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File: 603 KB, 1060x681, 1695343696019743.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17953070 No.17953070 [Reply] [Original]


What do I need to care for my boots?
>Old cotton t shirt (one for cleaning, another for applying conditioners)
>Horsehair brush ($10-15)
>Wooden shoe trees ($10-15)
>Light conditioner like Lexol/Bck4/renovateur
>Heavy conditioner (if you live in terrible snow/rain areas) Sno seal/Obernauf LP
>Don't forget that boots need time to dry properly, rotate them an

How do I deal with x stain?
>mud: allow it to dry then brush off
>salt: water and cloth as soon as possible
>saturated wet: allow the boot to dry for a full day, stuff with newspaper
>scuffs and scratches: buff vigorously with horsehair brush

>Should I buy turdsdays/soloshits/doc shitans?
No they are filled with synthetic materials aimed at instant comfort but will not hold up to actual use.
>b-b-but muh ecelebs on youtube said they're good
no. you will waste your time and money and still have uncomfortable footwear at the end of the day. spend the extra $100 and get something real.

Manufacturer Red Flags
>Unknown leather source
>Made in Chyna/Mexico/Indonesia

Boot Red Flags
>Dainite (Get vibram v-bar instead)
>Non gusseted tongues
>Excessive/unnecessary seams
>Combination/mixed material heels

Boot Brands NO
>Doc Shitters/Soloshitters
>any Whatsapp makers in the far east


>> No.17953074

good point

>> No.17953076

They are smokejumpers.

>> No.17953077

yer momma a smokejumper

>> No.17953078
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With christmas goft cards I can get these for $8. Should I? It's only for llbean, I can't spend it anywhere else. Other option are some moc slippers.

>> No.17953080

Wait I take it back. They aren't smokejumpers I didn't pay attention...

>> No.17953081

those are a pretty specific style that can be difficult to pull off

the ll bean shearling slippers are pretty good if you get those instead

>> No.17953082

>With christmas goft cards I can get these for $8
you cant even get a big mac for that retard

>> No.17953091

Just wanna remind you guys real quick that I still really want ropers.

>> No.17953092
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>> No.17953098
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You're right bro. Let's go

>> No.17953155

>it's the dirt particles, they got into the creases and acted as an abrasive, that damaged the leather and not me overconditioning and drying them out with washing repeatedly
holy cope

>> No.17953161

why are people so retarded with their leather footwear?

>> No.17953167

Is natural waxed flesh similar to brown waxed flesh? I have natural boots and need Kilties because I have low volume feet and am a lanklet. I only found brown washed flesh from nigs

>> No.17953170

brown waxed flesh is dark, while natural waxed flesh is very similar to natural cxl.

>> No.17953171
File: 1.37 MB, 828x1493, White's x DR Cruiser 350 - 55 - Vibram 4014 - Natural Waxed Flesh – Division Road, Inc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My natural waxed flesh are dark too. Natural cxl seems much lighter.

>> No.17953174

natural will be closer to natural CXL

>> No.17953176
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that doesn't look like natural waxed flesh.

>> No.17953187


>> No.17953212

some jap maker, clinch or white kloud

>> No.17953215

Does anyone know where I can find a natural waxed flesh or natural cxl kiltie?

>> No.17953320
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"tranny heel" aka logger heel is as manly as it gets. we could always just let the fires burn.

>> No.17953322

THOSE are too big. shoulda ordered a size down.

>> No.17953323

4 years out of red wings and that picture, im honestly impressed.

>> No.17953326





>> No.17953327

no they arent,faglord

not even close. smokejumpers are 10" boots and have a logger heel.

>> No.17953354

I already admitted my mistake, asshole.

>> No.17953544
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anon these look insane

also sick pants, where'd you buy them? cavour?

>> No.17953554

thank you, they are portugese flannel anon.

>> No.17953579

Also nice chestnut kudu

Saw the soles on Skoak's post, I might do the same next time I MTO from them

How long did it take this time? I've done two MTOs from Bonafe, one took 2 months and the other like 5.5

>> No.17953584

this one was ordered 4th october i believe. But i also have 2 other MTO's from early august that haven't been completed yet.

>> No.17953636

I am, once again, asking for a bit of advice:
>gave my boots a light conditioning with some balm that doesn't darkens the color
>decide to give the toe cap and counter a bit of polish for shine because I watched it on a rose anshill video
>the polish noticeabily darkened the cap and counter and now my boots look like those thursdays people keep reposting
Is there a way to remedy this or shpuld I just wear my boots until everything sorta evens out?

>> No.17953640

I'm far from an expert but I think polish (cream) contains a bit of dye (unlike wax) which is why it also covers scuffs and stuff like that.
So maybe the solution is to apply polish to the rest of the boots?

Anyway I'm the wrong person to ask

>> No.17953648

How can you tell? I would rather have laces touch than toes touching the end. Maybe a width size down?

>> No.17953653

>How can you tell?
he can't.

>> No.17953668

>get boots
>actually maybe I’d like a different color
>feel bad about returning them for that reason
>afraid I’ll be black listed by every boot company

>> No.17953680

>>afraid I’ll be black listed by every boot company
Big boot will come down hard if you make frivolous returns.
One bad move and you'll never wear a boot in this town again.

