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File: 1.18 MB, 1295x864, 1677962829482772.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17615332 No.17615332 [Reply] [Original]

What can I do with my hair? Im only 19 too

>> No.17615334

get some conditioner asap

>> No.17615474
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>> No.17615478
File: 100 KB, 602x810, main-qimg-b5ce8dd5e014662a2fce241cd464ca2f-lq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are your parents brother & sister?

>> No.17615492
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>> No.17615498

Guys cmon i don't look like that

>> No.17615522

Stop bullying Doug, this is uncalled for, and bang out of order.

You wouldn't download a bear, so why the f do this!?

>> No.17615528

gummo memes aside don't style your hair back, your hairline doesn't work for that. get some got quality shampoo and conditioner/hair mask against fizziness. get a haircut you look ungroomed.

>> No.17615529
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>> No.17615532

you can rope.

>> No.17615547

Do the exact opposite of what you are doing right now to that hair

>> No.17615548

doug, is that you? or is someone posting your pics for laughs?
unironically my suggestion is to take the buzzpill

>> No.17615550
File: 135 KB, 1500x1000, mad_scientist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Embrace mad scientist-core. It's based.

>> No.17615564

My mom cuts my hair to save money

>> No.17615588
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How my hair used to be last year.

>> No.17615597
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Another "hairstyle" I had recently.

>> No.17615608

The original anti Doug chad is here. We need to link up, you've got his info right?

>> No.17615611

Settle down beavis

>> No.17615621
File: 117 KB, 1280x720, 5649030-1686387980-maxre.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Grow it out a little and you'll achieve Junkrat mode. If you want it tame use a comb it back and some light pomade and conditioner. Also go to the gym my guy your genetics aren't bad you just look really scrawny. Look into safe neck workouts.

>> No.17615626

>anti Doug

No u!

I like him, I'm just having a giggle mate.

>> No.17615764

You'll be fully bald soon

>> No.17615812
File: 942 KB, 1131x1410, IMG0494.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My hairline is like yours, so I have my hair down here.

>> No.17615844

that's just unncecessary lmao

>> No.17615870

be careful where you point that beak, you could peck someone’s eye out.

>> No.17615907
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>> No.17615912


>> No.17615975

came here to post this

>> No.17615979

either buzz it yourself, or let it grow out a LOT longer than you have it.
Either direction will look better than this awkward length.
we have similar face shapes, and I never got a girlfriend til I grew mine out

>> No.17616002

I am a homosexual tho

>> No.17616005

Kek, nailed it

>> No.17616083

Doug, why do you do this to yourself? I know you understand the basics/rules of fashion so on some level you have to realize how bad your choices are. Not touching anything body related, strictly hair and clothes.

On some level you have to know the reception you'll get is negative. When you post 70% of the people comment poorly because you look like Beavis redrawn as a JoJo protagonist. Half of the people being "positive" think you're a lolcow and just want more material. I know you don't have the budget to realize your vision and that's fine, and you want to still dress a certain way which is fine too just don't post here and keep subjecting yourself to ridicule.

>> No.17616087

Because he's based.
you wouldnt get it.

>> No.17616096
File: 542 KB, 516x819, 16649302044556.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm just being myself.

>> No.17616117

>I'm just being myself.
Then you are equally unattractive inside as out.

>> No.17616123
File: 410 KB, 333x595, DEVIOUS TIME.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't make me become Devious again.

>> No.17616164

Just came here to tell you that I'm celebrating every time you post sth of yourself, simply because it's inspiring how unapologetically you're yourself.
Most people are scared of showing who they are and just try to blend in, or worse: are just as boring as they appear.
I respect you for embracing who you are.

That being said, I agree with the anons who said to grow out your hair, I think it would suit your face shape better than short hair

>> No.17616174


>> No.17616204

Do you shampoo everyday? Try every 4-5 days cause your hair looks dry af

>> No.17616319


>> No.17616332

ever tried letting ur hair down?

>> No.17616488

>simping for a clown
Lmao at your life

>> No.17616518

>browsing the fashion part of a mankind hating incel forum to dunk on anyone who dares to break the NPC mold

Some people try to be different outside of their parent's basement, you could be one of them as well!

>> No.17616520

>dressing like a clown to own the NPCs
Yeah, go back

>> No.17616526

develop a time machine and stop your mother from drinking (not a healthy thing to do during pregnancy!)

>> No.17616587
File: 50 KB, 1276x958, beavis butthead naruto sasuke.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh no no no no hahahahaha

>> No.17616648

Dude. Just cosplay as Vergil.

>> No.17616697

get on a dht blocker like finasteride, get a proper hair conditioner, have your ends trimmed with proper haidressor sissors cause normal ones damage it because of unclean cutsand once your hair grows out more have the damaged ends cut off.
consider taking a vitamin for hair and nails just in case that's your issue.

