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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 2.12 MB, 2448x2448, 20231015_124721.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17844472 No.17844472 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.17844476
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Based Ned

>> No.17844481

Clean and simple, mate. You seem like a no nonsense cunt and I like that.
Chesterfields are mint, shite nobody sells them round my way anymore.

>> No.17844497
File: 110 KB, 960x1280, photo_2023-10-15_15-17-25.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looks like it's EDC shitty neighborhood edition

>> No.17844500

>old gen phone
Trying too hard.

>> No.17844503

Welcome to Scotland.

>> No.17844544

Phone. Keys. That’s about it. Work I bring ear buds.

>> No.17844595

That's all you need bro, keep it simple.
It's mad how some folk haul about half their stuff like pure doomsday preppers. Survival gear, tablets, tacticool gadgets, strapped up with like 5 ZKs and shit.

>> No.17844653

>Euro shekels
>tranny pills
>toy gun

It checks out

>> No.17844659

wtf are those lighters

>> No.17844663

Lol, it's clonazepam and pregabalin. I sell this shit.
Yous lads have got trannies on the brain. Just admit you like ladyboys. I don't judge, mate.

>> No.17844709
File: 136 KB, 1280x853, Clipper_lighters.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Clippers. Very popular in the UK and parts of Europe.
They're refillable and the flint system can be removed and replaced too. They're ubiquitous amongst stoners, scoundrels, wastrels, and vagabonds etc.

>> No.17844941

I don't care what you do with your fagrozine and homopam and toy guns.

>> No.17844942

I only need a BBC for my EDC

>> No.17845034

Homosexual insinuations now is it, lol. You're projecting so hard with your dog shit patter that you've become a mindless 4chan bot spouting inane bollocks at everything and anything.
You could probably do with some of my meds, you'd at least chill out a bit. I've never seen anybody so bothered by a daft keyring.
It takes fuck all to get under your skin, mate.

>> No.17845052

It always surprises me when people haven't seen Clippers, they've got tons of them in any smoke shop and a lot of convenience stores where I am in the US.

>> No.17845064

Aye, it seems like everybody that's ever smoked weed has at least some familiarity with them.
This is 4chan though, let us not forget, there's always someone somewhere oblivious to common things. Maybe that anon lives in the middle of nowhere or something, give em the benefit the doubt.

>> No.17845153
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just imagine that my wallet is there as well
censored cause my phone case is shiny af, apparently.

>> No.17845155

Hell, I haven't smoked weed in like 20 years (and only recall bics being used when I did) and even I'm familiar with Clippers.

>> No.17845175

if you know both bic lighters and clippers can you tell me why one is prefered over the other?

>> No.17845220

Did you just take matters into your own hands and buy hrt meds from Thailand?
I've got a trans friend that did exactly that cos she was on some crazy 15 year waiting list to be assessed.

>> No.17845227

i've been on hrt for 2+ years but yeah they are from thailand, shipped through some online pharmacy that probably just resells over the counter meds at an x10 markup but i didn't know any better when i bought them

>> No.17845256

I know how these dodgy pharmacies are. I get my products dirt cheap now, but it took a lot of networking and trial & error over the years to get a solid connect.
Good luck with your transition btw. Hope you're feeling more like the person you want to be.
I've got bpd so I kinda know how it feels to be a stranger in your own skin with unwelcome thoughts.

>> No.17845270

it's been improving but i have a long way to go still
at least it's not getting worse anymore

i actually habe injectable hrt now as well which is like 300$ for a 3 year supply so that works for me, especially since estradiol valerate has a 3 year shelf life.
i now pay less for 3 years than i payed for 3 months of estrogen + antiandrogen at first.

>> No.17845370

Bics are more common (in the US) and slip into a pocket a bit more comfortably. Clippers last longer and are refillable, and I think feel nicer to use. (Especially compared to a Bic that still has the child safety bullshit on it, I always pop the guard off immediately on mine but most people don't seem to know you can do that.)

>> No.17845406

Never seen those lighters, all Bics here
t. rural midwest, used to smoke daily, haven’t touched drugs for a few years now

>> No.17845446
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and a bit gay but
what more do you need?

>> No.17845457

why do you carry your skin care products on your person
or your tranny pills for that matter
or a lighter with no smokes
or a condom, since we all know homosexuals don't use them

>> No.17845516

I've noticed the popularity of Bics in the US, particularly amongst rappers at the minute with those retractable leash holders they accessorise with.
I barely see them here in Scotland but I've had a couple and they do feel good to use.
Clippers are pretty much considered the best lighters over here. Particularly as the flint stem can be pulled out and used to used to pack in the loose weed and tobacco in the ends of your joint before putting a roach in and twisting the end.
It's practically a ritualistic process here as everybody used them when we started smoking weed as teenagers - well, it was all hash back then.
Good on you for being drug free, pal. I'm in recovery for heroin addiction but I still use and abuse other shit. As much as I enjoy smoking weed it does makes me a lazy, complacent shite with no motivation.

>> No.17845601

>why do you carry your skin care products on your person
reapplying sunscreen troughout the day helps keeping it working. of you blow your nose like twice it's off and you can get UV radiation damages there again.
>or your tranny pills for that matter
have to take these trice daily
>or a lighter with no smokes
same reason i carry a knive without something to cut. it comes in handy at times, whether it's melting cord ends or being able to lend it to a smoker or whatnot
>or a condom, since we all know homosexuals don't use them
it's usually in my wallet, which is safe actually because i have that case for it so the rubber doesn't fail from friction
but sure i don't really expect to use it, i have a pretty good track record of not sleeping with strangers after all. i suppose being able to give one away might be part the reason i carry it. also condoms have a great number of applications outside of their intended use, so that's enough to justify it in the end.

>> No.17845602


>> No.17845614
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Thanks. I smoked cannabis from the time I was 16 to halfway through 18. Cold turkey ever since I found my Lord and my God. I smoked nicotine for a little after that, but I can't stand smelling like smoke anymore, and as for vapes I really only enjoyed the little head rush you'd get for about 10 seconds after you smoked after you woke up, and that isn't worth forming a pricey habit over, plus I feel really ashamed about smoking. I hope you can break your habits and be free of all of that. God be with you.
“No temptation has overtaken you that is not common to man. God is faithful, and he will not let you be tempted beyond your strength, but with the temptation will also provide the way of escape, that you may be able to endure it.”
1 Corinthians 10:13 RSV

>> No.17845645
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>> No.17845668
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I can also brake down my bag if you'd like that

>> No.17845841
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>> No.17845867

Thanks, bro. I'm not a religious person, but I am agnostic. All that atheisn stuff does my head in, so smug & arrogant imo. My mum is Christian so I can appreciate the sentiment, hopefully the big man up the stairs is watching over me.
One day I will be free all of drugs. That I do have faith in. I've maintained abstinence from heroin and crack for 6 months now and I start psychiatry soon for my bpd shit, which is how I ended up in this mess in the first place.

