saying I should keep my old hair, but get new glasses?




thanks bruh

>> No.5920371


no, i got lazy. go to a stylist, just clean up that sweep on the side and cut out that spiky shit. and yes, get new glasses.

>> No.5920378


lfmao nigga just said ur face looks stupid af

>> No.5920386


sweet, thanks

no clue on what glasses to get, though. any advice there?


i know, right

>> No.5920391

op are you 15

>> No.5920392

face of a serial killer

>> No.5920406


18, first year engineering student


you're my first target ;) ;) ;)

>> No.5920432

Another mongoloid to add to the "What can I do with my hair /fa/" compilation!

>> No.5920450

>;) ;) ;)
pls go

>> No.5920453


nobody even cares

you try so hard but in reality all of /fa/ is laughing quietly to themselves at your antics

just stop posting

>> No.5920457


post your progress

>> No.5920458


>implying i was being serious

>> No.5920461
File: 76 KB, 360x400, Untitled-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"where r the females ;) ;) ;)"

>> No.5920466
File: 134 KB, 500x333, heh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>18, first year engineering student
>19, second year liberal arts student

>> No.5920471

So? Why do I care

>> No.5920473



>> No.5920481


>beep boop engaging autism protocols
>enact SYSTEM::ROOT/social

>> No.5920483
File: 9 KB, 165x305, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5920495


it's called doing something ironically

>implying rei and co don't use emoticons

>> No.5920510

op isnt even that ugly idgi??

>> No.5920524

yeah but you're hella uglier than them

>> No.5920540


yeah i don't think OP is actually that ugly, it's just that his hair looks horrendous. the glasses aren't really doing him any favors either. only thing really wrong with his face is how wide his eyes are. and dat acne.

>> No.5920548

Alright OP, here's what you do. Get the haircut, replace the glasses and smile. Mission accomplished.

>> No.5920555


thanks guys

i'm in the market for new glasses too, made a glasses thread a few days ago that didn't really take off

also, yeah, my eyes are asymmetrical and it bugs the hell out of me


what glasses though? i'm having the hardest time deciding

>> No.5920568
File: 140 KB, 562x422, xmen-hoult-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get new glasses, keep your hair like first pic but cut it shorter and style it so it doesn't just lay flat. Get glasses like this guy, you have similar eyebrows so it might work, maybe try some clubmasters.

>> No.5920581

sup mendy

get hipster glasses

>> No.5920583
File: 7 KB, 238x340, 1351839058294.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow, why didn't you keep your trip on for this thread, mendicant?

>> No.5920591


for fuck's sake basedprophet

i dropped my trip for a reason

guess it didn't matter, this guy was gonna spoil it anyway >>5920583

>> No.5920607
File: 81 KB, 310x306, 1362984075833.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i dropped my trip for a reason
What reason?

Don't be ashamed. You didn't do anything wrong.

>> No.5920623

why u care b

everyone knows your face anyways

>> No.5920632


I'm not that attractive, and I thought there was a chance people didn't know yet. I thought I could get away with my face not being associated with my trip.

>> No.5920644



>> No.5920655
File: 47 KB, 426x341, 1351264129850.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nobody does know, I just have a good memory and I recognized your face.

Why do you want to trip if you don't want to show your face? That's a bitch move. That's TurnLeftcore.

>> No.5920651
File: 15 KB, 400x300, glasses.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well I'm not him but I'm looking for some new glasses too

I currently have pic related but I hate them now and want some new ones. Educate me /fa/

>> No.5920666


Eh, fair enough. I'll stop hiding it.

>> No.5920672

I don't wear glasses so I can't really say much, but why not get contacts?

>> No.5920677
File: 246 KB, 715x805, ugh3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You don't want me wearing contacts.

>> No.5920687

Show hair pulled back.

>> No.5920688

You actually look way better without them, what are you talking about?

>> No.5920705
File: 837 KB, 1101x571, Menfack.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5920706

I agree with >>5920688
If you get the haircut from your opening (done properly), I think you'd look good. Even that photo's not bad.

>> No.5920731
File: 40 KB, 240x311, 1353769197138.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're the most annoying cunt. You literally contribute nothing, and you act like an autistic asshole saving anything that can be used as potential "ether XD!!!" material. What did he do to you? All mend wants is help, is that really too much to ask?


>> No.5920732
File: 639 KB, 1383x1844, idontbelieveyouguysatall.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Excuse the spiky part of this, I've tried using product but it won't go down.

