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File: 1.79 MB, 1440x802, 1678595136380104.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17530226 No.17530226 [Reply] [Original]

This image is deeply deeply scary
Doubling my water intake and calisthenics now

>> No.17530230

looksmax.net moderator here

finasteride is key
tretinion and red light lamp for collagen
never go out under a strong sun
no sugar or PUFAs
lift weights and do cardio
hgh + low dose TRT
sauna + cold water baths
8 hours of sleep a night
keep stress down
never have kids
nofap + semen retention
infraorbital implants + fillers for sagging skin and bags under eyes
botox to prevent wrinkles

>> No.17530244

>hgh + low dose TRT
This nullifies all your other efforts.

>> No.17530297

He is very white. Use tons of sunscreen and retinol/tret to reverse any existing sun damage. If that is not taken care of, then no amount of water or exercise will help you.

>> No.17530326

Why is this board obsessed with aging? We will all become elderly, ugly wrinkly sacs of skin and bones and die and there's literally nothing you can do to stop it besides offing yourself young

>> No.17530348

it;'s just trannies coping they cant keep up the facade of femboy forever.
Nothing spells tranny death like secondary sexual characteristics like receeding hairline or facial hair.

>> No.17530358

just live life fast and hopefully die young so you never get to experience aging while enjoying your youth to the max

>> No.17530361


>> No.17530450

you will looked like a bogged and failed tranny on his way back if you follow this

>> No.17530452

really? looks olive

>> No.17530583
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Get your eyes checked

>> No.17530591
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You know what I meant

>> No.17530593

Young people are stupid and know jack shit about life.

>> No.17530759

the fucking cope coming from normies
go on and drink, smoke, suntan every day and we will definitely age the same way :^)
see you in twenty years, wrinklefag

>> No.17530989

Why does he look like Der Coomer?

>> No.17530991

I don't mind aging, I just wish it wouldn't happen so soon. Offsetting it by 5-10 years is enough for me, I know I won't look 20 when I'm 40 but I'd rather not look 40 til I'm 50

>> No.17531302
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It's not just this board, it is currently the "norm" to be using sunscreen and retinol to reverse aging. It is literally how the modern people live, get with the times faggot.

>> No.17531492

they're all gonna look like shit lol

>> No.17531801

niko niko ni

>> No.17531894

Modern society is fucking stupid.

>> No.17531900

Aging fags when they develop alzheimers.

>> No.17531992


>> No.17531995

i have never used sunscreen in my entire life

>> No.17532320

Because it's overrun with faggots

>> No.17532325

at least he'll spend 20 years living, like a man, and will have a wife and kids, while you'll die like a well moisturized, plucked eyebrows virgin

>> No.17532336

It's true. My gf is 22, looks 22, and uses retinol just like my mom does lol

>> No.17532416


>> No.17532483

How do you live fast? Can you elaborate on this?

>> No.17532485

How come zoomers look older than millennials already ? This generation is aging like shit

>> No.17532489

does it indicate autism if i cant understand why people say this guy looked like „god on earth“. Like he is good looking, but so good looking you say its incredible?

>> No.17532575

Why cold water baths if you never are supposed to splash your face with cold sea water? You only swim with your body, not face

>> No.17532581

>How come zoomers look older than millennials already ?
Is there any proof of this?

>> No.17532606

Look around or and on social media? Do you go outside ?

>> No.17532645

post an example

>> No.17532732

You do know that societies have worshipped the sun, right? Not for nothing but there has never been a time where humanity has been without the sun. We have evolved to deal with the sun, no need to put chemicals on your face to try and escape it

>> No.17533085

idk take risks do whatever the fuck you want like you're gonna die tomorrow do everything you want today you might die before you see yourself aging.
ps this bad advice btw

>> No.17533130

every society that worshippied the sun as a giver of life also knew that it can destroy both plantations and your skin if it shines on long enough
there's a reason why farmers in warm countries workout coevered from head to toes and not in sleeveless shirts and shorts

>> No.17533131

>workout coevered
work* covered*

>> No.17533192

this is cope, some people look completely destroyed by 40, even 30. Some people still look 25 at 40. If you dont wanna bother taking care of yourself thats fine, I'd rather feel good about myself for another 20 years if I can. Past that point ill be too old and jaded to care.