>> No.17845873

What are nicotine pouches like? They seem to have had a bump in popularity recently cos I see them online all the time now, not really a thing in Scotland, not round my way anyway.
Is it similar to chewing tobacco and do you feel slightly stimulated while using it?

>> No.17845888

Do you have tobacco pouches too, is what that Soviet looking tin is? Excuse my ignorance, I just don't see this stuff where I'm from.
Do you live in a shitty area and keep the switchblade on you for self defence?
I live in a very deprived area on city outskirts, but even as a petty dealer I've never felt the need to carry a blade.
Cunts here will stab you for fun, don't get me wrong, but I'm more likely to get into some good old fashioned fisticuffs than anything.

>> No.17845893

Dude, it's one thing to buy a pair of unfashionable shoes but it's an entirely different matter to poison yourself with exceedingly dangerous cross sex hormones for a now cringe fashion fad
Bro, get help before your poor fashion choice literally destroys your life

>> No.17845902

Another nice and simple edc. What kinda Casio is that?
I sometimes get the urge to buy one and look at loads of old rare Jap watches on ebay, but my phone tells me the time so I never bother in the end.

>> No.17845994

what are some nice leather wallet brands

>> No.17846041

'fashion trend' lmao
nothing fashionable about it.

also hrt, like most isn't exactly dangerous unless you take the wrong dose, specifically antiandrogens. the estrogen itself is just bioidentical estradiol.
if you take 6mg of oral estradiol daily you commonly don't even need an antiandrogen because it's self supressed in most ppl by that point.

>literally destroys your life
no, because i'm trans. for some cis guy randomly taking estrogen might be a bad idea, sure. for trans girls it's helping tho.

>> No.17846058

Videogame inventory + hipster tryhard
Teen angst Nco Bellic larp
Tranny faggot
Real human
Vape and black box?
The knife combined with the glasses and dip make it homo larp
You are mentally weak, possibly asian

>> No.17846074

Very reasonable response. You must be used to random people that know nothing about you telling you how to live your life, lol.
My friend just takes one pill a day and nothing else, no surgey or anything and she's got no interest in SRS. If she hadn't transitioned she'd probably have died years ago to be frank.

>> No.17846084

>just one pill every day
um. does she not take antiandrogens?

>> No.17846088

Yup. Throat burns a little if swallowed. Keeps you stimulated and supposedly has less health risks
Those are my car keys >:^(

>> No.17846091

If saliva* swallowed

>> No.17846096

Not that I'm aware of. I take finasteride for my hair and the last time we spoke I asked her if she was on fin or dut and she said no.
Is it considered an essential component of hrt?
She's currently in the process of laser hair removal and is just about complete.

>> No.17846109

Interesting. Thanks for the response. I'm actually sick of smoking and being a smelly bastard (19 years and counting) so I might try them out as an alternative cos vapes wreck my throat and lungs.

>> No.17846138
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My EDC @work as I suppose you are not interested in stuff like dog cookies or a multitool which I carry around in my spare time.

>> No.17846152
File: 2.13 MB, 3024x3024, edc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

old edc, should probably take a new pic at some point

>> No.17846182

Nice watch, mate. You seem like quite a well put together lad, totally unlike myself, lol.
What's that wee fabric thing with the foxes on it for?

Another smoker, I see. What are the blacks like, I can only get the yellows over here (very rarely) and they're like £15 a pack. Bullshit, like.
Anyway, I'm going to guess from the pens and Kindle that you're an aspiring writer/illustrator.

>> No.17846192
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The less the better imo.

I like these

>> No.17846199

>Another smoker, I see. What are the blacks like
My fav cigs desu, im trying to quit rn but spirit blacks were so tasty and hit pretty hard. they were also much more cost efficient, because if I got lighter cigs I'd just smoke the whole pack in a day or two. Rn I smoke honeyrose herbals, which suck, but at least theyre a bit better than a lot of herbal cigs, most of which are hemp and leak oil everywhere :/
I would love to be an illustrator or a writer, but I mostly just read and journal. Although I started playing around with digital art recently and had a lot of fun, so I might pursue that more :)

>> No.17846226
File: 239 KB, 1704x1278, pocket-squares-hp-gq-5apr19_getty_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A small pocket square to wear in your suit. I got that one here: https://www.tieroom.com/pocket-square-notch-foxfire-green-foxes-green-orange-white.html

>> No.17846257
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>> No.17846273
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>> No.17846282
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>he'd probably have died years ago to be frank.
Bro give him some more time lmfao. Also is his name Frank? Lmafo even more.
Oh btw your opinion is shit and you literally know zero about fashion and even less about the dangers of cross sex hormones.
Also post your
>mogs your stupid ignorant ass
>farts and then flexes

>> No.17846319 [DELETED] 

'she only takes one pill a day' worries me a little. oral hrt is usually 2+ pills because antiandrogens are always seperate to the estrogen. most estrogen pills are 1mg or 2 mg so with just one pill she probably wouldn't reach the 6mg point where estrogen supresseses testosterone on its own, and even that might not work if you e.g. smoke or have a very high metabolism.
just ask her if she needs and antiandrogen and how much estrogen she takes if you are worried she might not supress her testosterone properly. this is a scary common issue so feel free to tell her. main cause is incompetent doctors that don't know what they are doing.

>> No.17846333

Where'd you get your wallet? I'm too afraid of fakes to buy online.

>> No.17846339

can you tell me what the ambiguous items are? e.g. what's in the upper yellow thing or the tiktac box. also what's up with the various pens?

also your powerbank might self charge constantly dending on the model if you put your cables in like that, making it lose its charge as heat energy FAST.
if it's completely cold it's probaly safe with your model tho.

>> No.17846342

>Tranny faggot
sorry, it will happen again

>> No.17846353

Cool cool. Thanks for passing on that knowledge.
I'll definitely talk to her about it when I see her cos she's been pretty much DIYing it for a while now in regards to the medication aspect. She's smart and researches the fuck out of everything, but I suppose there's a shitload of conflicting info out there and harmful stuff presented as legit.

>> No.17846384
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>> No.17846408

Easiest way is to get it at an official goyard store, there are quite a lot in the US.