>> No.17953713
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lmao even

>> No.17953736

Sorry for my ignorance... As someone who has many pairs of shoes that are 10+ years old, a few pairs nearing 20, and still looking alright besides some wrinkles... Was I supposed to shampoo the leather? What is shampoo even in this context? I only ever used some foam once when a suede shoe had some discoloration... Otherwise brush, cloth, wax.

>> No.17953741

these look like lotus feet lmao

>> No.17953743

nice leather and pants, though. too bad about all the other not nice things on the photo.

>> No.17953753

I would wager tgat by "shampoing" the redditard means cleaning with saddle soap or something similar. Now, unless you work on a farm, construction or something lije that there's no reasong for using tgat on your boots with such regularity (and even so).
This is what happens when you turn something like wearing boots into a hobby, people get too caught up in the cleaning and conditioning that they end up ruining their boots.

>> No.17953764
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Is it about time for a shampoo? No but really, should I put venetian on these at 6 months? It's been 2-3 months so far.

>> No.17953769

No. Why is it so hard for people to leave their shit alone? Condition when needed. If not needed, don’t condition. Unless the leather feels like it’s drying out or you’re frequently getting it wet it doesn’t need anything.

>> No.17953773

They look like they could do with some brushing, but that's it

>> No.17953798

brush them more

>> No.17953813

bro do those fit you?

>> No.17953843

Yeah but that shouldn't ruin a pair of boots. In 4 years, using saddle soap every 6 months means he used it 8 times, and conditioned after. Idk there has to be more to this story, that's fine boot care.

>> No.17953852

How’s the anon who’s Whites were fucked by their QC and they won’t fix it for months holding up?

>> No.17953860

Whites already emailed anon for a full refund

>> No.17953863

Anon has to fully refund whites for their mistake? Late stage capitalism is fucked

>> No.17953865

No whites fully backs it’s product and emailed anon offering a full refund

>> No.17953907

Tbh we don't know what he meantby shampooing. Could be literal shampoo, saddle soad or any leather cleaning product. Leather cleaning products yend to be extremely abrassive and should be used sparingly and in extreme circumstances. I've only used saddle soap twice and a leather cleaning solution once. After witnessing what it did to my boots I can see how those redditor's boot could end up like that if he was soaking his boots in that 2-3 times per year, regardless of how much conditioning he applied afterwards.
Hint: the vast mayority of people wpul never need to use saddle soap.

>> No.17953910

>So maybe the solution is to apply polish to the rest of the boots?
But that would darken the rest of the boot and I don't want that. Guess I'll just wear the bots and hope everything sort evens out as the polish wears off.
For the record neither the balm nor the polish have pigment. Might have been the wax on the polish.

>> No.17953912
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You guys should see some guy on SF who ordered crocc shoes from Carmina ($1400) and they lost his order and instead shipped him a cardholder after a 6 month wait or something.

>> No.17953914

I know Carmina sells Soller as a boot last but honestly wouldn't it make a great last for a simple black oxford? It's the right amount of pointy, and tapers down to a low profile nicely at the end.

>> No.17953942

i'd recommend just brushing and wearing them, they should eventually even out

>> No.17953947

Retard needing advice here.

I own a pair of Red Wing 2233s for my work (I work in a giant lumberyard) and so shirt gets beaten up and dirty all the time.

How often should I clean it with cleaning solution + adding Mink Oil and Leather Protector (keeps it better protected from water for me)?

I was doing it closer to once a month honestly but I'm not certain desu.

>> No.17953948

guy was doing a deep clean on the leather, probably with some cleaner that would foam up and cleaned it so hard that it stripped some of the oils out of the leather causing it to crack

>> No.17953954

just brush emm

>> No.17953958

>cleaning solution
That's really abrassive and should only be used for spot cleaning to remove persistent stains.
For general maintenance: brush the dirt away, maybe scrub with a damp (but not soaking wet) cotton cloth, let dry and apply conditioning.
Saddle soap when they get really, really dirty. Mink oil about once per year if you work regulary with those boots.

>> No.17953961
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>I was doing it closer to once a month
brush them down once a day
damp cloth wipe down and dry once every two weeks
condition once a season

>> No.17953963

Hey thanks man
I just got these boots last month and did it after they got way too muddy. I'm used to shifty cheap work boots. Not good ones.


>> No.17953993

Unless the leather looks dry to the touch and is starting to look like it will crack, you don't need to condition it.
Unless there are actively damaging chemicals sitting on the leather, you really shouldn't be using leather cleaner more than once a year. If you do use leather cleaner to remove damaging chemicals (e.g., hydraulic fluids if you are a wrench), use conditioner afterwards and let the boots dry fully after you condition them.

That's really all you need.

>> No.17954182

i fucking HATE leddit

>> No.17954183

I’m very relieved, but poor anon. He has no boots.

>> No.17954210

id pants?

>> No.17954293

Why are the facings so wide opvhnapen?

>> No.17954294

What fragrance do y'all pair with your BOOTS?

>> No.17954298

Whites supports their customers and sent anon a new pair of boots too

>> No.17954301

I haven't used fragance in about ten years

>> No.17954313

>dude you can go a full size down

>> No.17954320

You should.

