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17917032 No.17917032 [Reply] [Original]

Decided to shop for the winter.
under £2k with more than half of it going to food and rent
Oh never mind I guess. How do you even stay effay during these trying times? Most of my clothing is from when I was mid 20s and I feel like I reached the point of dressing a bit more mature, subtle and elegant but holy shit with prices like this it's like daytime robbery. What do?
>inb4 get better job
I'm working on it but it's like couple years down the line.
>inb4 thrift
Never works for me as XS/S sizes are extremely rare in those. Also wearing used clothing is kind of degrading.

>> No.17917039


Just start wearing girl clothes since you are built like one

>> No.17917052

You live in one of the most important countries in the world in terms of clothes production and coincidentally one of the highest quality one. You are absolutely able to purchase a wardrobe fully made in the British Isles for a relatively affordable price. You haven't been looking very hard if the best you can do is Anglo-Italian.

No more than £400 for entry level stuff, coats around £600 for good quality ones.
£300 tops
£120 for fair isle sweaters, even less for scottish knits
depends on what you call accessories

>> No.17917072
File: 91 KB, 960x960, 534647689743467.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm ~5'9 it's just US/UK sizing is stupid where "small" means clothing for 6 feet tall giants. I'm taller than majority of women but yeah sure still bellow "small" for a man somehow.

>> No.17917144

>mimimum wage
>living in an expensive appartment
>buying overpriced designer shit
lets laugh at this retard

>> No.17917178
File: 248 KB, 1400x1400, TRP_ServiceBoot_PoloBrown_72.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any brand recommendations?
>boots £300 tops
Only Sanders comes to mind but their shoes kind of meh.
>living in an expensive appartment
I don't know where did you get this from. Renting the most bottom of a barrel apartment starts at £1K way out of my budget. I'm sharing.
>buying overpriced designer shit
Thread is literally about how I'm NOT buying anything because I can't afford it.
It's like you just had hate boner and decided this is a good thread to bust it using own made up narrative. Did your stepdad just raped you so you crawled up here to "stick it back"?

>> No.17917225

if you make minimum wage, shop at uniqlo
you dont need 1000 dollar boots
you should get a job for adults before worrying about clothes

>> No.17917229

buy 2nd hand, idiot.
learn how to judge material quality, learn your measurements, and figure it out.

>> No.17917240

Here we fucking go. Let's blame "bad jobs" for shit pay instead of blaming shit wages for most jobs. Good goy.

>> No.17917250

You won't own the jews by spending thousands on clothes you can't afford.

>> No.17917259

>I dont have any marketable skills and I deserve to get paid like a doctor

>> No.17917325

Look if I have a job which keeps me busy 40 hours a week let's not pretend it worth absolutely nothing. They sure as hell going through your CV very thoroughly when applying to "retard-tier" jobs while hiring actual retards alongside to gaslight you into thinking you're on the same level and don't deserve more.

>> No.17917433

>>inb4 get better job
>I'm working on it but it's like couple years down the line.
shouldve learned to code...

>> No.17917735

1. If thrift stores are too ratty try finding a trade/reuse group online they might be able to connect you to a person closer to your body size.

2. Look into a low commitment side income, plenty of people will pay for one off services, or small homemade good if you have any even remotely marketable ability.

3. Open an only fans I guess, at XS you'd probably do fine as a femboy.

>> No.17917785

If you're working alongside retards, doesn't that tell you something anon?

>> No.17918560

Guess what.. you don't get nice things if you don't have a good salary. Simple as.

>> No.17918565

Yeah literally just get a better job lmao. Or move country since yours is shit.