Are you sure this looks better than glasses?

>> No.5920746

Buzz it and keep the contacts.

Can you grow facial hair at all?

>> No.5920754

cut ur hair short, something like a caesar youth or a crew cut
lose the baby fat on ur face
do something about the acne scars

at that point you'll look at least passable, from there u can work on your confidence

>> No.5920758
File: 89 KB, 640x460, 1359306101364.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post like these entertain me

>> No.5920762

Because you're autistic and you dismiss any chance of what you're doing being wrong? Seriously, fuck off man, mend is cool.

>> No.5920772

also stop jacking off to owls

>> No.5920780 [DELETED] 

Why would I care if it's "wrong"? I just like to keep track of the mongoloids that post here.

You can suck his dick all you want man it doesn't phase me

>> No.5920781

I would punch the shit out of your face u friggin lesbian

Also, lose the baby fat in your head man

for the hair, just cut it a bit shorter and actually give it some texture with putty or something.

The smooth shit youve got going makes you look like youve got bieber fever

>> No.5920776

I get what you're going for, and yeah, it looks better. Maybe a little shorter, so you can know where it'll look best as it grows back.

As for the product problem, might want to try Gatsby hair wax. I bought a tiny amount a year ago and still have a ton to go.

>> No.5920786

Why would I care if it's "wrong"? I just like to keep track of the mongoloids that post here.

You can suck his dick all you want man it doesn't phase me

>> No.5920792

As do these

>> No.5920797
File: 16 KB, 426x368, 1086925%20-%20Chip_%27n_Dale_Rescue_Rangers%20owl[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


thanks for the help rei, i appreciate it tons

i've already lost like, 25lb, i'm 150lb and 6'0", it sucks that I've got fat in the worst places now


holy shit

i just looked up owls on the rule34 site for shits and giggles

this is the first result wtf


nice dropped trip, do you want me to take a page out of your book at screencap it?


i've tried and i just don't grow enough


thanks again guys, i appreciate it tons

>> No.5920810

You're the only mongoloid, why do you have to be such a bitter cunt to people asking for help?

Did he fuck your girlfriend or something?

>> No.5920827

It said I was banned, so I refreshed the page and posted. Except it automatically switched me back to anon, hence why i deleted it and reposted with my trip.
Why am I a bitter cunt? It's pretty fun actually, you should try it. Amoral realism. Nobody is going to tell this fucking kid that he's ugly anyways.

If this kid manages to fuck my girlfriend I would seriously reconsider my standards

>> No.5920841


and get better glasses FFS

>> No.5920863

When did he say he was good looking? He already said he's insecure about his appearance, why are you trying to rub it in?


>> No.5920878
File: 18 KB, 250x260, images (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No projecting. It's just entertaining. 90% of the reason I come to this board is to watch tripfucks and mongoloids embaress themselves. MFA 2.0

>> No.5920887


I appreciate the support, but perhaps it would be best to ignore him. 'Don't feed the troll', or whatever the cool kids say these days.

>> No.5920889 [DELETED] 

you really are autistic

>> No.5920899
File: 51 KB, 450x548, wat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> 'Don't feed the troll', or whatever the cool kids say these days.
I'm cringing here. ugh
Example #1: Have you seen this guy's face? It's a work of art in on itself.

>> No.5920911 [DELETED] 

youre a little manlet shit

you wont ever post your ugly mug, fucking deal with it and stop projecting

>> No.5920912
File: 184 KB, 480x640, photo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That awkward moment when you realize how ugly the current trips are

>> No.5920918

its saturday night do you really have nothing better to do

>> No.5920933

im qt tho u friggin guy

>> No.5920934

Did I hit a nerve here? Haha, manlet? I thought I was only autistic? You must know my height fairly well to call me that, I've posted my ugly mut a few times, I just don't use my trip because I don't want to end up in bias arguments.
I could ask you the same thing

>> No.5920945
File: 151 KB, 1280x1024, basedprop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah I mean just fucking look at this idiot. I should have saved the pic where his head is shaved. Worst head shape i've seen in awhile.

All of the trips are ugly as fucc, from rei to based prophet to that old man poet.

>> No.5920953
File: 133 KB, 516x390, 1289875749_ugliest-woman-in-the-world.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol i already got laid today fag
if were that ugly and post our faces i can only imagine what you look like

9.2 best new projection

>> No.5920954


never shaved my head lel

had the same faggy HY for years now


>> No.5920964
File: 204 KB, 2059x2707, based.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I look great, like I said before. I've posted in threads where people show their face and have never gotten negative feedback
I was talking about based prophet you tool

>> No.5920965


Based is a cutie. Model-tier, in my opinion.