>> No.17616796
File: 278 KB, 835x890, image_2023-05-10_214551703.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You should shave your head - I've been rocking a shaved head for a bit now
Use conditioner to shave it not shaving cream - works far better
Also get some sun cream and the most important thing - be confident and don't puss out like a nigger

>> No.17616824

Based grifter.

>> No.17616860
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>> No.17617005
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consider Feyd-Rautha maxxing

>> No.17617024

Shave it off

>> No.17617149

hit the gym don't forget to do neck curls

>> No.17617167

I like your face

>> No.17617266

Its over

>> No.17617267

Doug here, this guy isn't me and I had no part in this thread

If you couldn't tell

Of all my haters this guy is probably the biggest

Get a life loser

>> No.17617278

ok "doug"

>> No.17617284

Get a short haircut, sides always shorter than the top to give the illusion of more volume.
As the years go on and if your hairline further recedes, whenever it's at almost the middle of your head or you get a bald spot at the back, shave it off with a razor or do a buzzcut with hair clipper on the lowest possible setting and grow some type of stubble or beard and keep it neat.

Your hairline is fine as is, it's just getting mature, doesn't necessarily mean you will get bald, some chicks have a bigger forehead/higher hairline than you.
Having said that, your hair at the back of the neck really terrible, trim that rat tail for fucks sake. And while you are at it, fix your posture and gain some muscle weight

>> No.17617287
File: 3.43 MB, 4032x3024, 20230510_115217.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No I have proof
Check the WAYWT, this is my new mask

>> No.17617412

You look like shit

>> No.17617737

Either comb sides or swap them back

>> No.17617738

Uhm, wtf? Go buy a multivitamin and conditioner NOW. Also, did you just cut off your long hair yourself?

>> No.17617748

My mom cuts my hair to save money. I'm 19, unemployed and go to college to make paper crafts like this mask >>17617287
My goal in life is to be tik tok famous

>> No.17617750

Lmao I saw this on reddit, someone looked at his account and it was full of pedo shit.

>> No.17617751

pls stop breathing with ur mouth and correct ur posture. For your hair i recommend using conditioner

>> No.17617752

>save money
Dear god - does she have youtube because please at least force her to watch ONE (1) tutorial on how to do that.
Seriously. I also cut my own hair but because i do mot trust others to not fuck it up. It is literally not that hard to cut hair and not make it look like your op…

>> No.17617755
File: 125 KB, 828x1792, 90A9F495-57FA-4995-B0CD-2D07EEB62325.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ugh, so i fell for bait? That was to be expected.

>> No.17617768

Yeah he goes by 'Doug' or 'Doug Devious' first thing that pop up when you look that up is pedo shit. He's a well known pedophile

>> No.17617780
File: 65 KB, 749x743, E96485BC-9001-40DE-904C-740D0DD5E511.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No surprises there

>> No.17617925

Dude, quit leaning your head forward so fucking much. You need to stand up straight with your shoulders back. Also go exercise and get some muscles.

>> No.17617964

How do i get muscles

>> No.17618151

Convert to any religion that believes in rebirth and give it a try.

>> No.17618154

Guys c'mon I need solutions...

>> No.17618383

you don't have to do that thing with your neck you know. try having good posture even if it doesn't affect your hair

>> No.17618540

>rowan, do the thug shake

>> No.17618607

Fix your fucking posture. Good lord.

>> No.17618624

you do, sorry little guy

>> No.17618634

grow it out and actually take care of it, it looks like its dying bro, probably get on finn as well

>> No.17619239

nothing at all, looks amazing anon, embrace the true you!

>> No.17620565


>> No.17620718

Look at that hairline

>> No.17620805


>> No.17621195
File: 4 KB, 130x148, images - 2023-05-13T173945.137.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17621284

Anon, i...

>> No.17621345

Shut the fuck up you Beavis looking ass

>> No.17621802

Honestly kino rodent aesthetic don't change a thing

>> No.17621834

You doooo

>> No.17621836


>> No.17621893

maybe killing yourself or pretending to be a girl

>> No.17621901


>> No.17621937

I'm European, but what phenotype is this? A quarter black half jew quarter european?

>> No.17621974

you absolutely do. And that hair would look good on you

>> No.17621976

or unironically this OP >>17615332. You better be good at STEM and grow a beard.

>> No.17621998

based beyond all reason

>> No.17622236
File: 245 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you need more power

>> No.17622280

lol wanted to post this, you do look like johnny rotten op but that's not a bad thing, just embrace it

>> No.17622306

Stop consoooming goyslop and soi. You don't even have facial hair. And stop using shampoo. Wash your hair with regular soap. Shampoo is like detergent. It's too harsh on your hair and scalp.

