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17227358 No.17227358 [Reply] [Original]

Only reason I don't shop here is because I'm afraid previous person used his shirt as a cum rag.

>> No.17227363 [DELETED] 

>I'm afraid previous person used his shirt as a cum rag
That's the best part

>> No.17227372

Balenciaga x COOM

>> No.17227423

effay logo

>> No.17227797


>> No.17227798

so just wash it. Cum is like the easiest thing to wash

>> No.17228100

is that supposed to be an issue

>> No.17228107

>he doesn’t cum on his $300 dollar plain white t-shirts to give them that perfect distressed look

>> No.17228120

you must be gay if you cant stop thinking about cum. Just embrace it.

>> No.17228241

The semen patina makes it more valuable though

>> No.17228526
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>> No.17228876

How often does this happen where you live, to the point you expect it's an everyday occurrence?

>> No.17229354

lmao cum shoe

>> No.17229358

Resellers took all the good shit and they are full of shein, yesstyle crap now

>> No.17229370 [DELETED] 

mmmmmm lovely cum

>> No.17229372
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nigga spendin 1g for the nut shoe lmao

>> No.17229729

This is true.
>t. reseller

>> No.17229814

Thrifting is the ultimate flex on /fa/ since it implies you are functional enough to GO OUTSIDE and TALK TO PEOPLE

>> No.17229867

My goodwill just fucking raised prices again.they are getting absurd. I think they are trying to find the highest price resellers will pay because that is their biggest customer base now.

>> No.17229887

A bloo bloo bloo a $5 is now $8 ZOMG!!!!! My profit is still in the multiple hundreds $$$ range on some items. Must suck being on welfare and buying there since it's the only place your vouchers are accpeted. lol, lmao even

>> No.17229942

Yes I did. I'll be back tuesday to take even more.

>> No.17230191

Whats your recent find anon?

>> No.17230442

or the fact that like 1/2 the clothes donated are cuz the owner died and the family doesn't know what else to do with the clothes

>> No.17230465
File: 300 KB, 1280x839, E9FA79E7-5BC0-452A-A6A9-C4C47911438E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I rarely find good shit at the thrift anymore. All I find is weeb shit like this

>> No.17230520

So what, Its not like said person needs them anymore, I'm sure they would be happier with someone wearing there clothes than it ending up in landfill

>> No.17230562

Why do you deserve to buy a $100 object for $5 more than me, just because it's my profession? Resellers aren't doing anything unethical to get all the deals before you get there. We're just showing up every day as soon as it opens. You're perfectly free to get your lazy ass up and get in line before the store opens if you want to beat the resellers.

>> No.17230650

so u agree that men are gross coomers

>> No.17230687 [DELETED] 
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>> No.17230702

A store offers $100 objects for $5. It's Jewish to wake up early and buy them? What kind of fat lazy fuck are you who complained that the store is sold out of these objects by the time you roll out of bed at 3PM

>> No.17230710

>Resellers aren't doing anything unethical to get all the deals before you get there
It's literally scalping.

>It's Jewish to wake up early and buy them?
Yes. Any form of profit from no labour is Jewish (exempli gratia: banking).
'A faithful man shall be much praised: but he that maketh haste to be rich, shall not be innocent'.
- Proverbs 28:20

>> No.17230730

No, it's a legitimate service. I buy things for cheap from people who want to sell shit fast, and sell them for more money to people who want to buy specific items conveniently. The people I buy from and the people I sell to are both happy because I've given them exactly what they asked for.

>profit from no labour
If there was no labor involved then this job wouldn't exist. The truth is that selling shit online takes a lot of time and effort (which is why garage sales and thrift stores sell items in bulk for cheap) and going to those places to buy shit takes effort (which is why my buyer, who wants a specific game, pays $50 on eBay instead of driving around to different places for 3 days to find it for $5). I'm doing all the honest physical labor that both parties don't want to do. I spend 50 hours a week planning routes, driving around all day, carrying large objects around, taking pictures and making listings, packaging, and taking dozens of packages a day to the post office so they can be delivered to people's doors. All you see is my profit and you think it's unfair because you're not getting any. You tell yourself that the reason I make money and you don't is because I'm somehow cheating, in an attempt to protect your own ego. In reality you are just lazy and profoundly uninformed.

