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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 2.55 MB, 1125x1555, BC48F67D-0542-4229-BF4E-080D55CEA182.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17354035 No.17354035 [Reply] [Original]

What Are You Wearing Today?

>> No.17354050
File: 1.27 MB, 1058x705, Screenshot 2022-11-21 at 11-11-07 montreal slush - Google Search.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dude it's fucking snowy outside

>> No.17354062

fuck off

>> No.17354071

Lsdanon how many threads on the catalog are yours?

>> No.17354081

delete this thread and let huck start a new one anon

>> No.17354082
File: 507 KB, 1255x2541, 20221121_180424.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

check it

>> No.17354161

Fuck Huck

>> No.17354236

zoomers are laughing at """"men"""" past their best fighting over the attention of waywt. Your hair lines will continue to recede

>> No.17354239

why are canadians (including the francophones) so proud of their barren wasteland that they have to act like a paid shill at every opportunity? what are you even proud of?

>> No.17354349

The government's underground cities and tunnel networks for slaves, subhuman, and people born there never been to the surface. Their continent sized protected forest stretching past Alaska to Russia where ancient animals and spirits like the skin walkers naturally live. Maple syrup, large Jewish infestation, and Chinese real estate.

>> No.17354517
File: 301 KB, 1060x1152, keyedstoned.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

some baka was complaining that I must be trolling or something cuz I don't wear capes and I don't show my big ass feet wearing my boring and smelly shoes so here, I was wearing some lame ass toms today, enjoy
honestly I kinda want that shirt

>> No.17354520

Why do you people keep making WAYWT threads before the previous one hits the bump limit?

>> No.17354523

old one approaching 300

>> No.17354526

The bump limit should be about 310. It's several posts away from that. Just wait until it hits the limit so you don't clutter up the catalog.

>> No.17354527


Best fit I’ve seen in ages

Sam is a saviour of souls and is one of the closest things there is to Uncle Sam in 2022.

Good. You look like a Stranger Things character and that’s a compliment.
Go with that kind of soul.

>> No.17354542


Fuck off huck. I’m pretty sure you’re the one insulting every fit in every thread because you don’t like 4chan nor 4channers. Which btw isn’t a good reason.

I love the souls of the people of this website. Go be with your true people instead. When you waste your thought on us, your depriving those who you love of your thoughts

>> No.17354546
File: 1.94 MB, 2202x3668, A5F178CD-8F52-4859-B05D-D7B0532C16BE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eew core
Ugly, looks like your whole fit was bought in walmart

>> No.17354580


>> No.17354589

schizo fag likes to make them and spam garbage in them. i wont waste a fit on this thread

>> No.17354604
File: 646 KB, 576x512, 1663000362686693.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The real reason is because people are saving their fits because they want to make one of the first posts so they don't have to reply to others with opinions when their fit is on the table. That's what I do. I don't like talking shit to people, while at the same time I don't like a lot of the fits, but if you don't respond to a few, you're a shitter that just drops a fit expecting attention without having given any himself. Like I don't want to reply to a bunch of people and go "bad fit it sucks" like some cunt. Sometimes I cope out by saying some basic lie like "I like ur shirt ecks dee" but that's not real discussion and doesn't contribute to anything.

>> No.17354678
File: 258 KB, 2340x3120, 20221121_144533_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I started the day with an oxford shirt layer but took it off for a moment and realized i like the look better with just a t-shirt and cardigan. Almost looks like some of the Japanese style ive seen.

Your hair is always nice.
I dont understand why a guy would want to make their ankles and calves look tiny.

>> No.17354718

Your fit is alright.

But it’s not better than theirs.

Your fashion sucks, huck.

Try better lighting

>> No.17354728
File: 1.11 MB, 3024x3005, 20221121_114407~3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wee hoo

>> No.17354733

>wear the most normal shit of all time
do i bother posting

>> No.17354735

fuck yeah bro, pussy slayer

>> No.17354747
File: 1.89 MB, 1130x1363, A7E1962D-D4B3-49C9-A903-497D493320AA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good. Be way more expressive tho

The pants and shirt could be better. But they aren’t bad.

Show your soul. Rule of thumb

>> No.17354751

Post fit lsdkun

>> No.17354913

Protip: women's clothes NEVER look good on men

>> No.17354962

id on shoes and close ups pretty please?

>> No.17354977

you have never posted a fit in your entire life go fuck yourself

>> No.17355035
File: 288 KB, 2340x3120, 20221121_173919_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's try again without the pesky sun.

>> No.17355529

I would wear some solid color socks, but good fit anon

>> No.17355609
File: 638 KB, 1046x2357, 1F170824-A39C-4307-A124-C6020E4BF413.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

(I don’t go outside) I mainly post here to find friends

Wish I had your hair
Can’t see much

>> No.17355614

It’s alright

Exceptionally good hat though
10/10 hat

I’d honestly swap the shoes with something like
Chuck Taylor All Star
Stan Smith Sneaker

>> No.17355690

Shoes are lad musician, they have backzips and that's really all I know!

>> No.17355701
File: 1.77 MB, 3464x3464, 7B3FED92-D48B-4925-A785-49E2A5F98AC5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I watched American Psycho again last night
I no longer have control over what I wear

>> No.17355720

Only good fit in this thread.

Rest are slobcore.

>> No.17355744

only good fit in the thread. id on the shirt?

>> No.17355747

Thanks, it’s a Winchester shirt from Calvin Klein with French cuffs

>> No.17355826
File: 84 KB, 498x664, IMG_1279.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

too many layers
put on some real pants, retard
4th grade core
cracker core
stop staring at your mothers butthole

>> No.17355833

lol bigfoot core

>> No.17355883


>> No.17355885
File: 1.11 MB, 1364x2425, 629ABE0A-1804-46B0-A3DD-99E5CEB43B5A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17355889

Disco Elysium vibes

>> No.17355929

based alcoholic 1970s police detective

>> No.17355954

Love the shirt. Hoodie is somehow ugly and basic at the same time. Pants might look good on other fit. Shoes are basic.

