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File: 1.65 MB, 1024x666, 1660550878136.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17481090 No.17481090 [Reply] [Original]


What do I need to care for my boots?
>Old cotton t shirt (one for cleaning, another for applying conditioners)
>Horsehair brush ($10-15)
>Wooden shoe trees ($10-15)
>Light conditioner like Lexol/Bck4/renovateur
>Heavy conditioner (if you live in terrible snow/rain areas) Sno seal/Obernauf LP
>Don't forget that boots need time to dry properly, rotate them and don't wear them daily for too long

How do I deal with x stain?
>mud: allow it to dry then brush off
>salt: water and cloth as soon as possible
>saturated wet: allow the boot to dry for a full day, stuff with newspaper
>scuffs and scratches: buff vigorously with horsehair brush

>Should I buy turdsdays/soloshits/doc shitans?
No they are filled with synthetic materials aimed at instant comfort but will not hold up to actual use.
>b-b-but muh ecelebs on youtube said they're good
no. you will waste your time and money and still have uncomfortable footwear at the end of the day. spend the extra $100 and get something real.

Manufacturer Red Flags
>Unknown leather source
>Made in Chyna/Mexico/Indonesia

Boot Red Flags
>Non gusseted tongues
>Excessive/unnecessary seams


>> No.17481092

schizo op again

>> No.17481104

Is it OK to work in dainite? I mean it's tough as nails, isn't it?
Not like mudhopping but just beating the shit out of it as any other boot.

>> No.17481168

dainite doesn't perform outdoors desu

>> No.17481171

I have no idea why people like dainite. Vibram christie, vibram mini-lug, or vibram fire & ice
You can work in all of those. Mini-lug is even subtle enough to be worn in most offices as long as the rest of the boot is dressy.

I think dainite has only hung around because it's english and Vibram isn't. Muh nationalist pride.

>> No.17481263

Fuck chelsea boots

>> No.17481306

Is solovair le bad for real?

>> No.17481337

Looking for winter/wet/dirty daily beaters
Quality doesn't matter, they just need to be comfortable above everything else, preferably cost around 100 EUR, and be available in the EU
Any suggestions?

>> No.17481376
File: 2.55 MB, 2268x4032, Snapchat-1589634349.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You got holes in your clothes and booze on your breath, you look like hell and you smell like death

>> No.17481408

The red flags are getting more retarded with time.

>> No.17481411

As much as dainite is fine for casual use in the wet (so is Vibram Gumlite), in a harsh environment is not the best. Tougher Vibram ranges are the easier/safer pick in that field.

>> No.17481512

OP is the retarded whitesfag that wants you to fly to Spokane so that whites can skin you and make boots

>> No.17481710
File: 143 KB, 900x1200, Carmina Frankenstitch Bourbon Hatch Shell.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17481730

they are a general consensus gleaned from posts ITT

>> No.17481731

>brogues ONLY on the toe
not sold

>> No.17481737

I would have gone no medallion at all
I dislike medallions, the most brogues I would accept is a captoe adelaide with no medallion.

>> No.17481739
File: 422 KB, 1280x720, 1673128164824083.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

t. zipper boot owner

>> No.17481742

Reddit tier circlejerk.
op you are a fucking reddit gyw reject.

>> No.17481749

>Horsehair brush ($10-15)
a toothbrush can do

>> No.17481756
File: 304 KB, 457x544, 1674925441205.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lemme guess your boots has all the red flags and now you're mad

>> No.17481757
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>> No.17481797
File: 819 KB, 896x598, kjhhkjlk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

was considering buying a pair of one of these during my vacation

which should I buy

>> No.17481800
File: 995 KB, 245x264, 1670656426868.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the only time i've seen hiking shoes in public are usually on fat autists playing on their switch

>> No.17481802
File: 111 KB, 378x288, 1624600607164.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do not own a switch

pic unrelated

>> No.17481822

My stuffs are handwelted and you are a retard.

>> No.17481842
File: 249 KB, 1200x800, index.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're being disingenuous. autists don't wear old fashioned GYW hiking boots.

>> No.17481863
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Today, I will remind them.

>> No.17481865

anyone size down half for suede? I hear some people do some don't.

>> No.17481922

but why

>> No.17481944

Well i assume some do because suede has more give to it, although i guess that also depends on the type of suede.

>> No.17481947

not really
horsehair is much softer than most brushes you can get

>> No.17481949

>want to return vibergs
>No option to get money back
>Just store credit
>all of my sizes are out
viBERG indeed.

>> No.17481954

Could also be that the people saying they went half down for suede, got unlined shoes, they are most often suede.

>> No.17481958

eh maybe in unlined suede but I don't think the pig skin lining would give that much

>> No.17481962


>> No.17481964


>> No.17481965

What shoes?

>> No.17481976

Very nice. Much better than trannyheel.

>> No.17481977

Call them, dumbass.

