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/fa/ - Fashion

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17408929 No.17408929 [Reply] [Original]

It's been that way for several years now. You'd think they'd get over it.

>> No.17408948

Nobody is offended by well dressed people. Society rightly ridicules people who don't dress for the occasion, which is a key prerequisite for being well dressed. Wearing a thrifted suit and tie for your big night out at arby's is just sad.

>> No.17408961

>Wearing a thrifted suit and tie for your big night out at arby's is just sad.
No it isn't

>> No.17408967

People think wearing an overcoat is wrong for some reason now.

You're supposed to let your legs freeze in winter weather apparently now.

>> No.17408968

That doesn't even make sense. If you want to wear an overcoat, by all means wear an overcoat. If you don't, there are other ways to stay warm. Do you imagine sir edmund hilary was carried up mount everest in a duster and fedora?

>> No.17409049

guarantee you don't dress well

>> No.17409064

who thinks this lol? do you live n the suburb of some shitty flyover or something?

>> No.17409098

The only people I see wearing overcoats are elderly men. I never thought anything of it.

>> No.17409106

I wear a wool mac coat to work every single day, my coworkers give me compliments on it. my boss wears a camel colored chesterfield, and another co-worker of mine has a nice double-breasted herringbone coat he wears sometimes.

>> No.17409125

>shit on the clothes for being cheap
>while also implying its too much for a casual night out

>> No.17409150

clothes shouldn't look cheap duh

>> No.17409153


>> No.17409756
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I wear a suit every day in a somewhat rural area. I stand out when I go around town but I'm dressed appropriately for my occupation even if I mostly interact with the everyday public. I get lots of compliments and people are much nicer and more deferential towards me than they used to be. I like it.

>> No.17409776
File: 547 KB, 860x1200, suitguy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nobody gets offended by someone well-dressed. In My experience I've experienced exactly the opposite effect; compliments all around. Occasionally I get hit with a "why'd you choose to wear a suit today" or "what's the occasion" but the only excuse I need is that it suits look cool, and people accept that.

Based suit enjoyer

>> No.17409777

Since I turned 30 the only people who compliment me are elderly black men in suspenders

>> No.17409850

I don't even wear a full suit but I dress in business casual for my job, and if I go into town I look extremely out of place. I had some zoomer tell me "hey you're lookin sharp my man" randomly the other day at Wal Mart. Probably the first time I've ever been complimented on my clothes.

>> No.17409852

t. poorfag

>> No.17410975

i agree up to a point.
if you stand out in a bad way you are not /fa/, even though there are these theory of mind fail autists here who will disagree.

but i'm thinking back to when i went to pick up a shed with a couple of family members.
i put on a uniqlo flannel shirt. i can't remember what pants - just some khakis or something.
they thought i was weirdly dressed up because they were wearing old tracksuit pants with old sweatshirts.

>> No.17410980 [DELETED] 
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>t. Lives in a shithole

>> No.17410987

it makes some people feel insecure, they would feel more comfortable if everyone dressed like an untermensch so they don't have to be confronted with the fact that they are inferior.

>> No.17411000

I live in a rather well-to-do gated community, but white flight is kicking off now that the old farts are dying.

>> No.17411004

Perhaps they don’t get offended but they do often point it out, I once wore a bengal stripe button up flannel shirt (untucked) with jeans and sneakers to uni and a kid in a hoodie and sweatpants said I was dressed “formally”.

>> No.17411029

zoomers consider hoodies and sweatpants everyday attire and jeans as "dressing up". Athleisure is the new casual for them.

>> No.17411058 [DELETED] 

>well-to-do gated community
If it was well-to-do then it wouldn't be gated, would it? Crime wouldn't be rampant around if it were a safe community and it wouldn't have to be gated

>> No.17411105

so OP is right. They get offended because they all dress like shit.
>fast food
a consequence of the same decadence

>> No.17411109

one of the young professors on campus is always sharply dressed, I should compliment him one of this day.

>> No.17411111

No one is offended by people who are well dressed, the word you are looking for is over-dressed, and yes, dressing like a stockbroker to your political science class is overdressing. Context is extremely important in fashion. Think of how it would look if you wore a suit to the gym? Why would that not be "well dressed"? Now apply that to other social contexts.