>> No.17230740 [DELETED] 

jump off the nearest bridge

>> No.17230745

>I buy things for cheap from people who want to sell shit fast
How is that different from scalping?

>If there was no labor involved then this job wouldn't exist.
Semantics. If there was no labour involved, you wouldn't even be breathing.
'A man, that maketh haste to be rich, and envieth others, is ignorant that poverty shall come upon him'.
- Proverbs 28:22

>> No.17230746 [DELETED] 

You deprive poorer people of the ability to have nice things in the name of profit, put a shotgun in your mouth and pull the trigger, kike.

>> No.17230750 [DELETED] 

Some people have to go to work in the morning, and don't have the opportunity to wait outside a thrift shop at 8am, you're just a parasite, nothing more, nothing less.

>> No.17230752

>You tell yourself that the reason I make money and you don't is because I'm somehow cheating
I don't care about money.
>b-but you need money to live!
I also need oxygen to live but I don't care about it.

'A covetous man shall not be satisfied with money: and he that loveth riches shall reap no fruit from them: so this also is vanity'.
- Ecclesiastes 5:11

>in an attempt to protect your own ego
Funny you say this; just admit your a hook-nosed Jew then, because you very much act the part.
Or do you wish to protect your ego from such slanderous a title?

>> No.17230756 [DELETED] 

Actually it's an attempt to improve average ticket price, which is one of the most important and highly tracked KPIs at Goodwill, and bonus compensation for management is often made or lost based on it.
t. used to be manage a Goodwill

>> No.17230760

Actually it's an attempt to improve average ticket price, which is one of the most important and highly tracked KPIs at Goodwill, and bonus compensation for management is often made or lost based on it. Resellers made up less than 15% of my sales.
t. used to manage a Goodwill

>> No.17230859

>Your Bible quotes
Do you think eBay resellers are getting rich? I make like 55k per year doing mostly physical labor. All resellers are white, I've never seen a Jew doing this.
>You deprive poorer people of the ability to have nice things in the name of profit
Can't you say the same thing about any business? Walmart sells games to everyone for $60 instead of giving them to poor people for $5. And it's all in the name of profit! Oh no!
>Some people have to go to work in the morning, and don't have the opportunity to wait outside a thrift shop at 8am
That's exactly why I do it for them. For those people who don't have time to do sourcing for the items they want, they can go to my eBay shop and purchase the items and have it delivered conveniently to their house.

>> No.17230868

>How is that different from scalping?
You realize every store buys items for cheaper than they sell them, right? Is the grocery store "scalping" when it buys bananas from the farm for $1/lb and sells them to the consumer for $3/lb?
I am

>> No.17230876

>Is the grocery store "scalping" when it buys bananas from the farm for $1/lb and sells them to the consumer for $3/lb?
No, because they are providing the benefit of not having to go the fucking farm.
And supermarkets usually get to buy at such low prices because they buy in massive bulk.

You provide nothing.
>b-b-b-but I

>> No.17230880

>Do you think eBay resellers are getting rich?
You really focus on the wrong words, just to suit your argument.
The emphasis is on WANT of money, you mongoloid.

Unless you do it purely for fun (which is wrong per se), you're doing it for /more/ money, no matter how much.

>Can't you say the same thing about any business? Walmart sells games to everyone for $60 instead of giving them to poor people for $5. And it's all in the name of profit!
They provide the fucking game, you retard.
Yes, for profit, but you actually fucking get something from them.

>> No.17230896

Search more/switch stores
Don't lose hope

>> No.17230967

I'm providing the benefit of sourcing and cataloging items from dirty local piles and making them available for worldwide purchase. It creates efficiency for the market. If Joe wants a specific 1970's clock radio, he can spend 200 hours searching every goodwill and garage sale in the state for it. And probably still never find it. Or he can go to eBay and type the name and it'll come right up. In order for that to happen, resellers need to go to every thrift store in the state and list all the items on eBay for Joe to search. This is time consuming manual labor for which they deserve a meager profit. As proven by the fact that they do earn a profit. Joe is happy to pay $60 for the convenience of having the radio located for him, cleaned and tested, and delivered to his door, with a money back guarantee. Otherwise he wouldn't pay it.
>you're doing it for /more/ money,
No, this is my only job. I do it because I enjoy the flexibility and freedom of working for myself rather than being a wagie.
>Walmart provides the game
No they don't, you retard. Microsoft or whatever provides the game, and a disc manufacturing factory prints the game into discs. Walmart doesn't produce a single thing, they're just a reseller for other companies who want their items to be available on store shelves.