>> No.17355988

I do like Dirty Harry, was feeling a bit of that as inspo, especially when I wear my Balorama clones

>> No.17356012

Finally a good fucking fit
>Exceptionally good hat though
Sarcastic or sincere? Its just a corduroy Vineyard Vines strapback

>> No.17356018
File: 77 KB, 420x594, B9A55303-F939-490E-89C1-4F07B1FFC44A.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cool tie
top too long
top's sleeve looks too short

>> No.17356090


>> No.17356222

cool look and its a hard one to pull. I would tie the tie a bit longer (overlapping the belt) and if you could find a jacket that was less structured and had bigger lapels it would be even better

>> No.17356243

>Ugly, looks like your whole fit was bought in walmart
you look like you work at walmart

>> No.17356286

The shirt carries the fit. The pants are really ugly (Really ugly)
Why would you pair pants that make your ankles look small with large/skinny shoes such as converse that also make your ankles look small?
I never see males wear cardigans. Looks good imo. Solid color socks would probably be better as someone already said, but I think yours adds personality.
Your fits are always stylish. Do you get compliments often IRL?
What's on your bag? It looks really nice with your outfit. Your hair goes really good with the outfit too. I feel like short haired guys can't pull your style off well.
Are you wearing clogs?

>> No.17356364

It's some sort of diffused clouds or something, the bag is from Heavy Cream on etsy

>> No.17356395

>Your fits are always stylish. Do you get compliments often IRL?

Quite a bit, especially with this one today

>> No.17356407

I can see why. Tie and accessories more on point today

>> No.17356410

Ok I won't laugh I won't laugh I won't

>> No.17356465
File: 321 KB, 1086x1013, awooo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

super warm super lazy indoorsy fit, not gonna post my shoes unless someone asks because they are some really old and dirty white nikes I use for running, just disgusting but they are comfy
nice shoes
absolutamente asqueroso

>> No.17356468

Post fit

>> No.17356474

you look like a troon's before pic

>> No.17356513

Leave him the fuck alone. He has luscious lips

>> No.17356535

I hope I never take the after pill

>> No.17356554

Do you eat iberico ham?

>> No.17356570

hahah sometimes, I fucking love serrano ham and I blame my mother for that, it really sucks how expensive it is

>> No.17356709

no alyx alison boots

>> No.17356712

>pants, hoodie and boots

How is this dressing bad? Everything is in proportion to my height and weight. Post fit or gtfo

>> No.17356796

>Nophoto sperg out
Imagine my shock.
Not that any of them except >>17356018 are any good.

>> No.17356844

Last thread's dead, bit I wanted to ask where you got your plaid shirts from.

>> No.17356868

a hard look to pull off. If the suit jacket has padded shoulders, it doesn't suit you. Go with your natural shoulderline. Very nice otherwise.

>> No.17356869
File: 633 KB, 1080x1824, Screenshot_20221123-004148_Gallery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fishing fit

>> No.17357012
File: 142 KB, 960x1280, photo_2022-11-23_11-39-10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

daily reminder that chicks don't care how you dress as long as you're good-looking

>> No.17357030

why would I post fits for fags and closet trannies to watch? I don't want to be associated with you. How about you learn the basics before posting and circlejerking your discord friends in here. Best I can do is tell you why any of your fit are eyesores.
dressing like a clown is not gonna help you, while dressing properly will make you look better in everyone's eyes. Not that you would know.
>>pants, hoodie and boots
>How is this dressing bad?
10/10 bait.

Maybe the only problem is hat you are am*ricans.

>> No.17357042

i think it's funny that just because you're deathly afraid of the judgment of others, you immediately think we'll be scared of yours, even though you're clearly just a pussy.

>> No.17357067

it's pointless, you would try extremely hard to bash it because you are butthurt. Just a waste of time. And again, considering how you dress, your opinions are worthless, regardless if positive or negative ones. Anyone can really do without some 4chan tranny's opinion. This general is a circus and I'm the laughing crowd.
Cope, seethe, dilate.

>> No.17357073
File: 910 KB, 816x1066, image (6).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anniversary of my birth rip jfk

>> No.17357088

Happy birthday bro. ID on pants by any chance? Looking cool.

>> No.17357105

>maybe if i use enough meme words, i can distract them from the fact that i specifically came here to loudly exclaim to everyone how little i care about them, which is something an insecure person would NEVER do

>> No.17357110

just dress better bro, it's not that hard, you can stop raging now

>> No.17357131

loving this, nice slice of americana

>> No.17357132

>I don't want to be associated with you.
>But I will obsessively post here anyways
Stop acting like you have some important reputation to keep up, you aren't kidding anyone.
Stay madposting in moms basement, anon.

>> No.17357137

Polo Ralph Lauren, either Dillards or eBay. eBay you can get them for $15-50, brand new $120+

>> No.17357142

Finally a good mens outfit

>> No.17357159

Post fit OP! Please!

>> No.17357184
File: 1.68 MB, 1470x2614, A2F2BE58-807C-424E-9AAE-ADAE35C61656.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17357199

my favorite of your fits so far, nice comfy earth tones with a good silhouette

>> No.17357203

yeah I'm so mad that you dress like a clown, surely not here for free entertaining.

Can't wait for your next clownfit, go ahead and post it I beg you. That would make me even madder!

>> No.17357207

Thanks, I like this one too, the purple corduroy is becoming one of my favorites

>> No.17357238

shut up pajeet. you're not even a proper sandnigger

>> No.17357327

too bad they're attached to that face, lmaolol

>> No.17357329

Too bad no one is attracted to your poop skin

>> No.17357333

What shoes?

>> No.17357461
File: 79 KB, 750x750, DDE0F8EA-236B-460E-8263-F997197CE2B2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good but change the shoes

Stan Smith Sneakers or all stars imo

Your turtle neck and white shirt are the best part by far

I recommend getting it tailored and not having a tie. Ties aren’t in anymore.


