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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 122 KB, 640x628, 252D1C58-1D89-4699-BD83-90F4AEC17C7A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17168709 No.17168709 [Reply] [Original]

Why aren’t you buying milsurp, anon? It’s cheap, timeless, and masculine.

>> No.17168713

looks quite stupid tbqhwymf&f

>> No.17168719

>inb4 atomic spergout

>> No.17168735

>cheap, timeless
That went out the window ~10+ years ago. The days of walking into the store and seeing a whole rack of NOS WW2 field jackets/shirts in your size are long over. Hell, it's getting harder to find the last of the 80's era surplus because:

>end of the Cold War and large conscript armies
>existing surplus inventory finally exhausted from decades on the market
>security fears of gear ending up in the wrong hands (terrorists, any type)
>most countries already pre-disposed to destroying old gear or gifting it to allies/clients (Ukraine) as an act of goodwill
>normies would rather buy commercial gear from civie companies like REI, patagonia, etc. which might actually be better for their purposes
>military surplus has a bad reputation among normies anyways (USGI is no longer a marker of quality, not even to the intended military-minded audience: see all the tacticool gear companies increasingly copying fashion industry marketing techniques)
>red flag laws making it risky for (You) to have that much military paraphernalia

I've been in this trade for longer than some of you shitstains have even been alive, and that's accounting for the time you spent as your fag daddy's jizz in his shriveled up balls so don't @ me zoomer retards.

>> No.17168824

I have a DPM parka coming in sometime this week which will be nice to wear when fall comes around. Any tips on how to style it?

>> No.17169180

You mean larp thread?

>> No.17169319

is this a copypasta?? Ive seen it before

>> No.17169400

It will get posted as many times as necessary because it's still true. IDGAF facts don't care about your feelings!

>> No.17169402

If you're loving weapons and war so much please go to Ukraine or middle east.

>> No.17169413

Just did, m65 on the way nigger

>> No.17169414
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lol the average milsurp store customer is a disgrace. Last time I passed by the last remaining milsurp store in my shitty military base town, there was:
>naruto headband wearing weeb
>several vid relateds
>schizo ranting about ayy lmaos beaming brainwaves and the FBI doing nothing
>one very sad boomer wondering where it all went so wrong

>> No.17169452

So you have a capypasta prepared for everytime there's a thread about milsurp... like once a year?
Seek fucking help, you autist.

>> No.17169493

>Fighting for jews

>> No.17169543

>wearing clothes made by joos for war

You're a contradicting person.

>> No.17170150

>the actually diagnosed asperger is back
lol, lmao even

>> No.17170417

He used to post on /k/, but apparently they got sick of his schizo shit and banned him and now he's shitting up /fa/. I have his rants filtered but I'm on my phone at work now.

And guess what I'm wearing to work? Cut-off BDU pants made into shorts and a brown GI tshirt.

>> No.17170446

What's more likely?
>as time goes by, things that were once common become rare because of use and therefore more valuable due to basic economics of supply and demand
>there is a massive conspiracy to destroy everything I like

>people who post things I don't like are schizos
lol, lmao even.

>> No.17170450

Yeah, lol lmao even at how you got banned from a board ruined by Ukraine-obsessed /pol/tards because even they don't like you.

>> No.17170454

Nobody even discusses milsurp anymore on /k/ because your fashion faggotry got run out by anyone with a lick of common sense who actually goes outside. It's the same aesthetics /fa/ggots from this board of weaklings and spectrum inhabitants, not that they do a good job of even hiding it as seen by (You).

>> No.17170462

Holy shit you're pathetic dude. If you don't even like /fa/ why are you here? You claim to "go outside" but with your weird fixation on people with autism even by 4chan standards I somehow doubt that.

>> No.17170473
File: 116 KB, 426x600, 426px-KickTheAutisticWii.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kick the autistic is America's favorite game!

>> No.17170474

lol gottem!