>> No.17533206
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>> No.17533215

>I'd rather feel good about myself for another 20 years if I can
sounds like you should work on your self esteem instead of trying to work on your looks

>> No.17533611

just take a look at billie eilish or that girl from stranger things

>> No.17533673

>this is cope, some people look completely destroyed by 40, even 30
Yeah if you do hardcore drugs or have a alcohol addiction, most people don't do this. 40 is still young relatively speaking

>> No.17533675
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Daily remember that test is poison

>> No.17533685

Stop suggesting infraorbital implants retard, users in the forum have done them and their eye area didn't improve. The only thing that works is filler, but it migrates and makes you look bloated.

>> No.17533687

Do you want to age gracefully or not faggot?

>> No.17533703

every single one of these people got fat and/or bald
also wtf had no idea sam looked like that

>> No.17533739

More like you just like little boys like every paedo tranny

>> No.17533759

Cold water baths do nothing you fucking moron. Just because hot water baths lower test doesn't mean cold water makes it higher.

>> No.17533776
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>> No.17533783
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good post

you can also supplement collagen

I'm curious as well.
White boomers thought a "healthy tan" was attractive, that's why they all look like radiation victims now. They unironically are, because the sun wreaks havoc on your skin.

Young people today who hate touching grass and spend all day in front of a screen inside will age very differently than previous generations.

>> No.17533786

they eat goyslop and don't exercise

>> No.17533795
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>drinking, smoking and eating goyslop
idk about you anon but to me being a man means sculpting your body and mind, not pigging out and becoming a stuffed and hollow bugman

>> No.17533863

looking good improves your self-esteem

>> No.17533865

You forgot to not use soap so much.
>gentle soap/shampoo
>only use it a couple times per week max
>just rinse off in shower for the most part
>use vaseline/coconut oil mixed with sunscreen
There you go. And avoid UV rays.

>> No.17533867

>alcohol addiction
many people have one, they call it "partying"

>inb4 "so you're saying I should be a shut-in lmao"
no you autistic retard, just don't overdo it

>> No.17533870

yes, you have face blindness

>> No.17534277

Why is this meme so common?There's no difference between being 25 or 27-28. If you haven't aged at all till 25 then you will still not age until you reach your early 30's. For some reason you fags think that 25 is the cut off for something when it isn[t. Also you're talking about being a twink femboy faggot which most guys can't pull once the reach 20 unless they have had extremely low test in the first place;
And btw, Vaush looks extremely feminine even with the beard nowdays. If anything his younger self on the left looks more masculine.Might be because being fat lowers your test levels a fucking lot.

>> No.17534287

I'd like to look as good as I can for as long as I can. Simple as.

>> No.17534294

this the most stupid "demoralisation" pic i've ever seen

>> No.17534893

>supplement collagen
just drink/cook with some bone broth you make nigga
is pretty tasty in itself, can be used to make soups sauces stews etc etc

>> No.17534902

it's much better for your skin and general inflammation

>> No.17534908

25 is when your collagen regeneration starts to deplete.
It is the zenith.
It's all downhill from there.
Feel free to research it.

>> No.17535736

So only use retinol when 25?

>> No.17535746

>someone who says goyslop and posts pepe pics thinks he's a man

>> No.17535756

keep eating the industrial waste that mr. shekelberg feeds you

>> No.17535760

what can be done about the collagen issue?

>> No.17535762

This makes sense.
Only women and homosexuals do this.

>> No.17535769

ok but i recognize people. its only that i just recently figuered out how to tell weather a man is good looking or not (i am 29). so that also means i am propably autistic to some degree?

