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/fa/ - Fashion

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5910161 No.5910161 [Reply] [Original]

Why aren't you a smoker, /fa/? It ups your look and people will want to approach you more.

>> No.5910164
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3/4 models smoke.
>*read in colgate commercial voice*

>> No.5910170
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>> No.5910167

Dat acne, real fah

>> No.5910168

4/5 I'm autistic.

>> No.5910172
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"I do." *cough*

>> No.5910175

>tfw want to /fit/
>tfw want to start smoking because it's /fa/

I'm deeply conflicted, anons.

>> No.5910185

Until it's ten years or fifteen years down the road or more, you can't run, dance, fuck or climb stairs like you ought to be able to, your skin dries out, your clothes smell like shit, you smell like shit, you can't stop coughing, your teeth are yellow, you've dropped thousands of dollars down a hole, you can't stop even though you want to and it's still the first thing you do every. damn. morning.

If you need cigarettes as an excuse to talk to people, you are a coward and should focus on your social skills instead. If you genuinely enjoy nicotine, then get over yourself and use an E-Cig, IN PRIVATE if it's not cool enough for you.

I swear, it's like every generation has to do this. I secretly believe half of these threads are started by Viral Marketing Agents of some sort. The rest are started by short sighted fools who think their youth and health will last forever.

>> No.5910193
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You can into both u retard.

>> No.5910197

dis nigga like 105 lbs only thing he /fit/s into is harry's butthole

>> No.5910199

i am 23 and i smoked for around 10 years, just managed to stop after my lung got fucked up for the second time, its fucking hell it's been months and i still crave a smoke like the first day

>> No.5910201
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So you're fat and want to stay that way?

>> No.5910203

girls dont like guys skinnier than them

>> No.5910204
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>tfw only want to smoke so I can do smoke rings

>> No.5910207

How would you know? You're not a grill!

>> No.5910208

the years of not getting laid told me that

>> No.5910210

The act of smoking is effay as fuck but the long term effects obviously aren't. Don't smoke a pack a day, maybe 1 or 2 cigarettes a day at most. It's for the image, not the effects.

>> No.5910217

>smell like shit
>way too expensive

>> No.5910218

Everyone starts at one a day. Everyone tells them self this lie, and then all of a sudden they're this guy >>5910199 and it's too late then, isn't it?

Your brain does not, will not unlearn this addiction with any ease whatsoever. It will ALWAYS be with you.

>> No.5910220

You're probably just ugly. Can't change that!

>> No.5910225

I only smoke when offered at parties, so I'm fine. I know when I get to the point of actually buying cigarettes I'll be tor far gone.

>> No.5910226

I do hookah a lot. Is that bad? I don't smoke by the by.

>> No.5910227

i've never been told i am ugly by anyone in my life, i consider myself average
i have been told fuckloads of times that i am too skinny though

>> No.5910228

>smoking at the age of 13
>smoking during developmental years
You people are so autistic it hurts. A couple of cigs here and there won't hurt you.

>> No.5910232

a couple of cigs here and there out of your developmental years are not enough for you to call yourself a smoker, you dickface

>> No.5910230

>Everyone starts at one a day

>> No.5910231


>> No.5910238

How much do they pay you to keep making these threads, influencing potentially influential young people that the product they push is not poison? Or do you just call harsh realities 'Autistic' all the time?

Everyone starts with one. Then with a couple here and there. Then a pack a week. It becomes a coping mechanism. Your brain learns what it means on a cellular level. But not you, right? That'll never happen to you. Nah, you're too sharp for that. Seriously though, move to a safer delivery method if you like nicotine as a drug.

And by the way, a LOT of smokers started at 12-14.

>> No.5910239

I am a casual smoker and I know that I can keep it this way, if I were to wake one day and feel the need for a cigarette I'd stop.

I think that people that get caught up in this are really weak, I've been smoking casually for 5 years and I don't feel the need for a cigarette, I can go months without smoking or I can smoke 10 cigs a day for a week and then stop.

>> No.5910244

everyone I know who started smoking regrets it
smoking makes u look cool but u should look cool anyway

>> No.5910247

Smoking doesn't have that many benefits but smoking is social thing and you'll be able to take advantage of those breaks more often with people. It's a good icebreaker and you'll be able to have more conversations with people you normally wouldn't interact with. It's still pathetic though. And it's even more pathetic when you smoke alone since you're literally killing yourself and not even getting high. Just calming down your nerves and jitters you get from nicotine withdrawal.

>> No.5910253
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How come I bought my first pack last October, finished it around New Years, and haven't smoked since?

>> No.5910262

Are you Scarlett Johansson?

>> No.5910267

Yeah, good luck with that.

>> No.5910270

date someone who smokes, kiss them after a cigarette, and then rethink your fetishization of the practice

>> No.5910274


>> No.5910276

I wish.
So far so good, no urge what so ever.
I wouldn't kiss a ratchet hoe who would do me like that.