>> No.17846418
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>> No.17846428

Not completely sure if this is what u mean by upper yellow thing, but the mask above the wallet is a reusable cloth tie dyed one.
Tictac box is for storing ketamine and a tiny straw, also loose adderalls/pills
Round pouch on the right below the masks is for storing coins/receipts
Pens are micron 03, just a nice pen I like, paint marker so I can write on surfaces, and a purple crayon I think i found on the ground somewhere.
That portable charger is already Fucked up desu, drains to 0 really fast then keeps working for a while, I just had it plugged in like that to show the ports, it has a lightning input which i havent found another portable with.
This was my edc from like last summer I think, usually I carry a much larger bag w me, if i make a new edc itll be hard to fit everything in one pic in a way that makes sense, so I havent rly tried :S

>> No.17846430

oh and the blue lighter is a clipper with a toker poker, bottom right is a folding fan thing

>> No.17846479

thanks, very interesting
i'll be honest the ket i didn't expect

>> No.17846498


I like your style.

>> No.17846513

Cringe, grow up you are not 19 and its not 2018 lil peep anymore
Looks cheap
Too gay
Stop smoking plastic
First okay, spigen is tacky
Okay also tacky
wannabe neaveu rich, looks cheap and stupid
Nice! But alot
Dont like the phone case tacky
Cringe wannabe hacker, read actual pttern recognition instead ie bishop
Very good except cigar, super cringe. Never read spinoza

>> No.17846530

I'm the OP.
Since you know so much about everything why don't you tell us all about how your transition went.
Don't be a cunt in my thread, mate.
I know it's tempting to be a totally rad 4chan dude with all the latest spicy lingo, but you can just chat to people and be sound. You should try it, it's nice.

>> No.17846531
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>except cigar, super cringe
I understand why one may think it's cringe - and it often is. The thing is I enjoy it more than I am worried about how people will perceive it.
Obviously I don't take a cigar every time I leave my house but if I'm going out for a nice lunch on the weekend I'll take one with me and sit down to smoke it in a calm park.

>> No.17846549

Fuck you bro, no offense. None of the shit HE posted is fashionable.
HIS lighter is shit
HIS quartz watch is shit
HIS phone is shitty AND boring
HIS knife is utter garbage
Every thing else is identity politic bullshit
If he wants to discuss "trans" "gender" related crap he should just use the correct board which we all know is lgbt of course.
And don't try and gate keep my freedom of speech because it is rather out of fashion right now, thanks

>> No.17846555

based deleuze enjoyer

>> No.17846568

no need to write all that the picture was sufficiently based

>> No.17846588

lol, awrite, man. I'm not offended. Go off king etc. etc.

>> No.17846598

>noooo you have to buy expensive versions of everything and have the best le items!!!!
a shitty lighter?? rly? a phone???? do you buy the latest spergpad 3000 every year too?

>> No.17846599

Cheapest crap you can buy. Come off as a boring person. 5'8' big mop of black hair.
Nice vibe. You probably dress well but are a dyel

Why the shit do you carry nail clippers WHEREVER YOU GO?!?

>> No.17846600

For got to add you only wear t-shirts that are a few sizes too big for you, and jeans. Converse shoes.

>> No.17846631

>Cringe wannabe hacker
couldn't be further from the truth but sure

>> No.17846650
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Yeah but I bet your friends think you are.

Oh right, sorry buck-o.

>> No.17846666
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+ 1L nalgene + assorted pills

>> No.17846678


>> No.17846692

nice numbers

>> No.17846693

nah, just a no name glass file. are those noticeably better?

>> No.17846696

better than a no-name glass file?
no idea. they're ok though

>> No.17846704

Pharmaceutical worker?

>> No.17846710

holy shit so based I need to skinwalk you, what vape machine is that?

>> No.17846711

What do you need the 1/4” TRS adapter on your person for?

>> No.17846712

Bro, that's waaaaaay too much shit. Go minimal my man. Free your pockets, your balls will thank you.

>> No.17846717

Don't argue with him, he mass replied, you can only subject yourself from someone who mass replies.

>> No.17846730

oh wow thanks, didn’t even notice
afraid not. because of the spatula?
thanks, vape is vaporesso xros 3 mini
it’s overkill, but I always end up ‘lending’ those out when djing, so I like the peace of mind of always having a backup in my bag (same with the earplugs and usbs)
I haven’t gone outside without some sort of bag in years, actually

>> No.17846756
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>> No.17846760

cringe but redpilled

>> No.17846778

yeah my watch is trash

>> No.17846797

bless be upon ye

>> No.17846936

lmao fag

>> No.17846937

god these LARP threads need to get banned already.
that's it, maybe a lighter and folding knife. anything else is cringe LARP.
>b-buh I use this st-
No you don't.

>> No.17846939

>anything else is cringe LARP.

>> No.17846955
File: 984 KB, 1973x1598, PXL_20231017_031536981~3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I like to have fun :3
1. GUCCI: Ophidia Supreme Leather KeyCase
2. Louis Vuitton: Monogram Pocket Organizer
3. Seiko: 5 Sports ONE PIECE LUFFY Limited Edition
4. Focal: Bathys Over-Ear Hi-Fi
Bluetooth Wireless Headphones
5. Peak Design: Mobile Wallet Slim
6. Systane: Complete Lubricant Eye Drops
I'm using my Pixel 6 Pro to take the picture.

>> No.17847030



>> No.17847044

Why do so many of you carry so much weird stuff, yet at the same time not carry normal person things like keys, wallets, and phones? Does everyone live at their mom's house and use public transportation?

>> No.17847104

>Does everyone live at their mom's house and use public transportation?
obviously, this is /fa/ after all

>> No.17847124 [DELETED] 

What's the quality like on them headphones, bro? I've always been shy of buying a pair cos of Bluetooth cans cos of sound compression and signal stability.

>> No.17847139 [DELETED] 

My guess is that the people who don't include their phones are using them to take the photos of their stuff.

Also, I live in the UK just outside a city and you'd have to be mad to drive a car round here, there's just no space. I get buses and trains everywhere, I won't bullshit you and make out it's perfect but it gets me everywhere I need to be and I never have to deal with traffic. Saves me more money than when I was drive too.
Is public transport bad where you live? Honestly just curious, not trying to provoke an argument.

P.s. I live in a nice two storey flat with two bedrooms and rent is only £300 a month.

>> No.17847149

What's the sound quality like on them headphones, bro? I've always been shy of buying a pair of wireless cans cos of Bluetooth compression and signal strength.
Also, I guess I'm just curious ovetall if Bathys are worth the money.

>> No.17847205

most based one in here

>> No.17847311


>> No.17847407

It's better than Airpod Max and 300% more durable.

>> No.17847465
File: 2.50 MB, 3024x4032, edc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17847474

i have that same lighter anon!

>> No.17847632

what camera is this?