Get radically less tight pants
Increase the wolf wool size radically so you look like a barbarian

Take notes on pants from:


Good but honestly reconsider not wearing the crocs

Shoes matter
They’re equally as important as the shirt or pants

11/10 minus the hat

Fascinating look. Very fresh.

Groovy slayer

Get really soulful aviators or something strange tho imo

>> No.17357487

Aviators suck under a motorcycle helmet, balorama’s aren’t as stylish for this fit but they are the best on a bike, so it was function over form today

>> No.17357491

>Ties aren’t in anymore.
poors detected

>> No.17357531
File: 1.46 MB, 1944x1898, D3E08313-121D-439D-A6D5-02A735AE4BF8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ties aren’t in anymore.
Maaaan…. shut the fuck up.
I will keep wearing ties until I die

>> No.17357534

Sex. Everyone on this thread be dying for your jawline kek

>> No.17357572

this outfit looks worse everytime it gets posted

>> No.17357573

>Why are you madposting
>N-n-no you are mad im not m-m-mad
Cripes anon..
No one replying to you has made any sign of being mad, you however are the one obsessively replying to everyone and posting unhinged in all caps, pretty strange for someone who apparently doesn't care at all.

>> No.17357595

Thanks lol

I don’t have many pictures of my ties on the phone
And yeah I’m not so proud of this particular ensemble, I actually stopped wearing this blue shirt altogether since someone rightfully pointed out the collar is comically small

>> No.17357599

>still crying hours later
post another fit, maybe this time it will be better :)

>> No.17357608

Basic but good
Decent, I agree with the other anon though, sleeves are too short
Based Sasquatch

>> No.17357623

very nice. I think pants with a bit higher rise would make this even better
kino as always

>> No.17357713
File: 256 KB, 1014x1107, hn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the shoes worn are those old ass kc boot sneaker looking leather shits seen on the floor here
fishing level?
this is fucking tight
you best not be talkin' shit about my nose, I'll sic the JIDF on you
>Get radically less tight pants
honestly been experimenting with more relaxed and loose fits, I look fat regardless
really do want a fatter wool sweater and hat tho, that'd be based and comfy
agree with that anon, really nice jaw
have you ever let a beard grow out?

>> No.17357728

>trousers tighter than a condom
>surprised when gets called a tranny faggot

>> No.17357735
File: 407 KB, 1000x871, 1655205915672.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you're a little kid in elementary school and the English teacher is making you pronounce the word trousers

Who the heck says trousers? Never have I said it out loud outside of English classes as a kid. ever.

>> No.17357741
File: 1.41 MB, 1725x2304, 20221123_161227[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I meant to quote my old fit earlier in the thread since the ugly shoes were visible there, whatever I'll just post em
when did I say I was surprised about anything?

>> No.17357801
File: 470 KB, 449x918, off2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

go easy on me, mary

>> No.17357821

people who are not sharts and know pants mean underwear in english. I will NOT speak american english.

>> No.17357880

holy cuhringe!
great style but the hair is giving me tiger king vibes
this shirt sucks

>> No.17357902
File: 358 KB, 1128x2553, IMG_20221123_215136.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

give it to me /fa/m, does this suck? also, i just copped this windbreaker for like 5 dollars and someone in my house told me it doesn't fit me / it's too small.

>> No.17357914

Untuck shirt, get rid of the graphic t, get leather shoes.

Outfit makes you look 12

>> No.17357918

Upon further review, put a plain white T on with this fit, it could work, the worse part is the black shirt on black pants, no no unless you’re a stage hand going to work

>> No.17357924

What sweater is that? I want to buy it.

>> No.17357925
File: 312 KB, 1167x2207, IMG_20221123_222438.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i put on a white shirt but i think it doesn't blend that well with the cream color of the jacket, i have some earthy coloured shirts tho, gonna try those

i usually use black on black because i like black, but i get what you're saying

i also have 2 pairs of leather adidas shoes (black and white) and some black and greenish caterpillar boots

does this look any better?

>> No.17357931

Much better, however you could go with the light colored shoes here the grey ones. Ok casual fit, heather grey t shirt would be fine too.

>> No.17357933

If you have a Polo shirt that would be even better, and loafers, if all you have is the sneakers go with the grey vans.

Graphic t’s are fine for around the house, but will come off as a bit childish when you go out, what are you intending on wearing this fit to?

>> No.17357943
File: 18 KB, 236x384, 8c7c3dadf472f01634534a4583a82505.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thx anon, i'm trying to get rid of my graphic tees but that black one on the first pic is one of my favs, i usually style black graphic tees with lighter pants and an overshirt, kinda grungey

one of these days i'm gonna post some semi formal fits, thx again

>> No.17357953

everyone outside of the united states of fattystan

>> No.17357965
File: 170 KB, 504x1217, Screenshot_20221123_230457.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i don't have polos, but i intend to buy some plain coloured ones in the near future, i like how they look with plain sweaters and sweatshirts

this kind of fits are what i wear when i go to uni or when i hang out with friends, when going to the office in the morning i usually wear a shirt/sweater combo like picrel (sometimes kind of sleazy), slim pants and boots, i don't try too hard either

>> No.17357984
File: 2.47 MB, 3024x4032, IMG_0087.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no one really wants to see a bunch of mallcore/ thrift outfits...theres more than enough of that shit irl and even online

>> No.17357985

sorry I don't like being mean to people and even antagonizing shitheads like you, but I really would like to point out that you look like an absolute blockhead shithead, like the kind of pretentious faggot who spends all day at starbucks pretending to write a book but is really just checking his facebook, like god damn I bet you reek of sugary coffee and probably struggle to even lift your phone, pathetic looking bugman

sorry I just had to do it anon, but you seem like you absolutely deserve it, you just look so fucking punchable

>> No.17357989

blud thought he was fog model
what is bud doing :skull:

>> No.17357990


>> No.17357991

this is for you >>17357984

>> No.17358001

>announcing it
you do know that's against the rules, right?
fucking blockhead

>> No.17358006

Pro tip for the office, since I switched to ocbd’s, dress slacks, and loafers, I’ve gotten promoted to management and bumps in pay. Seems silly but it can matter depending on your boss.