>> No.5910277

if smoking ups your look,then you don't have much of a good look.

>> No.5910285

i don't want to smell like shit

>> No.5910282

le troalpost!!!

>> No.5910292

seriously, gb2>>>/v/
good man!

>> No.5910302

This. I tell my friends this until I'm blue in the face and tyhey keep telling me that "it's only a couple, I won't get addicted like everybody else". I call it "youthful disbelief of drug potency" syndrome. I had this exact same "syndrome" when in the hospital about to be anesthetized. I simply though my body was just too amazing to be fooled into sleep by "a few pills". This is a stupid belief obviously.

>> No.5910314

>Makes you smell
>Stains your teeth
>Higher chance of getting a cold
>Cancer etc


>> No.5910369


zyzz smoked

>> No.5910379
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>> No.5910390
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>> No.5910394

I smoke on the way back from the gym. If you are physically fit it won't affect your stamina too much. Maybe smoke roll ups as they aren't as bad for your health.

But personally I smoke cowboy killers 'cus I'm a posing faggot but that's just me.

>> No.5910427

Roll ups are way, way, way worse, dude
don't gimme that 'chemicals' bullshit either
killed my granpappy dead way before his prime

>> No.5910431

Top lel people should die by 50.

>> No.5910442

5/5 you are.

>> No.5910445


>> No.5910448

I've smoked for 8-9 years and then quit about 6 years ago. Haven't touched any cigarette even since and it feels really good. I am imbiber addicted to good alcohol though.

>> No.5910458

>thinks smoking is /fa/
>thinks it makes u more approachable
wait, what? do you know how bad you people smell

>> No.5910462
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I smoke 3-4 per day

>> No.5910467

Bib pls.

>> No.5910468

You're supposed to give yourself a spike in insulin after a gym workout, your insulin stores are already pretty much depleted you do realise smoking after a workout is highly unproductive? Switch your fag for a high GI food or drink and watch your gains improve. /fit/ out.

>> No.5910470


i like the emotional effect it has of relieving stress and that it gives you something to socialize with / chill on your own with but then the health issues made me quit

>> No.5910476

just seems insensible to waste 5 bucks a day on cigarettes.

>> No.5910482

In many places it's closer to 15 a day, assuming you're at a pack.
Which we all get to eventually.

>> No.5910507

i normally cut up a veggie and chow down. maybe a banana. i don't lift tho, just cycle.

>> No.5910515

Because i don't want to smell like a junkie.

>> No.5910519

>takes roids
>doesn't lift

Holy fucking shit are you retarded?

>> No.5910527

the social aspect of smoking is undeniably cool, but its not worth it to me. I'm cool with people smoking though, some of my friends do.

>> No.5910525

when did steroids come into this

>> No.5910537



>> No.5910539


>> No.5910540
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>> No.5910563
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smelling good is more attractive
whenever i see a friend or someone else smoke i think 'lol you started doing that to look cool / peer pressure and now youre stuck with it'
which is cringe and very un/fa/

>> No.5910574


pretty much this.

>> No.5910623


4 doesn't appear to be a regular smoker...

>> No.5910668


Nobody smokes for fun, it's because they wanted to look cool and are now addicted.

>> No.5910674
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>'lol you started doing that to look cool / peer pressure and now youre stuck with it'
that can be applied to infinitely many things like your 511s and dbs

and yeah spliff master race deal with it

>> No.5910757

Those things don't kill you and make you age prematurely while smelling like a hobo

>> No.5911125


Smoking IS enjoyable. There's so many arguments against smoking, but that people don't "actually like it" and that the effects of nicotine isn't something you feel other than the need to look good until you're addicted is plain wrong. Smoking is stupid, but for some people it's a pretty cheap and legal drug, to help you relax or to enhance a night of drinking.

>> No.5913429

>fake pirates hat

>> No.5914009

Smoking is relaxing and I socialise better with it.

>> No.5914024


>people will want to approach you more.
yeah no.
>dat dere smoke breath

>> No.5914044

Other people who smoke* will want to approach you more. Every cool people smoke.

>> No.5914061


>every cool people smoke

how old are you?

>> No.5914071

that's because their lives are fucking boring

>> No.5914089

~$5 a week is not that much

>> No.5914084

I always avoid smokers on the streets.

>> No.5914085
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>pissing away money on cancer sticks instead of buying more clothing

>> No.5914103

a pack here is $11.

>> No.5914108

I'm 21 anon, and everyone I know who smokes are cool people.

>> No.5914109

I don't smoke a pack a week because I'm not a slave to my cigarettes

>> No.5914126


you have a shitty circle of people

>> No.5914151

waste of money and I don't want to

>> No.5914174

You smell absolutely fucking *terrible*

Don't come near me whatsoever.

Answer your question?