>> No.17170515

I'm not a vet or a virgin/larper

>> No.17171130

i hate the military why do you want to look like that

>> No.17171250

Nobody likes you.

>> No.17171305

If you're loving weapons and war so much please go to Ukraine or middle east. Stop larping.

>> No.17171318

I'm weapon/war agnostic because I'm neither a larper nor a coward. I buy milsurp because I'm poor lol

>> No.17171345

>I buy milsurp because I'm poor lol
lol indeed. Milsurp hasn't been cheap in years, especially if it's some combination of
>high quality
>fashionable/normal looking
>in normal person wearable size
So yes, you're poor because you're fucking stupid.

>> No.17171659

not sure why you spam this webm. just looks like an average lad?

>> No.17171673

Nigga got arrested for the capitol spergout. His court records indicate he's unemployed too.
fucking kek

>> No.17171676

The absolute state of milsurp /fa/ggots, everyone. This is exactly why milsurp is the modern day fedora lol

>> No.17171680

show me average, then

there are lots of unemployed people

>> No.17171698

Vietnam camo looks better.

>> No.17172042

that thing does not look average
he's repulsive

>> No.17172940

wearing full milsurp in public is tryhard regardless of your credentials or how often you go innawoods.
One or two military pieces mixed with normal stuff is ok in public but save the full blown commando stuff for the woods

One could argue theres more shut-ins, degenerates, furries, trannies, and weaklings on /k/.
Its definitely the most obese board and /fa/ being the most anorexic probably I dont think theres any debate on that

>> No.17173125
File: 161 KB, 760x1647, tank-jacket-2nd-patt-olive-combat-winter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If they want more people to donate their bodies - they really should start making some uniform clothing that isn't shitty again.

I guess the shitty amorphous camo bag is actually way better camo than if it fitted well and had a nice shape.
But camo doesn't really need to be worn in all situations either, especially not for the US military.

>> No.17173161

I think most camo is ugly, looks larpy, and draes too much attention majority of the time when all im doing is camping and shooting targets.
/k/ calls this impractical and ugly but if i wore camo theyd say im a tryhard larper.
Youre damned if you do damned if you dont about anything regarding aesthetics on that board

>> No.17173249

Defund the military they’re nothing but licesned killers

>> No.17173253

what do you think they're supposed to be?

>> No.17173313

/k/ shares a portion of the /fa/ userbase, particularly the terrorwave zoomerkiddies. When they graduate high school or somehow age into the legal gun owner range they end up looking like >>17169414

>> No.17173331

And here on /fa/ if you dress like a normal person or even a semi-functioning adult they call you boring, autistic, or boring. The only commonality in taste on 4chan is they hate whatever you like lol.

>> No.17173514
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The closer you are to an urban center worth a damn the more homosexual milisurp become. It's also not as durable or timeless as you think. US digicam will always be shit, Flecktran is kinda gay now, and degenerates are attracted to it.

I think it's more effay when it's up-cycled.

>> No.17173621

yep all the best looking milsurp is so expensive now for the money youre better off getting repros with modern fabric or military inspired designer stuff

>> No.17173625

The average milsurp wannabe fashionista doesn't even pick good items that make any sense most of the time. Usually they just slap on whatever is the most expensive thing they could afford at their local overpriced surplus store (99% of the time it's fucking flecktarn) regardless of it fits then hurrrrr history. These are exactly the sort of aspergic wastes that can't pass a lower college level history class to save their lives but think that knowing all the different guns and planes from their milspo video games means they have a "deep knowledge of history".

>> No.17173633

Most people that shop milsurp places are airsoft spergs and for some reason that hobby has deep ties with weebs. There are weeb sites dedicated to making cringy patches of anime girls with guns. I think it has to do with weebs knowing deep down how faggy they look so they try to emasculate themselves with "guns." Also have you met airsoft hobbyists? Even the ones that aren't weebs are some of the most spergtastic, socially inept people I have ever met.