>> No.17358008

if youre not going to bring something interesting or remarkable to a fashion forum then dont even bother posting, just take notes

>> No.17358014

shut the fuck up, you dress like a steve jobs cultist

>> No.17358015

Worst fit ITT

>> No.17358039

generic urban setting extra #4478921
looks like you're using perspective editing but fit is fine i guess
fit sucks but you might be reasonably attractive
nice , fun even,something different
stand up straight

>> No.17358066

Thanks, pal

>> No.17358087
File: 2.90 MB, 3472x4624, IMG_20221123_213833.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17358199

horrid shirt, wtf were you thinking

>> No.17358319
File: 546 KB, 2320x2648, WAYWT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Average but nice
Can't see anything
I don't like it, but can't explain why
That's cool
Cool hat
Very cool
The shoes don't really fit the outfit but otherwise it's nice.
Better than the first one
The top and the bag are ok but the pants and the shoes don't look fit together.
It's ok

>> No.17358320

don't look good together*

>> No.17358324

brings me back to 2015 fa (encouraging)

>> No.17358425

What about the word pantaloons?

>> No.17358431
File: 309 KB, 1536x2048, me24.11.22_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cool pants and shirt. I think military boots would be much cooler with that. The hoodie kinda takes away from the coolness of the pieces though.

Not a fan of the open plaid under the vest. The vest itself, I really like. understated but good fit.

I like the shape of your pants. Would also prefer boots here. The hair is kinda early 2000´s though. I think your head-shape would support shorter hair very well.

The fit is very good, but your posture looks really slumped in this. Dunno if it´s just in this pic though.

You have amazing facial structure. Idk what kinda look you are going for. The silhouette looks kinda avant gardish, but the particular jacket kinda gives me a bathrobe feeling. Could be the graininess of the foto though.A dark shirt would hve served the outfit better.

You know what kind of look you are going for and have pursued it in that fit. The rest would be up to personal taste, like preferring boots over those sneaker looking ones. What kind of jacket are you thinking of wearing with it?

It´s not a bad outfit, but it doesn´t communicate any clear style or personality.

>> No.17358454

Damn bro I don't wanna talk shit but...

>> No.17358524

It's funny cause it's very close to the word we use for trousers in my country. Sounds goofy in english though.

>> No.17358548
File: 450 KB, 958x2048, clothes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17358549
File: 1.32 MB, 1735x2885, BD4CC080-EE46-40D7-9624-C813EB64339C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17358603

We're from the same country.

>> No.17358631
File: 1.02 MB, 1079x1436, Screenshot_20221124-084517_Gallery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

T day fit

>> No.17358637

Actually pretty cool

>> No.17358650

Thanks, I bleached the shirt myself

>> No.17358670

prove it

>> No.17358678

Boots are bad, too chunky. Hair frizzy


>> No.17358679

This is ok, but a higher quality jacket, such as leather, would elevate it

>> No.17358685

Ditch black belt for brown

>> No.17358687

Not bad if you’re actually gay (not trying to be mean)

>> No.17358744

More like low T day fit LMAO

>> No.17358771
File: 1.80 MB, 1749x3002, IMG_20221124_074017.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

goofy ahh shoes
atrocious Pants, from the middle ages?
librarian? top of fit is fine, skirt is ugly textile and silhouette+ length
weird aah shorts? just wear some pants
Elliot Rodgers?
this guy is so cool, I love the yellow fit.

>> No.17358772
File: 202 KB, 861x804, A8792DBF-4CD2-4EE3-A7FF-64BDF829CA4B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m impressed

Spread your soul forever

Do genetic engineering and create techwear SOUL utopia

I don’t recommend the shirt

And try a different colour

I’m not into the pinkish grey


More girls should enjoy this kind of thing

Hipsters and hippies etc forever and always
IE girls with SOUL

Not bad.
But I’d recommend a big hat
Not a small hat
Even a giant witch hat would be better

And a beard or/and a weight loss for your neck

It needs some kind of improvement or addition

Idk what

Go with the soul of it tho

I recommend Stan smith shoes. Something less floppy
Change the jacket

The pants just look untailored

One tailored pants is worth more than infinite non-tailored pants.
You can get rid of all your clothes in exchange for seeing a tailor for one perfect fit you wear every day

The area where your pants connect to the shoes is severely flawed
Adjust fit in the area completely.
Maybe roll up your pants or get different pants or different shoes
Your shoes currently look oversized and your pants look unfitted

Otherwise good

>> No.17358781

Much better than the previous

>> No.17358796

>goofy ahh shoes

Not him but you have docs??? Also, ID on pants?

>> No.17358801

>17358431 (You) atrocious Pants, from the middle ages?

cashmere sweats. really comfortable though.

>And a beard or/and a weight loss for your neck

33yo. never had much facial hair.
i want to shed some body fat%, that should also take care of the neck. Anyone got experience with victoza?

>> No.17358804

go back to your tiktok faggot

>> No.17358816
File: 986 KB, 1206x2593, D0739FDC-10BA-4EFB-83CE-AB9CAB5727DB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the thanksgiving fit
>brooks brothers chukkas
>candiani italian denim
>robert barakett tee
>abraham moon sport coat
>junghans max bill automatic watch

>> No.17358831

You dress up to go eat food?

>> No.17358843

>you dress up
bruh it’s jeans and a tee with a jacket thrown on top

>> No.17358863

pants r urban. theyre beast for pleated trousers. Try weekday if your urban doesn't have any in stock.

>> No.17358871

Yeah I understand but you just know everyone will be wearing track suits and hoodies.

>> No.17358881

I don’t know who makes these but I really appreciate the effort.
Adds a touch of culture to the place

>> No.17358895

Literal Henry Cavil jaw.
You should do a better tie knot though.

>> No.17358903

in whose house?

>> No.17358904

lol I actually missed you, you cocky asshole.
Is it really you or just someone lifting your fit pix off Reddit?