>> No.17847685

Both the Good and Bad
Gas Station
Faggot, probably has a tail too.
Working Brit
Ex-Band kid
Miminal, but solid
Lot lizard
Local pastor
Pick Pocket

>> No.17847695

>probably has a tail too.
no the fuck i do not

>> No.17847711

>Pick Pocket

>> No.17847779

Very cool!!!!! It's my favorite lighter because I think the graphic is funny.

iPhone 12

>> No.17847815

No worries man.
yes they are chewing tobacco pouches, I carry a knife because its a tool,I rotate many different kinds of knives to go with what im wearing or what I want to carry. Worst come so to worst yes ill use it to defend my self but. the knife cost me 700Euro so id prefer not to stab some one with it.
Who am I harping exactly ?
I bought a knife I wanted cuz I like the design and the knife it self, the tint came with my prescription glasses and its the only "sunglasses" I can actually wear and see proper, its not dip amerimut its chewing tabacco
tf you mean ?

>> No.17847827

Dude, shut the fuck up, nobody thinks you are funny

>> No.17847852

You look like you like to stand around stores and write/doodle. (Loitering)

>> No.17847933

Thanks for the response, bro. Didn't mean to come off like I was interrogating you about the knife, lol.
I'm just crimebrained from living in a shithole where people stab each other over fuck all.

>> No.17848000

severe tranny presence on fa today

>> No.17848003

>my thread
trannies truly do ruin everything they touch huh

>> No.17848007


>> No.17848008

I can get behind everything but the knife. Non-foldable has a place, but if you’re going to carry one instead of a foldable with a pocket clip, at least make it a nice one

>> No.17848009

Usually they stay inside their female clothing larp threads where they overuse the word "cute" to immediately give away their identity. Today it appears one started the EDC thread and got the entire discord server in on the action.

>> No.17848035

Mission Accomplished, pal.
Glad to have rattled your braincell awake by not being a socially inept oddball that completely loses their shit at the mere thought of the presence of transpeople on a Mongolian cattle forum. Chill out lad, honestly. It's not healthy how angry yous lads are regardless of how dangerous you think hrt is.

>> No.17848080

I dont care how dangerous HRT is, you take all risk upon yourself. I just don't like the idea of transitioning.

>> No.17848219

pretty good, anon
you forgot me, I thought it was obvious

>> No.17848225

>how dangerous you think hrt is.
Putting the bone cancer and blood clots aside, what disgusts any sane human being is the concept of a man genuinely believing he is a woman. If HRT was perfectly safe and even if suicide rates weren't highest after surgeries, the belief that a male can change into a female is an abomination.

>> No.17848384

you aren't wrong, used to study in a private art school, left because reasons... I still like to draw. and you aren't wrong I do like to be outside and just move around, interesting how you figured that out out of next to nothing.
No worries my man, people here aren't all that confrontational, and if there is conflict people usually just take care of it with their fists. but id still rather have an up hand on a acasional junkie for example

>> No.17848385


>> No.17848388

the seething in response to this is delicious

>> No.17848432
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This is what I bring with me when I go for a wander

>> No.17848438 [DELETED] 

I'm the OP, I've spoken to lots of people who posted and asked all sorts of questions.
Nobody was bothered when we were talking about lighters or tobacco pouches etc. I asked people about things they had posted, hrt pills being just one thing of many.
Heaven forbid there be lgbt people on a FASHION board.

>> No.17848441
File: 3.60 MB, 3120x4160, 16976353296796974331556952051042.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot headphones

>> No.17848446

I'm the OP, I've spoken to lots of people who posted and asked all sorts of questions.
Nobody was bothered when we were talking about lighters or tobacco pouches etc. I asked people about things they had posted, hrt pills being just one thing of many.
Heaven forbid there be lgbt people on a FASHION board.

>> No.17848448 [DELETED] 
File: 949 KB, 1634x2180, FDE982FB-1406-424C-9B37-337A44804EA3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dunhill lighter
Grandfather’s cygnet ring
Apple AirPod Pro
Custom lanyard (business)
Portable tape measure
Leather wallet
Ritalin 10mg

>> No.17848449

Based Deleuze enjoyer

>> No.17848453
File: 852 KB, 1634x2180, D30B1580-D0D3-4444-94F1-DCEBDE315271.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dunhill lighter
Grandfather’s cygnet ring
Apple AirPod Pro
Custom lanyard (business)
Portable tape measure
Leather wallet
Ritalin 10mg

>> No.17848458


the aluminium rimowa iPhone case is great if you’ve got the luggage to match.

>> No.17848503

People underestimate how much a lifesaver headphones can be. It makes a 1-2 hour wait queue go by fast.

>> No.17848507

>figured that out out of next to nothing
I wouldn't say out of nothing, I have myself as an example.

>> No.17848527

Oh, absolutely. Especially noise-cancelling ones. Makes life a lot more enjoyable!

>> No.17848728
File: 2.42 MB, 2268x4032, IMG_3891.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What does my bag tell you ?

>> No.17848887
File: 1.65 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_3026.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

really wanna stop using the airpods but just can't ditch the convenience of the wireless life

hi fellow snus enjoyers :)

>> No.17848916

Yeah the point is to talk about FASHION those fucking idiots are shitting up the thread with illegal medical advice that literally has nothing to do with fashion in the fucking least. This board sucks shit because of them and you fucking encourage it.

>> No.17848922

I work at Bell nigga where you at?

>> No.17848969

so be fair he started it. there were like 4 ppl just calling me a tranny without going into the 14th repetition of repeating ignorant nonsense but he just had to

>> No.17849031

i'm not trying to be, what is this? i was replying to someone mentioning a tail.

>> No.17849035

Checks out. Get your life together

>> No.17849087

I think the eight billion what clothes do I wear to stop being an incel/attract this girl threads are polluting effay much more than tranny presence in like two generals, not to even get into all the other non fashion threads that clog up this board.

>> No.17849162

Sir, I couldn't disagree more strenuously. I hate transgender so much it's literally unreal. They poison every fashion thread they post in here with off topic bullshit. They have the lgbt board to post on and even there the gays post threads calling for a board split because the gender bastards are so insufferable.
No, it's one thing if you just comment on some fashion shit without bringing your personal identity politics into it but when you start posting illegal medical advice it's literally dangerous. I'm beginning to think this board has no janitorial staff or moderation. It's fucking shameful that some deranged monster has free range to dispense lethal advice here.

>> No.17849204

>I hate transgender so much it's literally unreal
ignore them. otherwise the entire thread becomes another tranny vs. chud debate, much like this one has.
people talk about the contents of their edc all the time in these threads, if you dont like their edc just move on.
>when you start posting illegal medical advice it's literally dangerous
please dont pretend to care about this.
also duh this board has no moderation, just take a look at the catalog, there's no fashion here

>> No.17849303

I like that knife. Everything else is pretty trashy, but not bad

>> No.17849310

Never have I seen anything so chinese ever

>> No.17849318
File: 2.52 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_6578.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Idk how you fags can fit all this stuff into the pockets of your skinny jeans.
I don’t need much, except my wallet and pepto for when I get nervous diarrhea.