>> No.17481981


>> No.17481993

redpill me on toecaps, I don't get the formal/casual implications of a shoe having a toecap because I am autistic

>> No.17481996

What's their phone number? they took it off their site.

>> No.17482000

nvm found it

>> No.17482019

Cope cope

>> No.17482020

Seeing how defensive you get proves you're really insecure and definitely coping

>> No.17482069

rephrase your question without the dogwhistle and maybe i'll answer you.

>> No.17482113
File: 694 KB, 2000x2000, 1645466018447.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fellow white's... 14 gorillion months wait for THIS??

>> No.17482122
File: 168 KB, 999x816, 20201203_131827.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will never understand American shelf heels

>> No.17482124

Looks fine. No one, including you, will ever notice or care

>> No.17482126
File: 388 KB, 1800x4000, 1663928896600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i-its totally fine!
no its not, its pathetic for the price you pay
>but its muh workboots who cares about cosmetic quality issues!
this is obviously a boot worn for fashion
This is the next step, and you will cope and say its fine too.

>> No.17482138

What? the autistic part?
I'm asking what is the formal/casual implications of toe caps on boots.

>> No.17482139

You're the one spending 700 dollars on a work boot so you can wear it to the office
There are infinitely better options for less money you could have gone with
No refunds. You get what you deserve

>> No.17482148

I like them. If you want style of boot, it's the better choice over Doc Martens.
Construction is fine. Shipping is fast as hell. They send everything DHL, with no shipping fee. Got my last pair in just 2 days. Not bad for UK to New York.
I'm wearing a pair of 8 eye boots in Guacho Crazy Horse that I've had for a couple months now. Just ordered a pair of Astronaut boots in hi-shine Oxblood red, white laces.
Anons in these threads shit on the brand to no end, but I doubt any of them actually own a pair.

>> No.17482163

I'll never shit on bergs for looking faggy again

>> No.17482164

Then don't buy them retard. No one cares what you think

>> No.17482166

ok called them and they told me the same thing
>They don't do returns in money anymore, store credit or nothing
>can't exchange if they don't have a better size

so now it's either ebay, which I could actually probably flip them for a profit because they were on sale and these are one of the $900 dollar models, or put up with it. which I'm probably fine with because my biggest complaint is that they don't look nearly as good as they do in pictures.

Styling suggestions welcome, I heard these were basically the best dress boots you could buy at this price range that doubled as work/shitkickers because they're built like a tank.

>> No.17482178

also why no gusseted tongue? that's weird for a boot that expensive, right? Or is it a dress boot thing vs a work boot thing?

>> No.17482186
File: 1.74 MB, 3024x4032, 1646962450958.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck is wrong with their last?
it depends what you do with the boot.
I wouldn't want a gusseted tongue on a boot i wear to the office, no advantage to it and you will probably sweat more. 2030 vibergs are nothing more than office boots, some retard on reddit might show off how hes taking his $1500 viberg shell boots through mud and water because they can, doesn't mean normal people actually do. Anyway i think the BCT 2030s don't have a gusseted tongue while the plain toe ones do, at least my 2 pairs are like that.

>> No.17482191

>also why no gusseted tongue? that's weird for a boot that expensive, right? not really
Alden doesn't do it either
grant stones however does a low gusset but it doesnt help much. parkhurst does a good half gusset though

>> No.17482200
File: 156 KB, 1200x630, social-viberg-review.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are those your 2030's? Very nice. I hope mine turn into that.
>2030 vibergs are nothing more than office boots, some retard on reddit might show off how hes taking his $1500 viberg shell boots through mud and water because they can, doesn't mean normal people actually do. Anyway i think the BCT 2030s don't have a gusseted tongue while the plain toe ones do, at least my 2 pairs are like that.
That's good to know. I was thinking they are my 'sunday best' shoes, now. My dress shoes are square toe abominations which looked weird even before I bought a pair of boots. So I suppose they're my office boots, now.

Related, I'm kind of having a problem where I put them on and become great clown pagliacci. I read before I got them that the solution was to embrace the honk and the styling would be naturally, but I would like to become this guy and not that clown if possible.
Alden doesn't? that's surprising as I would have thought their Indy line would have it.

>> No.17482210

also if you don't mind me asking: wtc those soft looking laces?

>> No.17482213

apparently not
Steve has bitched about it a few times and I think he cut a slot in his indy tongues

>> No.17482218

Then call your card holder and complain to them. Just because a store says "lmao no" doesn't mean it won't happen. It just means you've exhausted your options and now you take it up with the card. I swear, it's like you faggots are children and spending your parents' money. Call up your credit card and say "hey, they don't have my size and will only do store credit but they don't have anything in my size, I want to nullify this purchase and report the vendor" and let them do their thing.

>> No.17482219

That's kinda funny
I'm feeling much better about my purchase now, thanks anon.