>> No.5920967


yeah for real. if historian were good looking and well-dressed it would be like the crown jewel on his efforts to troll the fuck out of everyone here, because as it is nobody gives a flying fuck about anonymous criticism without anything to substantiate them. but he hasn't done that so either he's ugly/poorly dressed or... well, i can't think of any other reasons.

>> No.5920970

Coming from you that's not saying much

>> No.5920972
File: 181 KB, 480x640, photo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This threads now about me

Haha wow what a silly hat

>> No.5920976

I think you look huggable on the left and like a 17 year old dork on the right.

>> No.5920984

please keep all comments steppingonsnails related

>> No.5920986

thats not true, no matter how good looking/well dressed you are if ppl r mad at u on the internet they will find something to pick at

>> No.5920987

Apparently they do, i've been getting quite the response from the little faggots.

But now i'm wondering, if I start posting with my real trip will anyone actually take criticism
>implying anyone will even recognize me
>implying anyone has been here prior to 2010

>> No.5920991



>> No.5920998

Wow something worth reading past the filter. Essentially this, hence why I don't post pictures of myself with the historian trip. It's a "james" trap. Works like this
>you say something the person doesn't like
>Hurr durr post fit
>you post fit
>yada yada yada
>loopless endless bias argument

>> No.5921002

post face, post fit, or fuck off, no one cares what you think about anything, youre just an annoying shitposter

>xD i trol u :DD u mad???

>> No.5921012

u were kind of annoying at first, but i got over it

ur p funny now, i like how u get ppl upset

>> No.5921022


My girlfriend likes the longer hair too, but /fa/ gives me hell for it so I was curious. I'll probably try something new for a single haircut, then see which I like more when it comes time for another one.

I mean, I still feel like I'm cuter with Bieber hair, but /fa/ abhors looking immature and childish.

Thanks for the compliment, though, anon.

>> No.5921023

If nobody cared you wouldn't be responding. I mean I get it, you're an ugly fuck and i'm the only who points it out. I would be pretty mad as well if I had to live with your face. See >>5920998 if you want to know why I won't do the latter part of your post

>> No.5921027


where do you get off on giving people shit for trying to better themselves, then? honestly. i'm not going to try to speak to having a tripcode on an anonymous website, but having TWO? one for being a "nice guy" and one for being an enormous raging faggot troll?

just saying, man.

>> No.5921036


Hush you, he's a cutie.

>> No.5921044

This thread is awful

>> No.5921050

One for contributing to the essentials of this board. i.e
>Haircut threads
>anywhere where there's an identity with a picture to be presented
And one where I can give non-bias honest advice / criticism and present information to dispute any form of elitism that tripfucks try to enforce

>> No.5921060

Again, it doesn't mean much coming from you.

>> No.5921063


from my perspective, i don't see so much "non-bias honest advice / criticism" and "presenting of information" as much as you being an asshole to a lot of people who didn't deserve it.

>> No.5921070


>contributing to the essentials of the board

I'm not even that buttmad about you, but how exactly were your posts in this thread contributing? Do you define contributing as 'shitposting until the threads you don't like go away'?


Based appreciates it, even if you don't, and that's what matters.

>> No.5921089

Amoral realism. It's the nature of the posts.
So you guys are like a little support group is that it? One ugly boy defending the next. I can dig it

I think you misunderstood. The Historian trip is for
>And one where I can give non-bias honest advice / criticism and present information to dispute any form of elitism that tripfucks try to enforc
My other trip is for the latter part of my post. I'm not contributing because frankly I don't think your hair will solve the face problem

>> No.5921098


or, when applied to the conventions of society, sociopathy.

>> No.5921099

Sorry, but can you explain what "Amoral realism" is? Kind of lost me there.

>> No.5921103


Support group? Based is a very good friend of mine. We browse a lot of the same boards, and he's an all-around awesome guy.

And fair enough. I did misunderstand. Thanks for elaborating.

>> No.5921105

ppl responding to pologreen....