>> No.17849320

why the cuck mask?

>> No.17849373
File: 1.41 MB, 3840x2160, PXL_20231019_041420053.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I also often carry a Kobo Clara HD

>> No.17849384

Why do trannies love the Google Pixel? Whenever I see a tranny posting a mirror selfie or something like this there’s like an 80% chance they’re carrying a Pixel.

>> No.17849404

what nokia is that?

>> No.17849416

What's that supposed to mean? None of the things I listed are even made in China.
>4 x American
>2 x French
>1 x Japanese
>1 x Italian
Do you think a random Chink would have a Google phone too?

>> No.17849417

There are 4 front pockets in cargo shorts.

>> No.17849423

Those are the Airpods max retard.

>> No.17849426

Nice iwc

>> No.17849427

Knife looks good what is it ?

>> No.17849428

You should switch to the cartridge refillable version of the Pilot V7 it is better in every way.

>> No.17849443


They’re my headphones so I can called them whatever I want you faggot virgin lol

>> No.17849493

Gay. The thread.

>> No.17849845

its scary as hell to think there's a bunch of armed retards on benzos out there in the wild

>> No.17850071

I got it from the Québec student competition. I'm interested in working there at some point. Where do you work?

>> No.17850575

why do women carry so much garbage in little puches

>> No.17850587

Makes sense, we build all our commercial helicopters in Quebec
I'm in Tennessee and it fucking SUCKS

>> No.17850589
File: 92 KB, 847x478, Photo_1028292u1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I could kill literally everyone ITT several times over.

>> No.17850598

>3 watches
>2 lighters
>a stapler
are you a hoarder?

>> No.17850599

I don't know shit about guns but is that a glock 17 on the top left?
What's the other one on the right ?

>> No.17850602

beretta px4

>> No.17850619

No you can’t, I’d simply dodge the bullets and put you in a Rear Naked Choke whilst simultaneously pissing all over down your back and arse crack.

T. 180cm, 93kgs, 14 BF%.

>> No.17850640

I believe in you, anon. He's going to be absolutely soaked in piss.

>> No.17850687

You're wondering why I value redundancy in my EDC? When shit hits the fan, you don't want your shit to fail. A stapler has a low chance of failing and is not critical in do or die moments, which is why I only carry one.

>> No.17850754

>Edc a grenade
>everyone thinks its real

>> No.17850772
File: 2.25 MB, 2268x4032, IMG_3196.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't see why you'd want to stop using AirPods, I usually wear just one cuz I like to hear what's going on around me as well. Velo sucks man, try Siberia or even Fox
Microtech Signatire series

>> No.17850774
File: 2.78 MB, 4624x3468, 20231020_023150.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17850790

Are you a Canadian that's prone to chapped lips?
I've never seen a cigarette pack like that in quantities of 25.

>> No.17851065

I'm the only guy ITT that can say that he would survive a confrontation with everyone ITT. I AM THE ALPHA.

>> No.17851187

do you keep the crayon to snack on it you fucking troon?

>> No.17851205
File: 3.00 MB, 4561x3019, 20231020-DSCF1339.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

please do not bully me.

i got a new watch!!

>> No.17851228


>vacheron constantin
>portable audiophile DAC/Kit

Patricians choice.

What’s your profession anon? you seem like you would be autistic in your interests in a good way. Can you tell me about what you have displayed here?

>> No.17851233
File: 1.76 MB, 2339x3422, IMG_4417.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

welcome brother

>> No.17851253

A digital watch is only cool if it’s vintage and over 25 years old. You have purchased a mass consumer fashion watch.

>> No.17851256

8110 4g

>> No.17851258
File: 133 KB, 1080x723, edc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how's the media player?
nice digits, fellow dj

>> No.17851261
File: 58 KB, 616x563, IMG_4381.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>your opinion

>> No.17851263
File: 1.81 MB, 3695x2343, IMG_4419.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17851291

>g shock
>mass consumer fashion watch
autistic or retarded?

>> No.17851295

A digital watch use as a generic movement and prioritises aesthetic design over engineering.

What am I wrong or something?

>> No.17851327

>how's the media player?
Works fine, UI could be better but it's more than enough for my use. Battery lasts weeks and it's pretty much unbreakable.

>> No.17851368

Somehow the grenade isn't the most ridiculous thing in this post...

>> No.17851381

If I remember correctly, it is a woman with a rich daddy who works as a teacher.

>> No.17851672

it's pretty good for the price, it has an unlockable bootloader, which means you can get a custom OS rather easily without rooting or voiding warranty. this makes it great for privacy minded folk and also software developers, both of which trans girls are known to be.

>> No.17851737

i don't like the high emf readings, can't be great for the brain long-term, and velo is fine imo - usually get zyn ice pearl but it was sold out

>> No.17851896

my brother in christ, we are putting literal poison in our bodies...

>> No.17852170

2 is 1 and 1 is none you retard

>> No.17852180

they are both glocks. top left looks like a g19 and top right looks like a g42

>> No.17852184

What is it about EDC threads that attracted the biggest larpers? Is it because /fatards are able to act a certain way without showing their fat body or ugly face?

>> No.17852294

Isn't this the nigga with the tape recorder and Rolex op

>> No.17852330
File: 2.49 MB, 4032x3024, EEAABA53-E63B-4ADC-86BE-018B3E3A4B03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Noice, the Gucci wallet is too loud tho for my tastes


Clean and minimal, I like

Based. Cigars and coffee is very relaxing. Cucks and betas can’t understand because they’re too worried about what other people think of them to relax and enjoy a stogie and be alone with their thoughts

Headphones in public are unfortunately nearly never effay, unfortunately

>> No.17852335
File: 3.31 MB, 4032x3024, 717C4CD4-3CA2-4C7A-9AEA-AF9ADD649092.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Noice. And it’s a “signet” ring btw

Dig the Walkman. Want to go back to one but Spotify is sadly too convenient

The tacticool larpers ruin literally every edc forum

Always like your shit. It’s annoying the contrarianism on this board when they see any edc that’s 3 used tissues and a crumpled dollar bill and act like it’s great. Then they hate on people that put even the littlest bit of effort in.

>> No.17852421

whats a good mask so i dont look like a cuck

>> No.17852423

Cutting nails in public is disgusting.

>> No.17852424


>> No.17852614
File: 3.68 MB, 4032x3024, C82D6C71-7C66-43C7-9E19-DF962648E286.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17852616

goodies headache powder?