>> No.5914178

Never smoked/drank/did anything until casual drinking started 2 years ago. Got super stressed the other day and drove to the gas station to buy a pack of cigarettes. Didn't do it. Couldn't. I've been in the parking lot of a gas station/tabaco store 3 times since then. Almost buying a pack just to try it. I don't know why I'm weirdly craving to. It's always disgusted me until the other day. The last thing I want is to use anything as a crutch because I'm a prideful fuck. The thought of it killing me scares me horribly.

>> No.5914203

i would smoke more if it didn't smelled like rotten dicks
shit is bad af

>> No.5914208
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>i'm not a slave to my addiction

>> No.5914234

smells/tastes/feels like shit, bad for you, and expensive - in that order

looks cool but not worth it

>> No.5914242

>feels like shit

the other 2 are right, but you only think this if you never smoked

>> No.5914247



>> No.5914251

why the fuck would i lie about having smoked? once you're 18 and can just go to a store and buy it it's just like any other thing.

and smoking a cigarette or cigar just feels like shit to me. whatever buzz it gives is totally outweighed by the disgusting smell and taste.

...although mixing tobacco with weed is amazing.

>> No.5914283

Can someone tell me how bad is getting 2-3 per day?

I have been able to smoke that for 1 year and a half, I never smoke more than that.

I have tried smoking an ecigarrete, and while they get rid of my cravings, I dont enjoy it nearly as much as smoking.

>> No.5914341

i do smoke, once a day in the evening, i'll smoke a lot more if i'm out with friends drinking, i'm confident in my look, i think outward appearance and being attracted towards someone you have never met before makes them want to approach you in a social environment. cigarettes are however a gateway to conversing, i've met great new people having a cigarette amongst friends.

>> No.5914363


try quitting. really ernestly try to quit and see how long you can go. If you start getting irritable really easily, losing sleep or get the shakes/nicotine fits, you're pretty far down the road.

If you quit before 30 your health isnt going to suffer all that much on the whole.

If you wait til your 30th birthday to quit its probably going to be extremely difficult, a lot moreso than it would be if you just swore it off forever now.

>> No.5914372

but what about your health?
Are you concerned or not?
Im not judging just curious

>> No.5914374

>smoking makes you look cool
Grow up, /fa/. Saying this makes you sound like Beavis and Butthead tier children.

>> No.5914378

>wanting to live beyond 65

>> No.5914389

I lasted 2 weeks with an ecigarrete without problems.

The thing is I really like the act of smoking, having a small-talk with a stranger and shit like that.

I guess I am if im asking this question, still I wont consider quiting unless I notice I cant contain myself to more than I currently smoke, then I guess I can go the ecigarrete way.

>> No.5914433

i eat very healthy and am active (not saying it counteracts but it helps). after hitting the gym though (even though i look like i don't), the last thing i want to do is smoke it makes me feel terrible, i never force it, i never really crave it because the one in the evening is always at an irregular hour. regardless of what people say smoking to other people (especially at my age of early 20's) has developed into having a 'cool' connotation with it, that was established through advertising and media. i don't think that consciously comes to mind when people see someone smoking, but it's remotely present. i like smoking for the social aspect, i'm admittedly ignorant to the negative health aspects because i don't feel like i fit into the average 'smoker' category. if i do i'll probably change my ways. but i think about all the people that ive shared stories with eventually leading to having experiences because of smoking and i have an appreciation for cigarettes.

>> No.5914893

You basically wrote my thoughts on it.

>> No.5915050

Just quit after college like everyone else, is this even a question?

>> No.5915062

I've never seen somebody smoke a cigarette and then think "wow, what a cool guy. I now want to get to know them."

Nah, I think "damn, how unhealthy, volatile, and self destructive. They are probably deeply troubled, hopelessly addicted, or a nigger."

>> No.5915150

You're such a judgmental person. Associating with people will be difficult for you if you only focus on their negative aspects.

>> No.5915167


no you dumb cunt

You have to go to smoking spots to smoke. often you may need a cigarette or a lighter, so you ask whoever's there for one. you start talking. you learn what eachother's into. if you go to the same bar you'll be standing next to eachother a lot every weekend.

bam. friends. parties. sex. drunken conversations and chess in a dirty apartment with likeminded individuals til the sun comes up.

Don't be a nigger just because you don't get it.

>> No.5915462

Not true, I'm on a pack a day and I greatly enjoy every one. Its obvious I'm addicted but it won't feel that way until I stop enjoying them so much, Which I doubt will ever happen.

>> No.5915476


you'll get to a point in your life where the people you're friends with don't smoke and you'll hate it, smoking by yourself all the time, having to leave to go smoke (its like having another bladder, if you will)

you really should try to cut back a little mate, a pack a day is pretty far gone, years of that shit will fuck you up.

>> No.5915484

I had that coat once. It was shit.

>> No.5915495
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>> No.5915603

I don't want to generalize, just my personal opinion.

Smokers are more fun people. The most funny, interesting people are those you meet outside of the bar with a cigarette in their hand (also heard that a lot from non-smokers who prefer to come outside with you for that reason). I don't even know why.
That's what makes it so hard for me to quit. I'd really miss these encounters.