>> No.5921107
File: 478 KB, 444x628, feelings.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related

he doesnt give a shit and neither should u

>> No.5921108
File: 6 KB, 565x202, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think I need to explain what realism is. You can put 2 and 2 together using the pic.
As I said, I can dig it. Online buddies are cute. No problem

>> No.5921113


get new glasses, trim your hair to not make the bang line drape so much over your eyes to avoid the 'beiber/emo/scene' look. i don't know if it's naturally that way (so straight), but try experimenting with product to give texture and form, mess if up a bit. also once bangs and top are trimmed appropriately, determine if you want to shave the sides. if you think you have a punchable face then try to tone it with physical activity and get some treatment for your acne scars. remember bigger changes in look are always going to make someone feel uneasy, you have to wear it with confidence otherwise people will doubt you. i only read the last couple replies and they seemed off topic, so i hope this helped.

>> No.5921114
File: 46 KB, 489x750, mysides.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don't think your hair will solve the face problem

>> No.5921124


basically what he's doing is owning up to the fact that he doesn't have a sense of morality, and that he doesn't have a sense of remorse about it.

basically, he's just an unrepentant asshole. everyone should probably just filter him if they haven't already.

>> No.5921130

yeah pretty much that phase everyone went through sometime in middle school

>> No.5921136

I would agree with the last part. I know you kids are a bit sensitive when it comes to anyone giving you the truth of the matter. Instead, let's make /fa/ into the next mfa. Let's all be a support group who doesn't criticize of make mention of anything bad. Let's just not even acknowledge the elephant in the room when it comes to threads like these.

Filter people like me, and report them. Then when summer comes to an end maybe /fa/ will go back to winter antics

>> No.5921143

Ah, gotcha. I figured it was something like that, just with fancy wording for bonus points.

>> No.5921145

summer hasn't started bb.

>> No.5921156

spring break is the trailor

we're already getting a ton of shitty haircut threads and wtf i wear its so hot threads

>> No.5921157

Anyone with a high school English education knows what the word "amoral" means. It's not fancy wording, it's just saving a few sentences.
Oh but that's what you think! It starts out around this time, spring break ish. We can see it already, there's a thread on the front page where a fatty is asking for advice and literary no one is making mention of this fat chicks weight. But that's the beauty of the summer posters. The board becomes much much nicer

>> No.5921161


Yeah, you know, even though I've been at the brunt of this, you don't really bother me. If you guys can avoid taking it personally, historian's not that bad. You're not that good at all, either, but you get my point.


Thank you for being the only serious post in the last 30-40 replies. I appreciate it. The >inb4s were because /fa/ likes to say those things when I post my photo.

I own product, but I'm poor at using it. Strands of hair will clump together when I try and run product through my hair and the bangs stop looking evenly distributed.

Again, thanks for the reply. You're lovely.


While I agree that a lack of criticism is bad, being overly critical without actually giving advice is worse. When I asked about that, you resorted to insulting me, but you realize that multiple people in the thread were able to, you know, give advice, even though you claimed it was impossible?

You just come off as a dick with what you're doing.

>> No.5921163

hm why dont u go save mfa im pretty sure theyre even nicer over there than us

>> No.5921168


and anyone with something above a high school education is familiar with the use of obtuse terminology to obfuscate simple concepts. if brevity is really your deal, you could have just said "i'm an asshole" and left it at that, but you want people to think you're a smart asshole - which you probably are, but not to the degree that you envision.

>> No.5921170

I know I do, but I don't give a fuck. If anyone is actually stupid enough to take anything ANYONE says on 4chan personally I take even more pity on them. It's like the navy seals copy pasta.
Someone already runs fuckyeahmfa.tumblr.com

>> No.5921177

Its coming but it ain't in full force yet shits about to get ruff.

>> No.5921179

You're not going to find any pseudo-intellectualism with me kiddo. I'm not trying to say i'm an asshole. If I wanted to say that, that's what I would say. I pick my words carefully

>> No.5921181
File: 35 KB, 500x667, zebra sweatr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks for reminding me this exists holy fuck

>> No.5921186

cut the sides, and trim the top as well, then experiment to get the pest result.

also, drop the glasses, or at least get a less feminine pair. please dont post again

>> No.5921188

your polo green
or ur n_o
or ur 7

>> No.5921195
File: 12 KB, 456x167, PoloShort.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Speak English you imbecile. You're more and more useless when people like nigwithe30 actually contribute

>> No.5921198


>I don't give a fuck

that is completely untrue. if you didn't give a fuck, you'd state what you believe simply without pomp or circumstance, and above all you'd do it anonymously.