>> No.17482224

Isn't calling my credit card to complain about this purchase and essentially steal the product a really bad idea? that seems way more childish than taking my licks and accepting it, and in fact, couldn't viberg initiate action against me directly for it?

>> No.17482227

No. You tell them you want to return it and exchange it for your size, but they don't have your size and due to the nature of the business they will never have your size. You send it back anyway.

>> No.17482229

no retard you mail it back

>> No.17482230

And if it seems like I'm being timid: I only am because this is the first time I've spent this much on any piece of clothing. Boots, suits, any of it. In a way, I am a kid trying to learn how this works because I've dressed like a kid my whole life.
I see, so mail it back, say they will never have my correct size so it's kind of pointless for the store credit thing, and take it up with my credit card to refund it?
Is this essentially a chargeback or is it a complaint filed through my credit card?

>> No.17482231

You call your card first and tell them what's going on and store credit for something they'll never have in stock again is retarded. Tell them the boots are the wrong size and they refuse to exchange it, only give store credit, because they just don't have your size and that's unacceptable. On their webpage they list the fact that they exchange boots for sizing.

>> No.17482232

complaint and chargeback you don't keep the boots

>> No.17482241
File: 449 KB, 1170x660, ED528E4D-32F2-4295-9A99-691DAA58A858.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys, where can I find boots like this. I’ve searched army surplus and I can find em. Does this style have a name? Pls guide me.

>> No.17482242

Thanks guys, I appreciate it.

>> No.17482247
File: 158 KB, 1080x1350, VIBERG_AW22_PDP_serviceboot2040_marrone_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No problem. There is zero need to be one of those faggots who throw a shitfit about boots being the wrong size before selling them to weirdos. If you're gonna buy a nice pair of boots, they should last you the rest of your life. I love my 2040s, but I exchanged them twice before I got the right size.

>> No.17482260

Are those unlined? I didn't know they had unlined boots.

>> No.17482263

why would they be unlined?

>> No.17482264


>> No.17482275
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>doesn't deny the fat autist part

>> No.17482283

Unlined is a huge plus for me because I live someplace hot.

>> No.17482286

>$850 loafers
are they lined with gold?

>> No.17482305

>handsewn r by a one man workshop
>horween shell
i mean they're expensive but if you compared say to $1200 gucci horsebit in terms of the workmanship and materials those are a fucking steal

>> No.17482311

> $1200 gucci horsebit
fair point
god i want to own gucci loafers someday

>> No.17482314

Their boots are heavy, but they fit like a second layer of skin. White's really are that comfortable.

>> No.17482319

You need a shelf to mount spurs on. Tough cowboy workboots became known for having generous rands, and someway somehow PNW boots adopted it also.

>> No.17482320

>hurr dur fly to spokane
its all fun and games till youre enjoying nature after your fitting in you rented cabin near midnight and hear the crunching of leaves under fire rated vibram soles. you write it off as sounds of nature till theres pounding at your door. you go to a window but theyre looking inside. youre trapped. you grab what you can and hope the door holds


>> No.17482325
File: 567 KB, 2400x1500, texas-chainsaw-massacre-texas-monthly.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Obviously he wore whites, but now that you mention it he'd probably wear White's too

>> No.17482331

>police try following the bloody prints left by the Vibram Fire and Ice soles, but it just keeps leading back to IPA breweries and logging camps
>is he posing? is he working? we'll never know

>> No.17482353

>get a free ten minute head-start as he laces his boots
shoulda visited frank's and got their station boots

>> No.17482390
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>when she doesn't shave for a week

>> No.17482392

They’re nice. I like them a lot and I also live someplace hot as hell. They fit like a glove.

>> No.17482393

heh. they don't call it "True-man" for nothing....I'd go down on it

>> No.17482435
File: 237 KB, 1600x900, it's like looking at Thursday.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Puckering and tearing down the heel
>Uneven counter lasting
>Uneven sanding on the heel

>> No.17482437

hot take
every manufacturer fucks up sometime and Thursday/solo/doc is the only issue
t. guy who sent out a fuckup today and hopes you juts stfu and take it

>> No.17482463

confession: I've had great success with Thursdays, but only after 4-5 returns because their lasts are weird

>> No.17482468
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>but only after 4-5 returns

>> No.17482471

Yeah, well, that's not a quality control issue but an issue of their size 9's being like size 7's and having to go up to 11s to get something that looks remotely like any of my other size 9 footwear.
idk why. It's probably because I ordered wide footwear

>> No.17482476

>but an issue of their size 9's being like size 7's
>muh thin last

buy gs and get real kangaroo murder leather

>> No.17482479
File: 46 KB, 377x449, 1674855655509928.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>email Kyle once
>Bounty Hunters fit perfectly
Do nonwhites really?

>> No.17482480

why are aussies like this?