>> No.17852728
File: 621 KB, 1142x1280, 80725D0D-64EA-403E-8502-428E0A016B8B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tonight I’ll be listening too:


>> No.17852743

It’s going to be a wild journey anon

>> No.17852821
File: 622 KB, 1079x844, 1685765529764.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


replaced the SAKs with black alox models

not pictured: napkins, lapel pin, wedding band, etc.

>> No.17852876

why do you smoke? are you stupid?

what do u write lil bro

>> No.17853002

what is that moth thing?

>> No.17853285

Bro walking around like a damn loot drop.

>> No.17853702

Do you have a purse?

>> No.17853705

Lol, I used to have an autistic goth/punk (idk) who would carry a stuffed animal around. Initially, I thought she was weird, but now after I broke up with her, I realized how endearing she was. I miss her so much...

>> No.17853714
File: 86 KB, 740x555, 4272_P_1554136151127.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haha, yeah, I have it because it's really small and holds my keys well. I lost my keys (house, car, safe) so I was looking for a discrete solution for a while. I saw a hook wallet in the Gucci store, but it was too thin to hold everything, so did a bit of research on a case instead. It's detachable so I don't have to worry about bending/warping the brass, unlike the hook wallet style.

>> No.17853716
File: 81 KB, 950x1140, 33-456118-17WAG-5788-PORCEL-ROSE-BE-R-GUCCI-PORTACHIAVI-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's the hook style, and as you can see it will definitely be too snug for car keys.

>> No.17853910
File: 950 KB, 1920x1920, 0022717_tdi-investigator-knife-by-ka-bar-2787466895.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What would be the best EDC fixed short blade?

I was considering the KA BAR TDI.

>> No.17853915

which Breitling model number is this?

>> No.17853997

Ditch real snus for white snus alternatives.
It wont stain ur teeth as fast, also people think ur a creep(they probably already do, considering the shades) if the pouch starts dripping and black saliva starts showing even the slightest (u know what black saliva i mean, people doesnt find it sexy nor intrigueng) just a tip.
blue or grey Velo is the best imo.
But i've stopped after 7 years bc of health concerns(best option)

>> No.17854618
File: 2.47 MB, 2268x4032, IMG_3924.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks for the tips, yeah the saliva "drips" are annoying, ive been trying to find something I like that is white sous but nothing has the same feeling taste etc... I tried Red Velo once and it was okey, just the pouches ware bothering.
Im trying to quit that's why I started chewing, ive been smoking every day sense I was about 14, braking the hobbit of smoking with chewing and then slowly quitting sounds the best for me so far. thanks again bud

>> No.17854619
File: 954 KB, 1080x2412, 1698011718380.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You want a fucking shank or a utility knife?
If you want to stab people they spyderco urban Bowie or whatever the smaller version of it is called, if you want a utility knife some short fat sheepsfoot blade thing, or something like this

>> No.17854621
File: 304 KB, 2500x1628, 1698011923911.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Spyderco street bowie is what i was thinking of

>> No.17855694

what watch is that anon
plus i assume that strap is not stock
super cool watch tho

>> No.17855723


>> No.17855727

I’ve lived in the rural Midwest and urban south and I’ve seen like three of those things in my life, all of which were owned by the most degenerate, dirty stoners I’ve met. Like the kind that you can smell just by looking at. Idk where they go to find them, I’ve never seen them in stores.

>> No.17857644

Can you share the name of the music stuff you have? I'm looking to get something like this. Same with the earbuds.

>> No.17857735

>Gay flag watch

>> No.17858095

why do you carry noodle seasoning with you?

>> No.17858154

what knife is that?
great watch btw

>> No.17859719

I use the same chapstick :D

>> No.17860198

drill bit?

>> No.17860872

>taking/distributing kike pharmas
just sell skag lad
based finnish psychopath, would drink vodka in perpetual darkness with
you better not be that faggot who swung on me and smashed my twinkies
soon the public will lose their patience and smash your faggot tranny skull in, it's just a matter of time before you get the mid-east treatment in the rest of the world you disgusting child abusing fuck. god hates you.
hygiene and testosterone issues kinda cancel eachother out. you probably rarely bathe but you don't produce enough T to stink
snus is based, knife is based, but whatever that cabon fiber thing is, it's the mark of the urb*nite and a good indication you're a fag. You were so close tho
inoffensive, as long as you're asian it's acceptable. If you're a weeb english teacher in japan, kys.
based lowlife, just make sure my shit is pure
>three cuck muzzles
>bugman tech
>a fucking oriental fan
lmaaoooooooo please be bait
retro tech snowflake. either latest tech or no tech kiddo don't be a 2008 larping zoomie


>> No.17860880

(cont. from >>17860872)

are you a fucking antifa or something kid? I'm gonna have to park here for a min because this is the gayest fucking edc i have ever seen. like some faggot trust fund kid wants to play urban commando but doesn't want to be associated with punisher skull types. like he wants the guys at the coffehouse to think he's a badass but not so bad that he gets accused of being a trump voter. what the fuck is this larpy IT worker urbanite ass bullshit honestly. i'm envisioning a pube moustache and septum piercing beneath that hat and the guy at the antifa protest who "takes it too far". like the kind of limp wristed urbanite faggot who wears mechanix gloves in public that are perpetually clean because he has never owned a car and never will. good lord what is that flashlight for, urban exploration? ("but not in black areas even though you have nothing against them"). even the wallet is "tactical urbanite cyclist" core like what, when society breaks down you're gonna get on your bicycle and splash onions lattes in your enemies faces? and the patina ass photography like it really really meant something to you to take this picture. like, you really feel like you're gonna go on here and people are gonna think you're the coolest guy ever. honestly if I went into cities i'd deck the first guy I saw wearing that hat.
based tobacco enjoyer
>this many male beauty products
and the "frailest motherfucker" award goes to this guy. I bet you'd fold over like a chair in a strong breeze.
absolutely the chaddest chad of all time. god bless you brother
I can smell the basedfish from this post chang
it's like you went to the headphones store and every time the salesman showed you a pair, you asked if they had anything gayer
bro these faggots are a parasite and need to be reminded of such

>> No.17860907

bunch of gay shit

>> No.17861029

>he doesn't know about bennys

>> No.17861039

Build for BBC.

>> No.17861051
File: 238 KB, 1600x900, chad1000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>are you a fucking antifa or something kid? I'm gonna have to park here for a min because this is the gayest fucking edc i have ever seen. like some faggot trust fund kid wants to play urban commando but doesn't want to be associated with punisher skull types. like he wants the guys at the coffehouse to think he's a badass but not so bad that he gets accused of being a trump voter. what the fuck is this larpy IT worker urbanite ass bullshit honestly. i'm envisioning a pube moustache and septum piercing beneath that hat and the guy at the antifa protest who "takes it too far". like the kind of limp wristed urbanite faggot who wears mechanix gloves in public that are perpetually clean because he has never owned a car and never will. good lord what is that flashlight for, urban exploration? ("but not in black areas even though you have nothing against them"). even the wallet is "tactical urbanite cyclist" core like what, when society breaks down you're gonna get on your bicycle and splash onions lattes in your enemies faces? and the patina ass photography like it really really meant something to you to take this picture. like, you really feel like you're gonna go on here and people are gonna think you're the coolest guy ever. honestly if I went into cities i'd deck the first guy I saw wearing that hat.