>> No.17954324

Why? I don't have a strong body odor and my sweat is clean and relatively odorless. My wife likes my natural smell too.

>> No.17954329

Nah only if he wants to smell good. Some prefer to smell like nothing. Some days I wear frags some days I don’t.
Based whites

>> No.17954345


>> No.17954430

Your wife is working against you here. You have potential which remains untapped.

>> No.17954438
File: 2.15 MB, 3962x3000, 20231229_172224~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

new boots are in. very happy with how they turned out. i guess it's to be expected with an mto, but these are thest fitting boots i have owned right out the box.

>> No.17954439

museum finish?

>> No.17954443
File: 2.07 MB, 3936x3000, 20231229_172355~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes, plum museum for the color.

>> No.17954446

Try molecule 01, it’ll work with your skin chemistry.

>> No.17954467

Cobblers Union?

>> No.17954470

needs more toe spring

>> No.17954480

very nice anon
its a dressy last, you want little toe spring for it to look sleeker.

>> No.17954505

enzo bonafe, their more formal take on the galway.

>> No.17954554

will you post a pic in sunlight later? love the way museum finishes look in the sun

>> No.17954566

As mall-core as it is, I actually like bath & body works graphite cologne. It's pretty affordable and my wife loves is always all over me when I wear it.

>> No.17954716

Looks great
Is it 363mod or 74945 last?

>> No.17954718

Also, are you in Europe?
If you order via Lorenzo does Bonafe ship directly to you despite Lorenzo being American?

>> No.17954728

not him but yes, they can send it directly from the factory and u don't have to pay VAT.

>> No.17954773
File: 212 KB, 1200x1200, CBCC052B-2FEE-45C4-BE24-D9BAF417018C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you guys like black zug?
I don't own any black boots and thought it's worth getting one at some point

>> No.17954782

i have a couple of black boots that i never wear.

>> No.17954805

Are there any classical, elegant shoes that are as comfortable to walk in as sneakers?

>> No.17954816

Why not

>> No.17954818

who knows, maybe i don't like them much.

>> No.17954838

I have a pair of Red Wing Moc Toe boots with the classic white wedge heel, and I want to change out the wedge for a higher heeled lug like on a Nicks boot. Is it a good idea to ask a shoe repair place to do it or will they destroy my boots? Would it be a better idea to save up for the equivalent Nicks boots?

>> No.17954881

A good mail in cobbler that won't fuck your shit up will cost ~$200, not including shipping.

>> No.17954900

>for a higher heeled lug like on a Nicks boot.
you need a high arch last

>> No.17954920

You might as well get a new boot

>> No.17954926

Get hype faggots my nigs are coming in today

>> No.17954965

It's never going to be as comfortable but once I got my sizing right and bought well fitting dress shoes I can wear them all day without any issues.

I really like the fit of TLB's Artista line, they have a narrow heel and the heel counter extends to the waist for support. I bought a pair with double soles (the bottom sole is rubber) and it's really comfy.

>> No.17954967

edward green dover on 202 or 606 on R1 soles.

>> No.17955053

Why it would only cost him $200 way cheaper than a new boot and it’s already broken in and comfy

>> No.17955081

>already broken in and comfy
That’s not how it works

>> No.17955119
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>> No.17955175

yeah why didn't he buy those instead of the wedge

>> No.17955178

i need to get my black leather chelseas resoled, is there a solid slip-proof sole that isn't insanely chunky and ugly?

>> No.17955180

vibram 269

>> No.17955205

nigga put those baked potatoes back in the oven i know they're still hard as a rock they got at least 20 more minutes in there

>> No.17955206

Yes it is Jew

>> No.17955211
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>> No.17955214

i'd never consider fragrance as an alternative to good hygiene, it's just another layer to your presentation/outfit that i personally enjoy. i usually only wear 1-2 sprays of most of my fragrances meaning you can't smell it unless you're kissing my neck you homo freak

>> No.17955224
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>6 weeks

>> No.17955227

Tranny heel. Looks rediculous.

>> No.17955228
File: 3.10 MB, 1988x3129, 20231230_100835~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

74945. i have pretty wide feet and i was worried the 363 mod would end up looking too big at the front.

>> No.17955245

I have wide feet and Soller is a good last for me and so is 363mod but I was afraid of the 74945 because it's F width

>> No.17955251

they can always size up if you really like the 74945. they had to feather mine to be a G plus width and added 2mm for the little toes.

>> No.17955286

you can't do what anon is asking with just a resole, needs to be totally rebuilt on a different last. literally everything is new except the uppers
that's like the least of all issues with break in
it's basically a brand new boot

>> No.17955290

Ok I take it back then. I have a whites 350 on crepe sole. When it comes time to resole I can only resole with Crepe?