>> No.17232633

Thrift stores are so dumb now. I'd rather look for deals online where you can find actually good products consistently.

>> No.17233610

Goodwills in affluent areas can give you great hauls at times

>> No.17233625

It's very hit-or-miss, in my experience. Some Goodwill spots are great with consistently good options, some are terrible with virtually no stock and what little they do have is bottom of the barrel.

>> No.17234239

look at shopgoodwil its goodwills ebay

>> No.17234250

>jeff hamilton for 7 bucks

wait a minute...

>> No.17234258

shopgoodwill is the worst part of goodwill.

>> No.17234260

how so?

>> No.17234424

>Walmart doesn't produce a single thing

My God, scalpers are retarded.

>> No.17234593


>> No.17234629

can't you actually just cum on a regular black autism shoe? it'll even be more authentic

>> No.17234903

its shit that should just end up on the floor, but instead it gets priced up. gooodwill is a joke

>> No.17235866

no it doesn't. it gets bidded on. And if you leave shit on the floor it just leads to more hustler grindset dick heads to come in and resell all the shit on ebay regardless.

>> No.17236038

yes bidded on and priced up. au revoir $5.99 all clad and le creuset. GW also only lists jewelry and sunglasses online the stupid auction

>> No.17236955

No labor? The fuck are you talking about? I need to:
>drag that mass of clothes to my car
>drive around town
>do research on each piece so I can price it accordingly
>sometimes imprompu research in the store to make sure it's not a fake
>actually write the listing so it's appealing and marketable

>You deprive poorer people of the ability to have nice things in the name of profit
Why do you deserve nice things? Simply because you exist?
There's a quick way to solve your problem: it's called GIT GUD, NERD. Either beat me to the store and buy your nice things before I get there, or get a good job that requires actually degrees, certs, and more so you can regularly afford to buy from me or hell the new price. I have a real job that allows me to regularly take time off to go thrifting. It's not even particularly high relative to others in my area, and I only go once a week and regularly come back with nice things. In fact, I'm going to make a few stops by the thrift store cluster on my way to work tomorrow.

>> No.17236973

Goodwill literally makes literally infinite profit then since their stock is all donated FOR FREE. Does this mean you are morally obligated to rob them, nigger?

>> No.17236975

Then get a job that gives you that opportunity. It's kind of limiting being stuck at permanent menial retail like 99% of the useless eaters on 4chan, isn't it? Maybe this will finally give you the motivation to get off your ass and improve your career.

>> No.17236981

And before amazon became the US aliexpress outlet it was mainly shart mart clothes. Turns out shit that is commonly consumed by the local population is the same shit that gets donated.

>> No.17237007

The reason i rarely shop there is because 95% of the clothes are sized for giant fatties

>> No.17237017
File: 1.51 MB, 1284x1524, 5B47E352-F3D7-4F7F-8731-2D2C81CA88C5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My local savers taxes like a motherfucker

>> No.17237174

Oh, you're that guy who literally wants to fuck children, yeah? Like you wanted to abolish the age of consent? Still posting quotes on your 4chan posts I see! Good seeing you, mate!

>> No.17237195

lol it's just one guy? I see aspies on all boards posts these out of context bible quotes in vain attempts to force people to accept their obnoxious behavior.

>> No.17237512

lol, I used it as an example of American intolerance of true free speech.
Good to see you STILL don't get it.

>> No.17237513

Do the peopel working for them not expect payment?

>> No.17238197

People have the same freeze peach rights to call you a fucking pedo to your face, retard. No amount of out of context christfag LARPing is going to change that. We also have the right to cheer when the police investigate you for being pedo if only because you will finally STFU and become someone else's problem for a while.

tl;dr: I have a right to dislike you, faggot.

>> No.17238579

I sell thrifted shit too. I make about 80k a year. I'm not even /fa/ or Mexican I just like to thrift. I don't have any really good secret spots or bin stores so I just circle local thrift stores all day, everyday and grind. All local thrifters hate me because I don't sell for wholesale prices. Ebay only, most expensive listing.

It's a good life.