>> No.17482481

Aw the little poor boy is trying to flex again, some day you'll learn what quality and proper fitment are. How long did you have to save to afford the whole $1,200 those cost?

>> No.17482483

kangaroo leather is that that gud

>> No.17482488

Are you the guy who never posts his White's and insists anyone who disagrees with you can't afford them? Because if you are you're a stupid obnoxious asshole.

>> No.17482489


>> No.17482492

Why buy Thursday when you have Thursday at home?

>> No.17482493

Shitters of this thread:

Glad the cork schitzo is gone. The above might be just 1 fat mutt.

>> No.17482512

Tranny heel whitoids...

>> No.17482519

a bunch of people are bergbros now, so I had a question
How much bigger is the 1035 heel compared to the 2030? the 2030 fits me pretty snugly now, but apparently the 1035 is a HUGE heel.

>> No.17482529
File: 509 KB, 1200x1200, stow_acorn_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does anyone have any tricker's footwear, even better if it's the stow boots. i probably shouldn't but i've really gotten an itch to get a pair of brogue boots and something about them is appealing to me. what are your thoughts?

>> No.17482596
File: 140 KB, 480x400, 1669155243250354.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it true that Viberg's 2030 last is closer to an UK sizing? I'm having trouble deciding whether I should go for an 8 US or bigger for a snug fit (I'm 8 UK in Trickers, which are my only points of reference). Reckon they'll fit just the same, or will they be too short and tight?

>> No.17482598

what tricker's did you get, how have they held up, can you describe how they feel under foot, and how wide or narrow your pair is at the toebox?

>> No.17482603

I fucking love Trickers and wouldn't buy from any other manufacturer, if possible. Heavy and solid construction, will probably last you a decade or two. Though I must admit I don't own a calf product of them (I own a pair of comipel shells and some olivvia Bufords) and can assure you that they are my most reliable pairs. Beware the sizing, tho. I find their lasts too constricted at the toes and too loose at the heel.

>> No.17482608

I own a pair of Robert derbies in shell and a pair of Bufords in olivvia deerskin. They're quite heavy, and really solid; perfectly water repellent, if that's important to you. Their regular sizing ("5") I find too wide, and too short in the toebox, to the point that I find myself putting too much pressure in my big toes after a long day, but that's because my feet are long and thin.

>> No.17482616

i appreciate the info anon. sounds like i'll need to double check my measurements and reach out to them for help on sizing. my feet aren't terribly long but they are very wide. if i get a pair i'd like to wear it as a more casual boot that would see a decent amount of wear and wouldn't want it to ruin my feet. water repellent is a very good bonus since i live in a rainy corner of my country.

>> No.17482617


>> No.17482622

look, I'll defend how smug anyafag is.

>> No.17482625

testing what? your purchase of southwest tickets so you can fly to spokane?
proud of you!!

>> No.17482632

I'd recommend you to pick your regular size, and just use insoles if the boots fit too large; but take it with a pinch of salt, for the aforementioned reasons, and because calf, unlike shell, tends to loosen up with wear. I'd also advice you to pick a model with the commando sole instead of the dainite. Dainite is very hard wearing, but it has such a poor traction, you wouldn't believe it. But yeah, other than that, they're amazingly durable, you really can't go wrong with them.

>> No.17482635

It's weird, keep in mind that Trickers are actually really narrow, it says E width, but it's not. It's large D at most. It is closer to a UK sizing because they use UK measurements (8 US is 7 Viberg/UK)
IMO I would call or use the chatbox to ask.

>> No.17482637

also this, fuck dainite.

>> No.17482643
File: 27 KB, 700x467, malton_2508_1_sole_original_88846_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

might go with the malton over the stow then. if the 6 fit is close to an E width for US sizes i could easily get my normal size with a UK 9. i'm a little torn since they only come in the c shade tan and i was digging that acorn color however.

>> No.17482644

Are you buying these for the office or...? I get wanting to own Bergs but I personally still prefer Trickers as work boots.

>> No.17482647
File: 405 KB, 1400x1200, rancher.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree that dainite is shit, but I hate how visible the lugs are on a commando sole, specifically the top lift.
I know changing a top lift isn't a big deal, but I just wish I could get it from the factory with a Vibram mini-lug sole. It's so perfect. Looks dressy enough from the side, but isn't lacking in traction unless you're really going hiking in them.

Name a better sole, I want to know if there's something else out there

>> No.17482648

The 6 fit is quite wide, yeah.
I walk a lot and always carrying stuff around, but I don't do heavy duty work by any means. But yes, I'd be on the feet most of the day, and I need to be comfortable. I'm eyeing a pair of vibergs that are 25 dollars more expensive than another pair of Trickers (both on heavy discount). That's pretty much the only reason why I'm considering them, as I'd never buy a viberg pair on full retail... So long as Trickers exist, that is.

>> No.17482649

Trickers are just better in general, recommend anyone thinking about bergs make the plunge on them instead.