>> No.17358915

>checked both websites
>they don't have anything

The struggle for pantaloons continues. Thanks for the recs though.

>> No.17358927

t. Poorfag

>> No.17358931

I literally found them immediately

>> No.17358933

shame about the disgustingly thin lips

>> No.17358934

I'm a boy.

>> No.17358956

Everyone's talking shit. Your fit is interesting at least.

>> No.17358970

>shame about the disgustingly thin lips
t. nigger poopskin

>> No.17359003
File: 39 KB, 564x423, 316f6f2cdaed085487fd70186af1dade.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It´s not a bad outfit, but it doesn´t communicate any clear style or personality.
Well, I dress differently everyday so the style part is true; I don't know about the personality thing.
>librarian? top of fit is fine, skirt is ugly textile and silhouette+ length
No, but I'm thinking of studying to become one. It's the only decent skirt I own and I think it fits.
>IE girls with SOUL
Thank you very much.

>> No.17359012

>studying to become a librarian

The fuck?

>> No.17359015

In my country you have to study in a university to become one.

>> No.17359018

Some Scandinavian country?

>> No.17359020


>> No.17359024
File: 73 KB, 419x370, 1635863890900.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When I was in high school I used to skip class to go to the library so I can play on the piano for the librarian and hit on her.

>> No.17359039

What did you play for her?

>> No.17359050

My OC.

>> No.17359099

ID on the belt?

>> No.17359113

Everyone that gave actual advice in WAYWT is long gone. Now everyone pretends to be nice to everyone in these threads. Not that 2015 /fa/ was the apex of good taste, but at least back then people were honest if they thought your fit sucked.

I cannot fathom how anyone in their right mind would fucking say anything positive about any of >>17356465 this nigga's fits.

And then you have people posting the most basic mallcore outfits and niggas will still be like "solid fit 8/10"

>> No.17359114

I wish everyone who wears denim+a blazer would burn.

>> No.17359115

There was still actual advice last year. Did everyone become poor after the money printer stopped giving stimulus cheques/handouts to the paupers?

>> No.17359138

I mean you don't need a lot of money to dress well. The main problem I have nowadays is how 98% of the fits posted are uninspired, plain ugly, or somehow both.

>inb4 what's wrong with being basic?
nothing, I dress extremely basic most of the time, I just don't feel like I need to post everyday and even when I have a fit that goes hard, the feedback from the people in here doesn't mean much anymore, so I even forget to take the pic.

>> No.17359141

would be partly salvaged if you wore a black belt. Also don't pose like that with your hands in the pockets, makes it look more atrocious than it is
Absolutely shit, bin that shirt and the geriatric shoes too.
black leather shoes or you look like a failure trying to look younger than he is
no one really wants to see faggots wearing pseudo-tech shit layered randomly either. No way you go out like that
ok, simple
a tad tryhard HP cosplay but overall nice fit (IF you are a girl). Readanotherbook-core.
you are an artist so fashion does not apply to you? That's what your fit tells me. Terrible of course.
obnoxious shoes and trousers, and then a leather jacket? mixing 2 completely different style and the result is just a bug nono. Also jacket is cool but sleeves too long for you.
Cool hairstyle, fits you. Bin the chinos, or shorten them at the very least. But this is just casual to the max, so why post it
not sure about the oxfords, but it's alright
looks very cool IF you are a girl (girl), part 2. Otherwise lmao.
Neat and simple, might want to try to tuck + black belt too. Thrifted a somwhat similar blazer recently.

>> No.17359142

i think you should post a fit by any means

>> No.17359149

The advice here used to be
>experiment with vintage and thrift stores to see what colors work well for your skin tone and low/high contrast features
>buy once you've established what comfortable wearing and buy retail. One should buy NOS when it comes to disposable or items that encounters wear and tear easily because those items don't come with mrp overheads and it came from some Karen who hoarded it for 10-20 years
>feedback from the people in here doesn't mean much anymore
I think that most oldfags have become jaded and disillusioned about their paternal desire to see anons grow

>> No.17359161

Yeah now they just get butthurt. Circlejerking just aliments these guys' terrible sense of fashion. They are trading compliments, how pathetic.

>> No.17359181

>trading compliments
fuck that. i wanna git gud
we're gonna make it bros

>> No.17359217

>Spending all this money on Rick but still manages to look mallcore.

>> No.17359221

It takes skill doesn't it

>> No.17359226

I know you're that bald/balding Quebequoi but at least you're self aware. You wouldn't get mogged as much if you worked out your face more by mewing and jaw exercises

>> No.17359244

literally who, I'm not your avatarfagging discord friend. You really think it's so crazy people don't like your awful fits? go outside and ask normal people.

>> No.17359252
File: 179 KB, 1078x640, 20221124_163939.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek so u mad that femboy called your fit ugly in a "nice way"

>> No.17359260

more like the rambling schizo. Meds!

>> No.17359264

Schizophrenia is the least of your worries. I heard it likes to cannibalize and waterboard

>> No.17359295

I'm straight
you probably look like an autistic fucking dork, talking shit about me son? I will beat the ever loving fuck out of you, dweeb, that's not a threat, this is a promise. Give me a time and place, I am just thirsting for pussy faggot shit talker zoomer blood, god damn. I will knock you senseless, into a permanent comatose state so you can go back in time in your dreams, back to a time to 2015 /fa/, where everyone dressed like a mallgoth vampire. Keep talking shit, I will fucking destroy you, I am not joking. Pussy faggot crybabies, go circlejerk your totally unique and sometimes mysterious fits in your unique fits thread (oh wait it instantly died LOLOL)

but real talk though, suck my dick, faggot, loser, nightcrawler looking motherfucker, pink suit wearing sucka, cape wearing sonic walking spastic cunt, steve jobs cum-latte sipping lint licker. Fuck you, don't respond to me if you have nothing nice to say, I would rather get no (You)s than get some annoying homosexual like you vocal fry about the good old days on 4chan (I bet you're like 20 too as well bitch, I'm way older than you, no board has ever been good you're just a pathetic attention whore mad that there's other attention whores now)