>> No.17535781

yes, normal people don't take until their thirties to figure out attractiveness, they can tell intuitively whether someone's hot or not

>> No.17535782
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>How to age gracefully

>> No.17535785

no one even mentioned what you would consider "goyslop" in the posts you replied to you poltard faggot

>> No.17535796

>never have kids

Fuck off, jew

>> No.17535799

He looks the same

>> No.17535806

>guy who will never have kids mad that someone says you shouldn't have kids

>> No.17535813


>> No.17535830

>poltard faggot
lmao, I'll have you know that retards here have called me a tranny too, just whatever buzzword is convenient when I don't agree with them

go on, eat like shit to "own the chuds"

>> No.17535832

>posts pepe pics, says goyslop, and blames the jews for everything
yeah definitely not a poltard. must be a baseless accusation.
go on, accuse everyone who never even mentioned food of eating "goyslop"

>> No.17535834
File: 91 KB, 1200x800, Phil-Collins.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There was a time when men accepted receding hairlines and aged gracefully. Now everyone trys to go on Fin+Min to try to save whatever scraps they have left.

I think there is a point in time where that is fine when you're younger, but when you start to get in your 30s if you really have the hair loss gene, it won't really help any more. It will only help if you have a mild case. It's better to accept you have certain genes and stop worrying about it than to try to cope. It could even backfire on you where you cope so hard you don't realize you have a combover. Those people who you see where you go, "how the fuck l can he think that looks good" could mentally think it looks good because
>I'm on fin+min I am keeping my hair I am fine this is fine

I am not saying never do use the tools, but just be honest with yourself. Also realize it's just modern society pressuring you to keep paying for drugs to hang onto scraps of hair and try to 'extend' your youth. Time stops for no one, not even you. You will loose your hair eventually.

>> No.17535835

Who here /sucks/ cock???

>> No.17535838

Not me!!!

>> No.17535840

>There was a time when men accepted receding hairlines and aged gracefully.
And then people decided they should tap into that market and sell them a solution to a problem they invent.
Same thing with deodorant, which nobody used or cared but through marketing targeting peoples insecurities such as nobody will love you or nobody will hire you if you don't use product.
Now it's become the "norm".
You'd be amazed how many things goyim are sold.

>> No.17535852
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kind of counterintuitive to put all your time, effort, money, thought and willpower into tricking strangers to think you're something you're not on a purely illusory level, never actually bothering to think what would happen if they fell for it
and in the process, circumnavigate your actual life and neither accomplish or experience a damn thing the entire time
i'm sure you'll be remembered for your skincare routine, not the fact it is, like anything, mostly genes, and in this case maybe not smoking. i'm sure putting all your eggs in one basket, in this case being an effeminate cookie cutter, is going to go well for you.

reminder, eternity is millions and millions of years

>> No.17535858

Don't get fat
Avoid sunlight as much as possible
Get on a tretinoin cream(you need a doctor prescription)
Cleanse and moisturize every morning and night
Drink enough water
Don't get fat
Get on propecia if your hair starts thinning

>> No.17535861

Is that the same as fin? I used .5mg oral fin for I think like ~3 years and I don't think I noticed a real difference in keeping my hairline. The hair still kept coming out and I just stopped using it and I have not noticed an acceleration about 1.5 years later. Do I just need a higher dosage or should I try topicals?

>> No.17535864

i always could tell if a woman is attractive. i dont feel like one has to be able to tell if a person of the own gender is attractive or not. But i guess you are still right. thx

>> No.17535867

Yeah. Propecia is a brand name for fin. I just always heard it called Propecia so I got used to it.

>> No.17535868

would a poltard fuck trannies?
cause that's what I like to do and I treat them well also

>> No.17535878

>i dont feel like one has to be able to tell if a person of the own gender is attractive or not.
It helps with sizing the other person up, but as a man your looks don't matter as much as a woman's would.

>> No.17535887

Go back to >>>/lit/, free-thinker.

>> No.17535890

i get what you mean. also if i think about what you said about facial blindeness thats true also because whenever i looked at a males face they all made the same impression on me, so somehow this resembles a form of blindness. you are right.

>> No.17535892

>hgh + low dose TRT
What? The one thing that is sure to age you faster is steroids.

>> No.17536452

In this era phil collins would be considered an absolute 1/10. What worked for past generations does not work for us and that’s simply a fact. Lookism is rampant, people care more for appearance than ever before because life is more competitive than ever before. There is nothing wrong with someone trying to preserve their looks and doing so doesn’t need to come with a lecture of how time comes for everyone. No shit sherlock, but you have arguably until 50 to be in control of how fresh you look through targeted treatments, diet, and fitness efforts. Your post is dumb. People are never going to stop wanting to look their best no matter how old they are. Keeping skin plump, hair thick, and clothes well styled are all a part of that. You’re probably old, ugly, and bald.