>> No.17238586

I've been doing it for about five years and never really gotten to talk about it because you have to be so clean and friendly on social media. But I don't fuck with social media. The vintage community is whiny retards and fags and they always lie about everything. I buy up any vintage tees I can and sometimes just throw them away because I want locals to feel discouraged and not come back to the thrift anymore. When you pay $2 and sell each shirt for an average of $65 it doesn't even matter

>> No.17238684

stfu you fucking bummy stupid retard bitch. there are MILLIONS of tons of excess clothing. and you think that depop resellers are the reason why you can't find anything? get a grip.

>> No.17238692

I donate a lot of designer stuff and I usually cum on it before throwing it in the bin

>> No.17238708

On ebay they're going for $25ish shipped from china. Get that on a half off day and flip it. Charge $8 for a padded flat rate priority envelope.
>no labor
my nigga you have to be trolling.

>> No.17239561
File: 219 KB, 1251x1415, 1652718355443.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

'I know of no country in which there is so little independence of mind and real freedom of discussion as in America'.
- De La Démocratie en Amérique

I don't care what you think, anyway. Hey, if it were legal, I'd kill you for fun.

>> No.17239562

>Goodwill literally makes literally infinite profit then since their stock is all donated FOR FREE.
That is not at all how business works. They don't pay for inventory. They do pay for retail space, wages, the production process of receiving, sorting, pricing, and moving goods from location to location, marketing, administration, all their philanthropic programs etc.

>> No.17239658

anyone ever find a legit rare/expensive piece of clothing (or anything really) that was unknown to the staff that you were able to snag at a steal? Post pics or stories. The best I've done is pretty consistently find Patagonia and Carhartt stuff that's barely used for like 90% off.

>> No.17239999

it all starts off between 5 to 10$usd
>GW also only lists jewelry and sunglasses online the stupid auction
what are you talking about

>> No.17240005

you wouldn't kill anyone because you're a massive online pussy that has anime pictures saved to their computer.

>> No.17240051
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>> No.17240589

I've seen you use this quote before in a different discussion from a few weeks back. I am once again here to ask you for an example of American discourse being stunted other than that French petition to abolish the age of consent. Just one example would be nice, thanks!

>> No.17240637

People can still call that autist a fag on the internet and disagree with him so freeze peach is dead.

>> No.17240997

>give me an example I can win against

>> No.17241135

... As in there's no jewelry in the stores

>> No.17241144
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yes many times
u sound clueless, have you ever stepped foot in an actual goodwill?

>> No.17241395

If you only have one example of America having no freedom of discussion then your argument falls apart. There are so many examples its amazing that you only have one.

>> No.17242267
File: 110 KB, 1440x1440, Canesten-Hygiene-Laundry-Rinse-Lemon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Use this.

>> No.17242706

What you're doing now is an example (id est: Americans are stupid).
Such a discussion is oft stunted by Americans.

I don't care to discuss with you because Americans are beneath talking to. They are more like animals to be laughed at.

>> No.17242855

It happens all the time. I'm
People in charge of sorting and pricing clothes don't typically know all that much about higher end brands. They have a list of some of the most well-known designers but beyond that it's totally random whether or not they'll catch something. I had lots of Patagonia jackets and fleeces sold in my store for $5. I also sold lots of Luccheses for various amounts, Red Wings, Allen Edmonds, authentic Yeezy's etc. Depending on your region it's typically up to the store manager what they send off to their ecommerce division and what they sell in store, and it'll largely depend on whether that store in particular needs more sales that day or need higher sales for the month.

>> No.17242891

I hope you don't have a gf

>> No.17242966

I'm very open to discussion, I've already talked about the French petition. Again, your point falls flat if you only have one point. One other example is our inability to talk candidly about race in most aspects. I often see black guys with literal towels/rags on their heads that aren't durags, they're literally wash clothes, and I want to ask what's up with that to them but I'm not able to because it might come off a certain way. Or the fact that for the longest time it was taboo to discuss wages with coworkers and still can be at times. There are so many examples its amazing the only example you have access to is age of consent considering that's generally a taboo subject in most of the western world, and the fact that there was a petition with notable, respectable signatures does not disprove the fact that removing age of consent is a touchy issue in the western world.

>> No.17242979 [DELETED] 

ngmi, tranny

>> No.17243726

>social mores are a conspiracy
lol, lmao even. yeah, ur problem isn't the clothes. it's the untreated schizophrenia.