>> No.17411114

The gym has special gym clothing because you make physical activity. Why would you wear athleisure in class? Are you there for a run, lift weights? Are normies fucking retarded? Yes, they still dress like their mothers used to dress them.

>> No.17411239


>> No.17411242 [DELETED] 

Does he have a gf?

>> No.17411247

You can wear a tshirt and shorts to the gym, and you can also wear them hiking, at the park, at the airport. You cannot wear a tshirt and shorts to a funeral, or to work. Do you understand why that is? Have you considered that fashion requires social skills that you might just fail to possess? Maybe you are the one who is wrong, not everyone else.

>> No.17411256

If it weren’t gated, the crime wouldn’t be rampant just around it but also inside of it.
>durr what are castle walls for if the danger exists outside of them?
You stupid fucking retard.

>> No.17411258 [DELETED] 

t. Shithole urchin

>> No.17411266
File: 38 KB, 563x436, c2c301b27fd28424719f2c14f9b58f1e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice tie btw
I appreciate the harmony of the tie knot and shirt collar too
that looks like some shit mettaton from undertale would wear
yeah, I wouldn't dress like a stockbroker, if I wanted to be well dressed in that setting I'd probably wear some mix of corduroy and tweed, with a soft button down and maybe a sweater
maybe even some canvas sneakers to dress it down even further
theres dimensions to this shit, not all suits are made for the same thing
also, using your own argument could be a perfect argument about why athlesiure should not be a thing outside of the gym

>> No.17411268
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fucking wasted pents

>> No.17411310

You can't wear a suit to the gym, and you also can't wear one hiking, but you can wear one at the park, at the airport, and to a funeral. There are plenty of places and occasions people don't wear tailored clothing simply because other people don't.

>> No.17411395


>> No.17411468

Define "well dressed"

>> No.17411549

t. wanker

>> No.17411729

maybe people failed to posses the social skills and not me. In a few years we are going to wear shorts during summer funerals. It's not my issue, it's a societal issue.

>> No.17411752
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Thanks, it was a thrift store find. With the unpopularity of neckties I've been able to load up quite cheaply between secondhand and deep clearance.

Pic related. $35 new from Brooks Brothers.

>> No.17411916

>Think of how it would look if you wore a suit to the gym? Why would that not be "well dressed"? Now apply that to other social contexts.
Having actually worn a suit to the gym, I can tell you nobody really gives a shit. People even complimented Me for it.

As long as you're confident in what you're doing you can wear whatever you want wherever you want and still look good, regardless of the "context".

>> No.17411943

did you lift in a suit?

>> No.17411977


>> No.17411991

looks lovely, esp with that extra-light pink shirt
Yeah, it's super easy to find nice ties at any thrift store I go to, they go for what equates to about 63 US cents each where i live
would you be interested in joining my menswear discord? i've got a good dozen and a half people there already

>> No.17412005

I don't lift, modern society is offended by muscles and beards and the traditional family unit. Hello, it's called the masculinity crisis? You should read this book by my hero Jordan Peterson he will explain why it's the fault of groomers that girls don't like me. If only I was born in the 1950s life would be just like the cold war propaganda that I mistook for real life. I'm just going to seethe and attend men's groups and performatively chug milk because it's easier than asking myself what I could be doing wrong.

>> No.17412017

what the fuck are you on about you sperg

>> No.17412018

Yes, had to take the jacket off for most of the work though.

I have no idea who this nigga >>17412005 is but that ain't Me. The fuck are you on about mate?

>> No.17412025

this post fucking sucks

>> No.17412083
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fucking waisted pants

>> No.17412438

worst posts of the year in this thread

>> No.17412491

Fucking pussy, tag them properly

>> No.17412541

inferiority complex and they lash out

>> No.17412598 [DELETED] 

>lash out
But why? What does it even achieve?

>> No.17412610

it makes them feel better about themselves.
They develop a superiority complex, to mask their true feelings of inferiority, and try to rationalise it by making the other person seem stupid.
It happened to me once, I wasn't even wearing anything expensive/designer, just dressed in black, and I guess that was too classy for them, kek.

