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17559679 No.17559679 [Reply] [Original]

Reminder to get on finasteride if youre balding

just 0.25 mg daily, the earlier you start, the better, side effects are bullshit in general and this dose reduces them even more (look up haircafe on YT for more info)

Hair is life

>> No.17559690

>feminize yourself or become an ugly old balding man
I'm glad I don't have hairlet genes

>> No.17559697

idk why /fa/ think itll make you a tranny, your testosterone increases disproportionately, your estrogen stays more or less the same, i have bloodwork to prove it

congrats on the genes, but youre still retarded

>> No.17559803

Is there some kind of trick to getting cheap fin&min? I see propecia costs over 10x more in my country than generic finasteride. Can I just ask the doc to prescribe me cheap stuff since the function is exactly the same?

Also, what the fuck is with the side effects of fin? They're apparently rare but stories are endless.

>> No.17559812

why do we need so many bald threads
is someone paying you to advertise

>> No.17559818

nigga you have no idea what that shit is doing to you one thing i know is everything in the body is sympathetic and fucking with some shit like that is definitely fucking with other shit. you know that women on birth control naturally select men who they are less sexually attracted to? miss me with that hormonal modification

>> No.17559858

so what are the effects?

>> No.17559868
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Look basically I'm just not going to take them....
The tranny drugs AHHHHHH I know.... I know, I'M SORRY
I'm just not going to take the tranny drugs is all

it's a psyop, they need customers and tapping into the male market is worth billions in profit

>> No.17559870

And ywnbaw but you will get close with your hormone experiment.

>> No.17559873

Min is cheap over the counter in the US now.
>side effects
If you're already fat like most people terminally online you won't notice if you start growing tits. That's why people like> >17559697 say there are no side effects.

>> No.17559875

You'll find out in 10-20 years.

>> No.17559876

do you need 0.25mg minimum for effects? My doctor gave me some bs topical finasteride spray that’s really expensive so I’m trying to use as little as possible and one spray is 0.114mg apparently

>> No.17559880

Finasteride only comes as a tablet you take by mouth.
Prostate cancer warning: This drug belongs to a class of drugs that could increase your risk of a faster growing or irregular form of prostate cancer. Finasteride can cause a decrease in your prostate specific antigen (PSA) level. An increased level of this antigen has been associated with prostate cancer. If your PSA levels increase while on this medication, it may be a sign of prostate cancer.

>> No.17559883

More common side effects

The more common side effects that can occur with finasteride include:

decreased sex drive
trouble getting or keeping an erection
ejaculation disorder
increase in breast size and tenderness
skin rash

>> No.17559888

Nature journal not spam fuck the filter
Suicidal risk associated with finasteride versus dutasteride among men

>> No.17559899

uhhh, idk, i think my insurance kinda covers part of it or something, i dont really know, generic fin is the same as propecia so just go with generic, namebrand is 9/10 times a scam

as for all you fags talking about side effects
>side effects are bullshit in general and this dose reduces them even more (look up haircafe on YT for more info)

uhh use it with a dropper i suppose, theres no way to measure a spray itself, also he sounds like hes fucking scamming you, a topical should use a mL dropper, that 0.114 mg should work but you'd need to spread that out VERY EVENLY, which is hard with topicals unless its very diluted

> Prostate cancer warning: This drug belongs to a class of drugs that could increase your risk of a faster growing or irregular form of prostate cancer.

strange, source? and i dont believe it, high dose finasteride is literally used to treat prostate cancer, i dont see how it could increase risk, either way, i'd like to see more data on how/to what extent that works

>decreased sex drive
this is true, my libido is slightly lower, but i'd rather have a slighly lower libido and the ability to actually attract a girl by not being a fucking slaphead than be a raging libido bald nigga that cant get bitches
>trouble getting or keeping an erection
>ejaculation disorder
less than 1% of people get this, watch haircafe on YT for more info, i went on a trip recently for spring break and there was this latina with a fat ass sitting next to me, i was hard for a third of the trip when i was talking to her, so bs