>> No.17243964

You clearly know nothing about America, why do you hate it?

>> No.17244679

So you agree with the quote? that's enough for me.
I'm not greater than Alexis de Tocqueville (yet), no need for 'me' to come up with something.

>> No.17244692

>social conventions are a threat to muh freedums

>> No.17244702

I do to an extent however what's implied there can be applied to other western countries as well. There are off bound topics within every society, I'm mostly pointing out the fact that you're a faux intellectual considering you don't actually have a reason to dislike America other than the fact that we didn't have a petition in order to abolish the age of consent. You don't seemingly have a reason, you're simply unable to find a means to uphold your ego other than to put others down who you know nothing about. America is shockingly similar to Europe in a lot of ways, and Europe is shockingly similar to America in a lot of ways. The reason the EU exists at all is partially to replicate the system of interlocked semi-independence with centralized power over a large scale that America set in place given the success America has found with that generalized system.
If you can only point to a specific thing in western culture, not even specifically American culture considering this would be off putting conversation throughout most of the western world, then your point falls apart and you have to accept the fact that you're hating due to a culture of ignorant, self centered hate without any actual knowledge of the subject matter. How many Americans have you personally met? Have you ever been to America? What specifically do you find distasteful about American culture that is uniquely American? You're an NPC who happens to want to fuck kids and read a few entry level philosophy books, good job, so impressive, I'm in awe of your vast knowledge and I'm so grateful I'm able to have discussions with someone who can quote other people on command.

>> No.17244703

Lmao. Top tier troll

>> No.17244730

He's one of those puzzle piece people throwing a bitchfit about being told "NO!", something his parents were too cowardly to do to their autistic monster.

>> No.17244734

I have many reasons to dislike America, mate.
One being how fucking retarded they are, you being a prime example.
Another example would be how USA got rid of the Prussian state because it was 'too war mongering'. What a fucking joke, coming from the USA and who gave the USA right to decide which countries can and can't exist?

'One is never sure which of two characteristics is more prominent in the American national character and therefore of the greater significance: naivete or a superiority complex. When for example they say things about our region, our surprise at their ignorance is surpassed only by annoyance at their stupid insolence. The less they know about a matter, the more confidently they speak. They really believe that Europeans are eagerly waiting to hear from them and heed their advice. They took our strategic decision not to discuss their shallow culture before the war as a sign of admiration'.

>> No.17244764

I openly disagree with the American government on many issues, such as our consistent bombing of the middle east for oil and their general need to police the world, but you have yet to bring these issues up until now as you were insulting the American populous rather than our government. Most Americans are against a lot of the atrocities that our government have committed, and once again the quotes you've been pushing have been directed towards the general populous and culture of American *civilians* such as how you hate the fact that we see button up shirts to be too formal for casual events or the fact that we won't abolish the age of consent. We've been strictly talking about cultural issues rather than governmental political issues. I am 100% on your side about being against general American foreign affairs in places we have no reason to have involved ourselves.
Once again, your only reason for holding distain towards American culture and the general populous is due to us not having a petition to abolish the age of consent and generally being influenced by a culture of ignorant hate towards something you know nothing about. You very clearly know nothing about America and have taken influence from a hate culture towards America but you've taken it to another level of hating on culture rather than politics and now you've basically admitted that by falling back and attacking for political affairs rather than cultural, completely dropping your previous points on culture as your argument has fallen apart due to lack of contextualization.
I'm trying my best to be absolutely clear with you here so that you aware of how little you actually know about what you hate while also trying my best to illustrate why you're a faux-intellectual. I don't even see why you feel it necessary to let people know on an anonymous image board that you think you're smart, this should be ego free for the most part. No one is impressed with you, nor should it matter.

>> No.17244773

Yeah you seem like a nice guy, totally not a fucking parasite or anything.

>> No.17244774

You're making many strawmen here, I'm not going to bother to deconstruct them just to move forward with the conversation.


>> No.17244776

Cheers, just know that I think you're a fake intellectual who doesn't actually have a foothold in anything meaningfully intellectual irl.

>> No.17244802

I would believe that from somebody smarter than me. You're not.