>> No.17622525

This dude looks like an absolute chad, I agree op should go for this

>> No.17622527


>> No.17622651
File: 453 KB, 1224x1632, astolfo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can the mods delete this obvious troll thread already?
I don't like using my trip but I have to use it in cases like this. (search this tripcode in warosu, it'll have nothing but 100% authentic doug posts)

OP is genuinely mentally ill in a way I can't even begin to describe. He's obsessed with hating me for no reason.
I get that it's 4chan policy to harass tripcode users and be contrarian, but this is a level of feral schizophrenic hatred that is deranged by even 4chan standards and worse than anything I personally have done.

I'm pretty sure this is one guy too, he's the only one who makes and posts these kinds of edits and actively refers to me as "doug devious" despite me rarely ever using that dumb name
he's been here for years and done the same shit to every other tripfag to the point where his posts were more of a plague than the tripfags themselves

I don't know what I did to get under this guy's skin so much that he dedicates his time to impersonating me with uglified edits and calling me a pedophile with absolutely no proof, but you should all know by now that me and this poster ar two different people.

I admit, I'm ugly, and these pictures of me are from moments when I felt really low.

for him to keep milking this is not only disproportionately mean, but not even a remotely sane or productive use of his time.

I don't want this kind of notoriety, I wish he'd just get his head checked and stop giving to delusionally psychotic hatred of a random teenager

I don't think I should have to say this, but literally none of this is true.
I haven't used reddit in years


thanks for the advice, but I didn't ask for it, and I already made an advice thread with the same OP image months ago

>> No.17622655

Real Doug here (i dont trip, only impersonators do) . Mods ban THIS guy hes impersonating me

>> No.17622662
File: 129 KB, 1200x900, longform-lead-credit-jake-stangel-1525106191.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the trip don't lie and neither do the archives
your game is known, and your ruse has been unraveled

begone to the foul pit from whence you came, anonymous troll demon, and never come back.

>> No.17622669

Sure thing m8.
Mods ban this guy. Check the archives an impersonator has been using this trip for a while and avatarfagging with my pictures

>> No.17622673

Not him but your face and name are being used and posted on social media accounts associated with cp and child molestation

>> No.17622682

what social medias?

what do i do about it?

>> No.17622683

report yourself to the authorities

>> No.17622685

oh haha very funny
walked into that one

>> No.17622686

No they are not. I like a good troll and a joke myself, but come on, Doug is a real person, no need to post horrible shit like this.

>> No.17622691

whats with you whiteknighting doug all of a sudden

>> No.17622693

no, they can't, that's just 4chan

>> No.17622696

The social media accounts have 'subtle' names related to you and all your style. Accounts that can and will be linked to you in the future by simple association.
They include but not limited to : commenting on children's pictures, following Slavic children influencer, admitting to liking children, your face, your fits, your mask and many of the pictures you are so kind to post here.
Im slowly building the accounts so they look organic and can be 'unveiled' later. Of course the accounts overlap and link to legit accounts of yours like your neocities page, SoundCloud account and your styleforum account.

>> No.17622701

I have always been against bullying breh, well I bully anon zoomers here, cause they deserve it.

>> No.17622707

This guy has a better hairline.

>> No.17622717
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Holyshit i'm dying.

>> No.17622737


>> No.17622751
File: 1.32 MB, 1409x677, img_6350474837f47.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you want a serious answer, start brushing it, use proper hair products, don't overshampoo or shampoo too often (when you wash like every 3rd day is ideal, depends on how much it smells), use conditioner and grow it out, if you just grown an afro then RIP, but long hair on a guy is pretty bangers. You could theoretically go for the Eboy hair and look but it would require maybe some hair dying and your hair seems so fine like it would just crumble if you dyed it, probably ask like an elite barber on his opinion.

>> No.17622825
File: 689 KB, 540x651, 34242342.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

assuming you aren't bluffing:
why the fuck would you go to such extremes over a fucking teenager posting goofy outfits?
what in gods name is wrong with you?
what do you stand to gain?
to what end do you intend to leverage this?
and if you really were set on ruining my life and not just trying to sound tough, why not do it anyway, instead of telling me about it and giving me evidence to defend myself?

>> No.17622866

>why the fuck would you go to such extremes over a fucking teenager posting goofy outfits?
You've been asked to leave several times and were told exactly what would happen if you didn't. You chose to stay, post your dumb shit here and even mock the warning I gave you.
>what in gods name is wrong with you?
With me? Nothing really, it's you who is now in potential trouble
>what do you stand to gain?
>and if you really were set on ruining my life and not just trying to sound tough, why not do it anyway, instead of telling me about it and giving me evidence to defend myself?
I'm doing it anyway don't worry.
I'm just making you aware of what is happening and brewing while you post your 'epic fits' here. About 'evidence to defend yourself', oh sweet summer child I believe that you have been online enough to know that people accused of anything involving children have little room to argue or defend themselves, they get destroyed, cancelled or even jailed without any way to defend themselves, especially if your 'evidence' is some dumb post on 4chan you might have written yourself. Anyway good luck, keep posting your ebin fits, I'm updating your profiles quite regularly.