>> No.17359341
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>> No.17359346
File: 126 KB, 683x1024, 1641086549777.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17359419
File: 215 KB, 567x1127, real unique goth inspired outfit from someone who isnt a poser and actually listens to stuff like joy division also stop reading the filename you dumb faggot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow I can;t believe nobody is posting unique fits, like ugh you guys are just so creatively bankrupt, you look like you buy your clothes at the store like 99.999999% of people do, you make me SICK!!
you know what I will grace you plebeians with my cultured presence today. Myy stupid mom and dad (FUCK YOU MOM AND DAD) have forced me to go to a thanksgiving dinner today (like who even celebrates this fake made up holiday anyways, might as well be celebrating a bunch of murder and rape.....!!), and you know what, I have decided to dress up as a culturally and date appropriate fashionable vampire hunting thanksgiving pilgrim, I'm going to mog every single geezer at the thanksgiving table, I will be turning heads and they will be envious of my unique outfit I contemplated and planned for most of my life all while those simpletons probably struggled for HOURS putting on their STUPID RIDICULOUS WALMART outfits, muahahahaha
also not pictured in this fit were some black leather boots I had custom made in Transylvania, they only cost me 20,000 USD, they look quite nice, pretty cheap
only good fit in this thread, everything else is absolute DOGSHIT

>> No.17359425

I hope you moon me one day

>> No.17359576

I have not bought new clothes since a trip to Kohls in 2013. I bought new underwear and socks from Macy's last year, though. New shoes from Vans last month. Other than that, 2013. I fear that i might have autism, as the prospect of buying clothes scares me. I have tried before but i get a mini panic attack. That was in like 2015. Thanks for reading.

>> No.17359584

The thing with that anon is he doesnt seem to want to try or learn about fashion. So theres not much point in criticizing him.

>> No.17359636

I'll full moon you
lol what the fuck do you think you're gonna teach me about fashion you youngin', you gonna tell me to wear a bolo tie? A belt buckle? To wear more rings? To wear a watch? To wear gloves when I don't need to wear gloves? Tuck/untuck my shirt? To experiment with my socks over my pants or to roll my sleeves, pants, or whatever the fuck
stop talking about me, stop talking to me, you're not really the person I wanna hear advice from, you sound like an angry little homo screaming into the void, about a bunch of nonsense, just jealous of everyone else in the thread because they're not deep in a pit of shit like you, constantly berating others and just going like 'lol this sucks you guys are so bad' like a toxic little shithead
here's some free advice anon: suck my fucking cock, say another word to me or say another word to me and I'll direct all my negative psychic thoughts to you in an effort to make you step on a fucking lego, fuck you

>> No.17359638

Thank you. How much to penetrate that butt of yours?

>> No.17359652
File: 492 KB, 500x209, 1669343348281468.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>me or say another word to me and
sorry, I meant to say, "say another word about me"
a jar of peanut butter is the price of admission

>> No.17359832
File: 1.79 MB, 1125x1362, 5D5889CD-59B6-4392-96D1-9BB502972ABA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17359848

I'm all for throwing in a few unconventional touches to an outfit personally, but pile on too much and you just start to look like a schizophrenic hobo.
In my opinion:
>boots + skirt = the color kinda matches so it works even if the boots are a weird addition
>skirt + jeans = jeans kinda rough up the outfit a bit, give it a grunge vibe
>skirt + jeans + boots = too much, now in schizo hobo territory
I'd choose one between the jeans and boots and go from there.
I like all the knit stuff up top though, I can't tell if that's all one sweater or a sweater and armwarmers/gloves or what but it looks cozy.

>> No.17359852
File: 902 KB, 200x200, adventure-time-deer-gloves.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>beanut putter

>> No.17359875

thx its a sweater and a pair of gloves. i can see ur point regarding the bottom half combination choices and partly agree but still like it personally, these are the only snow boots i own which is why i chose them anyway:b

>> No.17359890

based schizo twink lashing out

>> No.17360387
File: 1.06 MB, 2200x2933, 6FFD7910-3A1A-47DF-9501-94F05F7E6641.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I look

>> No.17360396

doesn´t look like an outfit you counsciously put together, so like most people out there. Doesn´t stand out to me.

>> No.17360398


>> No.17360424

Bro, you look terrible, please get some counseling, untreated mental illness is not fashionable.

>> No.17360425

dude you look like death note cosplay

>> No.17360481

good. "it" is a man of culture

>> No.17360503
File: 493 KB, 1125x1165, 0166B4D3-6A65-455D-8AF4-B729271E2A35.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’d recommend different shoes and different pants.

Focus on expression, not conforming.

Thank you architect of reality for ever lowering food prices in my region

Always impressive.

You really gotta get different pants

But it’s good that you’re expressive

Increase the expression even more
Go full tilt
Imo wear a witch hat 24/7

You look good but you need more expression
Ask yourself what adds your truest soul to the fit

Dress for the story of your life you desire.

Dress in a more expressive/soulful way for a more soulful life

>> No.17360529

retard shouts retard

>> No.17360726

Like you're falling back.

>> No.17360739
File: 2.98 MB, 3456x4608, IMG_20221125_152653.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17360946
File: 548 KB, 1325x1913, 1541A695-8501-4AA1-8B61-0F39D1ECB580.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another Friday, another milf
Life is good gentlemen

>> No.17360989 [DELETED] 
File: 121 KB, 400x500, fester-addams.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17361018
File: 826 KB, 2838x2831, WAYWT 26-11-22 T-17354035.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fit theme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NA2q7219ivI&ab_channel=teachmehow2dougie

based and comfy, I need more t shirts
i'd like to see you in a well-fitting suit sometime
black and navy would suit you, i think
rock an rollin
never seen a hoodie cut an edwardian silhouette like that
tie knot is a bit cringe looking, and patrick bateman exclusively wears a full windsor tie knot anyway
suit fits well tho
nice tie, but it's a bit slapped on over the stark white shirt imo. maybe go for a powder or even navy blue shirt. also, the windsor knot does NOT go with that point collar button-down. so I'd say make the next shirt you get a navy blue spread collar shirt
nice loafers tho
nice silhouette
great shoes, looks comfy as fuck
idk wtf is going on here, but i like it
nice jacket
i can get a tie for 1 dollar at any op shop, stfu
>posting multiple fits in one thread
minimalist sleazecore well executed
love the tee, love the jacket, its aight
do untuck the tee tho
its better with the other shirt
>i'm trying to get rid of my graphic tees
cringe herd follower
shit inspo
docs are overdone but nice pants
shut up schizo
cute manic pixie dream girl outfit

>> No.17361056

Fuego alert

>> No.17361090

Oh no no no

>> No.17361222

I wish I was you.