>> No.17536456

don't smile or show any emotion, smiling creats wrinkles
don't drink booze
don't get fat
don't get fat and then lose weight
don't sit in the sun all day

>> No.17536459
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>pro balding poster is also anti-deodorant
Why am I not surprised

>> No.17536607

>Why am I not surprised
Because you are a good goy. You will lap up whatever product is sold to you. You will never question if you actually need it, if it makes things better or worse. Everybody is doing it, so you will be doing it, simple as.

>> No.17536850

t. anime pro

>> No.17536854

Social media has made men very self-conscious about their looks. Also the current fad for men is to look like a youthful twink, whereas ~10 years ago it was more about being muscular and lean.

>> No.17536957
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Why yes, I do watch and enjoy anime unironically, how did you know?

>> No.17536993
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>never have kids
Father of three and can confirm. Even when looksmax anon is probably a kike, he is right: last 10 years I aged 20 years.
On the other hand, I feel in heaven every day when I arrive at home and spend the afternoon with 4 persons I love. They motivate me to be fit and work hard, and it's a miracle to watch the kids grow and a pleasure to raise them based.
Also, I believe IT'S THE BIRTHRATES, so die alone surrounded by dogs or cats was not an option for me, even when half of our peers have only one kid and the other half live alone watching Netflix 4 hours per day.
Be a man, find a sweet woman (never through Tinder or in a bar, better sharing a hobby or at the church) and make your life meaningful.

>> No.17537039

No woman shares my hobbies. Finding a woman is impossible.

>> No.17537187

I feel ya.

>> No.17537218

Looks like shit in both pics.

>> No.17537376

My face changed from twink at 27 to masculine handsome. Up until I was 27 I looked youthful and twink-like, then my face changed/aged overnight.

Twinkdeath is real

>> No.17537554

I honestly have plenty of hobbies, but women simply don't hit any of them.
women hobbies are
>wine, coffee, travel
It be like a guy listing his hobbies are cheetos

>> No.17537800

Good post

>> No.17537803

>People are never going to stop wanting to look their best no matter how old they are.
There's a difference between trying to look your best in an age appropriate way and trying desperately to hold onto your 20s when it's no longer possible. One way is graceful, one is desperate and sad.

>> No.17537806

>don't drink booze
>don't get fat
>don't get fat and then lose weight
These ones unironically.

>> No.17538908

bullshit, I assume you're introverted and/or autistic, these kind of women exist but they're often at home by themselves

your best bet is meeting them online, not dating apps like the other anon said but hobby groups

>> No.17539304

He needs to gain weight. Some people need to gain some facial fat when they age, and some need to lose it

>> No.17539852

this is only true if you still live in the land your ancestors came from. If you live in North America, whatever color you are, your genetics are not calibrated to the weather

>> No.17539884
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25 and have always looked way younger than I am.
Anyway, over the past 2 years I’m slowly seeing the beggings of what I will look like when I’m older.
Mostly it’s the nasolabial folds.
Starting to look more like a George Washington or colonial type character.
Personally, I like the aesthetic and hope I grow into it gracefully.

>> No.17539959
File: 292 KB, 557x652, 2B953A18-C19D-4401-A151-10A09153C550.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go back to crystal cafe

>> No.17540075

Vaush used to look like THAT???

Also who is the guy with the septum ring? For.. reasons

>> No.17540103

Based. Washington was a true hero and we should all aspire to exude his grace in our wisened years.

>> No.17540125

>bullshit, I assume you're introverted and/or autistic
I'v been in relationships and had sex.
> these kind of women exist but they're often at home by themselves
Nigger you don't even know what my hobbies are and are already saying that women exist that have the same hobbies. Huh?!
>your best bet is meeting them online
uhuh. how?
>but hobby groups
Some of my hobbies literally have no hobby groups in my entire country.

>> No.17540486
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>> No.17540537

Holy shit, white Big Jon! Greetings from Germany

>> No.17540703

Then don't use hobbies as a way to meet women. Figure something else, either through work, Church, education or whatever