>increase in breast size and tenderness
less than 1% of people also get this, and at the low dose i recommend, even rarer chance(if any of getting this)
>skin rash
???? no, thats minoxidil because of the PG carrier used

tl;dr sides are massively overhyped and your dick will still work, your libido might go down a bit but at least youll still be able to get laid

>> No.17559901

no, im not advertising, im just posting my success and /fa/ is full of fucking retards that will call any solution a psyop, crabs in a fucking bucket mentality, fine go bald, but dont complain when bitches dont look your way, either way
>it's a psyop, they need customers and tapping into the male market is worth billions in profit

finasteride is generic now, literally no huge profit incentive nor reason to shill it because theres no money to be made, buy it from hims/keeps or one of those faggot millenial brands or just get the generic brand thats cheap and is just effective, idgaf

>> No.17559904
File: 381 KB, 996x1492, 1671412482037822.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are way to obvious.
>finasteride is generic now, literally no huge profit incentive
It's literally worth BILLIONS in profit if they manage to psyop men into thinking a natural part of being a man is something to be ashamed of.
Don't you fucking dare try to pull jewish psyop shit on me telling me "well you only pay so little"
bitch, if every male on earth gave me a cent a month, I'd get hundreds of millions per month in profit.
I'd be a billionaire in less than a year.
Don't try to peddle this story about how little it costs for the common goy, when calculating how much money the companies aren't getting from having an untapped market.

>no, im not advertising, im just posting my success and /fa/ is full of fucking retards that will call any solution a psyop, crabs in a fucking bucket mentality, fine go bald, but dont complain when bitches dont look your way, either way
Oh look, the most typical shilling tactic possible. Trying to appeal to emotions, shame, etc. Pic related.
Kill yourself shill.

>> No.17559909

bro, i go to university, ive seen some other dudes in my class, theyre not necessarily ugly face-wise, pretty normal, but theyre balding already and it takes them from a 6 to a 4 immediately, they could not get pussy unless they lowered their standards to pajeetas

shit on my all you want, call me a psyop, i dont give a fuck, im just informing you dumb fuck /fa/ niggers that finasteride isnt that bad and the choice is ultimately up to you, slowly bald, watch your youth fade and women lose interest (unless youre tall and attractive, but youre prob an average guy so hair matters) or literally pop a pill before you sleep and never have to worry about the wind exposing your hairline

I WILL SAY, if youre married and have kids and past the point in life where attracting a new partner matters, sure, fuck it go bald if you want to, but if youre in the 18-35 age range and dont have a girl thats down to marry, then bro you still have to worry about looks

one of my friends is going bald too, he hasnt jumped on finasteride because he's scared of side effects and he's 20 but his hairline is that of a fucking 40 year old, HE'S 20, EVERYONE AROUND HIM IN UNIVERSITY HAS A FULL HEAD OF HAIR, he does not get any pussy

plenty of tiktoks of 16 year old pretty boys/models hitting 20 and starting to bald and losing it over how ugly theyve become

>> No.17559910

They're very specific in the wording. It decreases ASP but it might affect normal function and leas to abnormally rapid onset or abnornally developed cancer. Grain of salt but they leave a trail of who writes and reviews the article starting with U Chicago. I just searched find side effects.

>> No.17559911

>spring break
Are you going bald in college? Good luck my friend but when it becomes advanced just drop the pills and shave it. If you're balding in college it's a losing battle no matter how much stuff you take.

>> No.17559913

>finasteride is generic now, literally no huge profit incentive nor reason to shill it because theres no money to be made,
Generics are almost always made in the same factory as name brands. Marketing is the only difference.

>> No.17559914

>Finasteride can cause a decrease in your prostate specific antigen (PSA) level. An increased level of this antigen has been associated with prostate cancer.
>important part: If your PSA levels increase while on this medication, it may be a sign of prostate cancer.
so no it doesnt really increase prostate cancer risk
i literally posted my recovery in that picture, i went from the top picture in november to the bottom picture today, finasteride works.

>> No.17559917

this is a recover picture you niggers, i recovered this much from low dose finasteride, and im still recovering

>> No.17559918

>finasteride works.
For you, so far. Eventually it won't. When that day comes I'd recommend giving it up and letting your body normalize hormone production instead of dragging it out unnecessarily. You can do whatever you want of course.