>> No.17955292

when is rose anshill going to cut apart a pair of JK new western boots?
[spoiler]whenever they pay him[\spoiler]

>> No.17955294

it's not about the sole, your boots were built with a different last. the red wings don't have any arch support or as many layers of leather between the insole and outsole, so you can't just slap a new sole on with a heel and cosplay as a high arch boot without the arch support construction that you have in your 350s
not sure what youll be able to resole with per whites policy but any wedge sole certainly, possibly a heel but can't say for certain. your boots are at least built on the same 55 last as whites/franks/nigs other high arch boots

>> No.17955317

he can resole the 350s with a regular heel but theyd need to remove the build up leather from the heel that they have to add to put it on a wedge

>> No.17955353

74945 is their best last imo.
wide? I never thought of 363mod to be wide, i could probably go 0.5 up from C&J. I ask for feather at width now, which is just about perfect. I have MTOs on 375 and 173 coming, excited to try those lasts out. Soller is ok, Harlech last (341) looks similar (although superior over all) and fits much more wide.

>> No.17955404

Hi /btg/. Got my first pair of boots 8 months ago, Red Wing Blacksmiths in the black teacore leather. Wasn't sure if I was going to like them but I wound up wearing them all the time. I went with Red Wing initially so I could walk into a store and guarantee I got something that fit, but for a second pair I wanted to dig deeper. I decided if I'm going to pick up a second pair it was worth dropping some cash to get something that would be a lifelong pair. Along the way I looked at the Viberg 2030 and the the heavyweight cognac grabbed my attention immediately. I wound up grabbing them but I'm not sure if the veg tanned double butt leather will require different care than more traditional leathers for uppers. Any suggestions here, should I treat them any different or is the usual horsehair brush and seasonal conditioning enough?

>> No.17955408

treat it as usual but keep in mind veg tan will spot in the rain easier than chrome

>> No.17955412

Thanks Pat. Would that cost extra? I plan on resoling with crepes anyway when the time comes.

>> No.17955420

if youre resoling with a wedge its just a simple glue job that even the worst cobbler would struggle to fuck up. its actually a benefit of wedges

>> No.17955444

Good point, I wasn't aware that they'd be more sensitive to water stains. I assume Viberg hasn't treated them against staining though I should ask them and verify. I guess I'll need to consider if I want to wet them evenly myself (probably not), treat them with wax (maybe) or embrace stains as they come as part of the patina.

>> No.17955449

I stepped into salt water today with my waxed flesh leather boots and my feet didn’t get wet

>> No.17955455

i'd say embrace it the point of veg tan is to get the patina and change throughout its life, if you don't want change then go chrome

>> No.17955528

That's the way I'm leaning, I got the teacore Blacksmiths to let them patina so it's not like I want baby them. I'm a little concerned water spots might make them look like shit for a while but it seems like they eventually fade. Butts and Shoulders looks like they specialize in veg tanned boots and they recommend wearing them only in dry conditions for the first month which'll make them a little more resistant to gaining radically different spots when wet.

>> No.17955584

So I shouldn't buy Thursday's even at that affordable price point?

>> No.17955588

save up and buy better

>> No.17955663

I bought a pair of Solovair. How should I lace them? What is the consensus in this general when it comes to lacing boots, how should they be laced?

>> No.17955701
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>> No.17955759

I bought them because I like the look of docs but I didn't want to support tranny brand.

>> No.17955773

>Likes the look of Docs
>Buys Solovair not because good but because not tranny
>Needs 4chan to decide how to lace them
I think you need to reevaluate how much the internet has taken over the decisions in your life. Think for yourself for once and lace the boots however you'd like.

>> No.17955788

Don’t listen to this anon. There are lots of ways to lace boots and some super secret cool ways to do it too. Also consider how you fold the tongue

>> No.17955796
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Nigs finally arrived
Tan Waced Flesh the GOAT

>> No.17955797

yeah hes a retard, I thought about straight lace but the actual wear feels hindered by them, feels a little looser. I eventually just did them back to normal cross lacing because I think that it strikes the balance of looking pretty decent and being adjustable enough.

>> No.17955801

>honey vibram
looks comfy

>> No.17955804
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>> No.17955806

I’ve only had the hard af redx sole and the Christy wedge so wasn’t sure what to expect from the honey but they’re nice, maybe even a little softer than expected

>> No.17955821

Great color. Side note: ID on jeans?

>> No.17955831

Bravestar 14 oz jap selvedge - straight fit

>> No.17955837

>facings not 2 miles apart
at least one anon knows how to size their boots

>> No.17955847

>Tan Waced Flesh
nigga thats cinnamon or something

>> No.17955852
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It’s “tan” by name only
Lighting makes a crazy difference in how it look on camera btw

>> No.17955855
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>> No.17955873
File: 130 KB, 882x1280, 6C0E3D80-2A66-4EAB-A4C8-EB79C505E5DA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any of you fags got the Nike SFB field 2 Gore-Tex Boot? are they true sizing? I’ve heard conflicting things about running bigger / smaller.

>> No.17955886

Looks nice Anon, congrats

>> No.17956041
File: 1.31 MB, 1179x1473, IMG_6283.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is alligator btg approved? Always wanted some Alligator EGs, Gaziano’s, or Lobbs.

>> No.17956050
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>> No.17956053

>nigga thats cinnamon or something
The smooth is tan, the rough out is waxed and becomes darker.

>> No.17956058
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crocodilian leather is based, get some hornback boots

>> No.17956077
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Hornback looks better on yeehaws than some PNW abomination.