>> No.17412618

they lack the self reflection of understanding their suffering is from within

>> No.17413397

Good point. There are no well to do people living in or near cities, as the statistics show. Real well to do professionals all live in places like Wyoming and they fly in every day for work

>> No.17413423

Im in a flyover town and literally every guy except lawyers and the elderly wears jeans, t-shirts, hoodies, puffers, nothing but cheap normie stuff. I know one gay guy that wears more creative clothing. I definitely get looks just from wearing chinos and a tucked-in shirt. Not like bad looks, but i can feel a lot of eyes on me.

>> No.17413428

t. child raping sandnigger

>> No.17413431

what's it like being poor?

>> No.17413436

Noone is offended by well dressed people. Im just imagining you autists looking exactly like reviewbrah. It doesnt fit you.

>> No.17413467 [DELETED] 
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>> No.17413474

Nobody thinks this. Maybe if you live in the midwest, or you're wearing a tshirt and fingerless gloves with it. Anyone that loves in a city with snow knows the importance of an overcoat. Obviously if you're wearing one when its 60 degrees or hotter outside ot will look silly

>> No.17413486

They want me to wear some nylon jacket that doesn't cover my legs in 15 degrees Fahrenheit weather.
It's not like my critics are even wearing ski pants themselves.

>> No.17413501


>> No.17413563

rip you

>> No.17413805

the poor autist was probably keking at the mere thought of him posting this reply

>> No.17415364
File: 149 KB, 1440x1266, I have two sides.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are plenty of gated communities in socal that are surrounded by very nice (white) suburbs with no crime other than teens smoking weed. I know because I grew up in one of those suburbs and go back to visit every other year. Gated communities in nice areas are just the rich folks enjoying their $$$ while being surrounded by the upper middle class, rich people like to associate with other rich people. What I describe I have observed in every state in the US I have been to (CA, OR, NV, WA, CO, TX, NE, NC), and I believe it to be true for all 50 states. Go outside more.

>> No.17415377

Really sweet tie, anon. I'm too insecure to get out of the red/blue/brown tie zone. And I have 60+ ties.
>the unpopularity of neckties
For real? How comes? (I'm not american)

>> No.17415384
File: 84 KB, 781x1600, 1631979969993.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All I want is to wear trousers like these. I call them Robert Garcia Pants.
They're so fucking cool to me. Any idea where I could get something similar?

>> No.17415387 [DELETED] 
File: 2.65 MB, 1100x4764, Go outside they said, it will be fun they said.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Keep coping

>> No.17415409

ll bean is the only place i know making high waisted pants like that for cheap



>> No.17415420

Your second link is pretty good, anon. Too bad I'm in Europe so I can't get those...

>> No.17415423
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>proud shut-in
wft are you on about negro? Get out of your shithole neighborhood and you'll see that there's plenty of nice areas in the US. Don't let "muh anxiety," "muh politics," or "muh misanthropy" control your life.

>> No.17415464
File: 3.54 MB, 2031x2447, PXL_20221228_231310154~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In America there's a common cliche about how neckties are like nooses. Gen X got the idea into their heads that the white collar worker was oppressed and that the tie was a symbol of his slavery. What followed was a forceful and enduring rejection of traditional menswear under the pretense that no one would willingly wear it. This is why the whole "you're awfully dressed up, got a job interview?" meme exists.

And thanks, it's my favorite tie. I just got this wool one recently that I really like as well. Goes great with a brown suit and a blue shirt. Cost me $24.99 on clearance. Brooks Brothers bankruptcy, the pandemic and cultural change combined to leave a ton of their old inventory orphaned. It's starting to get thin but you can still go into any thrift store in America and walk out with a high quality fashionable used tie for $1.99.

I struggle with shirts a lot. I lock myself into fairly tame solids for fear of having difficulty coordinating. I've got half a dozen plain white shirts. It does make it so that more interesting ties have room to breathe though.

Post some of your ties. 60+ is a lot.
I wish. I have enough trouble keeping up with threads nowadays. I wish /tip/ or /sprezz/ were still around. It's easier for me to find time to talk to people when it's so much slower moving.