Absolutely fucking DEMOLISHED lol

>> No.17861598
File: 951 KB, 1668x1668, 5xzstzi5l-img-9572-gif-pixfjl.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>are you a fucking antifa or something kid? I'm gonna have to park here for a min because this is the gayest fucking edc i have ever seen. like some faggot trust fund kid wants to play urban commando but doesn't want to be associated with punisher skull types. like he wants the guys at the coffehouse to think he's a badass but not so bad that he gets accused of being a trump voter. what the fuck is this larpy IT worker urbanite ass bullshit honestly. i'm envisioning a pube moustache and septum piercing beneath that hat and the guy at the antifa protest who "takes it too far". like the kind of limp wristed urbanite faggot who wears mechanix gloves in public that are perpetually clean because he has never owned a car and never will. good lord what is that flashlight for, urban exploration? ("but not in black areas even though you have nothing against them"). even the wallet is "tactical urbanite cyclist" core like what, when society breaks down you're gonna get on your bicycle and splash onions lattes in your enemies faces? and the patina ass photography like it really really meant something to you to take this picture. like, you really feel like you're gonna go on here and people are gonna think you're the coolest guy ever. honestly if I went into cities i'd deck the first guy I saw wearing that hat.

have mercy on my fucking sides

>> No.17861599
File: 346 KB, 1084x1662, 120.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17861745
File: 1.23 MB, 3772x2042, edc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

+ gun rarely, when i do its usually a p3at

espresso packet is turbo based

you an eastern catholic? or just an appreciator of icons. Haven't seen many catholics w proper icons or those bracelets.

turk detected, nice tesbih

>> No.17861956

what model is that?

>> No.17861991


>> No.17862009
File: 92 KB, 750x501, 8349+2018.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yall some fags

>> No.17862043
File: 1.29 MB, 2896x3326, FT3HedsVIAAcZ8n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fata soundtrack

>> No.17862151

my man
i miss sibera snus

>> No.17862156

everyone in this thread is larping, right?
nobody actually carries anything beyond their phone, keys and wallet with them, right?

>> No.17862256

i'm laughing at the responses to this post so fucking much
you are all seething hardcore

>> No.17862257

>he forgot about women, trannies and faggots

>> No.17862265 [DELETED] 

st john of SHANGHAI?????

>> No.17862282
File: 510 KB, 545x545, s21feAliExpress.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can anybody here recommend me a phone case for my s21 fe from samsung?
i tried a few brand cases, but they all were kinda bad
is this casetify knockoff /fa/?

>> No.17862738
File: 3.97 MB, 8064x6048, IMG_0459-min (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mog you faggots.

>> No.17862989

Headphones ID?

>> No.17863323

It's just a case for AirPods, I only wear one at the time. I still like to know what's going around me

Tanks cheef

>> No.17863383
File: 195 KB, 408x407, 1473690684375.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>are you a fucking antifa or something kid? I'm gonna have to park here for a min because this is the gayest fucking edc i have ever seen. like some faggot trust fund kid wants to play urban commando but doesn't want to be associated with punisher skull types. like he wants the guys at the coffehouse to think he's a badass but not so bad that he gets accused of being a trump voter. what the fuck is this larpy IT worker urbanite ass bullshit honestly. i'm envisioning a pube moustache and septum piercing beneath that hat and the guy at the antifa protest who "takes it too far". like the kind of limp wristed urbanite faggot who wears mechanix gloves in public that are perpetually clean because he has never owned a car and never will. good lord what is that flashlight for, urban exploration? ("but not in black areas even though you have nothing against them"). even the wallet is "tactical urbanite cyclist" core like what, when society breaks down you're gonna get on your bicycle and splash onions lattes in your enemies faces? and the patina ass photography like it really really meant something to you to take this picture. like, you really feel like you're gonna go on here and people are gonna think you're the coolest guy ever. honestly if I went into cities i'd deck the first guy I saw wearing that hat.
legit funniest shit i've seen on 4chan in years

>> No.17863384

What wallet is that? looks exactly the same as my North Start Leather wallet i've had for years

>> No.17863439
File: 259 KB, 386x445, 1570360176910.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucking destroyed

>> No.17863594


>> No.17863642

Why do you say that? I am absolutely not Chinese.

>> No.17863699


>> No.17863715

>Siberia snus
Ahh...i have a fond memory of highschool.
I was sick and stuck in my dorm room, so i couldn’t go outside for a cig, it was early morning, just made my coffee and turned on Saints Row 4.
Took a nice sip of coffee and stuck a siberian under my lip to play some SR.

5 seconds later i felt blood flushing away from my face, my hands were jellylike and i tried my best to remove the pouch from under my lip...and there i sat concentrating as hard as i can, not to lose consciousness.

Good times.

>> No.17863935
File: 67 KB, 800x557, 1687745573672859.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Heaven forbid there be lgbt people on a FASHION board.
Heaven forbid you guys post anywhere on 4channel period. Don't you have Discord, Reddit, Twitter, Threads, Bunkerchan, and literally everywhere else to police speech and demand fake validation? Leave us alone dude ffs

>> No.17864612

Nothing gay about wanting moist kissable lips

>> No.17864646
File: 1.29 MB, 1024x768, 20231029_edc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17864747
File: 912 KB, 498x371, disappointed-simpsons.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>condom in a gameboy color game cartridge case

>> No.17864832

Where the fuck can you just buy codeine pills lmao? What country is this

>> No.17865779

He's a faggot. Most faggots were raped by older faggots when they were children which is why their minds are so warped, it's also why they target little boys. So this Gameboy cartridge is a way to lure little boys. This is why, in all points throughout history, faggots have been beaten to death. Really, the west is the only society in history to accept these sick child raping drug addict fucks. I pray that soon we will be allowed to kill them and all will be well.

>> No.17865809 [DELETED] 


>> No.17865836

my edc: wallet, phone, keys

>> No.17865923

ignore the haters, you and i both know that is a knife for actually getting stuff done.

>> No.17865941

This guy knows

>> No.17866281

wtf that's mine too

>> No.17866993

Literally the only good one in this whole god forsaken thread.