>> No.17956109

literal garbage

>> No.17956111
File: 1.66 MB, 928x1022, 1679279636583538.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for me? It's elephant+alligator

>> No.17956154

keep polishing until it's a mirror
it will be more reflective and thus look lighter

>> No.17956191

Not the goretex but I got the SFB 2 in tan. Got them online because they're not available at any shop in my area.
I went with the same size I use in Nike. Now, over the years I found Nike to be the most consistent brand in terms of sizing regardless of model to the point that I can get my size without trying them on and the shoes will fit exactly the same with surprising accuracy.
But the SFBs feel a little bigger than usual, for me not enough to go down a half size, but definitely the boots fit a bit looser, even tightening the laces as much as I can.

>> No.17956336

My boots all sold quickly on ebay but my Carmina black captoe oxfords at 179€ and my Allen Edmonds wingtips at 139€ are not moving, should I drop the price? I think it's a decent price for well taken care of shoes with minimal wear.

>> No.17956371
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I'm gonna puke

>> No.17956375

>wide? I never thought of 363mod to be wide
Really? Apparently 363mod was the 'wider' version of the original 363
But it is a bit short I feel.

I wear a G width in other brands and 363mod is a good fit. Never tried C&J. I might order from their site if they take care of EU customs.

>they had to feather mine to be a G plus width and added 2mm for the little toes
I knew about the feathering but I didn't know you can add extra for the little toes. I'll definitely use that next time.
I like the sharp angles on the sides of the 74945 last and was afraid the 'feathering' would dull the angles of the last a little bit.

>> No.17956377

I hate black boots with non-black soles.
I hate black boots where the panel edges haven't been skived and just stand out like a sore thumb.

>> No.17956379

I sold both my Vibergs to the same guy locally for 350 euro each within a day. Been trying to get rid of some Carminas too, they aren't selling well.
I find italian lasts to be really narrow, so 363mod was not much better. C&J pay customs within the EU.

>> No.17956385
File: 41 KB, 800x800, walker-boots-classic-style-paar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone have experience with Lavitus footwear? See pic related.

They look good, but these autistic Germans will not advertise their goods. Just really want to see an outfit for reference.

>> No.17956391

looks like a solid norvegese construction

>> No.17956403
File: 152 KB, 2076x1118, ReLNSuz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Opinions on C&J Snowdon?

Bellows tongue
Rubber sole

Looks good for all weather, also plain toe so good for casual outfits

No idea on the last though. And the color is a bit questionable isn't it?

>> No.17956405
File: 106 KB, 1440x810, slot-4-materials-snowdon-oak-waxhide.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks a bit darker here so probably easier to pair
Might be just the photo

>> No.17956408
File: 298 KB, 567x555, oK5Y3qh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That is a steal.
But my size is out of stock.

>> No.17956414
File: 2.21 MB, 900x1200, 1674415867180025.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

last looks similar to EG 64. The real problems with the RTW makeup are only half bellows tongue and the leather..

>> No.17956415

When would you ever need a boot with burly veldtschoen construction and commando soles, but with the pointy look of a formal shoe?

A wedding in a muddy field?

>> No.17956417

Is that really that pointy?

Anyway now that you mentioned it I'm getting the kind of vibes of people driving range rovers downtown to go for a coffee

>> No.17956421

>Is that really that pointy?
Well yes.
Unless you have feet shaped like baguette ends, there's going to be an inch of empty space in the tip of the shoe.

>> No.17956423

there is nothing wrong with that.

>> No.17956425

It gives your shoes a formal look.

>> No.17956426

How long have they been up on ebay? Do you have Vinted on your country?

>> No.17956427
File: 289 KB, 1376x981, jvhMIvH.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Opinions on Skolyx sneakers?

Seems like a good price for the quality
Problem is I once bought a pair of high end sneakers from Crown Northampton and they are built like tanks but that makes them inflexible and hot.

Maybe I should just buy Adidas and deal with the trash quality.

>> No.17956431

good thing its not a pointy last >>17956414

>> No.17956444

t. blind

>> No.17956445

I got some Thursday sneakers and haven't worn them more than a handful of times because they're kinda pointless. I assume the following applies to any thick leather minimalist sneaker.
You get the downsides of both a boot and a sneaker without any of the upsides. You get stiff leather, a break in period but don't have the arch and ankle support of boots nor the cushyness of sneakers.
They live in that weird middle zone in which they don't really accomplish anything save looking cool if you like that aesthetic.
The leather sambas I got get way more wears and are better in every aspect minus thick leather, but when I want thick leather I just wear boots.
Get yourself a pair of leather sambas or GATs and forget about thick leather sneakers.

>> No.17956455

Retard proofing for lazy zoomers who cant bother to search, then go on /btg/ to spew dumb shit like “Europe only makes pointy dress shoes”.

>> No.17956494

You're correct. I'd like to add that there's no such thing as Europe, and the European Union and especially the Schengen treaty are very contentious subjects. Europe consists of nations and regions that produce different styles. These are manufactured in Alpine regions where boots are worn for hiking and hunting. Of course these are very different from Italian or English dress shoes worn in cities by bankers and business men.

>> No.17956549
File: 303 KB, 1045x699, rwmoc_worn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn. I don't feel like I can justify the expenditure on a new pair of work boots when my current pair are fully broken in and fit fine.