>> No.17415468

he once had a friend who is a girl in one of his videos

>> No.17415512
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Sadly, you're right about generation X. I'm from generation Y and still struggle with colleagues thinking not being to wear shitty graphic t-shirts is unbearable social pressure.
Wools ties are really good looking... until a couple of threads get loose.
Here's a pic of a bit of my collection, and this is probably my favourite tie. It's from the late 70s/early 80s and belonged to my grandfather.

Speaking of shirts, are double cuffs common in the USA, or is it boring, single cuffs only?

>> No.17415523 [DELETED] 


>> No.17415880

use a package forwarder

>> No.17416026

It's single cuffs only, hell I actually spend a good deal of time at menswear stores and events and I have never seen double cuffs in person.

>> No.17416047

You aren't well dressed, you're a fat neckbeard pretending to dress like your grandpa.

>> No.17416134

That's sad, they're surprisingly good to wear. And you can have fun with cuff links, too.

>> No.17416173
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>> No.17416178

I'm so glad I live in a fashionable European city and can dress well without getting dirty looks

do Americans just seethe at anyone wearing a sports jacket or a wool coat?

>> No.17416181

>do Americans just seethe at anyone wearing a sports jacket or a wool coat?
Yes, Americans literally have no culture. It's not even about class either even 85 year old baz from the norf wore a sports/tweed jacket until recently

>> No.17416536

nice. now what about Paul Allens overcoat?

>> No.17416639
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"Well Dressed" people, are normally dressed far too formally for their environment. Showing a clear lack of social awareness/understanding.
If you're grocery shopping, but dressed like an old police detective, you're basically just cosplaying irl.

Read the room and dress appropriately.

>> No.17416640

based. I don't go out much but when I do I wear a suit half the times I'm out. People always treat me nicer and give me compliments when I wear a suit.

>> No.17416644

>if you wore a suit to the gym
Then I sure hope you don't wear poorfag clothes like sweatpants and jogging shoes and other shit like that outside of the gym. Retard.

>> No.17416726
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He dresses badly.
>the suit is supposed to fit that way
So is a zoot suit. It looks exactly like a cynical subversion of traditional styles, and that's even in the 80's-90's, when everyone dressed badly.
The only thing that matters for looking good is everything about your person looking as proportionally flattering as possible, which is quantifiable by way of an ideal 'contextually appropriate' ratio, eg. vitruvian proportions, or, for comprehensibility, pericean semiotic triad. As living creatures, we all have acute awareness of vestigiality and redundancy. Overdressing signals, by evincing severe mental conflict, the same disgust-self preservation reaction (manifesting as ostracization) as seeing a leper. Thus, gigachad sexcore is not flattering. Neither is looking like a 90's NBA player. Sartorially, such proportional attention means hand craft somewhere in the process, and a baseline of self awareness from a third person perspective on the part of the wearer/consumer. These criteria aren't possible to satisfy with factory mass production or consumer demand/consumer manipulation patterns. People don't dress well because they suffer on a spectrum and cultural heritage of ugliness and failure, a trend present both internally and externally.

>> No.17416757

This image is exactly what I'd expect from a suit larper.

>> No.17416800

tie is too wide. borderline scarf/highschool graduation tie.

>> No.17416803

now that's an ugly tie.

>> No.17416820
File: 706 KB, 1242x980, 1665873666401059.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>percian semiotic triad

my dude nobody uses these fucking words, wtf do you mean
you were 'that kid' in school weren't you?

>> No.17416884

It's ironic that you post a picture of a sponge when you are nothing at all like a sponge.

>> No.17416890

Not sure about the other ones but vitruvian isnt too hard, sounds like a reference to the famous Vitruvian man illustration by DaVinci.

>> No.17416893

Kek based reviewbrah autist

>> No.17416923

Suburbs and cities are for bugmen.

>> No.17416941

I avoid dressing up in public because I feel like more of a target for thieves, I also get the impression other people think that I think that I'm better than them because I wore a button up and leather shoes

>> No.17416954

i could look up these words, but i shouldn't have to
lay off the thesaurus and try to explain in plain english what the fuck a "percian semiotic triad" is, and don't use 'evince', like, at all. use a word that people already know, stop making yourself look desperate to seem smart

>> No.17416960

Doing that just make people seem autistic, this society makes autists think they have superpowers when in reality they are freaks that should be mercy killed.