>> No.17867391
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not pictured: iphone 11 with cracked screen

>> No.17867570
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>> No.17867574
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nice clipper bro

>> No.17867576 [DELETED] 

based sanrio chad

>> No.17867602
File: 85 KB, 1000x800, 0685BKS-B_1__77125.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

really autistic or having a manic episode. either way, mad props. organization and alignment on point, color scheme distinct, neutral, pleasant. i like the clear nic salt bottle.
based and christ-pilled
fellow chase bank customer. don't like the headphones or lighter or glasses but you do you
nice. fucking mint signet ring
>apple user
come on man
everything else is cool tho, just trade in that unupgradable/unrepairable thing for a thinkpad
>zum kiss
>pepto tablet
sluttiest edc
either get more sleazy or go normcore. nice watch, hope your arms are hairy and your shirts are rolled up and buttoned down
looks an alright knife there m8, nice color on the blade
love these warnings on cigarette packs from third world countries
stellar knife. absolutely gorgeous. immaculate. lovely pens. whatever you're listening to looks pretty weeb but i'm ok with that in this context
are those concert earplugs? never seen em before
looks kinda grandma, but i'm biased against contacts.
highschool girl tier
dude CIGARS lmao
cool ass (necklace?)
nice watch and swiss army knife
cool lighter. you get an 8
>fixed short blade
for fixed blades in general, i'm partial to the Buck 119, but this 685 is short and only $40, they generally make high quality, durable, utilitarian knives.

>> No.17867634

>sluttiest edc
But I’m a mostly straight guy in a long term relationship Kek

>> No.17867669

lol that makes perfect sense. ain't no man buying Zum without the influence of some Sephora girl.

>> No.17867741

my toddler has the same bottle for daycare

>> No.17867933

It's a mug for coffee.

>> No.17868028

id on the leather pouch?

>> No.17868174

Hello epileptic nedbro, spoke to you a few years ago and hope you are well.

>> No.17868194

good to see you stopped carrying so much extra bullshit

>> No.17868237

>2 mg estrogen pills
Why not do injections once a week instead?

>> No.17868241

Smoked some of those in Portugal and they were the worst cigs I've ever had.

>> No.17868294

I don't like being mean but this looks terrible

>> No.17868484
File: 230 KB, 1280x960, 9A41E98B-0448-487A-BE88-6FF57F6CD9D6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Minus keys

>> No.17868645
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>> No.17868712
File: 127 KB, 863x1000, helikon-tex-essential-kitbag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what are some small crossbags where i can fit at least 1 normal book and some small tech stuff? was thinking about this helikon tex essential kitbag, looks comfy and i can use it for the forest too

>> No.17868736

go to an army surplus store if you can. all sorts of cool bags on the cheap

>> No.17868746

I wish we could still buy Chesterfields here
I want to live to say I smoked what the jazz musicians smoked

>> No.17868763
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>> No.17868770
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>army surplus store
looks like they do, thanks, i'll try to visit a couple of those IRL

>> No.17868799

yeah, his toddler brings coffee to daycare, what's not clicking?

>> No.17868966

I picked the zum on my own though! Does that make me gay?

>> No.17869426
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>> No.17869672

That knife is dope and the watch is great.

Checked the website and all of their current designs suck unfortunately.

>> No.17869689

how do you use an icon?

>> No.17869731


AAA batteries, works a charm

>> No.17870159

okay what would be a good one in your opinion?

>> No.17870161

how are the buttons on that chinkcase?

>> No.17870306

sorry dude this isn't reddit you don't get upvotes for your epic and witty response

>> No.17870393


waaaaaa, nasty anon wouldn't answer my retarded question, MUST BE REDDIT

>> No.17870402
File: 1.18 MB, 3000x4000, 20231102_190141.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

watch is
its the only watch i could find that is that small and had a proper date window whilst being simplistic and very 'watch looking'. the strap is a 14mm rainbow nato just pick 14mm, rainbow and the silvern variant, https://a.aliexpress.com/_msGimHO
i currently wear mine with a stainless steel bracelet, see picrel. because i found that the watch i replaced with this one also had 14mm lugs width so it just fit.
if you wanna install a nato you might need to cut off the original band tho, the spring bars it comes with aren't meant to be removable but you can just bend them with 2 pliers and they will come out. if you get yours of aliexpress the nato might come with proper 14mm springbars even.

>> No.17870405

it's a pride flag actually. i'm technically bi but i'm not autistic enough to try and buy a bisexual nato strap in 14mm. those would be hard to find and cost a fortune.

>> No.17870410

>soon the public will lose their patience and smash your faggot tranny skull in, it's just a matter of time before you get the mid-east treatment in the rest of the world you disgusting child abusing fuck. god hates you.
i don't abuse children you retard. this thit is why ppl don't get close to you and you're a always an aquaintance.
i'm literally just a woman with a cruel fate making the best of it all. you're being lied to about us and you don't even care. you say that god hates me ans that you want me dead so easily. you don't even know me. the little things you think you know are from wojak caricatures. it's so sad.

>> No.17870413

i literally will. i'm still trapped in gender void for now but give it a year or two.

>> No.17870419

>kike tranny cuck bugman snowflake faggot parasites
the brain on /pol/

>> No.17870568

it's an anchient samsung battery case
i got the idea from an old reddit post i found really funny

>> No.17870580

it's inspored by this reddit post https://www.reddit.com/r/mildlyinteresting/comments/72wna9/turns_out_a_condom_fits_perfectly_in_an_old/
you retard.
it's also not a gameboy case but an old samsung battery case. not to mention that people who played gameboy games when they where children are my age.
you will literally bend over backwards to shoehorn your 'gays are pedophiles' delusions into anything at all.
the case prevents friction inside e.g. a wallet or backpack from wearing down the fragile rubber.

really, try reflecting how batshit insane your assumptions made are. actual mental illness. homophobia rots you inside out.

>> No.17870586

i do. this is bait. i still take pills at specific days after my injection tho so it's not quiet a lie.

>> No.17870764

>Carrying around little pictures of your imaginary friends
cute, but concerning

>> No.17870974

a little boy in 2023 would have no idea what a Gameboy was

>> No.17871072

You talk like a fag and your shits all retarded "mate"

>> No.17871079

If you carry around anything but a phone, keys, wallet and maybe nicotine, you are mentally ill.

>> No.17871088

You are my favorite person on this site, 10/10

>> No.17871227
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Based Finnish bank robber, been looking this photo for long time.

>> No.17871658

Look into some more helicon or Nitecore bags, they make many many cool useful bags, just look around, I very much like their EDC side bah, shit slaps.. just what ever you do, DO NOT LOOSE THE THIGH SLING

>> No.17871674

id on bag and fountain pen

>> No.17871793
File: 234 KB, 1280x720, nitecore.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nitecore bags
thanks, they have nice stuff

>> No.17872426

what a faggot
I love robbing fake hard faggots like you