My Red Wings look a lot like the picture; what lather color for Nicks boots best matches these? I want them to stay matched with my belt.

>> No.17956550

I bought my Red Wings 5+ years ago when my tastes were different

>> No.17956551

don't buy nigs buy franks

>> No.17956557

I am not actually a manual laborer and wear these boots for fashion, so I don't expect to ever get them rebuilt.

That said I much prefer the look of Nicks to Frank's.

>> No.17956559

kek what they make the same boots
frank literally owned and ran nicks for 20 years
nigs is just better at marketing having sold out to reddit

>> No.17956561

Frank doesn't make moc toes and has a different selection of leathers

>> No.17956565

If you want a more traditional moc toe just buy the whites Perry select
No better boot for the price
Nigs def has more leather options but franks’ selection is pretty robust as well if you look at all the custom options
I bought some nigs because they’re the only ones offering the leather I wanted so I get it

>> No.17956571
File: 41 KB, 700x700, moc_toe_55_classic_arch_swatch_tiles.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

personally not a fan of a moc toe with a heel but that's just me tho
predator orange might be similar color initially but will end up a medium dark brown like most eventually

>> No.17956573

>PNW wankfest

>> No.17956575

>t. thursday boots owner

>> No.17956576

Double cringe.

>> No.17956581

post boots nigger

>> No.17956619
File: 2.45 MB, 3271x1683, IMG_9399.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also post boots

>> No.17956624
File: 342 KB, 1385x1166, Bonafe 363mod vs Viberg 2030.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is the one on the right also made by whites?
is it one of those lasts with arch support? does it feel good?

anyway here's one of my boots
i sold the vibergs

>> No.17956628

Right are nigs, 55 last
Feel p good, fit is spot on
Leathers stiff, just got them yesterday so need to break in but feels like it should be an easy break in, haven’t felt any issues with the heel counter which is usually the worst part of break in for me

>> No.17956652
File: 407 KB, 334x600, Nicks Moc Toe 55.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the promo pics on nicks page are misleading
IRL these look like a pointier GS brass boot

for reference these are also 55 last and celastic, so it's not toe collapse or something that the stitch is further back on the last that the nigs pics suggest

>> No.17956663

OK, schizo

>> No.17956670

I’ve seen a lot of variance in how the do the moc toes desu, some of them from a few months back with safety toes were pretty bad, but they say they’ve worked with the stitchers or modified the pattern or something recently
To me it’s just a bit odd/out of place seeing a moc toe without the wedge

>> No.17956673

Ok serious question, how the fuck can different people end up with boots that look like they fit totally different but both claim perfect fits?
Also why do I only see shit like the first pair in PNW boots and never other brands?

>> No.17956701

inconsistencies in production aside
nigs seems to be in shambles right now in general

they used to lean into the obnoxious viral marketing so hard and now their youtube channel is completely dead
and i think it's kind of emblematic for their general state of affairs as a company
they were hitting million view videos 7 months ago, now they coast on 1k-4k views, absolutely pathetic for a channel with 400k+ subs
also had a ton of sponsored "reviews" everywhere from other channels
they were riding the algorithm pretty effectively before, the podcast shit they upload now is partly to blame for killing it

>> No.17956702

>size 8

>> No.17956706

They don't have any skilled pattern markers.

>> No.17956710

Both 10EE :^)

>> No.17956713

i simply dont believe you

>> No.17956722

They really fucked up getting rid of Grant and replacing him with some zoomer retard. Also they’re trying to fling too much shit at the wall to see what sticks as far as expanding products and shit. Between the listing machines, talking about getting rid of max support walnut (literally their best selling leather), modifying the builder pro pattern, asking for so much feedback from reddit, etc. they’re casualising themselves a bit too hard
Frank saw the righting on the wall with the new owners. Can’t deny my nigs arrived flawlessly which I’m super happy about but I did notice the build card was missing 3 initials so their attention to detail seems hit or miss

>> No.17956750

parkhurst needing to list 3 shades of natural double shot is really funny to me
great leather with no color consistency

>> No.17956820
File: 775 KB, 640x480, 1702903524373381.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

damn nigs look like that?

>> No.17956836

thought u were hype

>> No.17956858

Retards don't get to have an opinion.
Will you drink your own piss ff water is not advertised to you?

>> No.17956887

it's just boots man chill out lmao

>> No.17956914

zoomers live in your head rent-free. you're old and crying over boots lmao

>> No.17956935
File: 1.06 MB, 4000x3000, 1689010260928845.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Almost as good looking as wesco

>> No.17956940
File: 99 KB, 720x593, james-lug-wingtip-leather-boots-original-242607.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looking for recommendations:
>brogue boot
>lug/beefy sole

pic rel isnt the ideal, just what i could find for general reference. I saw a pair by brand "Fred" but they were like $800 or some ridiculous shit.

I saw a pair of Solovair's that looked like a possible fit, they seemed a bit bland.

>> No.17956942
File: 747 KB, 2000x2000, grenson-fred-brogue-boot-dark-brown-p31049-663443_zoom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is basically what i'm looking for, i just cannot afford the $825 for the particular boot pictured

>> No.17956950

you cant go cheap with brougues
you kinda need to either buy trickers or let go of the idea

>> No.17956953

So in the entire world market of mens fashion boots there does not exist anything halfway decent for less than $800-900?