>> No.17361285

I like the buzz of weed but every time it ends up taking me to a a dark place

>> No.17361287

The nights are getting longer, the days shorter

>> No.17361289
File: 1.47 MB, 1312x831, ouioui.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who wore it best?

jennie, kourtney, me

>> No.17361292
File: 124 KB, 889x1000, w2qbfjzyktqz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

to a crazy place that feels like the matrix

>> No.17361302
File: 63 KB, 640x383, 1438288190628.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's just life, man.

>> No.17361311

Based on your fit, I will be 100% not taking your advice, holy shit this is an atrocious outfit.

>> No.17361335

I'm going mental

>> No.17361343

>two faggots vs our guy anon
>who wore it best

Gee I don't know. You obviously. Fuck these hoes.

>> No.17361351

jennie for sure >.<

>> No.17361357

get diff colour socks, try dark grey

>> No.17361369

w2c pants? Uniqlo?

>> No.17361400

cozy.tv is too racialized

>> No.17361422

well? what is your specific problem with it?
also which anon are you

>> No.17361559

>You really gotta get different pants
I've been wearing 511's and 501's that are 4-6 sizes above what I should be wearing, instead of looking like a fag I just look fat. The ones I've been wearing recently are semi slim 2 sizes above, sometimes 3. Gonna keep experimenting while shit's on sale. I miss being a skeleton
>well-fitting suit
define well-fitting, either way I did wear one last thread, just missing the tie because I hate wearing them
I'll try it again some other time, and experiment a bit with red or blue, idk which color I prefer on me

>> No.17362131

While I wouldn’t dress like this as I feel like people would perceive you as weird or trying to hard, I can’t take away from the fact your good at color composition and I think your outfit on it’s face is actually really nice.

>> No.17362164

It’s like a school girl
But Victorian and a redneck all at the same time.

We are at the point of societal fashion that it just cannot get worse it can only get better

>> No.17362248
File: 44 KB, 720x671, 308750160_5867521976592249_2794001510924553139_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ITT: so many fits, so much WTF?
At best, average, mundane, uninspired.
At worst, cringe to the max, larper core, weird shit.

>> No.17362273
File: 261 KB, 1007x1352, s-l1600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wanna go tf outside but I have nothing to do out there. Groceries shopping already done, what else is there to do outside?
I'm gay but I suffer without a fag hag. But I'm incredibly lazy to get to know another person and listen to her babble.

>> No.17362276
File: 2.27 MB, 1326x1213, Screenshot 2022-11-26 at 12-07-12 il_1588xN.4238252646_9u82.jpg (WEBP Image 1588 × 1454 pixels) — Scaled (66%).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wanna go tf outside but I have nothing to do out there. Groceries shopping already done, what else is there to do outside?
I'm gay but I suffer without a fag hag. But I'm incredibly lazy to get to know another person and listen to her cringy vaginal babble.

>> No.17362282

When girls get into their romantic mode and put their romantic expectations on you it cringes me out

>> No.17362283

That loneliness when you are high & drunk alone and crave to chill with a female

>> No.17362285

Go shopping for clothes

>> No.17362287

Also pro tip, try life sober for about 3 months, totally changes you emotionally in the best way possible

>> No.17362293

Post fit

>> No.17362342
File: 1.75 MB, 3088x2316, A76DF8E9-9859-4092-AD84-833A4691F15C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mixed reviews on my last post but any thoughts on today

>> No.17362347
File: 2.09 MB, 2200x2933, C0D605C8-D660-4C80-92BF-9C326EA0FBC0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry didn’t format picture

>> No.17362348

I promise you don't anon. I've been doing manual labor for a decade and my body is already starting to give out. Hardly make a damn thing, everyday is a struggle. I do get laid and have a good time, but everything else in my reality is very very harsh.

>> No.17362351

Dude I’m not saying you’re attractive.
But you are also not ugly.
If you got your shit together with you could be slamming basically everything.

>> No.17362457

kek this clown calls this prep

>> No.17362471

Post fit faggot

>> No.17362524

silly flyover

>> No.17362597
File: 872 KB, 1125x794, 27740CCC-77DC-4B65-9C69-E4089991303C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



Though, I’d be fascinated to see you both experiment with adding a dab of one bright colour

Your fashion is improving radically
Clearly you’ve gotten into tailoring
Keep it up
It’s a good suit.

Though I know you have a look going, I’d personally increase the glasses size, grow your hair out, do a suit without the tie, and not have pointed shoes


Groovy boots


Listen to Mac demarco
Add more self expression.
Maybe, more colour
Perhaps a bulkier jacket as you have a strong neck

>> No.17362601
File: 138 KB, 1280x960, 164AC448-E76E-44AB-84AA-0FC8CE044907.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pins as in like enamel pins or buttons or embroidery

>> No.17362615
File: 1.99 MB, 2556x4536, IMG_20221126_155534.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17362643

Nice shirt color, would go with lighter shade khakis
Pants too skinny

>> No.17362645

>lsd anon thinks 2015 mac demarco fits are the epitome of style

>> No.17362751
File: 1.09 MB, 1526x2956, 6A0D3CD0-D2B9-40D7-8472-FEC8F77656D1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanksgiving fit
Fresh as always
I like this ya
Dressing well is part of being good looking u dummy
Like this tie a lot
Like it

>> No.17362753
File: 1.92 MB, 1592x2120, 20221127_105344.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

today I'm wearing the exact same outfit, just with a different shirt and tie, as well as a vest
I love shirts and ties with kooky patterns, while still prioritizing good quality and tasteful composition/silhouettes. I like to think I know the rules well enough to break them stylishly.
this shirt is actually french-cuffed, if you would believe it
thanks, I love weird
you're right, I have a look going, and I intend to keep at it. I like creating a strong sense of character with how I dress.