>> No.17482650

>Name a better sole
I got this viberg in what is called 'Lactae Hevea''.
It's a very soft gumsole from tree sap. Better than Dainite by a mile, feels like stepping on a cloud, and doesn't look like some giant lugs on the bottom of my foot.
That said, I wouldn't recommend it for actual work. They are office boots.

>> No.17482651

I've never owned anything with a mini lug vibram sole, but everyone says that it's the best in terms of traction and durability. I live in a very warm and dry climate, so dainite is ok for me (except for when it rains), but I wouldn't mind trying one of those vibram soles.

>> No.17482652

Yeah, I can't fathom a shoe better made. Maybe I should go with them after all.

>> No.17482659

I'm stating this from a position of never owned trickers but owning bergs
I see lots of praise for trickers and honestly bergs are nice but not for the price they are at. When they were $200 cheaper, then yeah, bergs won.

>> No.17482675

Is there a way to add speedhooks to eyelets?
Asking for a friend with boots that he's fucking sick of having to unlace to take off.

>> No.17482699

Damn these look awful
Just get some fucking Caminas for less than half the price and be done with it. Who the fuck gets bit loafers that aren't Blake stitched? GYW loafers are an abomination

>> No.17482708


>> No.17482862

you can actually put a speedhook in the eyelet
Steve at bedo's actually does all his speedhooks that way for durability

>> No.17482863

literally means some part of the shoe is ground up plastic when everything should be leather

>> No.17482913

When bergs were $200 cheaper so was everything else.

>> No.17482917

Yet turdsday managed to stay at the same price point, impressive!

>> No.17483131
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>> No.17483145
File: 251 KB, 1638x2048, 1067930124.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are these cords too bright?

I wanted a pair of lighter color cords to show off their texture but I think this is a bit too much like spicy diarrhea

>> No.17483147

>too bright
For you? Yes.

>> No.17483158
File: 217 KB, 1638x2048, 106793-forest-green-2967.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought these instead

>> No.17483159

much better

>> No.17483192


>> No.17483195

Get some sneakers, you fucking pleb.

>> No.17483196
File: 327 KB, 1280x720, 1665799010580.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cost around 100 EUR

>> No.17483214
File: 83 KB, 750x750, 8ha1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw wearing Iron Rangers

>> No.17483240

Get the Carminas. Exact same except the Carminas have a slightly different last shape, the Guccis are longer while the Carminas are wider, but otherwise the Carminas are superior and are lined with leather instead of canvas like the Guccis
With Gucci you're paying for the name

>> No.17483241

i think when they have to resort to making something outlandish just to stand out its not fashion but just conspicuous consumption
this doesnt look good and is just a means to signal wealth

>> No.17483255

Those boots will get you laid. Women love goofy men.

>> No.17483382

They were $200 cheaper last week for a short time.

>> No.17483394
File: 18 KB, 434x525, A21CDC0B-AD28-4393-92F3-AF9B03901ED6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look like Czech m90 boots but with a small bucks on top

>> No.17483442

Are these gonna be the new meme foty boots?

>> No.17483495

That's not what I asked for

>> No.17483499

When I read this I already knew this would be about Danila's boots and hey presto I check the OP >>17482241 and so it was

>> No.17483562
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>> No.17483564

assuming standard business markup plus europoor regulation fees any boot sold for a 100 euro has to be built for under 50. ask yourself if 50 euros is enough to cover the materials and labour and what kind of boot you can get for 100 euros

>> No.17483833

Yo boot thread
I'm trying to look for Vibergs that match the following qualities, just one or two of these is acceptable

>Few eyelets
Any suggestions?

>> No.17483838

lol why?

>> No.17483850
File: 268 KB, 1594x1050, my horse asses.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to spend on bergs and the boots I got on sale just aren't to my taste because I just don't like Dainite and more importantly: they are lined boots. This matters because I live in Texas, and my feet will turn to pudding in the summer months in a kip lined boot AFAIK (If I'm wrong please correct me)

So unlined is important, just don't like Dainite from experience, toe cap is meh, kinda faggy but it's Texas so I'm not out of place, speedhooks are great for taking it on and off when I have to leave the office.

I've been through the catalog btw, and the closest that fit all of these criteria are these two. so I guess the real question of these is, if I'm in a business casual environment and just want nice looking boots to wear out and about with primarily jeans, which would look better?

The 2030s I was exchanging for fit nicely. no clue how 1035s fit but from the description they are just 2030s with a bigger heel, right?

>> No.17483852

>This matters because I live in Texas, and my feet will turn to pudding in the summer months in a kip lined boot AFAIK
no it wont
just buy this ffs

>> No.17483854

Stones are great, I already know that, but it looks like my size is sold out.

Also: the kip lining won't cook my foot? I haven't had lined boots so idk.