I find that pretty much impossible to believe

>> No.17956956

>So in the entire world market of mens fashion boots there does not exist anything halfway decent for less than $800-900?
the issue is that cheap brogues look really nasty

>> No.17956958

Trickers Stow

>> No.17956960
File: 2.81 MB, 3746x2915, IMG_2381.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You can get Cheaney or Truckers on sale. If you live in the US buy from UK retailers usually you don’t have to pay VAT so you can get C&J Islays for $5-600. My dad tried mine and was finally convinced to buy a proper boot so he went and bought 2 from Robert Old UK for $1K shipped total to burgerland.

>> No.17956971

Couple of reasons
>Brogues aren't that popular
>There are few good looking brogue patterns/lasts out there

>> No.17956983

Retards saying dumb shit about "Europe" as if it's one unifying territory.really grind my gears.
I know you are lurking here retards, I will deport you then gas you myself.

>> No.17956991

It's not about boots. It's about 2 retards.

>> No.17956996

Where can I get a black waxed suede boot under $400?

>> No.17957000

What style? Cap toe or no?

>> No.17957008

Cap toe.

Shit, I'll take none cap toe at this point. Been waiting for restock at Parkhurst but dont seem like Andrew will have them anytime soon..

>> No.17957033
File: 157 KB, 1800x1201, bonafe_dress_boots.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What should I expect to spend on formal calfskin boots? I am putting together a set of morning dress and need a quality pair of appropriate shoes. I like these button boots from Bonafe but they will run me ~$700. Is that a bargain or too much? And what companies make good products in this vein?

>> No.17957036

you will pay whatever price they ask because there aren't a lot of button boot makers around

>> No.17957043

>Where can I get a black waxed suede boot under $400?
Edward Boot - Black Waxed Commander

>> No.17957044
File: 33 KB, 828x1168, 0E25F57A-DA13-4E15-8C0B-5CABD26F4A5C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my ortega IIs came and they are pretty tame on foot not as extreme as i would have guessed

>> No.17957051

Button boots from bonafe for $700 are definitely some of the best value you'll get. EB are like one of the few bootmakers that did not jack up prices by 30-40% since 2020. I'd put them around C&J in terms of finishing and QC, but they are handwelted and (probably) MTO with a lot of flexibility, so there's more value in EB.

>> No.17957084
File: 103 KB, 1250x784, 1675889836544716.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17957099

yes i could post anime

>> No.17957104
File: 3.62 MB, 1600x1199, 1691831419720822.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17957119


>> No.17957143

Yes, you are cringe in both real life and online space.

>> No.17957185


J Fitzpatrick

>> No.17957189

Anyone ever heard of this company Grinders?

>> No.17957204

>anime avatar fag
post your boots, you cringy fuck

>> No.17957207

/fa/ zoomers will defend these footwear abominations.

>> No.17957216
File: 752 KB, 4000x3000, 1689700141711260.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17957268

Not that anon. You have an anime reaction image folder. There is nothing lamer but frogs. Fucking queer.

>> No.17957273
File: 63 KB, 571x372, 1673174861830041.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17957278
File: 166 KB, 696x827, 1676064069608094.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nobootz coming into boot thread to seethe about boots
>anti anime queers coming into an anime imageboard to seethe about anime reaction pics

>> No.17957289

ID on black pair?

>> No.17957307

I thought as much, I’ll just order my size and get thicker socks. Thank you buddy

>> No.17957326
File: 2.35 MB, 4080x3072, PXL_20231231_233510792.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Funny how the pair I was least excited to purchase is now my favorite.

>> No.17957345

are those spanish parkhurst?

>> No.17957355


>> No.17957441

I just want formal calfskin boots, they don't have to be button boots

>> No.17957506

>stitching done by someone with tremor
>highly contrasting white but the U-tip is piss yellow

>> No.17957520

80% of boots posted here are ugly as fuck

>> No.17957521

post something that's in the 20% then

>> No.17957540

You are not on /a/ retard. Kill yourself slowly then film it avatarfag.

>> No.17957541

It’s this one cringe faggot with badly fitted pants, ugly engineers. Little bitch coward who never post full fit anyway and always recycle one pic. Fuck off wee bitch, not even people on this mongolian basket weaving forum like you.

>> No.17957589

>facings not 2 miles apart
What's that?

>> No.17957614

OK, schizo

>> No.17957647
File: 3.38 MB, 4000x3000, 20231217_195804.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17957665
File: 862 KB, 1669x1982, IMG_9412.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

see: arrows and shit
Compare to >>17953713

>> No.17957700

Nice, Tecovas?