>> No.17416996

I don't live in the burbs, but the burbs have come to me. Urban sprawl is really kicking off, this is going to be one of five new "loops" planned around the major city in my state. Amusingly, I am over 60 miles away from said city.

I bought 100 acres out in the sticks, though. It's 160 miles from the city in question, so I suspect I'll be long dead by the time they try to break state annexation laws and the mid-sized city nearest to the land is a major college town and thus many of its alumni is in the state government and won't allow too much in the way of annexation after my eventual death.

>> No.17417084

How can you even make that conclusion based on the photo? There's nothing to compare it to besides the collar to which it looks proportional enough. The camera appears to be facing slightly up rather than straight on which would make the middle of the tie by the pocket appear to flair out.

It looks f i n e.

>> No.17417094

fuck that, I would rather dress as an old police detective and let pathetic normies seethe.

>> No.17417098

please for the love of god read something. literally anything you illiterate fucking retard

>> No.17417134

Semiotics is the study of abstract symbols. Basically symbology without language. Like a street sign. Anyway the insult you are looking to call him is bombastic.

>> No.17417194

i know what semiotics means, but the concept of a "percian semiotic triad" is something that i have literally never seen anyone use
the word i'm actually looking for is pretentious

>> No.17417512

>"Well Dressed" people, are normally dressed far too formally for their environment. Showing a clear lack of social awareness/understanding.
Or they're precisely aware they are pushing the limits of what they can get away with, perhaps that's the fine line which separates well dressed people from overdressed autists. Looking well dressed is always about being "extra" to just the right degree, whether that's being a little more formal than everyone or a little more relaxed than everyone.

>> No.17417527


>> No.17418746

You need braintraining brah.

>> No.17418859

What the fuck is pericen semitic triad lmaoo you talk like a full time semen tester

>> No.17418864

Shut the fuck up please

>> No.17418905

lol its funny seeing my picture on here

>> No.17419797

>apparently "reads" but still doesn't know how to communicate properly
>probably doesn't talk to anyone IRL
superior only in autism

>> No.17419881

I remember going to a supermarket and see a girl come in wearing a ball gown, pick up some salad and leave. We didn't speak or interact in any way. That was over 20 years ago and not a month goes by that I don't think of that girl

>> No.17420313 [DELETED] 

i'm not the guy who made the post, you're just a faggot
>i know what semiotics means
>unfamiliar with one of the most basic introductory theories
literally kill yourself you retard
suck my dick NIGGER

>> No.17420342

So yes you're a fat neckbeard.

>> No.17420368
File: 254 KB, 2048x1365, 1643174490871.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sauce on the effay trueno kid? been seeing his pics float around for a couple years, haven't been able to find any socials or anything.

>> No.17420636
File: 200 KB, 658x576, 1666780246326104.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You had to look for the word "pretentious"?

>> No.17420676

I would look up 'faggot' but you're already here.

>> No.17420922

what's it like being a wanker?

>> No.17421876

how many times are you going to get btfo in this thread?

>> No.17422243

still waiting on the first time, sweatie.

>> No.17422402
File: 146 KB, 720x1080, 78e30daffd27b75839af835c3106bb22.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was just trying to express myself

>> No.17422426

you could wear black dress shorts to a funeral retard, in face you can wear whatever the hell you want to a funeral, and check this out, i know it's gonna blow your mind but funeral attire that you know of as it is today, was not always so. in fact, if you went to a funeral ritual in a different culture than your own, you might find that nobody gives a shit about what you are wearing, because and this might come as a bit of a schocker but, none of it is a requirement. the fact this thread exists is just a roundabout way of asking why don't people precieve me the way i wish to be percieved, and this is about 90% of the human struggle and if you put in some effort to better understand what you want out of your life, you'll hopefully eventually reach the conclusion that it doesn't actually matter that much and what matters is how you feel about it. "normies" might wear althetic clothes in situations where they are not doing physical activity because it is comfortable. i wear basketball shorts and a tshirt to lay down in one spot for 8 hours, but i can also wear it to move vigorously for 8 minutes, i don't think i would need to wear them because other people might think it's cool, because well, if someone thinks my adidas shorts and torn up shirt is cool it's probably not someone i think highly of their opinion in the first place. tldr just shut the fuck up and wear what will make you feel good, even if other people look at you with disappointment what difference does it truly make to you. you should care about how you can have the confidence to wear whatever you want instead of trying to understand why some people don't think x or y.