>> No.17362755

I love when you post <3 I am into everything ysl-ish and you are always so pretty

>> No.17362842

cute uwu

>> No.17362865

Australian and its day time at time of post
Litrally a T shirt and board shorts.

>> No.17363062
File: 190 KB, 1228x3913, IMG_20221127_003832.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is how I usually dress. I know I dress like shit and that's why I'm here. Usually idc. But my new bf mogs me too hard. He always wears freshly-ironed dress shirts, recently with wool sweaters and coats, really refined. I feel self-conscious; I'm an overgrown child next to a man.

Think I'll replace my only winter outerwear (sports/bicycling jacket) with a wool coat like >>17341835. I'm an autist about my shoes and find everything else uncomfy but I may sacrifice that.

good, but not because of the /fa/ part.
you look like some semi-evil character that would come to harass the player in some valve game. (not good)
generic, unremarkable.
cute. I don't like the velvety skirt texture though.
you have a nice, sleek look. beautiful slim legs, well-accentuated.

>> No.17364064

>But my new bf mogs me too hard. He always wears freshly-ironed dress shirts, recently with wool sweaters and coats, really refined. I feel self-conscious; I'm an overgrown child next to a man.
post your bfs fits

>> No.17364260

I would be interested to hear you describe how you smell after long periods without showering.
Please describe any differences between the scent of your feet, armpits, and asshole as well please thank you.

>> No.17364274

Bro, honestly fr fr you look absolutely horrible. Crossdressing isn't fashion, it's omega cringe. Your have huge man hands a huge man chin wide dude shoulders and gret big flapping man feet. What is your endgame? Just go be a gay guy, it's literally fine, but dressed the way you are no heterosexual man or woman or gay man or lesbian woman will even want to speak to you.

>> No.17364280

>t. poor cunt detected

>> No.17364283

Seriously dude you may as well wear a tshirt that says "Ask me about Jesus" and hand out bibles literally no one wants to get involved in your garbage identity cult. It's sooooooooooo unfashionable.

>> No.17364294
File: 101 KB, 704x704, 7d9db46d04eb7b2187d670171e903a7a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>identity politics
Pauper tranny

>> No.17364303
File: 112 KB, 778x658, 1665838670035455.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you aren't able yo give proper advice, you're signalling to everyone that you're poor to know what you're talking about. No one cares about your libshit agenda

>> No.17364337

I recommend different shoes

Like Stan smiths

Or something minimalist


You might enjoy the tieless look
Look up aesthetics

There’s a lot of good looks
You might be surprised

There’s a lot that you can do with your collar


Stop coming to these threads

>> No.17364346
File: 2.89 MB, 1532x1491, 178A6A2F-D61D-451E-84AE-A94D9BB53DCB.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My people wear clothes for their own soul.
My people never conform to what they don’t love.

Not into Los-Angeles-Liminal either thx

>> No.17364353
File: 1.64 MB, 1432x1415, DCC2EDE9-D3D9-492E-BADB-9EB2A0C71C7B.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New thread:

Slowly wander over.

>> No.17364677

what is this shirt material called?

>> No.17364705

there are library science courses in most institutes for statistics even in third world

>> No.17365042
File: 2.86 MB, 1536x2048, image_2022-11-27_220504099.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dork academia

>> No.17365322

love this. id on pants?

>> No.17365326

I fucking hate the skynet matrix so much, it's unreal.

>> No.17365330

Hey, I'm the anon you quoted. I am not going to read all that, but I hope you're doing well.

>> No.17365332

I'm playing The Evil Within 2 and it's like real life shit

>> No.17365352

>dork academia
love it
i think you deserve to be happy.

>> No.17365673

hey please read it it would mean the world to me, I had a lot of fun writing it I promise it's not 100% serious just a tiny percent maybe

>> No.17365679

If you lived near Alabama Igor i'd take you out with me to the bars milf hunting, it would be a good time.

>> No.17365682

he's gay and a pedo

>> No.17365690

Old german milsurp pants

>> No.17365694

Nah he's just lonely. Needs to have a good time

>> No.17365703

Pretty cool. What kind of pants?

>> No.17366021

NEXT black chinos

>> No.17366042

is this guy the new huck
why do we always have some retard on this board who dresses so bad people pretend it's good?

>> No.17366082

brah doug devious has been around for quite awhile now, i don't necessarily find what he wears to be to my own taste but i have to respect that it's interesting and very theatrical in some sense, plus he's humble and polite for a namefag and at least he posts his fits and replies to other people's.

>> No.17366130

>a tad tryhard HP cosplay but overall nice fit (IF you are a girl). Readanotherbook-core.
Thank you and yes, I’m a girl.
>cute. I don't like the velvety skirt texture though.
Thank you, it’s corduroy.

>> No.17366200

most librarian positions in the US also require a MLS/MLIS

>> No.17366450


>> No.17367057


What the fuck are you even wearing? Atrocious. And those clown shoes do NOT help.

>> No.17367115

this is the worst waywt i've seen on here for a long time. i didn't think it was possible for this place to get even shittier LMAO

>> No.17367160

>hasn't posted a fit
>likely wears capes and masturbates to sonic erotica
eat a dick bitch

>> No.17368337

I really like you, DougDevious, you live your life as you see fit, dress however you want and don't let the haters hold you back, the world could use majority men like you.
Does anyone ever tell you that you look like David Bowie?

>> No.17368346

W2c that hyde shirt?

>> No.17368362
File: 122 KB, 1000x1000, 4BC2EE93-D3F4-48E5-9F1D-00FAA083C785.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

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