>> No.17957708

Sendra, i want me some tecovas but i think they're hard to get/really expensive in Europe

>> No.17957710
File: 59 KB, 640x591, 8vezpnf9ir9c1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the problem with these boots is that they end up being more lace than boot

at least if the laces were one color it wouldn't be so visually distracting

>> No.17957714

>Boot Brands NO
what about boot brands YES? only ever owned a pair of eddie bauer k6s so i dont know where to start looking for stuff under £200

>> No.17957726

>so i dont know where to start looking for stuff under £200
just dont

>> No.17957738

I think the cheapest still recommended brands are meermin and yanko

>> No.17957740

>under £200

You won’t find anything decent

>> No.17957742

didnt feel anything in particular looking at their boots, but their other shoes are pretty cool. might pick one of them up instead

>> No.17957751

Your pants go over the boot..

>> No.17957757

I bet you look like a straight neo nazi

>> No.17957760

personally i think he looks gay

>> No.17957829

>stuff under £200
chippewa on ebay

>> No.17957855

Why isn’t the patriot rebuildable

>> No.17957858

When you remove the tranny heel, the boot catches fire.

>> No.17957867

post your boots, you cringy fuck

>> No.17957871

How about you write like a white person.

>> No.17957892

He can’t because he isnt. It’s larp coping all the way. He is likely some spic who got no friends out there, spend all money on reddit s8y boots to look for attention here.

>> No.17957896

Im occupied by your mom’s throat far down my dick. Her fat ass blocks the view of my boots.

>> No.17957900

not boot related, but any good off the rack brown leather shoes i could buy? goodyear welt, the usual

>> No.17957901

Rebuild is 300 bucks and a new patriot is 350 so they just recommend you buy a new one.
Otherwise no physical limitations.

>> No.17957906


>> No.17957915

Beginner tier?
Allen Edmonds on sale, Berwick if EU

>> No.17957987

Nice. How do they size?

>> No.17957990

What prevents you from switching laces? It's not illegal or something.

>> No.17958032
File: 1.64 MB, 3146x2386, IMG_6288.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

PNW boots are a meme. I barely wear my whites since they’re a bitch to take on/off with a high instep so I’m probably going to sell them. I considered having them switched to speedhooks but it’s probably not worth the effort.

>> No.17958038

You got an 8 inch boot with all eyelets you goofy where’s Waldo lookin ass nigga tf did you expect they’d just come off like slippers?

>> No.17958058

It doesn't make financial sense for them to rebuild it when a brand new one costs $50 more than a rebuild.

>> No.17958062

>PNW boots are a meme. I barely wear my whites since they’re a bitch to take on/off
They're a pain to take off because you customized it to have all eyelets.
They're easy to put on and take off it just takes a little more time if you have eyelets like they all cone with standard.

>> No.17958063


>> No.17958064

having a secure heel pocket is part of the appeal for PNW boots

>> No.17958071

>I considered having them switched to speedhooks but it’s probably not worth the effort
just put the speedhooks in the eyelets

>> No.17958127

They were a division road make up I got on sale. No customization. It seems like DV doesn’t like speedhooks because all their collabs eyelets only now.

Yes, I have other 8” eyelet only boots that I don’t have to completely unlace and use a shoe horn to get on/off

All my other boots have heel packets just as good if not better

>> No.17958129

i don't believe you

>> No.17958177

It's so weird that Crockett & Jones is like "out of stock" on their own website with no option to order anyway.
Like.. just make more?

>> No.17958208
File: 23 KB, 645x645, 1704147126679.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey I ever go on fa but I want to buy a pair of boots,
Why are doc's bad?
I have been look at red wing Iron rangers are they worth the price tag?

>> No.17958216

>Why are doc's bad?
plastic coated leather that will peel and crack with wear
no shank plus soft sole so you're gonna pronate
not actually welted, but rather "heat welted" meaning it'll fail
>I have been look at red wing Iron rangers are they worth the price tag?
yes, they are the lowest entry point for good quality boots.

>> No.17958229

>I have been look at red wing Iron rangers are they worth the price tag?
Worth is subjective, I think you get 100xmore bang for your buck with Frank's Patriot than you do with Red wing iron rangers.

>> No.17958232

Frank's Patriot or White's Perry Select (if you want a moc toe) are the best boots for the price bar none

>> No.17958330

Regular shoe size for me, did a bit of research beforehand and most people seem to say that sendra's are true to size.

>> No.17958334
File: 84 KB, 686x386, 1673040250928004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17958345
File: 91 KB, 640x480, sddefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17958347
File: 879 KB, 2576x1931, 1703161855304863.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17958355
File: 1.76 MB, 1585x2032, F654CB03-EE8D-4F41-A168-6C3894688571.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Docs are fine, just not the best ever forever boot you’ll be able to pass down to your kids and be the ultimate footwear. I have a pair of Great Frog collab DMs that are comfy as hell.

>> No.17958371


>> No.17958374
File: 98 KB, 525x700, 1703905976962653.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

embrace the space

>> No.17958434

>Rose anvil finally doing Russells.
>Doesn't cut them open

>> No.17958446


>> No.17958450

Tranny heel thread

>> No.17958459


>> No.17958460

Tranny hipster reddit nigger

>> No.17958463

NEW: >>17958462
NEW: >>17958462
NEW: >>17958462

>> No.17958501

He basically never cuts anything open he didn't get for free now.

>> No.17960019


have you been tested for retardation?

>> No.17960023

fix your pants, bud. its either over the boot or in the boot, not whatever you have going on here.

smokejumpers are based though, get the rose anvil full length kilties though.