>> No.17622874
File: 91 KB, 171x295, projared.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You've been asked to leave several times and were told exactly what would happen if you didn't. You chose to stay, post your dumb shit here and even mock the warning I gave you.
my question is why get so angry? why does this matter so much that you'd go to the effort of ruining my life?

alright then lets see the profiles you've set up. go on. i'll bite.

>that people accused of anything involving children have little room to argue or defend themselves
what if
i have the receipts?

>Anyway good luck, keep posting your ebin fits
if you've done it all already anyway i have no reason to stop, so yeah i will

>> No.17622907
File: 24 KB, 1333x888, FZqfaQ2X0AEaLLm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not to mention, the premise of this con is fundamentally broken and retarded

if the impression you are trying to make is that these are "alt accounts" i have where i peruse images, videos, and discuss my love of diddling kids, wouldn't it make more sense for me to NOT post my face and outfits on them?

alright, so maybe the idea here is they are just supposed to be alt accounts that i use interchangeably with my main ones (the real ones).

how could you give the impression that i actually use them as such? surely I would be posting about my other, actual interests there if that were the case?
could you possibly hope to build an accurate image of that? with me of all people? surely occams razor would be in my favor here, if my real accounts have existed for so much longer and have so much more diverse and more genuine sounding content than your fakes.

explain what exactly you plan to do with these accounts, go ahead, since its so clearly out of my control.
this shit is no different than the navy seals copypasta, you are just doing it with a more grounded premise so you don't immediately sound retarded to everyone here.

>> No.17623002

Like I said, wash your hair with regular soap. It's the same thing but without the damage from washing your head with detergent everyday.

>> No.17623018
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What can I do with this?

>> No.17623024

>his posts were more of a plague than the tripfags themselves
>implying shitposting is worse than tripfags
>implying sticking your dick in a rusty blender is worse than tripfags

>> No.17623025

Superglue devil horns on the receded parts and people will just assumed you shaved those patches off to do so

>> No.17623176


>> No.17623222
File: 88 KB, 751x828, CWvhNcuWcAADd6Q.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Argan oil
Straight on the scalp or inside the shampoo

>> No.17623243

Child predator face

>> No.17623505

This guy looks like a pedo

>> No.17623512

Don't use conditioner, you aren't even supposed to get it on your poor. It's very dense and will inflame and irritate your scalp.

>> No.17623545

Yeah bro get some conditioner and some natural sunlight and like idk walk out in the rain

>> No.17624127

troon out and tildaswintonmaxx

>> No.17624132

Made for trooning

>> No.17624188

posts like these are why 4chan was never, and will never be a good place to discuss fashion

>> No.17624189
File: 23 KB, 220x317, 1655378037710521.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

embrace kantian ethics

>> No.17624197

My honest critique of Doug, or his face, is that it's not even bad. He is clearly better looking than the incel face. He has a youthful, pixie, or peter pan like appearance, which is to be expected at age 19. If you look like a "man" aged 19, when you look 30 you will look old. Pretty much all guys who look good 50 plus looked like kids still in their teens. "Manly" guys like David Gandy look shit after 30.

His hairline is high, yes, but so is the classic European male hairline. His light hair color is a bonus, and rare, along with light eyes. The nose while has an appearance of being pointed, isn't excessively wide or anything, the jaw perhaps a little short, but overall the jaw more covered with buccal fat, another sign of youth, and keeping buccal fat long term will always give a softish boy like youthful face. As opposed to a sunken in cheeks buccal fat removed cancer victim.

>> No.17624200

Yep. Immanuel Kant. No excessive jaw, roundish buccal fat cheeks, high hairline. 100% European Aryan stock prototype.

>> No.17624299
File: 193 KB, 1500x1500, 1601017171.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dude, stop using shampoo and conditioners. They are a scam, no matter what they're being peddled as. Shampoos are similar to detergents. They're too harsh for your hair. Just apply coconut/herbal oil to your head for an hour before you shower or over night, and then wash your head with a regular bar of soap. Most of all, regularly massage your scalp (while applying oil). It will improve circulation to your scalp and keep it loose, which will allow your follicles and hair to get plenty of nutrition.

>> No.17624918



>> No.17624921


>> No.17624999

>I'm just being myself.
drink less water

>> No.17625060
File: 207 KB, 1329x1984, feydH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Im only 19 too
stay away from obese men with titles

>> No.17625061

lmao based af

>> No.17625897

based doug DESTROYS internet tough guy with deductive reasoning skills

>> No.17626008
File: 228 KB, 1170x705, IMG_8132.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17626062

Stop same fagging you balding pedo