>> No.17483856

>: the kip lining won't cook my foot?
not really
the heatr meme is overplayed unless youre doing construction work outdoors but if youre doing that in tropical weather there's a good chance youre wearing slippers

>> No.17483858

unlined will definitely feel cooler than lined don't let anyone try to convince you otherwise

>> No.17483901

wait you can't custom order vibergs?

>> No.17483916

no they're dropshipped

>> No.17483917

What's the fucking point?

>> No.17483929

Ah, I see. So it's no big deal anyway.
I might be outside surveying project sites, and that's about it. Mostly walking.
that's what I was thinking. So I guess it goes back to >>17483850 which of these is better.

It was on sale, otherwise I would have got MTO Carminas

>> No.17483954
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Quick honkcheck
is this a bozo fit? or just bozo shoes?

>> No.17483956

veering into dangerous territory

>> No.17483961

Is it just the jeans or the shape of the shoe?

>> No.17483963
File: 59 KB, 1000x1120, drakes-derby-shoes-chard-moc-toe-derby-shoe-brown-suede-mens.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looking for something like this but under 100€

>> No.17483966


>> No.17483969

might want something that drapes better

>> No.17483973


that's a fair point, maybe a good pair of slacks?
Not sure what to do about the shoes.

>> No.17483994

where's the shelf?
no shelf, no honk

>> No.17483995

For cheap shoes, I like Rockport, but they are American and idk how international shipping works with them.

>> No.17483996

This is the one really good thing about them being dark brown is that the shelf is barely noticeable. It almost looks like a normal work shoe if it weren't for that toe cap.

>> No.17484004

Is there a guide that shows acceptable pants creases/shoe length/width ratios?

>> No.17484017


>> No.17484018

i mean you know where we are

>> No.17484019

yeah but trying to reduce fashion to mathematical ratios is something else

>> No.17484022

we already have tons of color and fit theory that reduce much of it down to a science anyway

>> No.17484023

making a "science" of it strips the soul out

>> No.17484040

pair of heavy wide wale cords maybe

>> No.17484045

>TPR is an innovative tannage that utilizes extra thick skins onto which a special thermoplastic resin is laminated to the surface of the hides, resulting in an all-conditions leather with an elegant shine, similar to Shell Cordovan.
so it's plastic

>> No.17484046

I guess, but am I doomed to wearing extra wide wear just to accommodate my clown boots?

Would changing colors help? Maybe to a light brown?

>> No.17484047

noooo you can't see through the marketing material that easillyyyyy

>> No.17484080

Like I said, I don't care about quality in this situation
I've had a few boots for around that price before, they were fine
In fact one of my longest lasting boots was a pair of Josef Seibels that I got in 2011 for 70 Eur, wore the fuck out of them over 12 years

>> No.17484083

We don't talk to poorfags here. Buy some Justin boots and fuck off okay?

>> No.17484085
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It's the boots the character Danila wore in the film Brother

>> No.17484086


>> No.17484087


>> No.17484088

you heard what I said
become that slackjaw faggot. buy the french ranger boots

>> No.17484091

I'm not the OP I just recognised the boot description and pic because I've seen the film a bunch of times

>> No.17484093

okay computer

>> No.17484111

It's an old American army boot, the buckle was added by the film's costume designer https://www.ebay.com/itm/New-ROCKY-US-ARMY-Black-Leather-Military-Combat-Goretex-Waterproof-ICWB-Boots-6-/181907532782?_ul=RU

>> No.17484113
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Viberg customers are frequently normies so they offer them plastic coated leather to make them feel more welcome, more in line with their usual (even more expensive) shoes from fashion brands.

>> No.17484115

Other than Divison Road, are there any other online retailers that sell ready to ship Whites?

>> No.17484116

Plain toes are better.

>> No.17484117

Baker Shoe

>> No.17484121
File: 41 KB, 379x214, 1325891310688.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where can I find a high quality white sneaker in Europe?
And I mean EU not Britain

I know Crown Northampton and Goral exist in the UK but I have to pay customs for that.

I can find Common Projects but these are like 300€ on sale and people say quality is actually trash and they are narrow

>> No.17484124

2015 limited edition Stan Smiths with suede heel tab

>> No.17484127

wrong thread

>> No.17484128


>> No.17484129

fuck off whitesfag

>> No.17484131


>> No.17484146

not me, schizo

>> No.17484150

beckett simonon

>> No.17484151

meds now

>> No.17484154

Hang on - these are Thursdays, right? They look exactly like those "gold" Thursday boots from Reddit.

>> No.17484156

It doesn't look good, until enough wealth signaling people are wearing it, now suddenly you are on Aliexpress buying the knock-offs. Humans are weird.

>> No.17484178

Leather Sambas if you can still fin them
unironically Thursdays white sneakers

>> No.17484190
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>> No.17484206
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Where can I get some proper laces for timberland boots? I don't like the "strips of leather" kind of laces.