>> No.17422431

yeah he talks like a fag but you are glaring example of brain drain. you want to be spoonfed because you brain has been fried from excessive juul pods before it had finished developing. despite all the acronyms and slang that i'm sure you've loaded your brain up with "fr fr no cap wym ifykyk down bad i'm him" etc stuff that's so unnecessary to say yet you can't look up a few "challenging" words that you've not heard before, and not only do you shrivel up at the sight of them, completely ditching all the substance of what that anon said, and instead of taking the initiative to learn what they mean so you can give him a legitimate response. you insult him for your own stupidity and ignorance, all the while probably feeling like you're the smart guy in the room. you must be over 18 years old to post here, but i'd recommend you just lurk more and maybe read a book, or maybe try "hey siri what does ___ mean?" fucking retard

>> No.17422444
File: 41 KB, 564x509, 3c1494079e965e7d8d32835bc533d5da.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is 4chan, not a peer-reviewed social sciences thesis

>> No.17422506

Where? I casually wear greatcoats, suits (at least partially almost every day), etc. and haven´t even gotten a single negative comment in the years I´ve done so.

>> No.17422512

Nobody who matters gives a fuck about "dressing for their environment" or "social awareness".

Unless it has you at an actual disadvantage (like wearing anything but sports clothes at the gym), everybody with even the slightest amount of confidence should wear what they like, wherever they go, not, what others expect them to wear there.

>> No.17422646

Nigger I don't give a shit about your nigger cultures who dress in robes. We used to have attire for rituals in Europe, for every fucking event we had a unique dress code. Go worship cowshit somewhere else.

>> No.17422670
File: 119 KB, 480x640, serious.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>everyone should just wear whatever they like all the time!!
>we should just like... totally pretend that social conventions don't exist!!
>so what if everyone stares at me and thinks I look like a freak, I have confidence!!

>> No.17422687

We shouldn´t pretend they don´t exist, we should actively go against them.

I mean, seriously, mate, you´re spending time on a board about fashion, how the fuck are you into fashion while caring so much about upholding social conventions? Those things don´t work together.

>> No.17422705
File: 487 KB, 694x590, people.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For anyone who's not a retard, fashion is about presenting yourself in a unqiue and interesting way while ALSO fitting in to social settings. This requires a degree of balance and subtlety, but when done right, you can show off some creativity and allow people to make an accurate first impression of you.

>*psssst* Hey Janet, that's anon over there, he's the freak who paints his nails. He said it's something about deliberately being contrarian and "actively going against social conventions"
>why's he wearing that leather biker jacket ...and... are those platform shoes?
>Yeah, he's quite into fashion, but for some reason says that this necessitates dressing absurdly, and looking terrible.
>huh... seems like a weirdo

>> No.17422709

>We shouldn´t pretend they don´t exist, we should actively go against them.
The only based answer in this thread, all the others are insecure ramblings, what other people think is irrelevant.

>> No.17422732

>70's/80's atrocities
sell all those shit, nigga. stop sabotaging yourself.

>> No.17422783

You´re mistaking simply dressing acceptabely and "doing fashion". You can´t really do the second without breaking conventions.

It´s also telling that you seem to think you have to look ridiculous if you don´t go with social conventions, which is just plain wrong.

>> No.17422880
File: 360 KB, 1366x2048, _YVS0361.1366x2048.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's completely possible to care about fashion, put effort into your appearance, and not break social conventions. Most looks on most runways can be worn irl without looking insane.

If you break social conventions you are going to look ridiculous. Social conventions are incredibly obvious to even the most braindead normie who knows nothing about clothes.
Examples would include:
>men shouldn't wear dresses
>a woman should only wear a wedding dress if she's getting married
>a suit is for formal/professional circumstances
>wear black to funerals
>don't do your hair in a giant pink mohawk

Conventions are unwritten rules because they're so obvious they don't need to be talked about. If you're deliberately breaking these rules, you will look nuts.