>> No.17559924

It increases the risk of abnormal prostate cancer which can be unexpected and develop rapidly, with more severe consequences for treatment. On the net there's a lower prostate cancer risk because people with risk of cancer are taking it for that purpose. If you don't have elevated risk of prostate cancer, in some small scale fin might increase your risk of the abnormal variety and on am individual level increase risk.
Or it might not. Side effects vary as you're quick to point out.

>> No.17559927

Top just looks like a normal hairline. What's the problem?

>> No.17559931

>Eventually it won't.
>In many patients we have found finasteride to hold on to a patient’s hair for at least 15 years. We don’t have much longer data than that since it was approved for hair loss in 1998. ...it MAY lose some of its efficacy over time. Generally after about 5 years we may notice that the patient’s hair is starting to thin again and we will increase the dose slightly.

You could also add minoxidil or bump your fin dosage to 0.5 mg daily, regardless, there are a lot of promising treatments for hairloss such as CosmeRNA, GT 03, pyrilumatide, a bunch of korean (surprise surprise, top plastic surgery vain country ) companies are investing into hairloss treatments, and these seem scheduled to gain FDA approval in 1-2 years, so im not too worried, these are said to have even lower risk of possible side effects and be just as effective

i think its such a low risk it might as well be negligible, unless all your grandpas have had prostate cancer, you shouldnt really have anything to worry about

terrible bait you fucking nigger<div class="xa23b"><span class="xa23t"></span><span class="xa23i"></span></div>

>> No.17559934
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>> No.17559936

The problem it seems to me is America's young men are comparing themselves seriously to twinks and homosexuals for the first time. They therefore seek almost obsessively the traits of young boys and reject any of the post-pubescent traits of the male sex. Take for example the op pic. A man of college age should expect such a hairline as top, yet this is unacceptable somehow and he seeks to hide his scalp as if he were a twink himself.

>> No.17559948
File: 443 KB, 680x561, just shave it bro.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i understand balding more or less will happen, but the dating market is unforgiving, women dont care and wont sympathize, to think theyll look through and see how beautiful you are "inside" is the biggest bluepill fucking cope, like i said, if youre balding while youre not married or married with kids, you actually need to care about your hair since its vital for female attraction
>inb4 just shave it and lift bro
pic related

or just take finasteride and lift bro, best of both worlds, women will prefer a man with hair

>> No.17559954

Picrel is a drunk midget

>> No.17559958

>stick to the script stick to the script!
very poor job pajeet it's way to obvious. The script you were given might work on unaware anons but once they simply notice the attempt at emotional manipulation it falls apart.
>plenty of tiktoks of 16 year old pretty boys/models hitting 20 and starting to bald and losing it over how ugly theyve become
>tiktok my life revolves around tiktok, this psyop is on tiktok so it must be real
imagine saying this shit with a straight face<div class="xa23b"><span class="xa23t"></span><span class="xa23i"></span></div>

>> No.17559960

>imagine saying this shit with a straight face
That part stood out to me as being nambla league but I didn't say anything. Big pedo energy

>> No.17559961

wtf is nambla?

>> No.17560039

I mean it's great for you and I don't want to discourage anyone, but after two weeks 0.25mg a day, I definitely got sode effects (very weak erections and brain fog) and had to stop. So it's definitely not for everyone.

I am sticking to minoxidil and dermarolling until something better comes out.

>> No.17560049

oh, i forgot to mention, if you do get side effects, give it a month or two, your body might also be recalibrating a new hormonal profile, studies have shown that taking ppl who took finasteride saw a decrease in side effects the longer they took it

>> No.17560089

Guys dont be idiots and use topical fin. The chances of getting sides by using topical are minimal

>> No.17560095

>have shoulder length hair in my 30s
>all men in my family has a full head of hair regardless of age
>97 year old grandpa being one of them
sucks to suck

>> No.17560109

Best alternative to fin? I used it for 1 month and got hard lumps in my armpit and my dick completely died so I stopped. Looking at min it appears to have very similar side effects

>> No.17560127