>> No.17484314

You know Whites and shits use the same TPR leather from Maryam right?

>> No.17484319
File: 30 KB, 640x855, 13913462-8A5F-405E-9B5E-9B87EF1C9F63.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Camper are quite good and afordable. They have a huge catalog btw.

>> No.17484620

Have you considered Red Wing's kevlar laces?

>> No.17484622

Nope, that's the boot Thursday ripped off

>> No.17484636
File: 540 KB, 1242x1242, 1673135046489.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why do you wrap the lace around your zipper

>> No.17484649

lace wrapping looks kind of faggy

>> No.17484675

prove it

>> No.17484738

>Same fucking shade
>Same fucking surface finish and luster

>Prove it
Either too dumb or coping.

>> No.17484755


>> No.17484760

>source: my ass
ok concession accepted

>> No.17484853
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i mean they're not half bad looking they just look like a wet dog

>> No.17484858

that looks horrible

>> No.17484862

Cavour house brand on 50% sale

>> No.17484863

it looks diseased

>> No.17484867

don't think it's about colour but rather the size of the texture on the pants

>> No.17484899

I only see women do it, so I disagree that it's faggy but it isn't something men should do.

>> No.17484905
File: 341 KB, 600x377, Fig-1-2-1200px.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

literally the texture and color of rich dirt

>> No.17484931


Jew White's used the same shit as Viberg and just chose not to advertise the resin shit. You are literally that basedjack meme.

>> No.17484938

which leather are you saying is Maryam?

>> No.17484942

white's did a collab with maryam, but with leather from a completely different line than the TPR that the bergs are shilling

>> No.17484943

Toscanello Horsememe.

>> No.17484946

That looks great

>> No.17484947

>Different line
>Same exact surface

Stop making shit up. They use the TPR for that.

>> No.17484969

burden of proof is upon you for making the claim. so where are the proofs?

>> No.17484970

Where's the store page for this?

>> No.17484974
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>> No.17484975
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it was a short run collab, the store page no longer exists, but its very clear from pics that its not the TPR being used. bergs are at it again trying to smear whites for things they are guilty of, using plastic coated leather

>> No.17484977

Who ran the sale? I'm going to email them instead of speculating.

>> No.17484979

through white's directly

>> No.17484981

k. it wasn't the baker's anniversary special?

>> No.17484985


no i don't believe the maryam every showed up on the bakers website. could be wrong however

>> No.17484998

I'm talking about the Toscanello. This is Natural. Although the luster is very sus.

>> No.17485019
File: 2.68 MB, 498x280, 1671355176255.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>google whites boots TPR
>no results
>google viberg boots tpr
>tons of hits

>> No.17485030

Whitesjews didn't advertise TPR (so are Truman, Nicks). Viberg did.

What a fucking literal s9yjack.

>> No.17485194
File: 791 KB, 1159x834, maryam.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is Toscanello? I see multiple tan horsebutt offerings on their site. Found the TPR, but no Toscanello.

>> No.17485200

pretty sure toscanello is a colour

>> No.17485206
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Brand-name cigars. Do you speak Italian? I don't.

>> No.17485208

He's jerking your chain. White's Toscanello doesn't exist.

>> No.17485210

it does exists but its not the TPR finish the bergs are using

>> No.17485229

provide proof

>> No.17485233

simple: >>17485019

>> No.17485240

how does this proof the existence of White's Toscanello? this isn't proof of anything

>> No.17485277
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>> No.17485284

Do you have a picture of it?

>> No.17485294
File: 3.85 MB, 4128x3096, 20230212_122804.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Waiting for these to finally crack or wear thru completely. 9 years on. What you think /btg?

>> No.17485333

I think they got another 4 on them easy.
Vibram does not make bad soles.

>> No.17485335

Yeah I was looking at that and thinking about it. Plain toes in general are just superior.

>> No.17485336

Adding to this: Do the toe caps make it more 'dressy' or less casual?

>> No.17485353


>> No.17485398
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you're still asking this?
toe caps are a work feature. they're added for durability. If you're in high society, they're a mark of shame, or a country boot.

>> No.17485415

ridgeway islays

>> No.17485446

So if I wanted to get a boot I can wear every day but also on occasion with a formal fit, no toe cap and a brighter shade would be best?

>> No.17485447

get two pairs instead of trying to stretch one pair into two ends of the formality spectrum

>> No.17485449

Yeah. I'm on the fence on a major purchasing decision because $700 for a boot is a lot of money (to me, maybe not to people buying galways)

>> No.17485465
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Daily wear boots will show wear and tear. Formal boots should never show wear and tear. The newer they look the better.
This is why two pairs of boots has been the standard for a long, long time. We can go back to cowboys of the 1800s and they'd still have a daily work boot, and then a "going to town" boot.