>> No.17422895

has this dude ever got laid?

>> No.17422953

I agree on dresses because I simply don´t like them, but there are more then enough instances where dress-like clothes are great for men...kilts, sarongs, lungi, etc.
I agree on wedding dresses, too, same reason, I simply don´t like them, but I can absolutely imagine that there is someone around who can pull it off, casually.
Suits are ABSOLUTELY something everybody can put of pretty much everywhere. They´re versatile as all hell and amazing for most occasions.
Black for funerals is a cultural thing and can be completely different elsewhere. That being said, this is the only point where I will actually give in that it´s important to uphold societal norms out of respect, but even then, there can be many cases where breaking them is absolutely okay.
Giant pink mohawks can look fantastic, too.

Honestly, mate, you just sound like you want everybody to dress boring and not dare anything. That´s not fashion, that´s death of creativiy.

>> No.17422965

I find it fascinating how he looks old and young at the same time

>> No.17422968
File: 931 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20230102-132833_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Most looks on most runways can be worn irl without looking insane.
good thing that ysl fit is so ubiquitous and you didn't have to do much work to cherry pick a normal looking runway outfit

here are the first eight results for "mens fashion runway outfit". I see one, maybe two, that someone could pull off without looking ridiculous and breaking normal social conventions. most high fashion is closer to concept art that normal clothing, and that means you're going to look really out of place in lots of it

>> No.17422984

If you need to run to google images to get an idea of what something is like, its clear you dont know what youre talking about.

>> No.17422993

>want to show example
>hurr uneducated
it's called proof, you cretin. I've probably been watching runway shows for longer than you've been interested in "fashion"

>> No.17423069

>someone could pull off a wedding dress casually
>suits are amazing for most occasions
>Giant pink mohawks can look fantastic
this is just total delusion.

>death of creativity
there's nothing less creative than the 50iq thought process of "oh these are the rules? I will break them". An outfit following social conventions is like a piece of music following a rhythm or a chord progression. It really doesn't limit creativity, it just stops it being totally awful.

I feel like the results you get on google images are more likely to be the more outlandish or "stand-out" looks that will be at the front of a vogue article. There's not a great way to convey it other than actually watching the shows.

If you take the time to look through the shows of the most well known houses
I do think that more than 50% of what they sent down the runway for SS23 is wearable given the right social situation. They often like to do shit like a man in a dress to "challenge gender roles", but the majority is still fine.
Some exceptions might be Louis Vuitton or CDG who like to show wearable sculptures or weird silly samples that are mainly there to frame the pieces that actually enter production.

>> No.17423086

cope n sneed
>quadrupling down
waste of trips

>> No.17424029

>>suits are amazing for most occasions
>this is just total delusion.
I knew this one dude who always wore suits or at the very least some sport coat to uni. He always got compliment from girls and was fucking a new one every month or so. Mind you he was a fat manlet.
The thing is, the dude was legit autistic about style, every outfit he had was carefully thought-out to appear well-dressed yet casual enough for the school setting. This seems to be the problem with most people who try to "dress-up", they are unable to understand the subtleties of what makes the formality of an outfit, or simply what's a good fit for a suit. In other words, and to quote your previous post, they don't get what are the "social conventions" associated with a given outfit.
When most people think of suits, they instantly think of dark-navy/black suits and trousers with a white shirt and a dark tie, I agree those are generally too formal and associated with being in a professional setting. However you can also wear more casual colors, fabrics and shapes.
I'm not a suit guy myself, but I do sometimes wear a grey tweed sport coat with a beige chino and brown derbies. So far it's my most complimented outfit. It's simple, but it's what buying a good jacket and having it tailored will do to complement your appearance.

But alas, this post probably won't convince you since in all likelihood you must be a suburban (or even worse, urban) dwelling amerimutt who probably thinks wearing a shirt is too formal for most social settings.

>> No.17424280

Yoo think yoor betteranme?

>> No.17424363

Not that anon, but a full suit is a totally different beast than just wearing a jacket. The other poster said "suits are amazing for most occasion", which is delusional, not "blazers and sportcoats can look good in most informal occasions", which is reasonable.

>> No.17424624


>> No.17424654

he looks awful but is based as all hell