>> No.17173639

Reason is that japanese made airshit. There's no more airshit places near me btw since zoomerkiddies would rather play fortnite and their parents don't want the kids to become a #hashtag lol.

>> No.17173640
File: 684 KB, 750x1000, Shorten_uniform__1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm bored as fuck so let's see how good /fa/ is. Hit me with your best fit for pic related, a jungle jacket modified to have arm pockets.

>> No.17173642

I agree. In my opinion anything camo, or khaki goes in the trash. The only redeemable milsurp pieces are vintage od green and black boots but only if you are going for a stoner/hippy/vietnamvet look

>> No.17173643

It's also been spray painted with black on the outside in a rudimentary diy camo pattern.

>> No.17173647

That's most milsurp customers. Then there's me, the patrician historical collector who buys the shit you didn't even know exist to sell to my fellow curator chads so I can take your crush on a date before assfucking her and still have cash left over. lol, lmao even.

>> No.17173649
File: 150 KB, 800x1163, pants4-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

everything about this is perfect I pair with weird baggy pants

>> No.17173650
File: 586 KB, 1396x2304, 20220710_092606.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OD green all the way! preferably waxed

>> No.17173847

One bit of fashion advice I knew instinctively as a kid is that, if you have never served in the military, you really shouldn't wear more than one milsurp article at a time. It is super cringe.

>> No.17173987

>LARPer gatekeeping

>> No.17174269

more like only one piece of camo when in public. most people wear old af milsurp its not really stolen valor

>> No.17174423

You were a special school kid, weren’t you?

>> No.17174722

Fuck off. I don't want you faggots to make milsurp even more scarce. Go back to whatever awful fashion trend there is now.

>> No.17174726

Damage is done.

>> No.17175030

lol should I add a naruto headband too?

>> No.17175189
File: 67 KB, 424x643, 452b2d9a9e7e1ca6902fcdeb61c57322.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bandana or bucket hat

>> No.17175191 [DELETED] 
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>> No.17175192
File: 602 KB, 1440x2960, Screenshot_20220806-232553_Vivaldi Browser.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

consider ghurka shorts, monkey pants, or kangaroo pants

>> No.17175194
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>> No.17175196
File: 2.35 MB, 3024x1406, 20220806_223134.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>only milsurp items i own
>too embarrassed to wear them anywhere except my local gun range
i already look like a larp fag in one public space and i think thats enough

>> No.17175199
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>> No.17175201

Not trying to go for a reenactment or it would be too easy.

>> No.17175202

>thinks the milsurp market in his country must be the same as others

I can tell you're a fat retard

>> No.17175203

See >>17173625
That's (You).

>> No.17175204

In other countries it's even worse since it's been exported to the west or literally burned up to stop terrorism (most actual shithole nations, especially Africa).

>> No.17175208

um ok cool i guess? i just like milsurp bro idk what to say

>> No.17175209

Stolen valor.

>> No.17175211

>i can only afford two incredibly common, unfashionable pieces

>> No.17175215
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>> No.17175227

What's even worth getting from a miltary supply store that isn't a backpack?

>> No.17175231
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>> No.17175258

Nothing. Surplus stores are a 100%+ loss as in you'll also lose the time you wasted looking around.

>> No.17175263

wearing military clothing is never stolen valor.
pretending you served or wearing medals is stolen valor.
wearing lots of military clothing is more precisely called "cringe."

>> No.17175273

One component of the cringe is being accused of stolen valor based on a snap judgment.

>> No.17176660

I served and deserve your respect, shitstain

>> No.17176749

how do I find that jacket but not in the 400 dollar range

>> No.17176776

Buy used.

>> No.17176784
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didnt' see this thread before starting my own -- ID on the boots on the right?

>> No.17176803

ok but where

>> No.17176864

not telling

>> No.17177165

when you say that jacket do you mean a tanker jacket or one from that particular brand?
i'd assume the former but it's never safe to assume on /fa/.

>> No.17177914

either or