You can get an acceptable daily wear workboot for 200-300. Justins, Carolinas, Thorogood, Red Wings.
White's are overkill for 99% of people. Yes I own them, yes I love them, but the most abuse they see is hiking.

>> No.17485470

>Justins, Carolinas, Thorogood, Red Wings.
and jk

>> No.17485481

Very good advice, I happen to own IR's already, and several pairs of cement constructed boots I could wear instead.
Maybe I should just be happy with that and get the 'dressier' toe-cap boot.

>> No.17485489
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damn loden is sexy

>> No.17485491

tobacco e polo es sexo

>> No.17485495
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>> No.17485496
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polo is a bit too red for me
my favorite color is still mink suede, do anyone other than EG and G&G have it?

>> No.17485497

pleb but if you like loden grant stone has 2 loden boots on sale and noone seems to want them

>> No.17485498
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which one would you wear to commit murder and sex in?

>> No.17485499

grant stones are a horrible deal in yurop sadly, they want like $75 for shipping and that doesn't include vat or duties

>> No.17485502

i mean i pay alden money for gs but its worth it
the (((gov))) can take its cut but i get comfy boots

>> No.17485504

Eh i can buy Carmina or TLB at the price i would pay for GS, also nearing C&J prices, plus sending boots back won't be a problem with them.

>> No.17485510

i suppose but ill continue to pay $600 for gs because of jovernment
euro lasts are too pointy though

>> No.17485513
File: 2.37 MB, 4000x3000, 1672299634453.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

take the 55 last pill
>not too pointy, just round enough
>plenty a toe room

>> No.17485516

tempted because i saw3 some for $500 but cba

>> No.17485517
File: 998 KB, 250x251, We just don't know.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which brands make boots in wide sizes?
It seems like a lot of them don't bother to and that's annoying

>> No.17485520

Tricker's ? On sale at the outlet they can be had for around $300

>> No.17485525

((((gov))) charges 37.5% before shipping so it doesn't matter

>> No.17485527

vibergs come standard in E width :^)

>> No.17485529

i think alden and gs do wide sizes

>> No.17485531

it's higher end of D or maybe the very bottom edge of E
Grant Stones have great E width boots.

>> No.17485533
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>> No.17485538

""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""Parkhurst is e width through the ball"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""

>> No.17485549

yo Parkhurst bros
their Size 8s are how much bigger than other company's size 8's? I wear 8D IRs and they're a bit big but also fit nice.

>> No.17485555
File: 63 KB, 657x527, 1673163618266.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Parkhurst's are tts because of short arch length
order your size

>> No.17485675

Do they even have stock still or is it another 2 years waiting for them to restock only to sell out in an hour again?

>> No.17485851

So, no suggestions at all? No Austrian paramemes? No timbs on sale? Nothing?

>> No.17485860

Get some sneakers you fucking pleb.

>> No.17485868

kill yourself

>> No.17485877

>Do the toe caps make it more 'dressy'
Never. Even on dress shoes.

>> No.17485975

They dont want their boots on fat fucks or cripples.

>> No.17485976

Panama Jacks on sale maybe, or some kind of Clarks. There is no much half decent in that price anon.

>> No.17485988

>Do they even have stock still
in the house leathers
the cfs sell out in 2 hours though

>> No.17485994

fair enough

>> No.17486096
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new honkers arrived

>> No.17486098
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>> No.17486104

Rral clown shoes. Undecided if I love them or hate them. What size are those?

>> No.17486125

How to clean mold out of boots?
I left some boots over the past few years due to basically not having to go out as often, or at all, and now there's some with what looks like mold.
In another thread an anon said
>wipe down the interior of the boot with a 1:99 bleach water mix
Really? Won't that fuck them up?
Some old viberg 2030's I got nearly a decade ago, I mean I haven't worn them in ages but I wouldn't want to ruin them. Humidity is high where I live.

>> No.17486201

I was going to say Nicks but the welt stitching is too good to be Nicks

>> No.17486202

The Elegant Oxford has had a mold video, I do not remember what he did

>> No.17486237
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>100 euros

>> No.17486240

don't recognize the stitching, who makes this?

>> No.17486241

>>wipe down the interior of the boot with a 1:99 bleach water mix
thats a very commonly used disinfectant blend, don't go full retard and saturate the interior, just wipe it down with a damp cloth with that 1:99 blend

also just buy those darn toughs you cheap fuck

>> No.17486273
File: 3.18 MB, 3020x3118, 20230213_101417.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know about 4 years of regular wear and use, but that's what they're for now. I just wear them around the house, like slippers/beater shoes

>> No.17486274


>> No.17486277

they are self made by the dude, respect where its due even if they are honkler's boots.

>> No.17486295

impressive, very nice

>> No.17486352

he apparently glued and stiched a second sole onto the insole and used the edge as gemming
pretty cool idea

>> No.17486364


>> No.17486368

id on these?

>> No.17486689

that is a thicc toplift. Motorcycle boots?