>> No.17244814

I have actual reasons for believing you aren't as smart as you think you are such as your inability to actually make a worthwhile point, basically insubstantial claims for a stance you seem fairly staunch about in tandem with the fact that you're not able to actually have consistency with your points such as how it was a talk of culture until you tried to shift things to be focused on governmental politics because of your lack of actual claims outside of the petition thing. You also seem to fall back on to ad hominem consistently when the pressures applied.
At the end of the day though, I don't care if you think I'm smarter than you or not, not only because I don't give a fuck about what someone on an anonymous imageboard thinks of me, but also because I can be fairly confident that you aren't as smart as you think you are. I'm openly distressed with some of my country's governmental issues, but I'm sick of Europeans claiming such a vast, dynamic, and multifaceted amalgamation of cultures here in America to be vapid and lesser when they genuinely don't know a god damn thing about what goes on in a typical Americans life, nor do they realize how shockingly similar it is to their own lives.

>> No.17244820

What is it with American that produces retarded shcizos?

>> No.17244831

What's with Europeans claiming to be intellectuals while refusing to actually read anything? Also what's with you specifically and removing a > so that I don't get notified when you reply? At that point just don't reply, let me be the loser here by disappearing. Why are you even replying anymore? You've not once said anything noteworthy. There's no true expectation for you to act in such a way, but given your demeanor I would figure you would be up for a genuine debate, but given you're a faux intellectual incapable of actually debating anything at all when you don't have a leg up in some fashion its expected.

>> No.17244839

And the ultimate proof of your wrongness: I'm not even European.
Undobutly 100% wrong, shcizo.

>> No.17244842

Regardless my point stands. Continue with the ad hominem, it proves my point as well.
I pray your country becomes half as prosperous as mine.

>> No.17245241

penis penis cock penis

>> No.17245833

hahahah, penis funny.

>> No.17246072

America is the worst of the developed countries.

>> No.17246254

17th on the freedom index, 19th on the happiness index, and 1st in GDP. Not saying we're perfect, there are a lot of things that could be improved, however we're likely in a better situation than where ever you're from. Even 19th out of 195 is pretty good.
Still praying for your prosperity, brother.

>> No.17246894

The previous owner of your girlfriend used her as a cum rag so why does it matter

>> No.17247194

I was under the impression that old cum became cement-like

>> No.17247609

Also a reseller. Love this lifestyle, been doing it full time for the past 7 years. This year flipping clothes became all the rage with zoomers in my city. I'm seeing them everywhere. It's crazy they push any vintage tee, like school's run or random shit like that, just for the tag (FotL, Oneita, etc), and sometimes they sell them for 40dls. I also used to remove any kind of vintage to discourage newbies and wannabes but right now is impossible, they are willing to push whatever just to be in the scene. The range of trash they get is just too wide.

Millennial resellers, scenesters and trappers low-key hate me, as I stock the best my city discards but do not rent stuff, do no photoshoot productions, nor sponsor anyone.

>> No.17247697

it's really no big deal. i have cum all over my clothes. it eventually will flake off. if you really want to remove cum soak it in soapy water for 2-3 hours prior to washing it

>> No.17247706

in english?

>> No.17248560
File: 3.82 MB, 1170x2532, F66BABC8-6F0D-4521-AFD5-B1FE0DF3D7C1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’ve found multiple designer items in good shape at goodwill somehow. I live in a somewhat urban area but not like NYC or something.

Found a dior polo, a few Zegna button downs and a CDG play shirt. the zegna shirts are really nice but aren’t in my size unfortunately, pictured is the Dior polo

>> No.17248632

the bins near me are all weird now. they will only sell shoes a 55gal bag at a time for $100. i need $3 midtope skate shoes in my size, not a bag of high heels and dress shoes in a fuck ton of random sizes, WHAT THE FUCK?

>> No.17248662
File: 4 KB, 251x201, images (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>search autism shoes on goggle
>this cums up

>> No.17249729

I might be a pleb here, but why bother buying something like that unless you want to sell it? It just looks like a normal ass collared shirt to me.

>> No.17249748

If you can find it for cheap they're still nice. Luxury brands make good products, they're memed on because they don't need to be 600 dollars but it's still better than something off a rack at uniqlo or walmart

>> No.17249854

I liked it, it was 5 bucks. I am attempting to resell the zegna shirts though

>> No.17250488

It will not keep the fresh cum look for long, you will have to re-cum them every time you go out

>> No.17251426

well yeah that's what I'm saying, just cum on them in the morning, it's a bit of effort, but you don't wanna be a poser right?

>> No.17251512