but that's the crux of the issue, really. you DO give a fuck about your online persona, probably more than is healthy, which is why you feel the need to take not just one, but TWO tripcodes. this is fucking obvious to anybody with a brain, but lots of people have trouble articulating it or (unlike you) simply don't give a fuck.

i'm not sure exactly why i give a fuck, but your attitude annoys me. posters like you are a dime a fucking dozen on these forums and it frankly gets obnoxious seeing time and time again some unique little snowflake asshole on the internet who doesn't have the slighest speck of perspective, because if you did, i'm pretty sure you'd find it hard to keep up your charade.

but you won't see the perspective because you don't want to, and 10 or 20 minutes from now you'll make another post being an asshole to another stranger who's putting himself out there trying to help on how to improve himself for no reason other than the stoking of his own ego.

just... fuck you.

>> No.5921202
File: 70 KB, 500x500, 1365003282692.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So im close rite?

>> No.5921209

lol @ some kid asking for haircut advice and the thread transpiring into this, why are people so angry with each other on /fa/ lmao

>> No.5921221

idk i think polos getting mad at mendicant because hes 6'0

>> No.5921222

When I say I don't give a fuck, I mean I don't give a fuck about what the other person might think about my opinion. Because in the end I'm giving you a bit of realism. The truth.

If I actually gave a shit about my online persona I wouldn't act like you and all of your merry little friends on here. I would just bullshit everything I say in hopes that you guys will give me some form of acceptance. But that's the highest form of autism, that's some next pepyn shit.

Let me make it more simple. I don't understand what you said

>> No.5921230
File: 102 KB, 500x680, 1354055204920.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is /fa/ really this easy to troll?

>> No.5921227

>would act*

>> No.5921228


this makes so much sense

you're 6'3" or whatever and he hates you even more

>> No.5921231
File: 649 KB, 245x200, feelings.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

people are assholes on 4chan because it's anonymous, your reputation dosn't matter like it does on a forum so ppl just shit on each other.

u can't take it serious, u have to take 4chan with a grain of salt

>> No.5921235
File: 59 KB, 500x500, Shoot it.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who knew polo was such a ruseman.

>> No.5921236

Ohhhh you guys think i'm PoloGreen? Lol what the fuck, I ether that kid whenever i get the chance. See >>5921195

>> No.5921238


but the thread was fine even with anons insulting me

historian was the one to derail the thread and he's a trip

>> No.5921243

yeah because u guys felt the need to respond to him

if u just ignored him it wouldn't have derailed

>> No.5921245

also like i said, ur persona doesnt matter

do u honestly think historian cares if ppl like him?

>> No.5921248

You were the only one that ever acknowledged his existence and knew how tall he was. Regardless you offer me nothing and will just be filtered.

>> No.5921249


naaaaah, not buying it. you can say you don't care all you want but you're not fooling anyone. drop the tripcode if you don't give a fuck about your online persona. until you do, you're just further confirming everything i said earlier.

you're not hurting my feelings by calling me a "pussy," your time would probably be better spent either addressing my points directly or just letting this fizzle off into nothing (like people normally do), because while you're in this thread i'm not going to let you off the hook.

>> No.5921253


I realized that in the middle of the thread, told people to ignore him, but it was too late. :/


why are you replying to me, i stopped fucking with him in the middle of the thread

>> No.5921256

No no mendicant. You have it all wrong. YOU guys were the ones to derail the thread. I just say what's on my mind. Getting into an argument with me led to this.

>> No.5921262


Victim blaming, in a sense. Poke someone hard enough and they react, and then you say "oh, well you should have ignored me, it's your fault."

>> No.5921263
File: 12 KB, 180x180, 1364717217277.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>oh no anon won't let ME off the hook
Ask me if I give a fuck.

>> No.5921271

i don't i just don't get why other people do? just don't get mad and keep shit on topic and on track and it dies in an instant.

>> No.5921272

just delete the thread? you've already gotten plenty of advice and i doubt you will get more

it's just a shit flinging competition now

>> No.5921274

Am I wrong in what I said? Like I said, no haircut advice will fix your face so in the end the derailment didn't really lead to anything.

>> No.5921275


good plan

lemme just download the thread and i'll do that

thanks rei, you're a nice person, i like you

>> No.5921278

some ppl get their feelings hurt i guess

>> No.5921280

dude u fuck owls

>> No.5921281

I think I'm starting to take a liking to you.

Give me all of your TurnLeft hate material.

>> No.5921285



>> No.5921279

>download the thread
You can show this thread to your hair dresses.